Days of Our Lives - Thurs. June 10, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Episode #11,352 Taped 4/9/10 Director – Herb Stein

Maggie has opened her kitchen door to find Jennifer standing there. Hugs, and more hugs, both claiming how the other looks so wonderful. Maggie thanks her for coming so quickly, Jennifer could not stay away another minute. They talk of Gran, how she always had words of wisdom for whatever was going on.

Over at the Brady house, Bo is comforting a crying Hope when Carly walks in. She stands for a minute or so, then shuts the door, Bo & Hope break apart, Bo tells Carly about Alice. Carly expresses her sympathies, then says she will go back to the hospital, and leaves. And I guess, she takes the pier shortcut, as that is where she runs into Jennifer. The two long time friends glad hand each other, Jennifer has heard about Lawrence, is sorry. Carly admits it was a rough time for her, but talks about finding her daughter, who is just great, and how she keeps an eye on her so she won’t make the same mistakes her mother did. She has moved on with her life, all that matters is Bo and her daughter….Jennifer’s face falls at the mention of Bo, it gets a bit awkward now.

Daniel has walked into Chloe’s room, wanting to know what is to be kept private. Philip says Chloe is in a lot more pain than she lets on. Chloe asks him to give her & Daniel a minute, he leaves, she tells him the pain is in her heart. She loves Daniel so much, and worries she is going to lose him. He assures her that will never happen, gets paged, and takes off.A worried Philip returns to the room, but Chloe has not said anything. He is relieved, she gives him the keys to her apt., asking him to get a gift she bought for Daniel, since she told him the reason she left was to pick up something for him. Philip leaves,

Brady has just climbed out of the pool at the Kmansion, all wet and glistening, drying himself with a towel, when Nicole appears. He is glad to see her, pulls her in for a kiss….ahhhh, ooops, just a fantasy of Nicole’s, as she waits for a fully dressed Brady to appear, asking what she is doing there. Oh, she came to go with him to Arianna’s arraignment, cuz she knows Ari doesn’s want to see him, and she figures she’d be there for support.

Melanie has joined a dejected Nathan at the Pub, learns of his great-gramma’s illness, and hears of how wonderful she always was to Nathan. He goes on about all the advice, etc. which lets Melanie give some advice of her own. She blurts out that Stephanie is no longer taking her birth control pills. She thought Nathan should know. Well…….Nathan can’t believe his ears, asks her what business it is of hers, informs her that Stephanie had not only told him of losing her pills, but also made sure she took that morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy. Melanie, for a change, is speechless, Nathan goes on, very upset, as Stephanie arrives. Nathan leaves in a huff, Stephanie smiles at Melanie, follows him out the door.

Bo & Hope have been talking about Gran, Hope reminding him how much Alice adored him, thought him the “bees’ knees”), he felt the same. Neither can imagine her not being around….he wants to go see her. Now Jennifer is at the Brady house, being hugged by both Bo and Hope, is so happy to see her cousin. Jen inquires about Ciara, what a beautiful child, how she resembles the both of them. Awkward pause, Bo leaves so they can do some catching up, Hope says she wants a picture of her and Gran to take to Gran’s house, asks if the album is still in the hall closet. Of course, why wouldn’t it be? LOL, at the look Hope gives him. Bo leaves. Jen apologizes for the awkward moment, Hope thinks nothing of it, thinks Ciara does look like them both, but more like Bo.
He goes to the Pub, is talking to Caroline, and how he was glad he did not show Hope the divorce papers, with this happening now. They talk of Alice, Bo flashes back to when Mrs. H conspired with him to break Roman out of jail. Cute scene.

Philip is in Chloe’s apt., glances at the sofa, yes, another flashback to sofa sex, but he leaves, only to find a surprised Adrienne outside the door. He explains he was just picking something up for Chloe, takes off.
Daniel returns to Chloe’s room, Chloe gives him his gift, a watch with a lovely inscription. Daniel loves it, is more reassuring than ever, climbs up on the bed with Chloe, gets the bright idea of getting married right there today, in the hospital room, and goes to call Father Matt. Out in the waiting area, Daniel is on the phone with Father Matt, asking him to come to the hospital and marry him & Chloe now. Carly has come up behind him, and hears.
Melanie has arrived home in a very contemplative mood. Philip comes in, barely has time to ask what is wrong, Melanie gets a phone call from Daniel, informing her of his plan to get married today, and wanting her & Philip to come down to the hospital.

Hope goes to find the album, Jen gets a call from Jack. He is breaking up, but gives her a number to call him later. She rummages around the table for a pencil, jots the number down, hangs up. And then notes the legal papers on the desk. She slowly picks up the papers as Hope returns with the album, asks what that is, and Jennifer hands them to Hope.

Arianna comes into the conference room to find Nicole, and lets her know she is wise to her, knows she has purposely done things to keep her in jail, so she can get her hooks into Brady. Nicole denies, EJ comes in, tells Arianna her arraignment has been postponed a few hours, so she has to go back, but he will be done to talk to her. Arianna leaves, Nicole starts to walk out, EJ hauls her back…..nope not you. Now he gets into it with Nicole, knows darn well she set this all up, wants to have Brady, and even accuses Nicole of being the mugger. She denies, no evidence against her, all points to Arianna. Nope, something is amiss, Nicole is involved somehow. EJ gets right in her face as he tells her he is going to prove it, & Nicole will be back in jail for a long time.

Thank you, Barb. Sounds like a good show. Can't wait for Jennifer's scenes.

Well Carly, you just put the last nail in your coffin for me. All that matters is Bo and your daughter?!?!?! What about his daughter, Ciara? Are you going to try to push her out of his life? You want the dad, you get the daughter too. That little girl is a lot smarter than her dad. She'd probably find a way to get rid of you.

Looks like Gabi and EJ are using little slivers of the Salem Brain today.
Thanks for the write up Barb!
So glad Jennifer is back. Cant wait to see her!
Something about Bo & Hope together in a crying embrace...these 2 can always bring out my emotional side!!
Hate that the divorce papers were found!!

The whole Philip/Chloe flashback....meh....over it!
nathan can go to hell. I hope he gets everything thats coming to him. he is going to feel so damn stupid if he ever finds out that stephanie really did stop taking her birth control pills on purpose and did not really lose them. and I hope stephanie gets whats coming to her smug self too.

thanks for the great writeup.
Okay Carly can just be buried and stay BURIED....wasn't it just a few episodes ago she was telling Bo that he shouldn't go to jail because he has a daughter and yet she tells Jennifer that all that matters to her is Bo and HER DAUGHTER....sorry sweetie but if you want Bo you also have to deal with his daugher NOT TO MENTION his son and granddaughter.

Curious to see how Jennifer will continue to handle the whole Carly/Hope situation since one is her friend and the other is her cousin but glad to see how uncomfortable Jennifer was in talking about Bo.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. It will be good to see Jen back. I am glad that she found the papers and showed them to Hope. I know that Alice is dying, but Hope needs to know about the papers. (I just want the Hope and Bo, Carly storyline to be over. Still hoping for Carly and Bo to stay together.)
nathan can go to hell. I hope he gets everything thats coming to him. he is going to feel so damn stupid if he ever finds out that stephanie really did stop taking her birth control pills on purpose and did not really lose them. and I hope stephanie gets whats coming to her smug self too.

Or how about to Johns Hopkins? LOL I hate how he is with Stephanie, I think she deserves better than being led on in this way.

I think Mel is out of line telling him about those pills - that is a HUGE leap on her part to just assume Stephanie is trying to "trap" him. I don't like her so "concerned". She should try noticing how her husband is always taking swigs from his flask and is clearly hiding something.

Daniel and Chloe are killing me with all this love. I never cared for them before, but the idea that Daniel finally found happiness again after losing his wife, and now might have it all taken away...just melts my heart. I am such a sap! LOL

(I just want the Hope and Bo, Carly storyline to be over. Still hoping for Carly and Bo to stay together.)

WOW! Glad to see I am not the only one who enjoys Carly and Bo.

Thank you so much for the writeup!
Yep, Ana, Carly saying that jumped right out and smacked me when I read it. Seems like she finally blurted out how she really felt when talking to Jennifer.

Have I told you guys lately how much I HATE STEPHANIE AND CARLY!!!!! There are other characters on the show who I love to hate. I just plain old hate these two. I used to like Stephanie. That is until she had a whole personality transplant. Carly was OK to me the first time around. I didn't love or hate her. I really wanted to like Carly this time, and I probably would've if the storyline had been written much differently.
Thanks for the write-up, sounds like this will be a good one. Love how Nathan (and I don't care for him) tells Melanie to keep her nose out of his business. First thing I think I've ever heard him say that I liked. Why can't someone be that point blank with Carly?
You all just reminded me...........after Carly overhears Daniel calling Father Matt......yep, she marches straight into Chloe's room, tells her she HAS to tell Daniel before they get married.
what I hate about nathan is that he has no problem butting into melanie's buisnees. like telling her philip is all wrong for her, and that getting shot was a sign that marrying philip was a mistake. but as soon as melanie tells him something that he doesn't want to hear. he goes off on her. and I hate the fact that he thinks he is so much better than philip and clearly he is not.
and nathan also has no problem butting into chloe's buisness. telling her she needs sex therapy and all that.
You all just reminded me...........after Carly overhears Daniel calling Father Matt......yep, she marches straight into Chloe's room, tells her she HAS to tell Daniel before they get married.

Interesting how Carly tells Jen how awful things were when Jen expressed how sorry she was about Lawrence. Good grief! She stabbed him how many times and it was rough on HER!
Interesting how Carly tells Jen how awful things were when Jen expressed how sorry she was about Lawrence. Good grief! She stabbed him how many times and it was rough on HER!

This character (Carly) only cares about how whatever situation affects her- truly the MOST SELFISH character on daytime that I've ever seen...How do you get a "rootable" relationship with this one? Bo/Carly- relationship borne from selfishness on the part of both; Dan/Carly - just plain weird and again selfishness/territorial on the part of Carly...some say caring, I say just plain honest to "goodness" selfishness...not sure where all this honesty and virtuous bs came from with the character of late...anyway, rant over...because the show is "All about how it affects Carly and her happiness with Bo and HER daughter"...forget Bo's daughter. I would love to give Ciara another pair of scissors!Dejavu

I enjoy Bo and Carly too! And I'm sure Carly will and already has excepted his Children & Grandchild.
"I don't want to make the same mistakes my mother did..."... um.
and even if its meant to say she doesn't want melanie to make the same mistakes as her...whatever...who is Carly to say such a thing like that?

Melanie can handle her own and make her own decisions- she has done so since the day you gave her to that awful man that raised her. she really doesn't need a mommy...the woman is married and full grown! Carly needs to get over herself.

I, however, don't hate Carly- sometimes i like her character...however today her refference to her daughter just rubbed me the wrong way. don't flatter yourself carly!
thank you for the write up!

Now what bugs me a little is now EJ is going to play detective to snag Nicole in a lie? Saying something isn't right - if I was him, I'd be keeping quiet and just be glad that HIS secret hasn't been revealed yet.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. It will be good to see Jen back. Still hoping for Carly and Bo to stay together.

No! No! No! Bo and Hope belong together. I don't hate Carly, as many posters do, but she and Bo shouldn't be together.

I think she deserves better.

The way she (Stephanie) has acted, she deserves whatever she gets.

I think Mel is out of line telling him about those pills - that is a HUGE leap on her part to just assume Stephanie is trying to "trap" him. I don't like her so "concerned". She should try noticing how her husband is always taking swigs from his flask and is clearly hiding something.

I tend to agree.

WOW! Glad to see I am not the only one who enjoys Carly and Bo.
Don't count me in that.

I enjoy Bo and Carly too! And I'm sure Carly will and already has excepted his Children & Grandchild.

I don't recall seeing anything to make me believe she has accepted them, but perhaps she has.