Days of Our Lives - Thurs Jan 24, 2013 (fiction)

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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 24 (Thursday) Wherein many fertility issues from the past come to the forefront...

Replay of Victor and Maggie arguing about Nicole’s suitability for their respective relations. Victor, in the heat of the moment, blurts out that Daniel is not Maggie’s son! She slaps him! She demands he take it back; Victor admits he’s sorry, but says it’s the truth. He tells her that her eggs were discarded accidentally, and other eggs were labelled as hers. Maggie reminds him she has a DNA test that proves Daniel is her son; Victor sighs. Maggie glares at her husband and asks, “What are you keeping from me now, Victor?”

Nick is wandering around Unicorn Highway, looking for the sexy sorority lasses who brought him. He can’t find any of them. He looks dazed, and continues spinning around the room looking for the ladies. Across the room, Karim and Gabi are dancing while Will bounces around uncomfortably while attempting to look cool. Eventually, Gabi moves aside and he and Karim start dancing. The song changes, Gabi makes a face that she’s going to stop dancing, and motions to Will. He invites Karim to join them, and they walk toward the bar. Along the way, they encounter a dazed Nick, who recounts getting picked up and ditched by the girls. Karim asks if he’s OK, and he says yeah, just a stupid prank. Will invites Nick to join them, and introduces Karim to his cousin.

Rafe and Sami are finishing up a nice meal and he offers to do the dishes; she says they’ll work on them together. As they load up the plates, they talk about recent revelations concerning Johnny’s paternity, and how it’s great that Lucas is taking all of the kids to Rex and Mimi’s wedding. Sami wishes she were going, but couldn’t get away from work. Rafe reminds her she also dislikes Mimi, and Sami laughingly admits, yeah, there’s that too! They chuckle a bit and Sami has an epiphany; she tells Rafe about the package, the picture frame, and the movie from Stefano. Rafe wonders what it means; Sami says she thinks it means Lucas is Sydney’s father, from a setup by Stefano. Rafe says that would be a relief, and she’s still young enough that the transition wouldn’t be that hard. Sami says Lucas is trying to get a DNA test for Sydney. Rafe says he hopes Lucas is Sydney’s dad; he really likes Lucas and he’s much easier to take as a part of their life together than EJ. Sami starts, a bit shocked by his using “our livfe together.” Rafe says that after the mess with Carrie, he’s learned what’s really important.

Cameron and Abby are in his apartment, just outside his bedroom. Abby is pushing him backwards, and he is resisting. Abby isn’t taking “no” for an answer. Cameron has to slither around her, and he sits on the couch. She tries to squeeze in close to him, and he tells her they HAVE to talk. Abby won’t hear of it; Cameron tells her their relationship isn’t going anywhere. It started out as a lot of fun, and she was sooo supportive of him when he lost his new sister, Lexie. Abby has cooled her jets and is looking at him crazy-eyed. She says he repaid the favour when he was there after her dad died (Ed. note: I don’t like it, I’m just making an assumption here.) Cameron says that so much happened so fast between them, they never really got to be a couple in a normal relationship. Now that things have settled down, what’s left of their relationship? Abby says they have a blank slate, and can make of it what they want. Cameron agrees, but says he doesn’t see them going anywhere. She’s been in college forever, can’t decide on a major or a career path; meanwhile, he’s a doctor and has no idea how long he’ll be in Salem. Abby says she’ll follow him anywhere. He asks her, “Why?” Abby looks dumbstruck.

Brady and Nicole have returned to Brady’s apartment. Nicole is bummed that they can’t see Dr. Baker until tomorrow morning, but is glad Brady caught her before she had driven all the way over there. Does Brady have any idea what Dr. Baker is going to tell them? Something about Sydney, Grace, and the other baby, Brady says. Nicole looks stymied - what otherbaby?

[opening sequence]
Victor recounts to Maggie how he learned about her eggs, and how he realised the trail that led to Daniel had brought up her hopes. Maggie is near tears. Victor says he just wanted to make Maggie happy; he was afraid of how she would react if she thought her biological child were still out there somewhere. To make her happy, he bribed a lab technician to tamper with the DNA tests. (Let’s face it, that’s an easy task in Salem.) Maggie’s not buying it; he explains the error that led to the destruction of her eggs, and how a well-meaning lab assistant at the fertility clinic relabelled some “unclaimed” eggs. When Victor found out about it, he was complicit and could face charges/fines if it were to come out, so he kept it a secret. Maggie is you really did this for you, not for me!

Abby and Cameron are still talking on his couch. He tells her that she needs to figure herself out first; she’s too dependent upon their relationship, on clinging to a man. First it was Chad, then Austin, now it’s me, Cameron reminds her. Abby feels he is unkind in mentioning Austin; Cameron admits that Abby’s actions were already forgiven (by Cameron) concerning Austin, but it demonstrates a pattern. What does Abby want out of life? Abby is steadfast in her reply, stating, “Cameron, you are what I want. Only you. Nothing else matters.” Cameron shakes his head, and says, “No, Abby. No.”

Karim, Gabi, and Nick are dancing while Will continues to skulk at the bar. He starts to think deeply about last Autumn (Fall, that is)....

»»Sonny and Will are working in the Horton Town Square, laughing as they hang up decorations for the Fall Gala. Sonny is helping Will hang a streamer, Will is on a ladder on the “unsafe” top step, and Sonny has his hands on Will’s lower back to support him. Will drops the streamer, instinctively lunges for it, and loses his balance. Sonny catches most of his weight, but they fall gently to the ground together. They smile, and move in for a kiss....

“It’s over,” Will says, aloud, “Time to move on.” Next to him, Karim asks, “What’s over?” Startled, Will looks around. Gabi and Nick are still dancing like mad. He turns back to Karim, who’s looking at him with a big smile. Will tells him he was lost in a daydream, but it doesn’t matter. Tonight is all about having fun. Karim will drink to that, and they toast.
[ad break]
It’s morning in Salem. At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen opens up the windows in the foyer, which is being redecorated. She moves around the house, slowly opening windows. The doorbell rings. She answers it herself; Nick is there. She’s surprised, she thought it would be someone from the SEC. He’s also surprised that she answers her own door; she reminds him that with most of the DiMera assets frozen, the staff has been laid off. She invites him in, and he thanks her for agreeing to see him out of her office. He has to tell her about last night.

Matteo is drinking coffee at a table in Will’s apartment. The door to Will’s room opens, and Karim comes out. He nods to Matteo, then leaves quickly. Will exits a few minutes later, and Matteo has a ridiculous grin on his face. Will rolls his eyes and tells him it’s not what he thinks. Matteo laughs and declares that Will is a dog. Will puts his head in his hands and groans.

Victor enters the dining area in the Kiriakis Mansion, where Henderson is waiting with his morning breakfast. Victor asks Henderson if Maggie is up yet; Henderson’s eyebrows lift, and Victor tells him that Maggie slept in another bedroom because of a mistake he compounded. He should have told her the truth right away, or let her find out somehow. It was ridiculous of him to conceal the truth from her. Henderson admits that Maggie left very early this morning; he gives Victor a note. Victor reads it, and we hear Maggie’s voice declare: Victor, I love you, but I continue to find many of the things you do in the name of love to be very difficult to forgive. I will return to you, but I need to focus on my family right now. You will always be a part of my family, but I cannot bear to continue the same arguments with you every day. I will call you in a few days. I will be spending a few days in Tennessee with Sarah as I planned. Remember always that I do love you. Victor, miffed, crumples the note, slams a morning drink, and storms out of the room.

Nicole and Brady are driving to Statesville, musing about what Dr. Baker might want in exchange for the information. Nicole remembers Victor’s offer, and tells Brady that they’ll give him whatever he wants. Since Stefano’s gone, they’ll do whatever it takes to get these mysteries cleared up. They talk about EJ’s sterility and the fact that Nicole has delivered his baby, twice. Brady tells her that Dr. Baker assured him that he has the answers. Nicole hopes so.

Sonny gets a call from his dad, but he’s on the other line at the time, so he lets it go to voicemail. After the call, he excitedly tells Dustin that the DA has offered him a new job at the DA’s office. Dustin thinks that’s great, although he’s surprised as he didn’t know Sonny had applied. Sonny didn’t; but he had worked previously for the DA, and evidently made an impression. Budget cuts caused him to lose his job, which is why he opened Common Grounds; now they have a position for Sonny. Dustin is happy, but what if Common Grounds is allowed to reopen? Sonny’s sceptical about that possibility. His phone beeps, and he remembers his dad’s call, and decides to check his voicemail.

[ad break]

Rafe stops by Sami’s apartment to continue their talk from last night. She is getting ready for work, but has a few minutes. They sit on the couch, and have a quick chat about Carrie and what she and Rafe discussed. Sami admits she is ready to forgive Carrie and move back to the way things were when Alice Horton died. Rafe wants to move forward and forget all about whatever he lacked with Carrie; his first offer is to help Sami by dropping the kids at school. Sami tells him that Lucas has taken the kids to school and she won’t see them until they return from the wedding. She’s a little sad at this prospect. Rafe asks her if she’s sure she doesn’t want to go; she tells him she wants to be right here, working on their marriage. She’s looking forward to this evening; with no kids, they’ll be all alone. Rafe likes that idea. They embrace.

Abby swoons over a photo of Cameron, thrown across a couch dramatically. She is talking to the picture, demanding that he be like he was at the beginning of their relationship. Why has he stopped loving her? What should she change to make him love her again? She shrieks and chucks the picture at the wall, where it smashes. Abby starts crying, then falls to her knees; as she is in hysterics on the floor, she begins to feel queasy, and tries to run to the bathroom. Her stomach, apparently settled, becomes secondary as she sees herself in the mirror. “I hate you. Nobody loves you!” she cries, slamming her fists on the wall.

Kristen and Nick are sitting in a well-appointed office in the DiMera mansion. Kristen tells Nick that she may be called away from their meeting due to the SEC investigation, but she will give Nick as much time as she can. She reminds him he’s not due for a visit for another week, but he tells her he almost used last night. He explains about meeting the girls, getting to the club, feeling pumped. He hasn’t felt that way since he’s been back on the outside. He doesn’t want to feel that way again. Kristen reminds him of how powerful the pills to which he was addicted were, and how they changed his personality. She personally chose to sponsor his release because of his history with women, and because of the testimony offered about who he was pre-pills. She tells him it’s good that he came to her, and asks if he had a drink. It’s okay if he did, it is not the same as the chemical that caused the change. Nick says no, Kristen looks him squarely in the eye, and he assures her, he likes the way his life is going too much to even think about risking sobriety. She smiles, and tells him that they will keep through this journey together.

Will has left his apartment and met up in the square with Gabi, decked out in work gloves and a dirty smock, as she is about to begin her community service. She sits next to him on the couch, and asks him what happened last night. Will doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s why he had to get away from that annoying Matteo. Gabi apologises, she just wanted to let him know that for a few minutes last night, it seemed like Will was really having fun. Will thanks her for being a friend; she reminds him, they pretty much only have each other now. She sees her supervisor and stands up, grabbing a bucket and a scrub brush. She tells Will she has to scrub the entries to the Square, but maybe they can meet up for lunch. He tells her he’s going to the University today, he’s got a class and a few projects to work on. They hug and he leaves.

Sonny drops by the DA’s office, where his dad is waiting for him. They talk about how Sonny will manage a full credit load, running Common Grounds, and working 20 hours a week for the District Attorney. Sonny’s sure that the DA will mainly have him work on fact-finding and research, which will offer flexibility. His classes are clustered on Mondays and Wednesdays, with one night class only. And Dustin is planning to help out at Common Grounds, starting with the Grand Re-Opening, which Sonny is planning for next week. Justin starts and says, “That was fast!”

Dr. Baker is pacing in the visiting cell awaiting Nicole and Brady, musing to himself about his safety now that EJ and Stefano are neutralised. The outer cell door opens, and Nicole and Brady enter. Baker looks at them as he sits down. Nicole tells him it’s good to see him, and she’s really sorry about how things turned out. He glares at her. I’m not doing this for you, he tells Nicole; I’m doing this for Brady and your kid, because it’s the right thing to do. Brady is shocked, and asks, “Her kid, or our kid?”
[ad break/halftime]
Baker glares back at Brady and Nicole, emotionless. He tells them that he’s had to keep too many secrets, for too long. It’s been more than he can stand. He looks right at Nicole and says, “You probably think the first time we met was an accident. But that wasn’t the first time I met you.” Nicole is frozen, evidently startled. Brady wants him to get to the point. Baker says there’s a lot to explain, starting before Nicole’s pregnancy. But he needs immunity, a promise from Brady that he won’t seek legal recourse against him. He had to wait until Stefano died, and that was too long to keep this secret. Nicole agrees, mildly upsetting Brady. Baker relays that Stefano drugged Nicole and brought her to Baker; Stefano knew how determined Nicole was to get pregnant by EJ, but also knew of her past trauma and felt she would not carry a baby to term. Baker already had massive debt, and Stefano’s payday was too much to resist. He harvested eggs from Nicole, and used sperm Brady had - we discover at some length - donated while in his junkie phase for quick cash. Brady has doubts, but Baker reminds him that John and Stefano are enemies, and Stefano looks upon the son of his enemy in the same light as the enemy himself. Using these samples, he created embryos, one of which was viable. At around the same time, Stefano paid him to combine Lucas’ sperm and Sami’s eggs and created another embryo (time was of the essence, as Stefano’s attempt to get them...reacquainted...had apparently failed). Due to Nicole’s personal issues, Stefano wanted a third embryo implanted in Nicole. Baker found unclaimed embryos from the 1990s (an middle-aged woman whose husband was infertile and a sperm donor) and implanted them in Nicole. His ex-wife, with whom he was trying to reconcile, volunteered to carry one of the babies, and she was implanted with another embryo. Nicole is near hysterical, and Brady want to know was it Sami’s or Nicole’s? Baker doesn’t know; he was working in a makeshift lab, and his labelling system was compromised. He has no idea whether Sami & Lucas’ baby, or Brady & Nicole’s, was implanted into his wife, and which baby was Sami’s. Nicole begins to sob.

Victor is pacing at the Kiriakis Mansion, talking to Maggie’s voicemail. He reminds her that he loves her, and he apologises for his comment. He should not question her love for Daniel. He will continue to try to be truthful at all times, to tell her everything he knows. But he needs to see her. He’ll fly out to Tennessee if necessary. Please call me back, he implores.

Gabi’s on the White Couch in the Horton Town Square, taking a break. She pulls out her cellphone and dials a number she’s reading off of a business card. She’s called Marlena’s office, and she talks with the secretary, making a late afternoon appointment for today. She quickly gets back to work, scrubbing the HTS walkways.

Nick is going over some data with a furrow in his brow when his phone rings. He checks it; it’s Lucas. He answers. From Nick’s responses, it seems Lucas needs a DNA test run on Sydney. Nick would be happy to help, but he has no hospital privileges for obvious reasons. He tells Lucas he can’t do it at the University, due to security issues, it would be best at the hospital. He’ll make a referral. Lucas doesn’t want that, and will call Nick back.

Sonny and Dustin are walking around the Common Grounds, taking inventory to prepare for the Grand Re-Opening. Outside, Will watches sullenly through the window. He walks down toward the main part of the Square, and runs into Sami. They hug and she asks if he’s free for lunch. She was planning to meet Rafe, but he can’t get away from the office. He said he had planned to meet up with Gabi, although he didn’t think he’d be able to, so they don’t have plans. Sami asks if Will would be more comfortable with Gabi along, and he says no, it’ll be nice to have lunch, just the two of us. Just don’t talk about when I was a little kid. She laughs, tussles his hair a bit, and they walk off together.

[ad break]

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen is going through files when she finds something interesting. “My god, father, what were you thinking?” she muses. She hides the file in a drawer and locks it.

Brady and Nicole are back at his apartment; he’s on the phone. Nicole is thinking to herself.

»»Dr. Baker is telling the story of the embryos again; Brady had insisted on it, to check the story. Dr Baker reports that the baby his wife carried is alive and well. Someone’s been taking care of his wife and the toddler, but isn’t anymore. But he won’t tell Nicole and Brady anything more until he gets some assurances...and some money. He wants Brady to set up trusts for his kids, and one for his latest ex-wife. $250k each. He has been a poor provider lately, and isn’t concerned with his own financial well-being. He’d just gamble it away, anyway. Nicole again agrees to this, but Baker wants to hear it from Brady. Brady looks at Nicole, who is using her best please-baby look, and he agrees. Dr Baker says they can find his ex-wife at a house two miles north of Brookeville, at E5490 Morants Road.

That must be my baby - our baby, Nicole thinks, Sami and Sydney had a DNA test run by Rafe. My baby has to be in Brookeville. Brady comes over and puts his arms around her. He tells her that he’s made the necessary transactions, although it was a little difficult. Nicole promises him that it will be worth it; they race out the door to find Mrs. Baker.

At the Hospital, Cameron is worrying about his earlier interaction with Abigail. Was I too harsh? he wonders. He turns around and Abigail is standing there, dishevelled; she apparently hasn’t bothered to clean up since her earlier breakdown. Cameron asks what’s wrong; she says everything’s wrong. She’s been sick since he left her. Cameron says he wants to stay friends; right now they’re not right for each other, but he does still care for her. Abby shrieks at him that she WILL make him love matter what it takes. She is causing a scene. Cameron is getting nervous, and begs her to come with him into a private room. She refuses. He tells her they can talk later, but he’s still working. She pouts, and throws herself at his feet. He looks around nervously as she sobs; he tells her he’s sorry. He’s about to take it all back.
Dustin and Sonny are having ice cream in the Square. They are walking as couples often do, enjoying a few moments before Sonny has to run off to do some work for the DA. Gabi is in the corner, finishing up her work and locking a utility closet. She walks over to them and says Hi; Sonny treats her coolly, but Dustin is nice and responds. She asks if they’re going out tonight; Sonny’s not interested in hanging out with her, or talking to her. Gabi is asking because she doesn’t want to run into them if she goes out with Will again, it’s incredibly awkward. Sonny chortles and tells her even she can do better than hanging out with Will. Gabi apologises, says she has to run to an appointment, but Sonny never stops glaring hatefully at her. When she’s gone, Dustin asks what’s up? Sonny tells him of the events of the previous summer, and how Gabi was complicit in the continued imprisonment of Sonny’s good friend, Melanie. Dustin says that’s horrible, why would she do that? Sonny says, “Because she’s a nutcase psycho. She and Will deserve each other.” Dustin looks shocked.

Sami visits Rafe, bringing him leftovers from her lunch with Will. He admits it’s well timed, he worked through lunch and was just about to order something greasy. They eat and chat about her lunch with Will, how it feels good to have their old relationship back, without the poison of EJ, and without his concealing his being gay. They talk briefly about the night she was with EJ, when they thought Johnny was dead. Sami tells Rafe she’ll never forgive herself for that, and worse, for lying about it for months, and even trying to get Will to stay on the lie. Rafe tells her that their mistakes, while not equivalent, were equally hurtful in different ways. He should have been smarter about Carrie. They both say they’re sorry; can they move on? Rafe smiles, and says, “We already have.” They kiss.

[ad break]

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Henderson answers a call from Maggie, but tells her that Victor has gone out. She can reach his cellphone, but Maggie says Victor never turns it on. Maggie tells Henderson to tell Victor that she loves him, and will call back right away. Henderson dutifully accepts.

At the DiMera Mansion, Kristen is talking to an unseen hired hand. She gestures to three piles of file boxes, and tells the worker to move the leftmost pile to the basement storage room, and the center pile to the storage room at the Corporate offices. The middle pile still has to be reviewed. The audits are nearly complete, she reveals, and although there will be penalties, she is confident DiMera will make it through the storm. Victor enters, and gloats that he’s not so sure. Kristen sighs as she levels her gaze at him.

Gabi is standing outside a professional office complex. She is looking nervously at her phone and reconsidering entering therapy with Marlena. After a few moments’ reflection upon her recent misdeeds, she goes inside. Dustin is about forty paces behind her; after she enters, he sits on a bench, pulls out a tablet, and begins casually reading a book.

Cameron has gotten Abby into a private room; she’s combed her hair and washed her face. Abby is pressing him; he was about to say something to her earlier. He tells her that anything he says to her now would be a mistake; she’s not herself. Abby tells him that she’s always herself when she’s with him, that’s the only time she feels important. Cameron reminds her that she had plans before they met, in fact, she had plans at one point before she was with Chad. Abby says she didn’t know real love until she met Cameron. Cameron sighs, and tells her that no matter how much he cares for her, this can NOT go on. Abby looks like she’s about to burst into tears; instead, she calmly gets up and walks to the door. Fine, she says, I’ll see you later, Dr. Davis. She leaves as though nothing happened.

Sonny is sitting behind a pile of books and taking notes. After finishing a paragraph, he closes a large book and begins to daydream about the scene we saw earlier of him & Will. He snaps himself out of it, and gets back to work.

Nick gets another call from Lucas. He answers it, and says, “No way...yes, of course I’ll do it! Thanks a lot, cuz!” After disconnecting the call, he smiles.

Gabi leaves Marlena’s office, walking right by Dustin. Dustin calls out to her; she is startled. Did you follow me here? He admits he did, but he wants to know...what’s up with Sonny & Will?

Sami is relaxing on the couch when Rafe knocks on the door. She asks him to come in, and kisses him passionately. She says he should stay the night; he agrees that that’s a tremendous idea. Sami’s cellphone rings; it’s Lucas, so she answers it. She looks stunned; she tells Rafe that Lucas is taking Sydney for a DNA test before they leave town, early in the morning tomorrow. Nick Fallon’s going to run it at Salem U Hospital.

Nicole and Brady have arrived at the address in Brookeville. It’s a rather spacious home, with a familiar feel outside. Brady can’t place it; Nicole is stunned - it looks like a recreation of the DiMera Mansion. Brady says, “My god, you’re right.” They are about to ring the bell when the door opens, although noone is apparently behind it. They call out, and are beckoned in. The voice sounds familiar, Brady thinks. Nicole is ready to plow forward, but Brady is unsure. She takes his hand and they walk into the tidy little mansion. It is a recreation of the DiMera foyer, and through its door is a recreation of the DiMera sitting room, including the chess set, picture of Stefano, and even “Sofie.” Brady and Nicole are mystified. Suddenly, a little girl (who looks identical to Sydney) pops up from behind Sofie and says, “Hi Mommy!” Nicole bursts into tears...Brady asks, “Sydney?” Unseen to them, a woman enters. She’s a dead ringer for Nicole, save for overplump lips, a highly botoxed forehead, and eyebrows covered in excessive makeup.

FRIDAY ON DAYS OF OUR LIVESStefano’s webs of deceit begin to unravel, and an imprisoned EJ falls victim to gang violence
Nick worries about Abigail’s relationship with Cameron
Gabi has a session with Marlena where they discuss her past relationships
Sami and Rafe have a romantic evening together
Hope rents an office space by the pier, and gets her first customer: Kristen
Thanks, these are really a labour of love. Would you believe it takes about 4 hours to structure, plot, and write? I wonder if it takes the actual writers that long...LOL. Expect the next part by Monday...lots of family stuff tomorrow!!
DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 25 (Friday) Wherein Stefano’s fate is revealed, and his webs of deceit begin to soak in the rain of truth

Dustin & Gabi are walking in a park nowhere near the Horton Town Square. Dustin is shocked by what Gabi has told him concerning the summer relationship of Sonny & Will, and how it came to end. She has apparently been explaining Sonny’s disdain for her when we are able to hear them. She explains how she schemed to get Chad, involving Andrew in their lives as her fake stalker, and eventually becoming an unintentional accomplice in the kidnapping of Melanie. She expresses her deep regret, and tells Dustin that Sonny is right to hate her for what she did against her own friends. Dustin offers a counterpoint, saying that what she did was wrong, but she didn’t try to harm Melanie in any way. Gabi agrees with him, but says that she didn’t do enough to stop Andrew. She reiterates that she has gotten what she deserves, having Sonny, Chad, and Melanie hate her. Dustin says that nobody’s perfect, sometimes people make a choice and don’t know the consequences. Gabi asks why he’s defending her, and Dustin tells her that everyone’s done something they’ve later regretted. Gabi’s eyebrows rise at this comment.

Lucas is putting the kids to bed, reading Allie and Sydney a story. When the story is done, Allie expresses her excitement for the upcoming wedding. Lucas shares her excitement, and tells the kids they’ll be meeting a lot of new relatives. This excites the girl. As Lucas is preparing to leave, Sydney says she misses her daddy. Lucas gives her a big hug and says he’s sure her daddy misses her, too. He closes the door, and thinks about Stefano’s video and how they will talk to the kids if Lucas turns out to be Sydney’s father. He has a flashback, and we hear his end of the call to Nick last night. Lucas used his influence with the board and got Nick a temporary reinstatement in the DNA testing lab. Across town in a small apartment, Nick is nervously pacing, worrying about going to the hospital...what if he blows it again?

Over at the fake DiMera Mansion, Nicole is wiping away tears as she holds the girl who looks like Sydney in her arms. Brady is standing behind her, and the little girl hasn’t seen the woman who looks like Nicole enter. Brady hears the woman enter and turns; he is immediately stunned. The woman motions for him to come into the hallway; he looks back to Nicole, who is still crying and hugging the Sydney-like girl, then back to the Nicole look-a-like. The woman moves out into the hallway and continues to motion silently for Brady to follow her. He finally does; they move several feet from the door. The woman introduces herself in a very nasaly, high Queens accent as Candy Baker, Doc Baker’s (as she calls him) “latest and cutest” ex-wife. She tells Brady that the Doc called her to say they were coming over, so she’s been hiding so li’l Sydney would be ready when her momma came home. Brady is flummoxed; Candy explains that she’s been taking care of the little one since day one, with the help of servants, and a lot of money. Brady wants to know why. Candy explains that it was all part of some plan from the big guy; Brady wants to know who it is. Candy says she didn’t know his name, just that he sounded funny and foreign when he talked and wore a funny ring. Brady knows this means Stefano; there’s still more to know. Why does Candy look like Nicole? Why does this girl, who is also named Sydney, look like Sydney? Candy explains she had some “minor surgery” to look a certain way; those were “the big guy’s” orders. She was also supposed to play Mommy to Sydney until “the time was right.” Brady wants to know what that means, but Candy admits ignorance. She just took the money, helped take care of the kiddo, and waited. She admits that even Stefano might not have known the plan, seems the big guy lost interest a while ago, but kept sending money. But things got tight “a few months back” when “the big guy” died. Stefano told Candy he’d name the baby, and even took the baby on trips sometimes. A light goes off in Brady’s head; what if Stefano switched the babies? That must have been his plan - why else create this mansion, a Nicole lookalike, etc.? Nicole comes in, carrying Sydney (II), and Candy hides. She has been crying, but it was a mixture of happy tears. She is not sure what this all means. Brady tells her he’ll fill her in after they take Sydney...he pauses cautiously...home. From her hiding spot, Candy signals the OK, and points to a folder on a table by the door. Brady picks it up, and looks at it, then to Candy, who mouths take it. Brady is turning away, Candy clears her throat and makes a “check” sign in the air. Brady takes a cashier’s cheque from his pocket and sets it on the table, then shows Nicole the folder. Nicole asks what it is, and he tells her, “custody papers.” Nicole’s bottom lip begins to quiver.

[opening sequence]
The next morning, Lucas enters the hospital with Johnny, Allie, Will, and Sydney (I). They are ushered in by a silent orderly, and Nick greets them. There is a lab-coated extra behind him, and Nick explains what will happen for the DNA test. He also talks about new security measures; several samples will be collected, and then testing takes place here, as well as in Palo Alto, CA, and Mahwah, NJ. The results will then be sent to a fourth location to be confirmed. Lucas asks how long that will take, and Nick says that it is supposed to take just 4-7 days, but it removes the possibility of tampering, which has been happening too frequently at the lab. The new Chief of Staff wants none of that. Nick takes this opportunity to again apologise for his role in the initial DNA testing of Johnny and Allie; Lucas reminds him that he’s been forgiven for that, and that he blames Stefano.

It’s early morning in Statesville Prison, and EJ/Giorgio is walking through the mess line. He is carefully not making any eye contact with other prisoners. As he trudges through the line, he thinks back to a moment with Sami, Johnny, and Sydney; and then, sadly (for him), we see a scene of Lucas triumphantly revealing that he - Lucas - is truly Johnny’s father! Cut back to the mess line, where EJ has received his yummy meal, and he moves sullenly to an unoccupied corner of a table that is only half-full. He still has avoided eye contact, and as he begins eating a blob of mashed potatoes, he takes note of something underneath what might be chicken. He moves the meat, and finds it is a piece of a napkin. The napkin reads, You are dead DiMera.

At Brady’s apartment, Nicole comes out of the bedroom, where she and Alex slept, and notes Brady sleeping soundly on the couch. She slips quietly into the other bedroom, and checks on Sydney-II, who is sleeping beautifully. Nicole looks at the young girl warmly, and a smile crosses her face as she begins to tear up. She thinks, Could this really be my little girl? My...Sydney? She snaps back to attention when she hears shuffling on the couch. She leaves Sydney’s room stealthily and greets a smiling Brady. He asks if she’s all right; she wipes her eyes and assures him she is. She’s just overwhelmed - the idea that the baby she lost wasn’t hers, that she and Brady were used by Stefano in a crazy plot and the little girl in the next room might be theirs, the fake DiMera mansion, her lookalike - it’s a lot to ingest all at once. But she already feels a connexion to this Sydney. Brady doesn’t want to get his hopes up until they know more; they talk about Stefano’s evil and what he did to protect EJ from learning about his sterility. Nicole wonders how Stefano knew that EJ was sterile; Brady suggests that they are better off not knowing, but nonetheless they should have a real DNA test run on Alex. He again flashes back to the scene of him comforting Nicole after she found EJ with Taylor. When his reverie ends, Nicole asks what’s on his mind. He tells her about these faint memories, which have been getting more frequent. Nicole goes to comfort him, and as she touches his cheek, she herself experiences a flashback. They pull away, shocked, and wonder if it’s possible that Brady could be Alex’s father. Brady says if EJ’s sterile, there is no other explanation. Nicole says they have to find out.

On the waterfront, in a slightly rundown office, we see Hope Williams Brady unpacking boxes. She places a photo of Bo on a sturdy shelf on the wall, and thinks back to days past. Bo & Hope sailing away on the Fancy Face; Bo & Hope kissing as she realises who she is; learning Zack was Bo’s; reuniting in the hospital after her Alimainian misadventure. There’s a knock on the door that pulls her to the present, and she sees Marlena, carrying a fern. She offers it to Hope as an office-warming present, and Hope laughs. She looks around, she definitely needs some decorations. Marlena asks if she needs any help unpacking or moving anything, gesturing to some file cabinets that are about half-moved toward the wall. Hope says no, she’s more in the mood for a break. She offers Marlena a chair and some water, and they sit. Marlena remarks that Hope was deep in thought when she entered; Hope reveals she was thinking of Bo. Marlena figured as much. Marlena thinks about Bo a lot, as well, given all that Bo has sacrificed for them. Marlena and Hope talk about how the last weeks of Bo & Hope’s time together were wasted planning their “umpteenth” double wedding, which was interrupted by Stefano, who had halted the Alimainian divorce of John & Hope. Marlena points out that it is a bitter irony that the wedding was not needed, as it was revealed quickly that the Alimainian marriage certificate was a complete forgery. Hope agrees, lamenting that they did not speak with Justin earlier about the marriage. Marlena asks Hope if planning the wedding was fun, and she admits it was for her, but Bo didn’t seem to be into it. He felt they were already married; and even though they were still married and never weren’t, Hope didn’t know that and wanted to make things legal again. Marlena shakes her head like she’s confused, and the duo share a hearty laugh. The mood turns sombre quickly again; Hope says every laugh is hard since Bo left. Marlena reminds her that Bo is protecting them all, even Roman, because they had to act that night. Hope asks if Marlena regrets their actions the night Stefano was killed. Marlena tells her that if were anybody but Stefano, she would, but that there was no other way to rid them–and the world–of Stefano forever.

Abigail is sitting at a desk in the Horton House, talking on the phone with her mother. She tells her about the fabulous date she had with Cameron last night, how he took her to the movies, then on a horse-drawn carriage ride around the Historic District. She’s really laying it on thick; she tells Jennifer to say hi to her dad for her, she really misses them both. After she hangs up, she leans back in the chair and experiences a vivid fantasy, wherein Cameron enters her room, tells her that last night was just the beginning after giving her a big friendly kiss, then professes his undying love for her. When she snaps to reality, she states out loud, “I love you, Cameron, and I know I can make you love me!”
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At the hospital, Lucas is pacing nervously, carrying Johnny who’s asleep on his arm, while Allie and Sydney are seated on chairs playing Connect-Four just behind them. Will and Nick are in the background chatting. They are lost in their own worlds and don’t notice when Nicole & Brady enter with Sydney-II; in fact, Will gets a call and steps away from Nick, to whom Nicole is walking when Allie shouts out, “Hey, that girl looks like my sister!” All heads turn in Nicole’s direction, and she sets Sydney-II down on the floor. Sydney-I runs over to her. Standing face to face, Nicole’s Sydney (II) appears blonder, while Sami’s Sydney (I), appears to have darker hair. Nick’s jaw drops, and Lucas puts Johnny down on a couch and walks quickly, but quietly, over to Nicole and demands to know what the hell is going on. Brady and Nicole exchange looks, and Nicole says, “One word...Stefano.” Lucas’ brow furrows.
Sami & Rafe are at the loft, and Sami thanks him for breakfast. He clasps her hand and tells her he loves her, and even though he is disappointed about last night, he is looking forward to tonight. Sami says if they want to repair the damage to their marriage, they must take things slowly, and last night would have been too soon. Rafe agrees, and gives her a gentle kiss, thanking her for being true to their word to truly work out their problems before rushing back in to marriage.
Meanwhile, in the next room, Gabi is talking on the phone with Will. What does she know about Dustin? Will doesn’t know him that well, why? Gabi informs her friend of her conversation with Dustin outside Marlena’s office, and Will finds the whole situation very unusual. What could Dustin be hiding? What did he do? Gabi warns him not to get involved, and not to try to use this to wedge apart Sonny & Dustin. Will is startled, clearly he wasn’t thinking in that direction. He tells her not to worry, and as he hangs up, he smiles slyly. But he is disturbed by a commotion down the hallway.

Lucas, Brady, and Nicole are shouting at each other, as Will runs out to see what’s going on. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the Sydneys side-by-side, and asks, “What the hell is going on here?” Nick tells him that Nicole & Brady brought in another Sydney to be DNA tested, and that it has something to do with Stefano. Will appears furious, that man did so many things to his family, and they continue after his death!! Will says he’s glad the old b-word is dead. Nick is shocked.

Hope and Marlena continue to talk about the night Stefano was killed.

»»It was a chilly night in October, near Halloween. Stefano had aborted the double wedding, but promised that if the foursome (including Bo and John) met with him on Halloween night at his mansion, he would grant them their divorce and even throw them a wedding, to prove he had turned over a new leaf. Hope stood up to Stefano, declaring that if he had really turned over a new leaf, he’d allow the couples to marry now. She was not going to trust him. Stefano laughed at her.

»»Marlena, Hope, Bo, and John had later consulted Justin Kiriakis, who was busily mounting a campaign to replace the recently-indicted-and-facing-trial EJ as mayor, and learned that the marriage certificate was a phony, so no divorce was needed. He further added that if it WEREN’T a phony, the United States did not recognise marriages performed in Alimainia, so they were doubly protected. Hope was so angry, she smashed a vase she had been given by her Gran (don’t worry, nothing fell out) and then began to cry. She vowed to make Stefano pay.

Marlena, who has been sharing the flashback with Hope, reminds her that they all wanted Stefano to pay.

»»Marlena, Bo, Hope, and John met with Stefano as planned, and kept from everyone their recently-acquired information about not needing another marriage; publicly, they continued to plan their weddings and even a fake divorce trip to Alimainia. “But we didn’t act the way Stefano had planned,” Marlena, in the present, adds, “We beat him at his own game.” At a masquerade ball, Stefano planned to gun down the unsuspecting foursome, having finally tired of his playthings. John had learned of this plan, and instead, he and Bo had immobilised the two shooters and secured the wedding guests while Kristen Blake confronted Stefano in his study moments before the bullets were to fly. He taunted her, and even spat at his adopted/foster daughter, saying if she were really his daughter, she would never have been duped by Susan, which is why he left her in the harem even after he learned of the switch. Kristen says she figured as much, and that’s why she decided to help John and Marlena, whose lives she had made miserable with Stefano’s help. Retribution, redemption. Stefano cackled that John and Marlena are fools, and his plan for them was about to take full form. He wanted Kristen to join him on the balcony, to “enjoy the show” he was about to put on. He also told her to thank her lucky stars that she was not a part of the show, but merely a spectator. Kristen pulled a gun on him, and said the show was in here. Stefano laughed, cackling, “No matter what, you don’t have the guts to kill me,” but stopped when John & Marlena entered through a side window, with Bo & Hope entering through the double doors, all brandishing shiny guns. Stefano continued to smile wickedly, saying they would never get away with it. John laughed, telling Stefano that they took every precaution. The guns are identical, and specially manufactured to leave identical markings, which would be important if anyone ever finds Stefano’s body. Stefano was belly laughing, revelling in this attempt on his life by his Pawn. He continued his maniacal cackling even as each member of the fivesome fired two shots, downing him. The fivesome looked at his dead body, and Hope and Marlena were shaken by their actions. Kristen assured them that they did the right thing. John was in Pawn-mode, and was quickly working to remove evidence of the murder. Bo moved outside, and brought in an identical carpet, while John had rolled Stefano up in the one on which his body fell. Kristen helped Bo place the rug and desk correctly, using photographs she had taken an hour earlier. John collected the guns, and told Hope that he was going to destroy them. The fivesome checked the room, which looked normal. John took out a sixth gun and a box of bullets (which, he reminded Marlena, was missing 12, with two still in the sixth gun’s chamber), as Bo was dragging in EJ. They placed him on a chair, put the gun in his hand, and exited out the window. Sirens were heard in the distance; Kristen made her way to the guest house, where she was staying, while Bo and Hope discussed needing to frame EJ. Bo reminded her that someone would notice Stefano was missing...EJ could only cover for so long before folks got suspicious. Besides, it appeared to Bo that EJ might escape his SEC charges, like Stefano had, so this might be a fair way to even the score. Hope agreed this was a necessary step, but was clearly still shaken. John moved quickly away with the body, and Marlena followed. Hope and Bo took off together in a separate direction.

“We’re very lucky that the guards didn’t see John or Bo,” Hope remarks to Marlena. And nobody saw them leave the party, as John had used an anonymous website to hire five individuals who wore costumes identical to those worn by Bo, Hope, John, Kristen, and Marlena. By the time the dust had settled, and the police were able to get into the well-locked DiMera mansion and its ballroom, the fivesome had returned and their doubles had exited. In true Salem fashion, they’ve been talking with the door open, and are startled when a voice announces, “We did what we had to do. But next time, close the door.” It’s Kristen, who has, true to her word, closed the door behind her.
In prison, EJ is lamenting his failure to bribe two “stupid, moronic” guards to help protect him. He laments his situation as he remembers shooting Stefano to death. “But what happened to his body?” He wonders.
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Will, Lucas, Brady, Nicole, and the kids are bustling about the main room when Nick exits the secured lab; he tells him the tests are completed and the samples are also on their way to be tested in the other labs. Lucas says that’s good, they need to know what the hell is going on here. He tells everyone that he’s called Sami, who should know about this as well. This makes Nicole unnerved.
Candy Baker is sitting at the fake DiMera Mansion, whose fake foyer is filled with shopping bags. She is talking to Dr Baker and thanking him for his part in her success. She will be down to visit him during visiting hours this evening, she’s got an appointment with a few car dealers. Everything they’ve worked for, everything Stefano promised, has come true thanks to Brady Black.

Sami and Rafe arrive at the hospital, where Nick is telling Lucas and Nicole & Brady that there was something askew with Sami’s Sydney’s DNA test; it did not match the sample they had on file, which Rafe had given to the lab at some unspecified point in the past. “What does that mean?” Rafe wonders, as Sami stares in disbelief at the two Sydneys. Nick says that means that it was not the same child on whom the DNA test was originally run. Nicole jumps to the conclusion that Sami’s Sydney is actually hers; Sami gets mad and says that Sydney is her daughter. Lucas asks, “Which Sydney?” and the group stares at the two girls quizzically.

Outside Marlena’s office, Dustin is waiting for Gabi. She comes out and says, “I thought I’d find you here.” Dustin apologises, says he doesn’t have her number, he wanted to talk. Gabi’s not sure this is a good idea, and that she’s not the kind of person anyone deserves in their life right now. Dustin says she’s exactly the kind of person he needs in his life right now; she’s one of the only people who can understand the sort of thing he’s done. And he doesn’t have a lot of friends in Salem; he hasn’t really hung out with Karim since last Spring, and he’s been so busy with Sonny that they don’t have much of a social life outside of each other. Gabi thinks about this, and says she does need friends. He wants to hang out right now, and talk, but she says she has to go to her community service. He asks if he can tag along, and help her, and she says he can, but they can’t talk except on breaks. She’s committed to trying to pay off her debt; she just wishes there were a way to redeem herself in Melanie and Chad’s eyes. They leave together.

Brady, Nicole, et al, are still arguing as Nick is lounging a few rooms over in an “employees only” room. Abigail enters, and Nick reminds her that she can’t be here. The volunteer lounge is in the basement. Abigail claims she has permission from Cameron to be here, in fact, she’s meeting him here for a lunch date. Nick is shocked, that doesn’t sound like something Dr Davis would do, he’s usually very professional. Abigail insists it’s his professionalism that dictates he do that, so he can love her and still be near his patients. She loves that about him. Nick looks a bit worried, and asks if everything’s all right. Abigail admits she’s been stressed, and has been taking Cam for granted, but no more. Everything’s perfect between them.

Sami is clasping Sydney-I to her body; Rafe (who’s holding little Alex) and Lucas are discussing the possibility of Stefano’s having switched the babies at some point. Before he went on break, Nick said that the baby Rafe tested years ago had DNA that matched Sydney-II (aka the Sydney found in the fake mansion). But what if Stefano had switched babies on Nicole? He had been a few steps ahead of her, after all. And there can be no other reason for the fake DiMera mansion or the Nicole lookalike that Brady reported, other than to have two girls whom Stefano could easily switch around. To what end, Brady wonders. Lucas reminds Rafe & Brady that there is no logic, only evil, where Stefano is concerned. He would do anything to hurt his enemies, and he, Brady, Sami, and Nicole were definitely on the old man’s list. Lucas’ phone rings, and he tells the guys it is Jennifer. He moves aside to take her call. Brady and Rafe wonder about what to do next. Sydney-II is on Nicole’s lap; Sami is still holding Sydney-I while she eyes Nicole suspiciously.

In prison, EJ is in his cell, worrying about the threat he received. He tries to assure himself that he’s a DiMera, the common rubbish in here are just jealous of him, they don’t mean anything. He is staring at the wall when he hears the cell lock roll. He turns, and there is a multiracial gang standing at the door, standing in front of an unconscious guard. They enter the cell, and EJ shouts for help.
[ad break/halftime]
This is just the first half, still working on the second half. In other words, "We'll return with the second half of Days of Our Lives in just a ... little while." :)
In the hospital, Lucas has loaded all the kids except Sydney-II onto the elevator and Will is taking them down to the van. He goes over to Sami and Rafe to say good-by. He and Sami share a long hug, and she asks him to send her regrets that she couldn’t make it; she hopes Rex understands. Lucas will pass this along, and as they separate, Rafe moves in protectively. Across the room, Brady and Nicole are seated close. Brady is holding Sydney-II while Nicole rocks Alex. They are chatting about the likelihood that Sydney-I is actually their biological daughter, and Brady reiterates that it’s possible Stefano has switched the babies numerous times. Any time when Sami was living with Stefano, it could have happened. Nicole is upset; she wants this over with, she wants to know which child is hers. Sami hears this comment and comes over to her, and says there’s no way in hell she’s giving her Sydney, no matter whose child she turns out to be. Nicole doesn’t fight; she just wants to move on with their lives and forget the past. Sami snarkily says of course, all of their problems were her fault. Sami gets close to Nicole and, with a finger in her face, tells her that no matter what happens, she’s keeping both Sydneys.
In the hospital’s lounge, Cameron is sipping a coffee when Nick comes in to grab something from the candy machine. Cameron looks at him suspiciously, and Nick greets him with a “Hi, Cameron, er, Dr. Davis.” Cameron looks at him again, as if he recognises him, and Nick reminds him he’s Abigail’s cousin. A look of recognition washes over his face, and Nick gushes about having heard much about Cameron, and how well he’s done at the hospital. Cameron says he’s heard a lot about Nick, too, to which Nick quips that probably much of it was bad. Cameron says he knows about Nick’s troubles, but also has heard how smart and hard-working Nick has been. Nick receives congratulations from Dr Davis on his return to the hospital, and Nick admits that he’s a bit saddened that it came about because someone did his cousin a favour. Cameron doesn’t understand; Nick says that Lucas needed his help, and had a talk with some of his friends on the board, and essentially got them to give Nick a chance. But he’s under tough scrutiny. Cameron says that’s too bad; Nick assures him that he’s going to work very hard to earn back the town’s respect.

In Marlena’s office, Marlena has had a cancellation, and is reviewing notes from her session with Gabi. We see this as a flashback.

»»Marlena asks Gabi, who is lying back on the couch, about her parents. She talks about her mother and how devoted they are to each other, and how much Gabi misses her. But she loves Salem, too. Marlena asks if she still loves Salem, now that her friends have abandoned her. Gabi says that leaving now would feel like quitting, like losing. Marlena doesn’t understand. Gabi explains how she was very young when her dad left, but he always pushed her to excel in sports, especially soccer. He didn’t look kindly on losing. Marlena wants to explore this further; Gabi says it’s not important. Marlena notes that usually, seemingly unimportant things are the most important. Gabi sighs, and says that it’s no big deal, but the day her dad left, she had missed a goal and her team lost the game. Marlena’s eyebrows go up, but she keeps her cool demeanour while assuring Gabi that that’s not the reason her father left. Gabi frowns, and says her dad hated quitters and losers. She lost, and he left. But she doesn’t care. That was a long time ago, it doesn’t matter now. Marlena looks pensive.

EJ is lying in a prison hospital bed, with two guards at his side. An officer is on the phone. EJ is having very quick flashbacks of Sami, Nicole, and the children. His eyes are closed and he looks in rough shape. The officer making the phone call comes over to a doctor, and tells him that he was unable to reach anyone at the DiMera house or Mr. DiMera’s ex-wife. The doctor tells the officer that Mr. DiMera is in rough shape, and he is not likely to pull through, but he will do everything he can. The officer agrees.
Will is at a rest stop, standing in front of a map. The van is in the distance when his phone rings. Will doesn’t recognise the number, and answers it with a cautious “Hello?” We learn from his end of the conversation that it’s Gabi, informing him of her talk with Dustin. Dustin’s very interested in Will & Sonny’s summer activities and their breakup. Will tells Gabi he doesn’t have much time, his dad probably has his hands full with the kids, but thanks for the call. He ends the call, and wonders aloud how he can turn this situation to his advantage.
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At Hope’s waterfront office, she is sitting at her desk behind a stack of ledgers, and Kristen, clad in her glasses, is going over papers. Hope makes a remark about unusual expenditures, and Kristen remarks that she’s found about two dozen and she’s only on the third page. So many large expenditures to shady firms, but no reason. Hope wonders if this is something the SEC would be interested in, but Kristen says these books all cover the DiMera private accounts, gleaned from Stefano’s salaries and private investments, not from the felonious DiMera Enterprises. She’s spent a few weeks going over them in an attempt to figure out some of her father’s schemes, in the hopes of making things right. Hope puts down the stack she’s looking at, and picks up a ledger noting “2007” on its binding. As she looks through it, she notes a familiar firm name, Cosgrove Construction. Kristen doesn’t know the name, but notes having seen it in a ledger from 2010, as well; Hope says it’s a firm in Brookeville that specialises in “interesting” construction projects. Kristen agrees, noting that if Stefano hired them, they must know something interesting.

At Rafe’s loft, Sami is rambling about winning custody of both Sydneys. Rafe posits that one of the Sydneys is the one Sami raised, unless Stefano has been switching them. Rafe logically points out that if the “new” Sydney is actually Nicole’s child, Sami wouldn’t have much ground on which to sue for custody. This does not please Sami, who wonders if the babies were switched numerous times. Rafe wants to check out the place in Brookeville that Brady described to him, and is putting on his coat when he stops. Sami asks what’s wrong, and Rafe reminds her that they are trying to save their marriage, not the world. Now is not the time to worry about this, or to rush off on a case against the DiMeras. He asks her to stop thinking about it for awhile; Sydney, our Sydney, is with Lucas, safe, and whatever experience Sami’s had with Nicole, Rafe has grown to have some respect for her. This irks Sami, and Rafe says he’s sorry, he didn’t mean it that way. Sami agrees that tonight should be about them, not the children, not Rafe coming to Sami’s rescue.
At Brady’s apartment, Nicole comes out of the bedroom, having put Sydney down for a nap. Nicole sits next to Brady, and he scoots down a bit to be further away from her. She is startled; he tells her he’s sorry, but the ground rules still apply. They are just friends. No relationship, not yet. They’ve been through too much. Rafe, Daniel, EJ, Madison. Nicole agrees, but can’t help feel drawn to Brady, knowing that they might share two children. Brady agrees that their bond seems stronger now, but they should remain friends. He is definitely not ready for a new relationship after Madison. Nicole agrees; she expresses her continued disbelief in Madison’s misdeeds. Brady agrees; he’s appalled that he thought he loved a woman who rigged an explosion to fake her own death, in order to do away with Ian. Nicole starts - thought?

Gabi is sitting in the HTS on her final break. She’s thinking about her session with Dr. Evans. Why is Dr. Evans so interested in my father? Why was she asking about my grandfather? What does that have to do with Melanie, or Chad? Finishing her thoughts aloud, she is resolved to focus on the future, not the past. She gets down on her knees, and continues pulling weeds from a garden in the side of the HTS.

In EJ/Giorgio’s hospital room, EJ is lying unconscious. The doctor is talking about unusual brain activity. Zoom in on EJ’s battered forehead, and into his thoughts. We see a replay of the scene wherein Stefano is reprogramming his son Giorgio to masquerade as EJ. In EJ/Giorgio’s mind, we hear, in the voice of James Scott, I am Giorgio DiMera...I am Giorgio DiMera.

In the hospital, Nick is going over paperwork, verifying the shipment of the DNA samples for Alex Walker, Sydney DiMera-I, and Sydney DiMera-II. Once he finishes his work, he tells the other lab technician (who still has not spoken...must watch the budget, you know) that he’s done for the day. He removes his labcoat and hangs it up, then goes to the lounge. His cellphone is ringing from his locker; he opens the locker and grabs the phone. It’s Abigail, asking if he’s seen Dr. Davis, who stood her up for lunch. Nick asks her if she’s okay, and Abigail admits she’s under stress from Cameron’s missing their date, but otherwise, everything’s peachy. She hangs up; Nick is shocked, and wonders if Abigail is feeling all right.
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Marlena is cleaning up her office, locking up her files for the day. Her cellphone rings; it’s Will. She assures him she’s on her way to the wedding, but she might be a little late. She wants to offer her support to Rex, as well as Mimi. She locks the door to her office and is walking out as her phone rings again. Not recognising the number, she answers it and is surprised to discover she’s on the phone with Cameron Davis. Cameron tells her he’s worried about Abigail Deveraux; she’s been acting strangely and is not taking his attempts to break up with her very well. Could she talk to her? Marlena says it would be inappropriate for her to approach someone, but if Cameron can convince her to come in, she will help in whatever capacity she can. She is rushing to her car, and we see Dustin lurking in the shadows.

At the Horton house in the living room, Abigail is talking to herself. (Because she’s crazy.) She is talking about making Cameron love her again. She won’t feel well until she knows he still loves her. She is startled by a noise in the kitchen; she sees a shadow approaching and realises she’s been overheard. She grabs a heavy lamp and holds it in a defence posture, as her phone begins to vibrate behind her.

Nick is sitting at a table in the Pub, leaving a voicemail for Abigail, imploring her to meet him. A man enters and heads directly to the back room, shocking the waitress behind the counter. Nick notes the commotion.

In the DiMera basement, Kristen is searching for a key that will unlock a door. Hope is with her, and as the door opens, they both gasp in shock.

Will, Lucas, Allie, Sydney-I, and Johnny are sitting together at the wedding; Lucas and Will are remarking on how pretty Mimi looks, how happy Kate seems, and how it’s nice to see Roman & Kate together. (Though we don’t see them.) The wedding march begins to play, and Will worries that Marlena’s not arrived yet. A few moments later, Marlena rushes in, and as quietly as possible makes her way to the seat next to Will’s. Just as she sits, the music swells, and the party turns to watch the bride come down the aisle.

In the prison hospital, we are hearing Stefano and Giorgio/EJ’s voices, as well as those of Sydney, Lucas, Sami, and Johnny, in EJ’s head, when the voices stop. EJ/Giorgio has flatlined!


Will hatches a scheme to win back Sonny
A mystery man enters Caroline’s life
Jolene has a secret connection to Salem
Abby has some explaining to do
Adrienne and Abe team up for a special project
Wow, how did I miss this next installment?? Can't wait to find out the truth behind Sydney-I and Sydney-II!
LOL I've been working on it for awhile. Then there was vacation, funeral, busy work...finally got back to it about two weeks ago. BUT I started trying to keep track of the intercessory events (from the DAYSaster - January; like Stefano's murder, EJ's trial, etc) and finally just ended up sketching out those weeks, so that I can be consistent. (See, I could never make it as a DAYS writer.) But it IS coming!
Can't wait! I'm picturing Sydney-I and Sydney-II looking like the Olsen twins when they were little. Then again, I've been watching a lot of Full House reruns on Nick@Nite lately! LOL
edited to delete unnecessary quote....JS

The only events of the future should be the greatest love story ever written and it will be about about EJ and Sami!
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