Days of Our Lives - Thurs. June 24, 2010

I cannot wait!! I got teary just reading your writeup, Barb!! You do a great job!
@Dillon......If you read the summary again, I was speaking of the four Brady siblings.....who are Roman, Kim, Kayla & Bo. All together in one room.
All the Brady kids together? What about Eric, Rex, and Cassie?

Poirot is referring to the original Brady siblings (Bo, Kayla, Roman, and Kimberly), not grandchildren or adopted children.
that was during the Marlena slaying where everybody was found to be alive on the island with Tony's evil twin & Stefano's bones...huh? lol
Thanks for the recap Barb...I saw the preview for it and I was in near tears by the end of it. And all I have to say is GO KAYLA...Bo's tired excuses for Hope moving out is getting tiring...HOPE didn't plan to move out of the house she had planned to come back SHE didn't want the DIVORCE until Bo started making CARLY a priority INSTEAD OF HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER I am so sick and tired of Bo's excuses saying that this is all on HOPE when he is also to blame.

Oh Man awesome write up Barb. Definitely have to DVR this one and the one for Friday too. Tearing up already.
Fun to see Days try to hide Carrie's real-life pregnancy with a big bag/purse! Great write-up!
I'm catching up on my Days.

I enjoyed the scenes with Will and Lucas. The actor who plays Will has great comedic timing. I loved when he was listing the reasons he wants to stay in Salem and Kate reminded him that she was in the room, so he sarcastically added her to the list. Will and Lucas were very believable as son and father. What isn't believable is that Lucas would ever choose his career over his family. He would absolutely not let his children stay in the Dimera mansion. He would move back to Salem and have Will and Allie live with him. Chances are he would take Sydney and Johnny too to keep them safe.

That final scene with the Horton granddaughters looking over Doug's shoulder at Alice's favorite psalm and then forming a circle was beautiful and touching.
...Lucas would ever choose his career over his family. He would absolutely not let his children stay in the Dimera mansion.

I completely agree that this is just not like Lucas at all. I remember when many of us commented some time ago in other threads about how he would never allow Allie to live there and probably didn't know Will was there. Bad writing...
The writers needed a way to phase Lucas out, but leave an opening for him to return in the future either off and on or permanently. Let's hope they will see the light and make it permanently sooner rather than later Will and Allie need him.
Oh, I know why they did it, Steffee, but it's too far-fetched for Lucas' character to allow that. I would rather Lucas be in a coma again than for them to try and convince fans that this would be Lucas' behavior.

For that matter, Lucas would not have spent the night in Stefano's house either...
So, O.K. Stefano stayed out of Lucas's sight, as he spent the night in his mother's home, the mother who is also his boss. Also the same mother he has disowned a thousand times, and who tried to kill his wife.
And, I also realize that he has brought Allie back to her mother, who has not seen her in some time, and she lives there, too. I can understand all that.

Sami truly needs more of a wake up call from Lucas, as she really trusts him. And I honestly feel it is Lucas who needs to wake her up. His children will NOT be living in the DiMera mansion, (and he will lay that law down to Will) and if Sami balks, then he will seek full custody, stay in Salem, and she will not get visitation there at all. Lucas has to play hardball, Sami has to wake up to reality, stop making excuses.
yeah...I actually expected a total thrashing of Sami by Lucas...if anyone could get her to change around it would be him....and it should be him....that would have made things complete....full circle for me....more more importantly for the story of Lucas and Sami.
Fun to see Days try to hide Carrie's real-life pregnancy with a big bag/purse! Great write-up!

Wouldn't it have been nice if the writers had incorporated Carrie's pregnancy into the story where Carrie and Austin were having a baby. Giving the viewers just a little bit of light on this memorial occasion, similar to having Maggie's illness go into remission.