Days of Our Lives - Thurs. May 20, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Episode #11,339 Taped 3/22/10 Director – Albert Alarr

And the yawnfest continues……but the show starts with a definite bright spot. Carly returns to Bo & Hope’s house, sifting thru the mail, when the door opens behind her and in walks BO!!!! (YAYYYYYY!!!) She is surprised, hugs, a kiss, how’s Kim, doing fine, he himself was a model patient, all is well with them both…..and she tells him then what happened to Roman tonight. Bo immediately takes off for the hospital, she trots along.

O.K. nap time… we go over to the Cheatin Heart, outside Nathan is talking with Melanie, who thinks perhaps Chloe is not right for her dad. Inside Stephanie is pestering Philip that something is wrong, just tell her. He counters that something is very off with her, too. And then let’s run over to Daniel’s apartment where he & Chloe are getting dressed, he is begging her to tell him if he did something, said something, trying to find out what is wrong here, how he can fix it. She assures him he is the kindest man she knows, knows she just imagines all kinds of things about him and Carly and wonders if he’d ever be able to forgive her if she told him, mentioning him putting off the wedding. He explains about learning he has a grown daughter, but realizes he has not been connecting with Chloe, wants to change that. Ooops, he gets paged to the hospital for a suspected appendicitis attack. Over at the Cheatin Heart, Philip & Melanie are about to go home….she gets paged to cover for Judy who is sick.

And now we are at Salem Hospital, as most of the so called action is taking place here. Abe reveals to Brady, Arianna and Nicole that the fingerprints on the flashlight found at the scene of Roman’s mugging belong to Arianna Hernandez. She says that is impossible, she never saw the flashlight before. Brady interjects with how perhaps it belongs to Caroline and Arianna used it at some point in time in the Pub. Arianna agrees that is possible, tho she does not remember it, but doubts Caroline would have let it lay around outside for ages, when she doesn’t let a piece of gum set for a day. Nicole is drinking it all in, lots of smirks..actually for being silent, her expressions are fun to watch. LOL

Abe has called a sleeping Hope, telling her of the latest attack….she heads to the hospital, arrives, goes in to see Roman. Bo & Carly arrive, Abe points out Roman’s room, Hope is just coming out, spots Bo…both just look at each other for a bit. She asks about Kim, is assured Kim is doing well, cancer free, he thanks her for filling in for him at the station, no one hardly missed him. Oh, she replies, you were missed. She says Roman is a bit groggy still, she will fill Bo in. Carly wants to know if she is needed, Hope reminds her they already have her statement, Carly protests she was a witness to the fleeing woman, but Hope wants to talk privately, Carly goes off. Hope talks a bit about Roman being stamped with the Celtic symbol, one that means female empowerment among other things, agrees it might be a woman, but they all have to go down to the station.

Brady has asked Arianna if she wants a lawyer, he will call Justin, she says no, she did not do anything. Brady is talking to Abe, Nicole takes the opportunity to bug Arianna over having no alibi, claiming to be asleep. Brady can hear this, comes over, as Hope does, too, telling Nicole to knock it off.
Baker is in a poker game, is running out of money, calls Nicole to lend him $50. She refuses, he says she owes him, Nicole says she owes him nothing, as Brady & Arianna come up behind her, wondering who she owes anything to. She claims it was a sources, refusing to elaborate, since Arianna will probably be in no position to assist her on it.
Baker, meanwhile, is tapped out, wonders how he can get out of this crazy town with no money, away from these crazy women. Fruitcase Nicole, and the nut job detective, who will undoubtably carve out his entrails if she learns he planted incriminating evidence against another woman.

Melanie runs into Daniel in the hospital lounge, brings up Chloe again, Daniel assuring her all is fine between them, they are good, Mel should stop worrying. Nathan has joined Stephanie at the Cheatin Heart, he is bothered by something, finally admits he overheard something he shouldn’t have, doesn’t know what to do. Philip calls Chloe, worried cuz Melanie is sensing something off between Chloe & Daniel, but Chloe denies this, all is well, and she has taken care of Nathan. Philip nearly explodes that Nathan knows, but Chloe says Nathan overheard her on the phone, but doesn’t know the who. (sorry this is all so back & forth, but 30 second scenes are what we are getting here. Lol) Someone is at her door, she hangs up on Philip, opens the door to Nathan!

At the cop shop, Hope comes out with a file open. Brady asks if he can take Arianna home. Hope asks Ari if she saw Roman at any time that day. Nope, she was in bed when she heard the noise, Roman being attacked. Hope again inquires if she saw him at any point during the day. No, she did not. Well, looks like Arianna is not going anywhere. Seems some long dark hairs were found on Roman, they will want a DNA sample from Arianna, who has no objection. She doesn’t think it will happen, but what if there IS a match. Hope quietly tells her that she would then have to place her under arrest.

And at the hospital, Stephanie is once again at the nurse’s station, no idea why, as Melanie comes up, giving Stephanie a bit of a hard time about her so called headache and the ginger ale she was drinking., which will come in handy when she gets morning sickness. Stephanie assures her she is not pregnant, Mel knows she & Nathan will be together later, asks if she has her birth control pills, of course, sez Steph, she would not be without them. Let me see, replies Melanie. Nope….Melanie grabs Stephanie’s purse and they proceed to have a tug of war over it.

Philip is bothered after learning that Nathan overheard Chloe admit to sleeping with someone. He grabs his keys, starts to go out, only to find Daniel at the door, calling him a b******, and asking what he did to Melanie. Philip replies he did nothing, I swear, then says he didn’t mean for it to happen.

Nathan is bothered by what he overheard, she politely tells him none of his business, everything is fine between her and Daniel. Nathan reminds her that when he first came to town, she was married to his cousin, Lucas. So what, she replies. Nathan wonders if perhaps Chloe should seek therapy for sex addiction. (LOLOL – I cracked up at this). Chloe is incensed, cannot believe he is telling her to get sex therapy, goes to the door, opens it as she is yelling at him to leave and keep his friggin mouth shut. The look on his face makes her turn…..only to see Carly standing there in the open doorway.

OMG I cant wait to see the sex therapy scene. too funny. I'm confused, why does daniel think philip did something to melanie?

awesome writeup
Still a better show than yesterdays! :)
What a great write up.
I am so glad Bo is back. While I am a little indifferent to the whole which wouman should Bo be with...I loves me some Bo!! :)

While I am not a Brady Arianna fan...I hate that Nicole has set her up. I just cant route for Nicole to be with Brady when she is being so underhanded!!!

Chloe needs to get busted big time & get off the Carly vendetta!! Girl has issues!!!
Well I am never bored when Philip is on my screen, so there is that one bright spot to look forward to.

And for the first time ever in my life, I am happy to see Bo. So glad he is back.

Words cannot express how much I hate Nathan's involvement in this - smug Mr. Perfection that he is...ugh. I can just imagine all the future finger pointing he will be doing when all of this mess comes out. But on the other hand, Nathan may know more about sex addiction than we think. All of his dates with Steffie wind up in the bed, so maybe he suffers from a similar affliction.

No comment on the stupid catfight....

And I love Nicole and Brady...but this mess of a story, I cannot even watch. Boo on Days.

Thanks for writing it all up!
Bo is back and the start of a catfight in the hospital, no less. It sounds like a little something for everyone (almost). I think this episode is interesting and a nice buildup for Friday. Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
So far, another ho-hum sweeps month. I wonder if Ken is even trying to boost ratings?
I love these spoilers. Now I don't have to waste my time on thursdays show.
Great write up Poroit.

Wonder how long Carly was standing there? That woman just loves to listen in and insinuate herself into other people's lives. As much trouble as her revalations have caused, you think she'd have the decency to try to gve Chloe and Daniel some privacy to work out their trust issues. Unless she is enjoying the attention.

Nathan calling the kettle black. He's a bit more than presumptuous isn't he? Oh right, this is typical Nathan's why I HATE HATHAN. He goes over to her house and kisses a married woman and begs her to leave her husband and come back to him after he clearly has been having sex and promising the moon and the sun and Paris to a girl that is "his future". Oh that makes you the paragon of virtue, Nathan, you pig. I hope Stephanie is pregnant already...with triplets.

And what is it with Melanie stuck up her father's butt so badly? She's only known about him for two months and she's the step child from hell already, thinking that she has a right to be a part of every single aspect of his life? Um hello? Taking lessons from your new mom, Mel?

Slyn...I'm with you...Philip on the screen is a reason to watch. He is the only one who I find sincere in this whole mess, despite the fact that he screwed up.
OMG I cant wait to see the sex therapy scene. too funny. I'm confused, why does daniel think philip did something to melanie?

awesome writeup

I'm confused too! I thought maybe i missed something.....can someone elaborate on the whole Daniel calling Philip a B****** thing?
OOOPs, sorry folks. Melanie told Daddy about Vivian inviting them over for dinner. Daniel is against it, but Melanie is talking about making things smoother between Philip and his father.
I think he could tell that Melanie was upset about something else more than just him and Chloe being together. (From them talking in the lounge) He just assumed that Philip did something to upset her. The best part to me is that he said nothing then said he did not mean for it to happen. I am wondering how he is going to talk his way out of that one. I am sure Daniel will pick up on it and ask what did he not mean to happen.
Thanks. Glad Bo is back. I like him and Carly together. Wish their reunion wasn't cut short with this Roman stuff. Argh!
Words cannot express how much I hate Nathan's involvement in this - smug Mr. Perfection that he is...ugh.

And I love Nicole and Brady...but this mess of a story, I cannot even watch. Boo on Days.

Thanks for writing it all up!

Nathan is one of my favorite characters! I don't find him smug at all.

And it's difficult to understand how anyone could "love Nicole and Brady." Brady, yes, but devious Nicole? I think she is (and always has been) disgusting.

Thanks for the writeup, Barb.
Is it me or ... who carries her birth control pills around in her purse? Back in the stone age when I still used them, my purse was the last place I would have kept them.

Thanks for the great write-up, Barb. You make even a dull episode of DOOL come to life!
Apparently soapnut, she doesn't have a trash can or an apartment for that matter, so maybe all she's got is that purse. Did you see a change of underwear in there too? :D
Is it me or ... who carries her birth control pills around in her purse? Back in the stone age when I still used them, my purse was the last place I would have kept them.

Thanks for the great write-up, Barb. You make even a dull episode of DOOL come to life!

This questions was asked before and the answer was "to have them on hand in case you spend the night somewhere other than home" and maybe a second night as well!
If Ken Corday Retires

Maybe we would get less disjointed stories that would be given more than 30-60 seconds at a time before switching. Maybe we wouldn't have so many new generation people who serve no purpose to the story and possibly have some continuity to stories. And less EJ and Sami and their cat and mouse games.