Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Feb. 22, 2024

Biggest fear he's Nick and Rolf did something to him back in the day
If he was really Nick, everybody in Salem who knew Nick, including the Hortons, would've noticed the resemblance. They would've had Julie nearly having a heart attack at seeing her darling Nicky again.

Same with Ben and Alex. Nobody ever says "dang, you look just like Ben Weston." Or with Roman looking just like Chris Kositchek, or Jeannie T looking just like Gwen.

But when Jake came to Salem, everybody immediately commented on how much he looked like Stefan Zero.
Yes, but he didn't say "you look just like my son Ben." It was just supposed to be a wink and a nod to the viewers about Robert Scott Wilson (Ben) now playing Alex.

Just like when Kyle Lowder (teenage Brady) returned to Days as Rex. He walked into the Pub and had a quick scene with Eric Martsolf (Brady) with some kind snappy line that was a wink and nod to the viewers about Kyle, who used to play Brady, having a scene with the current Brady Black.
My issue with "Bobby/Everett" is we already know he clearly remembers Jada. The first time he was supposed to meet up with them, he saw Jada and ran away, calling Stephanie and cancelling, saying to meet him in his room to "talk". He planned this act of not remembering. He is lying. I honestly think this is proof he is lying about the entire thing, maybe even blackmailing someone at the hospital to forge documents and make it look like he spent a year in the hospital.

This dude seems very aware of everything and has a lie to come up with for every detail. It's disgusting. Stephanie and Jada deserve to see this dude rot somewhere. Interesting since he's the same actor that played Nick, who tried to rape Gabi. He just plays a bad guy really well!
I think him leaving the Pub before Jada saw him was a fakeout for the viewers. He wouldn't be asking himself, alone in his room, what was happening if he was faking. There would be no need. Or the storyline was changed from the time he made the quick retreat from the Pub to avoid Jada to now.
I think that was a ploy for us too. I suppose they could say he had a flashback or a bad feeling when he saw her or something. If they switch to him actually knowing the truth it's going to be weird after he was talking to himself about it.

I'd like to think there will be something more to the backstory. He was a Fed or a bad guy or something and he was doing whatever as Everett and Stephanie was a target. Could be a bad guy going after her dad. He ultimately had the accident and when he woke up he only knew himself as Everett. Sadly I think we're just going to get that he was a cheater and off he'll go once he gets his memories back.
It does seem that here and there, the direction of a few storylines was changed........this possibly could be when the fired guy was gone, as he had his fingers in so many pies, not in a good way, and it was detrimental to the show overall...thus........."let's fix this, change that:", etc.
If they switch to him actually knowing the truth it's going to be weird after he was talking to himself about it.
On the other hand, he was also talking to himself at the Spectator one day. It was really just a cheap way of recapping, but it seemed highly off to me (I wrote the summary that day).
I saw a theory that there was a real Everett Lynch and Bobby stole his identity. There was a reference a while back to Everett having been too young to have written a story that he was credited to.
Hmmm. Identity theft would be a nice twist not regularly seen around Salem. Wearing masks and pretending to be someone, yes, but completely taking over someone’s life. That would be somewhat interesting. Bobby being a bad guy trying to escape whatever bad dealings he got himself into, searches the obits or sees an article from Everett and decides to take on his persona as an upstanding journalist. Then the real Everett could come to town and come after him.