Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Aug. 26, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Episode #11,405 Taped 6/22 Director – Herb Stein

Ah, it’s here, the day is here. Yayyyyy. Sami finally listens to that CD. Rather intense show, tho. Melanie sits in the kitchen with some knitting needles and a ball of yarn, getting frustrated, mumbling some made up words. Maggie walks in asking her what she just said. “I can’t knit” and you don’t like swearing in the house. Maggie smiles, tells her then don’t knit. LOL. They exchange some lite banter, then Maggie talks of loving that Melanie & Philip has been there, but notes they are young, married, and should be having their own space. She tells Melanie she is thinking of leaving Salem for a while, visiting her children, and then taking that cruise she & Mickey talked about. She just wants to sit in her chair and think of, do nothing.

And there is Vivian in the mauseleum, exclaiming to Gus about her plan to put Maggie in the yet to be delivered sarcophagus, him trying to talk her out of it, Vivian calling him a “gloomy Gus” LOL, convinced her plan will indeed work. She is very confident with Maggie not around, Victor will soon forget she existed. She orders Gus to wait there for the delivery, while she goes to lure Maggie there.

At the courthouse, the judge is informed the State rests, asks defense to call his first witness, and Hope is brought in. She takes the stand, and the defense attorney begins questioning, but you would swear it was Hope on trial. He gets her name, her former position with the Salem PD, Bo Brady the Police Commissioner is her husband, Roman Brady, the Commander is her brother-in-law, both of whom were victims. Bo gets upset, stands and wants the questioning stopped, she has been through enough, the judge tells him to sit down or he will be removed from the courtroom. The defense continues, asking Hope if she ran a profile on the personality of the perpertrator, makes her read that the victims were not mugged for money but in anger. Dr. Baker is sitting, watching Hope read, shaking his head, his lips moving, saying no, no. Now the attorney really starts piling it onto Hope, asking about Baker, the innocent bystander. Of course, Hope does not remember him, but agrees that is what he was. Baker can stand no more, gets up, tells his attorney that is it, you are fired. The attorney ignores him, continues, but Baker says this trial is over, I am pleading guilty. He turns, looks at Bo ..and Carly, saying “and I am not the only one”. The attorney protests to the judge, who says it is the defendant’s right to be an idiot. Baker is led away. Her guard says Hope’s transport back to jail is not there yet, since this all ended so early. Roman wants to get back to Sami, Bo says he will stay. Carly has left, claiming to want to get back to the hospital. Bo talks a bit with Hope, she tells him not to worry about her, she is doing o.k. Her guard says her transport is there, Hope tells Bo that Baker knows the real Hope, but she doesn’t. Bo is indignant…no, he does NOT know the real you. Hope is led away.

Melanie bounces into the hospital, asking “Mom” if she knits, explaining about wanting to knit something for her little brother or sister, and is terrible at it (mind if I do a bit of eye rolling here?) and wonders if it is genetic. Carly admits she is not a domestic goddess, but claims to know how to tune up a car. Later, she is napping at the Brady home when Bo comes in, lays down, she wakes for a few seconds, he did not mean to disturb her, takes a nap himself. He is asleep, hears someone call his name, wakes up and Hope is bending over him saying “Bo, save me!”. Bo awakens with a jolt, looks over at the sleeping Carly. (Both are still fully clothed, in case you are wondering)

Stefano & Kate sit at the Pub, bemoaning spending the afternoon there, not knowing what is going on back at the mansion. Kate mentions having taken the kids for a walk, that now Johnny & Allie are enjoying the kitchen in back. Stefano looks worried, but won’t tell Kate why. Earlier, Nicole was on the pier, telling herself since she is still alive, EJ must not know what she did, and now she walks into the Pub, not too happy to see Stefano, but there is darling Sydney in the stroller, sucking on her lollypop. Nicole’s face changes as she remarks at how much Sydney as grown, Kate points her to the bar. Nicole wonders why they are there, since she heard EJ & Sami were getting married. Kate & Stefano stay mum, but he gets up, wants to know what she knows. She only says she was with Rafe, he got a call, seemed angry and took off. No, she doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t tell her what he is doing.

And now, over to the DiMera study, where EJ is doing his best to prevent Sami from listening to the CD. He keeps talking of Rafe having manufactured it, she should not listen to it, etc. Rafe smiles, like he could manufacture those two accents. EJ is insistent to Sami, begging her not to listen, she tells him she has to, she has to hear it. Rafe starts the CD, the beginning of the conversation between EJ and Stefano starts to play, with Stefano only mentioning “what EJ did”. Now Elvis says enough, slams his hand on the player, again entreating Sami to not listen, that it is all made up. Sami is now just as insistent that she needs to hear it, all of it, and EJ finally steps away in defeat, as Sami has Rafe play the rest. She listens, her face not changing much, and finally has heard enough. She turns to EJ, “you did this, you knew all the while, you did it”. Yes, he admits he did. She asks Rafe to leave, he wants her to come with him, they will give the disk to her father. EJ mutters it is not admissible in a court of law, Rafe gets in his face. That is all you have to say, all you are worried about, if it is admissible in a court of law? You made Sami suffer, your entire family, hers, your children, and you only can say it is not admissible. You should pay. EJ assures him he probably will.

Rafe leaves, runs into Roman down by the pier, tells him the wedding is off, gives him the CD, telling him it is the proof that EJ paid Anna to kidnap Sydney. And that Sami is dealing with him now.

Sami is talking of them being on the plane leaving Cleveland, how Nicole has sworn she did not know where Sydney was, how EJ acted when all the while he knew….he knew. Put his arms around her, comforted her. Whenever she would break down, he did the same, and all the while he just wanted a front row seat to her misery as he sought his revenge. EJ is yelling, so is Sami. He blames her, keeping his daughter from him. She replies “at least I did not tell you she was dead”. Oh, but you did….and goes on about not finding out Grace was his daughter until she was dead. Sami replies she was filled with grief and out of her mind…..but reminds him why she kept her pregnancy from him. It was not “revenge”, it was because of this house, this family, the evil within it, and all she wanted was to protect her child.
Now EJ pulls out all the stops, going on how happy they all were, asking her to remember the fun they had the night they went swimming. (he continually talks of Johnny & Sydney…her other children are never mentioned), and then playing cards with Johnny. He talks of them singing to Sydney, of them reading to Johnny…..all the happy family life.Was that not all love? Sami screams that it was all an act. Those are the happiest memories of my life, insists EJ. Then savor them, replies Sami, cuz they won’t happen again. He admits he wanted to pay her back, make her suffer, even telling her how he intended to take Sydney & Johnny away from her forever, but then could not do it…because he loved her once, still loved her. And that is why he asked her to marry him, so he can spend the rest of their lives making it all up to her for what he put her through.

Well Sami if you fall for the BS of EJ this time then you are not the woman that I thought. Go Rafe Go, way to stick to your guns.
Hey I can't knit either! Too much math! :)

I am learning to quilt though and I scrapbook (something I started when I got married). So I liked what they had Melanie trying to do. Pretty realistic actually.....people tend to try domestic/crafty pursuits as a newlywed or when a baby is joining the family. And I even ask my mom for crafting tips...she has tried to teach me to crochet many many times...there is no hope for me.

Thanks for the write up!
Intense episode!! Wonderful wwrite up Barb!!! Thanks so very very much!!!
Finally the storyline from HE!! comes to an end... or is this just the beginning. Now everyone will know what EJ did and Stefano is not going to be a happy camper when he finds out the Nicole knew, was blackmailing Elvis and EJ did not tell him about it. The $hit is going to hit the fan over this one...

Maybe Stefano is the one who does the unthinkable!!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Boy what a show it is going to be. I have been waiting so long for Sami to find out what EJ did. Now just two more hours to wait. Also looking foreward to seeing Melanie trying to knit. I can, but am very slow at it. My grandmother showed me how. I just can't seem to hold the needles right LOL.
I have really enjoyed the wedding scenes and this story finally coming to a head. Being an EJ and Sami fan I am a little dissapointed they are breaking them apart again and I do feel a little bit sorry for EJ.(ducking) No matter how much of an a** he really is, I think he loves her.
No need to duck drue. I am glad that it is coming out as well. I really don't think EJ can love anyone, but I think that Sami was a close as he will ever get.

Sami is bout to unleash the beast and throw the poo at EJ. :) its about time!

of course, TPTB just might have her be all forgiving and stuff since of course she is half brain dead from living in DMansion...the other half of her brain is washed in EJ's crazy lies.
if Sami tries to get back with Rafe next week, I will honestly barf on my tv.
Give me a barf bag quick for I am going to hurl. EJ is such a crock of $#it, I hope Stefano sticks it to him big time for keeping all this a secret. Give me the gun i'll soot EJ and sever the time proudly.

Rafe should go find a nice girl to love now, Sami is such a loser.
Probably stretch the EJ 'downfall' thru at least Nov .... BUT at least, everyone will learn the truth about the Sydnapping!
Thanks for the write up Barb. Folks were at my office today to see about getting our one TV hooked back up and a couple of others are on order. Now I'm hoping they get the one hooked up by mid-day tomorrow, so I can watch it. May have to go on line this weekend and watch.