Days of Our Lives, Thurs., Aug. 15, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nicole sits in the park, actually reading an exerpt from Alice in Wonderland. She closes the book, muttering that Lewis Carroll must have had a bit too much wine when he wrote this. She figures to get a suntan, when shadow crosses over her, she opens her eyes to see a dripping wet, in his trunks, Eric. Of course the vision changes into a really hunk of a guy, who tells her she cannot be there, even tho a public park. He was just shagged out of the park because there is going to be a ceremony for the l yr. anniversary of the explosions. She remembers, packs up her chair, then tries to call someone on her phone. (Am guessing Brady).

Meanwhile, he is at the rectory, asking Eric if Kristen is inside the room. Eric gets into a bit of a hassle with him over Marlena, and her learning about Brady being back with Kristen. Brady is ticked that she was not all that accepting, Eric notes her daughter is in jail, her husband left her, and her step son has taken up again with the woman who caused so much grief. Brady figured just once someone would be not judgemental, and bursts into the room.

And in the room, Kristen is staring at the calendar on her phone. "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date, no time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late". She is frantic, pacing a bit, staring, muttering this can't be, Can it? Could I possibly be pregnant with Eric's baby. At this point, Brady bursts in, she whirls around, drops the phone. He told her he'd stop by, she remembers. Eric leaves the room, Brady thinks she & Eric had a tiff or something. Nope, workin on the essays and scholarships. He gets a call, has to take it, will see her later for dinner. She has been all smiles, he is gone, Eric returns, she tries to leave, no, one more interview, the girl & her guardian are in the hall.

Eric & Kristen talk to Hayley and her 2nd cousin. Seems Hayley lost her mom 6 mos. ago, and now stays with the cousin, is very bright but grades have been slipping just lately. Eric tries talking to her, Hayley is silent. Eric leaves the room with the cousin, Kristen empathizes with Hayley's silence, talks of being very young and losing her parents, only her brother and her were left. How mad they were, and how she would not talk, figuring she might scream, or thrash about, yell at people. Hayley has tears coming down her face, she nods. Kristen assures her it will get better, and eventually she won['t be so mad anymore. Hayley hugs her, Eric is in the doorway. He comes in, Hayley's cousin is waiting for her in the hall. Kristen seem rather emotional, but tries hiding it, saying the girl just needed a hug. She grabs her purse has to take off now.

Nicole has met up with Brady at the Pub,(she's wearing a very short grey, sleeveless number, with black bra straps showing) mentions the anniversary ceremony, Brady says only for family, commenting how this must be for Jennifer's family after losing Jack Deveraux. They both reminisce a bit about Madison, with Brady doing most of the memories, but commenting that she would have wanted him to move on, to live. Nicole brings up Kristen, is obviously not happy with Brady's choice now. He notes that Kristen is a lot like Nicole, trying to rebuild her life. While Nik admits this may be true, she calls Kristen a man eater, who will chew him up and spit him up. Brady says his eyes are wide open, he won't let that happen.

Nicole returns to the rectory, Eric is reading a flyer. He realizes she wasn't sick, she claims that was this morning, she feels better. He is wise to her not wanting to be around Kristen, but praises the way she handled the little girl who lost her mother. She talks of Kristen being a snake in the grass, as bad as that one that started it all. Eric wants copies of the flyer, and walks out. Nicole looks upwards, asking if anyone is listening and paying attention to what is going on down here. Someone has to get busy, get those scales off those brothers' eyes.

In jail, Sami is napping, dreaming her kids (Johnny, Sydney, and yes, even Allie) are there visiting her. She wake up abruptly, talks to her guard, thanks him for watching over her, as she knows they all feel Bernardi was one of their own. The guard tells her Roman Brady saved his life, he will watch out for his kid. He tells her clothes are being sent for her hearing. And then brings her a garment bag. (Just let me say here, that in my opinion, whoever selected wardrobe today for the female characters needs to go back to whereever they trained, or perhaps watch "WHAT NOT TO WEAR". )-- Sami opens it, smiles, shakes her head, saying, oh, EJ.

Angry Justin comes in to see EJ, reaming him out about the search of Bernardi's house. EJ plays dumb, Justin is foaming, as now that search will be part of the trial. Justin wants it all by the book, aboveboard. EJ hands him a folder, telling him this is something he can use. Justin glances, then says, FROM THIS POINT ON, by the book.

Sami arrives in court, skin tight orange dress, barely covering her derrier, (at least not cut down to her navel) hugs EJ. Special prosecutor Trask is on the other side, smirk in place. Judge arrives, notes there are two motions, wants to hear. First Justin pleads for Sami to be released on bail, no flight risk, attacked twice already in jail, should be safe at home. He offers both Sami's & EJ's passports, affadavits stating the DiMera jet is grounded, and pleading for Sami to be home with her children. Trask interrupts, the children do not matter, both Sami and her fiancee' have already fled bail, without passports, abandoning the children, and holed up in a DiMera safe house.
Now Justin motions for a closed trial, claiming the gallery might sway the jury against Sami. Trask objects, but Justin brings out a file of copies of 6 e-mails from fellow officers of Bernardi's, planning to pack the gallery with sympathizers, etc. Trask is objecting, Justin points out they all were CC'd to Trask. Now she is accusing him of breaking into her computer, or something, but he notes that one of the six is the one who sent them the copies, and refuses to say who. EJ is quietly partially smirking. The judge leaves to ponder, Justin, EJ & Sami chat a bit, she is going to be going home, etc. The judge returns. He agrees to the closed trial, but denies bail, since both Sami & EJ have both proved themselves to be a flight risk when bail was involved. Trask hands Justin a list of the prosecution witnesses. Abe, Hope, Will, and even Rafe. Sami is led off in handcuffs. Justin asks EJ if he notes who was NOT on the list. Marge Bernardi. And why would that be? Because then the defense could cross examine her, and hmmm, what is it that she might divulge.

Kate is at the hospital, Maxine commenting Rafe was asking for her. She goes to see a disgruntled Rafe, who is not happy that she believes Stefano had nothing to do with this. They argue a bit, she changes the subject, mentions the therapist. He is the best there is. She then mentions ARianna, with Rafe admitting he saw her, but could not hold her. She assures him that soon he will, hold her, take her on adventure trips around the city. Maxine says the therapist will be coming in, Kate leaves, and we see this gal, wearing glasses, checking a chart, as Kate gets in the elevator. Rafe is trying to move his fingers, as this woman enters. He asks if she is new here. Yes, my name is......and EJ pushes his way in, wanting to talk to Mr. Hernandez privately. NOW.

Sami is back in her prison clothes, in tears, head in her hands. Had the impression she was kneeling by her cot...maybe not. In walks Kate. What do you want, says Sami, We need to talk, replies Kate. About Stefano.

Kristen is at a pharmacy, perusing an aisle, spies the box that says "Digital pregnancy test". And behind her Brady appears, spots her, asks what she is doing.
I'm actually impressed for the anniversary of the explosions. That's something that would happen in real life.
Jen better NOT be in bed or supply closet frolicking with the Orangeman Jonas on this VERY day! I would be livid

Brady doesn't get to go to the memorial for Madison. Only immediate family! There were engaged, doesn't make him"family"

Brady "catches" Kristen in a drug store. Oh, Get ready for the 3rd degree/grilling the suspicious look she'll get.... But of course like a trooper, she will put on her lying hat on!
Junior/Sami karma is a Bear…Seems like your former misgiving are coming back to haunt you, I must say couldn’t happen to two more deserving people. Nicole was a hoot today talking to God! Why they don’t give her more airtime is beyond me she out acts Samantha Gene Brady on all levels! I hope Jordan’s reaction to junior is getting the heck out of here and junior will say do you know who I am and Jordan says who cares! I believe Sami is putting her faith in the wrong ex.
Angry Justin comes in to see EJ, reaming him out about the search of Bernardi's house. EJ plays dumb, Justin is foaming, as now that search will be part of the trial. Justin wants it all by the book, aboveboard.
Poor Justin -- with EJ involved in the Sami defense, he's in bed with a skunk. The terms "aboveboard" and "by the book" are simply not in the DiMera vocabulary. Asking Elvis Junior to play by the rules is like asking a shark not to bite.
Did the special prosecutor not consider it would look very suspicious for her not to put the grieving widow of the man Sami is accused of killing on the stand the testify. Of couse she doesn't have to put her on the stand, but how could this not set off bells and whistles that Marge knows something.

EJ was forced to go to Rafe for help because I'm sure he's not there to fluff his pillows. This should be a fun conversation.
Sami's in jail, John left her and Brady's hooking up with Kristen.Marlena's life has taken a wrong turn!!

HOLY MOLY! Sami remembers she has 3 small children & had a dream about ALL OF THEM! If ONLY she thought about not working around with a loaded gun, she wouldn't be in this predicament!
Though I am not saying she should dress like "Donna Reed or Suzy Homemaker" Sami's dress is pretty, but feels it too tight/short/ to wear to a hearing!

Rafe's new therapist is a cute young gal. Wonder how happy Kate will feel about this, since she thought the PT was a definite HE!.... Let's brace ourselves!

Rafe being mad at Kate for thinking Stefano did not send Bernardi to kill him" is surely the beginning of the END for them!
Did the special prosecutor not consider it would look very suspicious for her not to put the grieving widow of the man Sami is accused of killing on the stand the testify. Of couse she doesn't have to put her on the stand, but how could this not set off bells and whistles that Marge knows something
Justin could call Marge as a hostile witness, but this might be a tactical error. What he'd get is a weeping widow testifying that her husband was clean as a whistle, a devoted father, and a hero cop loved by one and all. Any questions by Justin suggesting that Bernardi was on the take would be answered with strong, indignant denials. And if Justin attempted a rigorous cross-examination of Marge, he'd risk alienating the jury against himself and his client. Putting the victim on trial is a standard defense tactic in murder trials, but here it does not appear to be an attractive option.
Yes, they are called. Undoubtably about that video. Roman, Adrienne & Kate are being called as well.

Justin & EJ wonder if perhaps Bernadi's money is in an account in HER name .....or maybe Timmy's.
I think if Sami had not been walking around with a loaded gun on that fateful day, she would have had her throat slit, and Rafe would be singing soprano.

Amazing if the finances of the Bernardi's did not cover all bank accounts and all social security numbers.
Oh brother, that dress for Sami's bail hearing was so inappropriate. You'd think they'd have had her in quiet colors and maybe a very professional looking suit instead of bright orange, barely covering her rear-end and skin-tight across her bust. The dress was so tight across her chest, it's a wonder she could take a deep breath in it.
Sami is back in her prison clothes, in tears, head in her hands. Had the impression she was kneeling by her cot...maybe not.
Looked like she was sitting on the floor in the little space between the end of the cot and the prison wall.
Brady continuously states that he is going into this relationship with Kristen with his eyes wide open, he's a big boy and knows what he's doing? Could it be possible that it will eventually come out that he and John are playing her and he actually does know what he's doing this time? It would sure help in not making him look so stupid.