Days of Our Lives - Thurs. May 13, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Episode #11,334 Taped 3/16/10 Director – Albert Alarr

A new day has dawned, wherever our Salemites are, as Daniel arrives home, finding Chloe asleep on the sofa, and flashing back to her telling him she had done a terrible thing. Evidently, (and we did not see it) he was called to the hospital, accident on Rt. 83, as he tell Chloe who has woken up. Lost the father, saved the son. She wants him to shower, she make him breakfast, he should get some sleep. Nope, Daniel wants to finish what they started, hear what Chloe wants to tell him. She haltingly starts, (flashing back to the romp with Philip first) talking of how she thought he & Carly were having sex, and met up with Philip. And of course, in true soap opera fashion, Daniel jumps in with a “I know what you did”, and then talks of how she unburdened herself to Philip, told him all her troubles and fears, cuz she couldn’t tell Daniel, he would not let her, now he is sooooo sorry, promising to fix it all. She mentions being worried cuz Carly was back in his life, Daniel again is sorry, no more secrets. Later we hear him talking to someone on the phone, hanging up, telling Chloe it is a good thing they both will be seeing a therapist, no more secrets, yada, yada. Hugs, but Chloe’s face tells all.

Vivian is at the K mansion, on the phone, leaving a message to Victor about Calla lilies, and how he isn’t helping her make these wedding decisions. Meanwhile, Victor is in Maggie’s room, talking of how Vivian has been only up for 20 minutes, and this is the 3rd message from her. Maggie teases him a bit, Victor chides her for rubbing salt in an open wound, in pops Philip & Melanie, surprised to see him. He explains Maggie is being released this morning, and he came to take her home. Ooops, that is why Philip & Mel are there. Ah but Victor’s limo will be more comfortable. Philip gets Victor out in the hall, gives him a hard time about using Maggie to get to him & Melanie. He hotly denies this, praising Maggie for being a wonderful, kind woman. In walks Viv, with a vase of flowers, gaily taking the compliment, but Phil lets her know it was Maggie of whom Vic was speaking. Viv’s face falls, but she brightly tells Philip that she & Vic would like him & Melanie to come to dinner. Out walks Maggie & Melanie, Viv gives the little vase of flowers to Maggie, Phil tells Melanie of the invite, awkward all around ensues. Maggie decides to go home with Philip & Melanie….who has been unsuccessfully trying to reach her dad, wonders why he doesn’t answer his phone. When they get home, Maggie goes to unpack, Melanie tells Philip how she can’t reach Daniel, he must be home with Chloe.
Meanwhile, Victor & Vivian are back at the K mansion, she is babbling about the wedding plans, complaining that Victor has not been enthusiastic about them. He retorts that would be like being happy making preparations for a colonoscopy. LOLOLOL. She tells him that is o.k., he is going to be glad to hear she has decided on a change in plans. She has moved up the wedding date. Ooops, Vic was just sipping his newly made drink, and yep, it causes him to spit it out. LOLOL

Chad & Tad sit at Java, Chad talking of being accepted by Wake Forest, is so happy. Mia saunters up, hears this, talks of leaving school to go to New York and study dance. Meanwhile, Madeline and her DA husband are walking in the park, Madeline talking of sending Chad to Vermont for the summer, explaining how she doesn’t want him hanging around the DiMeras. The DA questions this, she tells of Will Horton living there, his grandmother married to Stefano, but the DA doesn’t want to ship Chad off, thinks he has a level head, will be on his own in less than 4 months, should stay in town. Back to Java where Mia is still talking of leaving town, Chad has left, runs into his mother, tells her he is not too sure he wants to go to Wake Forest next year, would rather stay in Salem.

EJ & Johnny are playing soccer or something as Sami comes in with a package for Johnny, who gets all excited about it. They open it to find a pint sized FBI jacket, a card from Rafe, assuring Johnny it is official FBI field wear. Johnny is all excited, but the look on EJ’s face shows the little green monster has hit him. Johnny puts it on, starts running and hiding behind chairs, playing Secret Agent man, but then sits despondently on the sofa, it is no fun without Rafe. Later she is telling an off screen Johnny he can show his sister his jacket when she wakes from her nap, and now is going to call Rafe. EJ asks her not to, then claims he should call, sort of extend the olive branch to Rafe. And now the master violinist goes to work, playing Sami for all it’s worth. He tells her Rafe is in love with her, and that tho they have called it quits, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t still care. Sami explains that just because Johnny loves Rafe, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his father. She calls Rafe to thank him, but he has to cut her short (see below), and she figures he is still mad at her. Now EJ pulls out his poor me card, talking of Rafe being the “good guy” to Johnny and how maybe he should get him a mobster jacket to even the score. Sami tries to bolster his ego, EJ goes on about showing up at Johnny’s career day at school, telling how his job is to avoid Rico laws (???, sorry, I rewound 3 times and raised volume, but that is what it sounds like he says). Sami, of course, tells EJ that she knows he is a good man inside, that he feels for his father, but that he doesn’t have to do what his daddy does, he can be a different person, like the one he is inside. She talks of how he stood with her, helped her in the last couple months, how he really is a good man, she can just see it shining out of him. (O, brother!)

And now, let’s fly over to South America or wherever Anna, Calliope & Rafe are stashed, watch Anna trying to recover from her hangover, while Rafe is wiring Calliope again, who is protesting. Rafe shows her a pic of Sydney, telling her this is the child they made Sami believe was dead, Calliope tells Rafe she is not coming on to him, but thinks his eyes could melt the Yukon, lol, and agrees to try again. As Rafe is starting to watch the action on the computer, Sami calls, trying to thank him, but hears Calliope’s voice, asks who that is. Rafe says he is undercover, can’t talk for a while, hangs up on her. And now we see both women laying with green goop on their faces, cucumber slices on their eyes, talking of how great getting a facial is. A bit later, all clean and refreshed, they are resuming their converstion, Calliope trying to get Anna to tell whose idea it was to kidnap the baby. Anna tells her friend that since both are more or less single, they should travel together, see the world. Nope, Calliope can’t go, she is hiding from the IRS. Anna asks how much she owes, that she has money, she can help her. Calliope can’t believe Anna would do this, gets all emotional, hugs Anna, crushing the flower containing the camera/mike at her waist. Anna spots it, pulls it out, dirty look to Calliope.

Aww Victor and Maggie are just too cute. I am seriously hoping they let us see a dinner with Victor, Melanie, Philip and Vivian...please please please LOL

Time to get this "secret" out so the fun can begin. I am tired of the holding pattern. I want to see Daniel and Chloe deal with this drama.

So Chad is Will too?

Thank you for spoiling us with the write-up.
Thanks for the write up Barb.

Looks like Collipe's cover is busted!! YIKES!
Sami, of course, tells EJ that she knows he is a good man inside, that he feels for his father, but that he doesn’t have to do what his daddy does, he can be a different person, like the one he is inside. She talks of how he stood with her, helped her in the last couple months, how he really is a good man, she can just see it shining out of him. (O, brother!)

O, brother! is right....I think I am going to be :sick:

Someone please find an antidote for the stupid juice Sami is drinking in mass quantities! I have always liked the Sami character and was happy when she lost some of her conniving ways, but now she has just gone stupid.
The longer this goes on the dumber Sami becomes, it also becomes increasingly painful to watch IMO.
Poor little old Sami. NOT!!!! Maybe there is a brain chip or something that EJ is using to control her little pea-sized brain of late. My goodness woman open the window and let in the light. The prince of darkness has you trapped and you are falling for every line.
Surely a person can not be that stupid. I love Alison Sweeny, but man the writers are making Sami be so stupid these days.
Love Victor. He always says what everyone else is thinking.

I agree with Calliope- I could get lost in Rafes eyes as well.
Somehow I think that we should hear background music when Sami speaks adoringly to EJ...something like Tami Wynette singing, "Stand By Your Man."

Tami wasn't treated so well by her man, either, Sami. Get a clue!
Great write up, as usual of course you are great!

I just love Victor, Maggie and he are so cute together, wish we would see more of them.

I just can not stomach Sami and EJ, nuff said.

Boy the $#!+ is gonna hit the fan with Daniel and Chloe soon, I hope that he can be mature about it, and suggest the they have family counceling big time. Along with his Daighter and Phil getting some too!

I wonder if Wil will go away to college too!

It is nice to see that Collipe's cover is busted.. That was getting old. I mean how long was Anna going to take to figure out where all the leading questions were going.. I know that she only seems to find out because she gives a bear hug to the other woman but I am glad if she get found out that is the way it should go. This method of finding out who the other person in the scheme is too easy and too short.. There is no anticipation for it.

I am an EJAMI fan and I am just scared of looking at Rafe I just think his brows are coming for me. know, I think there is even cheesy violin music there.......LOLOLOL
LOL, Poirot! They must be the violins playing the sad, pity song (NOT) for EJ!!!
LOL!!! AAHAHAHA... Rafe gave Johnny an FBI agent jacket!! :) AWESOME!!!

And oh boo-hoo poor EJ feels like a mobster... WELL YA ARE!!! LOL!