Days of Our Lives - Thurs., July 12, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Not too much going on today, Kayla is on phone with Abby, results not in yet, will call when they are. Gabi is standing in doorway, tis o.k., she knows Abby is pregnant, not sure of father, was there when Abby learned she was pregnant. Gabi is there because of pains she is having, lower back, abdomen. Kayla checks her a bit, then runs some tests. Gabi calls Maggie to say she is fine, Maggie doesn’t have to return, wants to say hi to Ari, but Ari doesn’t want to talk to her. Tis o.k. will talk later. Kayla returns, Gabi cannot leave, this is serious, they know why the pains. Seems she has an infection in her reproductive organs, can be treated with antibiotics, which they will do aggressively, but …there is a chance her ability to carry a child would be compromised. Gabi had not thought about having more children after she had Ari, but ……Kayla assures her they will really go after the infection and it should be fine. She leaves for an emergency, Gabi waits for her, muttering angrily this is all Stefan’s fault…….and Abigail’s.

Abby sits on the bed, Chad arrives, starts talking of Leo not showing for hearing, Titan stock actually rising, and more (sorry, I had a problem understanding them both, had to finally turn on CC). They start kissing and guess it is afternoon delight or morning surprise or something. Afterwards, Chad picks up a framed pic of Thomas, commenting how cute he is, Abby agrees. Chad says they should have another baby, which sort of unsettles Abby. He would like nothing better than having another baby with her, knows she has been through a lot of late, so they can just think about it. Later, Abby gets a call from lab, her results are in, sorry they cannot give out the info, she has to contact her doctor.

Jennifer & Eric sit at the Pub, jabbering about JJ letting Theresa stay with him. She worries he might fall back into bad habits with her, both were drug addicts. Eric has a more positive outlook, doubts it, Theresa goes to extremes at times, but has a good heart. He doubts JJ would fall, he was raised by a good mother. Smiles. Donut eating.

Eve is on phone with Victor, evidently something did not work out, they have to go to Plan B. Brady walks in, she hastily hangs up, pretending the call was about some contracts that she cannot find. He has some good news, she wants it to be he decided to throw Nicole to the wolves, nope, not that. He has talked to Theresa, and she just may agree to joint custody.

Meanwhile, Theresa is whining to JJ about her life, about Brady being accused of killing Deimos, of how her parents know she is back in Salem but have not come to see her, of how she still wants Brady, and the life they had. JJ listens, but again points out that what counts is what is best for Tate. Oh, but if she agrees, she will be alone when Tate is with Brady, no partner, no one to be with, blah, blah. Big time pity party. But JJ has given her pause for thought.

Back with Brady & Eve, knock at door, tis Theresa, who wants to talk to Brady privately, Eve leaves the room. Theresa goes on, tries one last time to convince Brady he still loves her, and should be with her. Brady is again emphatic, he is with Eve, that will not change. Theresa agrees to joint custody. Leaves. Brady & Eve are happy, Brady goes to look for the missing contracts, Eve quickly calls Victor, Cancel Plan B. What? What do you mean it is too late?

JJ sits alone in the apartment, answers a knock at the door. A guy from Child Services, there to inspect the place. Has to do this in a custody suit, will also be checking Brady’s place as well. Theresa returns, bubbling over with her news, sees the man, JJ explains. She says not necessary, they came to agreement on joint custody. No, the man still has to do this. He advises getting locks for a low cabinet, don’t want little hands getting in there with those items. He in now in the cabinet under the sink, stiffens as he takes something out, stands, turns, holding a little packet of white powder. Cue Theresa & JJ’s shocked faces.

Gabi sits contemplating in Kayla’s office, a nurse enters looking for Dr. Johnson. Gabi explains she was called away, she is a patient. The nurse says, well, I will just leave this here for her, putting an envelope on the desk. When the nurse leaves, Gabi reaches over, picks up the envelope which says…..Abigail DiMera on it.
Thank you, Poirot.

I still can't get over the fact that the writers have Victor colluding with Eve against Theresa since he knew all along why Theresa went to Mexico. Plus they had him conspiring with Brady to bring down Eve in the recent past. The real Victor would've told Brady to man up and save his family with Theresa and Tate, after all Theresa sacrificed so he and Tate wouldn't be hurt/killed.

HIPAA violations one after another. Too stupid for words.
Yes, it is every bit as stupid as it sounds..........i.e. Plan B, whatever it is. JJ was home all the while, so how did anyone get it to plant the drugs?

Victor did know about Theresa's reason for going to Mexico.....but she is trying to take Tate away from Brady. Tate is Victor's GREAT grandson. After all Vic plotted with Brady to undermine Eve, though, hard to believe he would work with her for one second! But shame on Vic for arranging for something to be found in JJ's apt. JJ has not done anything to Vic and is going to be caught up in this web of deceit and lies. Shame on Victor.
Eric, just because you work at a homeless shelter (or whatever it is) , on the very rare occasions that you (or anyone else) works that is, doesn't mean you have to look like you yourself are homeless! Very tired of the greasy scruffy look.
Also, is the hospital so backwards that the test results are not available online for Abigail to check, and Kayla wrote a prescription for Gabi instead of having it sent to the pharmacy electronically?

I don't see that as backwards but respecting privacy in that a patient/client needs to book an appointment for test results to go over with their doctor as opposed to retrieving results electronically and having to figure out what it all means. Perhaps this is a case of differences in healthcare systems and policies between countries but my doctor has always written out my prescriptions and never sent it electronically. But perhaps that's just what I'm used to and have not had it any other way.

I honestly do not know. :)
Okay, seriously Days' writers, Ari wouldn't even come to the phone? Seriously? At this point, I half expect to see Gabi walking around the park on a day that's 85 degrees with a sapphire sky carrying an umbrella because of that little black storm cloud that's hovering above her head, raining down on her constantly. ENOUGH ALREADY!

Speaking of Gabo's diagnosis, all I can say is: :cry::cry::cry:.

As far as the nurse/lab tech leaving a patient's confidential information on the doctor's desk with another patient alone in the room goes, I would call that stupid and idiotic. But I'm afraid that I would be sued for defamation by things that are stupid and idiotic.

For the record, I want it to be known that when Gabi picked up the envelope with an angry look on her face, I did yell "NO, BABY, NO" But unfortunately I don't think she heard me. Oh Gabi. *sigh*
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My regular doc does my prescriptions electronically, as long as he knows which pharmacy I patronize. However, if I go to a different doc, different place for something else, they will hand write a prescription if I need one.

I just hope Gabi doesn't do anything drastic, as has been speculated.
Speaking of Gabo's diagnosis
In Salem, once a woman is deemed incapable of conceiving a child, she suddenly gets very fertile. I hope we don't have Chad expecting two children by two different women. I do think he will turn to Gabi if he thinks Abigail is carrying Stefan's child.
Thanks Poirot.

I wonder if the man who inspected the apartment actually planted the
evidence? And I'm assuming it wasn't powder sugar in the bag.

Poor Gabi, she might not be able to have any more children. Now
she's really mad at Stefan and Abigail.

Hopefully, the envelope the lab tech left was sealed and Gabi wouldn't
open it. Well, it is Salem, and she might.

I'm glad Brady and Theresa agreed to joint custody, but who knows now
what will happen after the plastic bag was found.