Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Jan. 30, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eric is praying in a chapel, when Brother Timothy comes in. Evidently this is where Eric is on retreat, and Brother Timothy (a monk) is to be his confessor, &evidently is from England, has a sort of Cockney accent. They begin talking about Eric questioning his vows. They talk Kristen DiMera, the video, and the fact that since that happened, Eric has developed feelings he has not acted on for another woman. Timothy wonders if Eric is questioning his vows, and the reasons he made them in the first place, (events in Africa).

Jennifer is out running, sees Daniel & Theresa come out of a restaurant, looks down, shakes her head, looking back, and it is not them, but another couple. At home, JJ is talking to Rory & Bev about the plan to take Theresa down. They really have to get her to take the bait. Rory is saying something about perhaps having to ditch school to do whatever it is JJ wants him to do, when there is Jennifer in the doorway. All 3 were leaving, but she makes JJ stay. She angrily berates him for still hanging with those troublemakers. JJ reminds her he doesn't go anywhere, no football games, school dances, etc. He has no friends, the kids at school all figure he is the crazy kid who breaks windows. He is sorry for all the problems he caused with Daniel when he first came back, and would take them all back if he could. Maybe things would be better between him & his mom. He tells her that Rory & Bev have stood by him, don't do drugs in front of him, and are the only people who talk to him. He leaves for school.

Theresa is looking at the check, salivating as she does. She asks the mail girl about something being delivered to her by mistake, how it could happen. Mail girl claims there are inept people down in the mail room, leaves, Theresa grabs her jacket and is off.
(Just an aside, but Theresa is in her summer sleeveless top, Jen wearing a tank top, Gabi & Nicole in sweaters. Lucky Salem, having such a warm winter).

Daniel comes home, calling for Nicole, had to work all night, tells her of how he still had the list of doctors who worked with the drugs used on Eric. Nicole is still in to help, can access sites on the company computer, if she still has a job. Seems she & Miles had a disagreement. Dan will meet her later at the station. She opens the door to leave, and there is Theresa. The two gals exchange a couple of minor meows, Nicole leaves, Theresa was meeting Daniel for breakfast, he suggests the Pub, he only has a few minutes, she figures she doesn't want her lurking Gramma to overhear anything, but really says practically nothing. She wants to know if Nicole & Daniel are an item, then starts pretending she is all concerned over what happened between her and Daniel the night she O.D.'d. Somehow, nothing more is said about that, she whines about no friends, and getting on the straight path with AA because of Daniel saving her life, yada, yada. He tries nicely to say, he doesn't have time for any of this, or a relationship, and gets rid of her.
Meanwhile Nicole has met Miles, apologized to him. He isn't too sure he wants her back, she mentions going to competition. Next, she is at her desk, muttering about Miles loving ratings, and she brings them in, as she checks sites. Dan arrives, she says one doc on the list is in jail, so they have crossed off a few. But then she gets a link, and a pic comes up, she recognizes Dr. Chyka as the man who tried to kill her & Eric. Daniel realizes he pretended to be Dr. Duval.
Somewhere, Dr. Chyka arrives home, happy to be there, sits down, smiling. At last, rest for the wicked. Later, he is looking at his computer, seeing a news story about the priest and reporter surviving the attack. He frowns.

Julie sits with Nick (looks like she has had a haircut) as he spews forth a lot of chatter about what he went thru in prison, being raped, how brutal, how he has discovered it is better not to bury the memories, but keep them up front where they can be dealt with. Julie is encouraging him about Gabi, he talks of them being friends, and where that goes will be up to Gabi. (yes, creepy!)

Nick is walking a blindfolded Gabi thru the woods, taking her to a special place. She hears water rushing, he lets her take off the blindfold, and they are at the river's edge. He talks of it being quiet, serene, peaceful, perfect place for a picnic, as he goes to put down the picnic basket. Gabi thinks it is too cold, he says maybe she is right. Talks of it being too cold for a swim probably, but let's see, pushing her in. She is yelling for help, he reaches his hand out to help her. She takes it, he pushes her head under the water.
Gabi wakes up with a start.

Rafe is at the club, Tad stops for a minute to chat, asks about the Christening. Rafe says it was beautiful, Tad mentions it being a shame Nick showed up. Uh, oh, Rafe knew nothing about that.
Next, he is at Gabi's place. She has just come out of her room, all dressed, reads a note from Will & Sonny who have taken Ari out for breakfast. Rafe is knocking at the door, she openms it, hugs him. Inside, she tells him about Nick showing up at the church after he left, and then how she ran into him at the square, and he just wants to be friends. Rafe isn't buying any of it, he thinks Nick followed her, and wants more than just being friends. She denies, talks about what she did to him. (Cue that infernal flashback) Rafe questions that, she only says she left Nick with the wrong impression. Rafe tries to make her see how Nick manipulated her, wanting to get her to NY, be her roommate, have her all to himself. Clearly, Gabi is worried, wanting Rafe to promise to leave Nick alone. Rafe only promises to watch out for her, to always protect her and that beautiful baby.

Later, Gabi is at the club, sees Tad, and lets him know that though she had agreed to see him, not yet.
Rafe spots Nick, calls out to him, but Nick doesn't hear him. Rafe follows after Nick, thru the gate by the arch. Nick does turn around, says hello, glad to see Rafe up and getting around. Rafe lets him know that he is to stay away from him, from his sister, and her baby. Don't talk to any of them, visit, call, text. Nick says that is up to Gabi, not him, turns to walk away. Rafe takes a few steps after him, trying to grab him, but falls. Nick looks down at him, looks around to see if anyone is around. He grins.

Theresa bumps into Jennifer at the hospital, both of them dropping all their file folders, pick them up. Theresa waves some guy off....picks up her stuff, notes a Valentine's poster among Jen's papers, makes a couple of snide digs about having a date for then, takes off. Jen gets a call from Liam. Was just thinking of him.
Theresa is with the guy she waved off, who is working on his computer. Chatter about paying him, whirrr of the printer. Theresa goes and gets something, a small thing, looks and says "perfect". Tis a picture of her with the name Abigail Deveraux underneath. Fake I.D.
Slow new day in Salem. I wonder if EJ will magically have to replace Justin at JJ's hearing? Pretty ominous foreshadowing today with the talk of Cole's hearing.

They need to do a better job with set decorating. I thought Eric was still in Salem at St. Luke's until Tim walked in. At least rearrange the pews or something.

Dr. Chyka's set doesn't look very Vegas-like either so he must have continued on somewhere else.

Nice to see Rafe back in big brother mode. I can't wait until he learns the full truth and confronts Sami and Kate. The end was heartbreaking.

Hey Gabi, 1992 called and wants its wardrobe back!!
I thought today was a filler day, nothing new happened same ole stuff!

Rafe’s rehab has turned into the biggest joke in the history of DAYS, people have had heart transplants, they have lost limbs, a number of people have had their memories erased, been shot in the head, women have had babies and 10 seconds later leaving the hospital with the newborn, and people have also been beat up like Rafe, but only Rafe can’t recover in 6 months. It’s a shame that someone is so threatened by his character. I want Rafe protecting his sister and baby instead of the grandma and great-grandma! It’s never been a secret that the Hernandez family is close-knit and takes care of their own!

It time Theresa/JJ/Jen move on, this cat and mouse game is not exciting or entertaining!

Julie needs to go back to cruising again, or go find out where Doug is!

They need to speed up Nick’s fantasy and move on to a SL viewers can sink their teeth into!

Wasn’t Dr. Chyka’s sitting on Rafe’s love-seat?

With sweeps coming move on with everything, lets start new SL’s!
Oh my the end of the show with Nick and Rafe .. Nick was very creepy the way he looked around to see if any was watching Rafe's fall.. Like do I have to help him up?? Or can I leave him on the ground.. I was expecting Nick to kick Rafe while he was down.. I was almost wondering if Nick kicked out Rafe's cane to make him fall..
Jen is still on JJ's case about Bev and Rory?! If she knew the truth about her perfect daughter's new best friend, she'd forget JJ's pals in a flash. Dr. Chyka has an actual home? This is a first. If memory serves no DiMera flunky had a home, except Fake Rafe, who was bunking with Sami. As for Tricky Nicky, he has a secret enemy he is unaware of. It appears that Salem's resident pyscho will be unable to make a move that isn't seen by the all-knowing T. Speaking of Tricky Nicky, he seems way too confident. Rafe may have fallen today, but it won't be long before he'll be capable of bouncing Nick off the four walls. Also, as previously noted, if he pushes Kate too far, there may be a few nasty surprises in his diet. And there's always the chance that she'll agree to that dinner with Stefano on condition that the Phoenix takes care of a certain pest.
Ya a boring slow day in Salem...but listening to Ray's commentary of the show with his godfather New Jersey type accent and some of the descriptions he used to describe some of the character had me laughing so hard I could barley this is one way I can watch this show and actually have fun watching it.... :rolleyes:
The show was just meh for me. Not as exciting as one would think the first episode of a Sweeps period is. No Sami or EJ on today which is nice. I did miss more Abigail and EJ, but if the show gives us breaks from them, then the less likely we are to be tired of them soon. I am glad Theresa and Nicole finally met.
That retreat must be near the Capitol, since Eric seems to have been teleported. When I hear the word "retreat," my mind goes to a remote area far from the madding crowd, but in actuality, a "retreat" can be any location, it is not defined by geography. Brother Timothy is certainly confrontational, perhaps he and Aiden should get into a boxing ring. I felt that Brother Timothy was taking too hard of a stance and accusing Eric of having been a willing participant in that video. No compassion at all. This might be the way he deals with issues, but I feel it is not the best approach and is only causing friction. I really want Eric to finally be cleared and put this behind him.

I like Rory and Bev. When they are not doing drugs, they are good friends to JJ, despite Jennifer thinking otherwise. JJ has exhibited great strength by not giving in and using again, because it is so tempting when surrounded by those who do indulge and are considered bad influences. Jennifer needs to stop pushing back at JJ so often and so hard, always accusing him of something when he is innocent. It's like the boy who cried wolf. She just needs to trust her son.:beat:

I'm glad that Daniel keeps ignoring Theresa and that she came face to face with Nicole. Cue that old song, "Go Away, Little Girl."

Now that Dr. Chyka knows he failed to kill Eric and Nicole, and now that Daniel and Nicole know his identity, let's see who gets to whom first.

It did look like Julie had a haircut. She is so supportive of Nick, it is bordering on mania. If only she knew the truth, she wouldn't be calling him "darling." There is nothing darling about Nick.

Looks like we will be treated to a new nightmare...Gabi being pushed into the river by Nick. I hope this doesn't get played as often as the rock-hitting flashback. The girl is a tangled web of nerves. I'm glad she put off going out with Tad, the poor guy doesn't need to get involved with her, especially with Nick sniffing around.

When Rafe asked Gabi if she had anything else to tell him, I partially wanted her to confess all, but once he knows, he will be in danger, although just being Gabi's brother, I think he is in peril. Nick doesn't want him snooping around and will do what he can to stop him. I hated that Rafe fell and am not surprised. I hope this doesn't represent a setback in his therapy. Nick knows that Rafe is not 100%, is still vulnerable, and I am sure he will take advantage of this fact.

I had a feeling Theresa was going to get a fake I.D. in order to cash Abigail's check. I hope JJ's plan is successful and that the judge treats him fairly and doesn't make an example of him, like he did that other guy, per Rory and Bev.
I wonder if we are going to get treated to another rewrite and if it will turn out Nick is responsible for Rafe's beating after all? Could explain his smirk at the end.
I'm beginning to like T's character as well now hope they keep him on longer. Shows how much maturity and progression he has made since when he first showed up as an obnoxious rude teenager you want to kick in the head. But ya today was a slow day in Salem.

Nick and Rafe conversation was GREAT! Nick didn't back down from Rafe at all. But a part of me felt Nick felt comfortable to be able to talk back to Rafe and tell him it's up to Gabi not him because Rafe was on a cane injured. He knew Rafe wouldn't be able to manhandle him like he would normally if he were completely healed from his injuries. Nick is a coward period!

Theresa is an idiot. I hope she gets caught and busted too. I want too see her cry and rot in a jail cell she needs to have a taste of her own medicine and leave JJ alone.
It was a slow day today, but I'm sure things will pick up
over the month.

Dr Chyka knows Nicole and Eric are alive. His cabin is
the one used when Anna had Sydney.

Daniel and Nicole knows the real name of the doctor.

Glad to see Tad again today.

There is a Valentine event at the hospital. Will Jen
go there with Liam?

Daniel told Theresa again he's not interested in her.

Theresa had a badge made with Abby's name. Not a good
idea now with EJ in the picture

JJ's hearing is tomorrow whenever tomorrow is
in Salem.
No-show Jennifer's rant against Bev and Rory was bad enough, but how much worse would it have been if she knew that Rory had put his sneakers on the sacred Horton sofa. It was good to see Nicole get the edge on sleazy Miles, but it would have been better if the always-alert T had dumped one of those mimosas on the slimeball's lap. As for Julie, her interest in helping Nick is commendable, but she should do everyone a favor and pay to send the Trickster on a long cruise where he could suck down Inca piscos and regale retirees with tales of his adventures. Surely, they'd love to hear about how he saved Salem from the evil Trent Robbins, tried to benefit humanity with his mysterious "fuels project," and conjured up miracle Mad World cosmetics that make octogenarians look like sorority girls. Finally, as Wilde Woman pointed out, what's with this Brother Timothy? He doesn't seem to be a very "spiritual" spiritual advisor. He's another one who seems to have learned his social skills from Anne Milbauer.