Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Feb. 27 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014

Hope is trying convince Ciara she cannot keep the earrings, as Aiden arrives, overhearing just a small part, jumping to conclusions. Abe arrives with a file, some info on a liquor store holdup. He takes Ciara to go pick up Theo, leaving Aiden to comment on how Hope indulges her child, buying her expensive earrings, no wonder she is such a holy terror. Hope retains her cool, he talks of trying to reach her via e-mail but it bounced back, so gives her his info, so she can contact him about times for meeting about the fund raiser.
He leaves, Ciara returns, Hope very firmly tells her that the earrings are too expensive, she is not old enough for them, or to even be responsible for them. They will keep the one pair for when she turns 16, the rest will be donated. Ciara moans about not being able to have anything, not even a daddy. Hope assures her that her father loves her very much, just as she does. Abe returns for Ciara, they leave, Hope is rolling her eyes, muttering about Sami.
Out in the square, Abe spots Theo & his sitter, but Ciara says she will wait there for him to get Theo. Along comes Aiden, who nicely asks Ciara how she is doing.. Ciara says she figures he said something to her mommy, who won't let her keep the earrings her cousin bought for her. She goes off, Aiden returns to the cop shop, apologizing to Hope for jumping to inaccurage conclusions, especially over something none of his business. Hope reminds him he never even asked or allowed her to explain before his jump, and he is right, none of his business.

At the club, Nick continues to pretend to be talking to Gabi about Tad, saying all sorts of rotten things, like Gabi only dating him because she feels sorry for him, that he usually only dates bimbos, with Tad hearing it all. Then Nick pretends to notice Tad, ends his fake call, tries apologizing to Tad, sorry that he heard any of that, then starts yakking about him & Gabi, their history, and getting back together again.

Meanwhile Gabi is very happy to hear about the upcoming marriage of Sonny & Will, then asks how soon she should begin looking for another place. The guys protest, nothing has changed, she stays where she is. Will has to go meet his gramma, while Sonny is due at the Club. The guys leave, Gabi gets a text from Nick about bringing her notebook by. She says o.k., telling Arianna she knows her daddy would not approve, but is not there. Nick arrives, and does his usual game playing. Tad calls Gabi, breaking their date, claiming he could not get the tickets, Nick acts surprised, then offers to try and get some thru Kate. He is playing with Arianna all the while. Gabi, though, says it is not a good idea, and Nick leaves.

Marlena runs into Kate in the square, questions why she has hired Nick, who tried to take his child away from their mutual grandson. Kate just claims that while she doesn't like him personally, he is a genius chemist, thus can make the company money. More chat about that, and whether Sami would have snapped him up instead, which Kate claims would have happened.

Will is with Marlena, telling her of the marriage plans, she is delighted for him. He tells of how happy Gabi was, but then talked of moving, and he doesn't want his daughter away from him. He cites his own childhood, not being with both parents under the same roof at the same time, and doesn't want that. Marlena points out that eventually Gabi is going to find someone of her own, get married, and there will be separate households. Will thinks about that, realizes she is right. They hug.

Ben is spying on Rafe & Jordan in the Pub, is about to go in, but checks the time, and leaves. At the Club, Sonny has arrived, small talk with Tad, as Ben arrives. Tad introduces them, says Ben was applying for the bartender job. Ben has overheard Sonny talking of getting married, inquires as to "long honemoon with his lady". Sonny smiles, no honeymoon talk yet, and there is no lady, he is marrying a guy. Ben thinks it cool, mentions not being from Salem, arrived a few days ago. Later, he is filling out paperwork.
Will returns, gives Sonny the good news that Gramma is very happy for them, and that actually, she was the one who convinced Will to say yes. He then says Sonny is going to have to call her Gramma, too. Nope, not gonna happen, says Sonny. He just wishes his mother would have taken the news better. Will leaves to take Gramma Caroline to her quilting group.

Over at the Pub, Rafe & Jordan are telling each other how happy they are, and nothing will ever spoil it. Rafe gets a call that he doesn't have to come into the station, but Jordan can't play hooky, has tons of paper work, insurance claims, etc. that she has to get done. Rafe has to go see Caroline just as Kate arrives. With Rafe gone, Kate once again thanks Jordan for all she did to help Rafe, even mentioning her ex-husband being the cause of Rafe's beating. She just doesn't want Rafe hurt ever. Jordan says no problem there, she just wants him happy. Rafe returns, Jordan leaves, Rafe thanks Kate for her concern, but says he is a big boy, and can take care of himself. She smiles, mentions how reserved and private Jordan is to her, but probably is not that way with him. She leaves, looks at Rafe thru the window, muttering how Rafe is oblivious to the fact Jordan is hiding something.

Jordan is walking along, texting as she walks, when there is a tap on her shoulder. She looks up, is shocked as Ben stands before her. They both stare at each other.
Not much really happening today. But I am beyond disgusted in Gabi falling once again for Tricky Nick's meddling. When she finally wakes up to who Nick really is I am afraid it will be to late for her.
It was nice seeing Will talking and confiding in his grandma Marlena. She seems to be the only one who has a positive influence on him
Love that they're upsizing T's (or tad) role. He is showing really good potential as a more integral character. I hope they don't drop him back into the background.

Kate is still "subtly" threatening jordan. Not sure what her real problem is since she and rafe were not a long-term thing in the beginning. Did she really have such deep feelings for him?

Always love kate and marlena interacting; they have great chemistry that allows both ladies to shine without one overshadowing the other.

Ben is a doll to look at!
Aiden better watch out if Ciara really thinks he was the reason that she couldn't keep her expensive earrings. The way things are going, Ciara is shaping up as a more formidable foe than Stefano, EJ, or Tricky Nicky. As for Rafe and Jordan, somebody better remind them that they are living in Salem, which means thinking that "nothing will ever spoil" their true love is a truly vain hope. Finally, Tricky Nicky better not seriously mess with T. He once decked Sonny with a single punch and would probably make short work of the Trickster.
Are they rewriting the history of Rafe's beating now? Jensen attacked Rafe, thinking he was Nick.
Sorry, meant the attack on Rafe. I had a phone call at this point so missed a bit of dialogue, even though it was very quick. LOL. You'd think telemarketers would call during commercials. Never happens. Ha.
What a lackluster sweeps period that was! One day removed and things are just dragging alone per usual.

This Will/Nick/Sonny/Gabi thing is 2013 ALL OVER AGAIN except with a dash of T this time around.

Like Hope/Ciara but too much bratty Ciara is not a good thing. As for Aiden, I literally couldn't remember his name. Had to refer back to the summary. That's how much of an impact he's having on me currently.

Rafe wants to introduce Jordan to his mom. This proves that no matter how much you love her, Sami Brady is not the kind of woman you take home to meet mama.

And that's it. Not one other little thing that I will even bother to comment about. Sheesh, is this week over yet!
Rafe wants to introduce Jordan to his mom. This proves that no matter how much you love her, Sami Brady is not the kind of woman you take home to meet mama.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I love how T has gone from the guy who hated the fact Will and Sonny were gay to now being one of their best friends.

T is now my second favorite guy in Salem (second only to Rafe!)
Want to know how badly I wanted Gabi to walk in, maybe with Arianna, while Nick was "talking" to her. Oh, how I was hoping.
But, we evidently are going to be seeing Nick doing nothing but his snaky manipulations with Gabi for the next couple months, and getting away with it, as just as Sami refuses to hear a bad word about EJ, so is Gabi under Nick's spell as well.
It was pretty boring today. At the halfway point I looked at the clock and thought it's only half over? Gabi is just a straight up moron. I thought for sure Rafe would walk in on Gabi's little visit with Nick. We got a mama Hernandez mention today. Too bad we'll never meet her. Ben is really cute. I felt really bad for T. He doesn't deserve the manipulation from Nick.
I hope Tad finds out what Nick did.

It was interesting watching Arianna today She hardly looked at Nick.

I'm glad Rafe mentioned his mom and she doesn't like traveling.

Hope said Ciara Alice. Disappointed we didn't see Theo.

I'm glad Aiden went back and apologized to Hope. Then
he stuck his foot in his mouth again :)
Rafe wants to introduce Jordan to Mama Hernandez...heck, we want to be introduced to Mama Hernandez, if only by Skype!
Rafe said something like it has been a year and his mom hasnt seen Ari so Jordan said he should take gabi and Ari to visit him mom and Rafe said she should come too. Also he overheard Kate and when she repeated to him what she said to Jordan Rafe said that it sounds like a threat. Kate said it was.