Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Sept. 18, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, September 18, 2014

In the park, Chad has warned Jeremiah to leave the lady alone. Jeremiah says it is none of your business, son. Chad is not his son, and his name is Chad, but Mr. DiMera to you. Jeremiah backs off, tells Jordan he only wanted to say hello, and takes off. Jordan thanks Chad, is surprised he is back, they chat a couple minutes, she leaves.
At the Horton house, Jen is getting ready to leave, mentions not seeing JJ, who was up early and gone, Abby says she did not see him either. Jen sees Abby seems a bit upset, Abby tells her about Chad.
Next Abby is meeting Jordan, both talking of Chad being back, running into him, and Chad being upset with Abby. Jordan sees Clyde, abruptly leaves to go chasing after him. When she catches up, she wants to know what the heck Jeremiah is doing here in town.

Rafe, Lucas, Ben & Sonny all come into the Pub, having just finished a pickup basketball game. All are perspiring a bit, kidding around about the Ben & Sonny winning out over Rafe & Lucas. Small talk abounds, as Sonny shows Rafe pictures of Gabi from yesterday when they took Ari to see her. Lucas talks to Ben about Rafe & Jordan breaking up, thought they were great together, Ben thinks Lucas wants to date her. The guys evidently have some food, Sonny & Ben leave, saying losers have to pay. Rafe goes, leaving Lucas alone.
At Will's apartment, Zoe arrives to pick up his contract, new assignment, a profile about Chad. Will says no, Chad is a friend, Zoe recites all of Chad's background, the bio dad discovery, and even how Chad outed Will being Ari's father at the mother's wedding. Will is still reluctant, she is claiming she will get someone else to do it, perhaps they won't be a s protective of Chad as Will might. She leaves, goes to the Pub.
She comes in on the phone, chattering away, Lucas recognizes the name. When she hangs up, he gives her a tiny bit of a hard time about using Will for that article, is glad Will no longer works there. She finds a file, hands it to Lucas, so he learns she is now with Sonix, and Will has a contract. Oops, Lucas hopes he did not make trouble for his son. Nope, she hired the son, not his father, and takes off.

Clyde is trying to use his southern charm on Kate to have lunch. She is nicely refusing, without saying so. They go thru another roundabout conversation, with Clyde finally insisting on taking her to dinner instead. They shake hands, Clyde leaves, Kate shaking her head, she did not agree.
Clyde next shows up at the Club, giving Ben an envelope of money he wants Ben to return to Jordan. It is the money she gave him, wanting him to leave town. He goes on about being mad at first, cashing the check, but rethinking and wanting to be with his kids again, yada, yada, yada. Ben is not about to tell Jordan how humble and sorry Clyde is. But Clyde leaves, telling Ben to just tell Jordan he is sorry.

EJ and Sami are passionately kissing when "What da hell" comes from Roman, standing in the doorway. He thought Sami had gotten wise to this guy. EJ assures Roman he loves Sami more than anything, Roman retorts, that yes, loves her so much you slept with another woman. Now Roman wants to talk to her privately. She gets EJ to leave, Roman gets into it with Sami. He & her mother had thought Sami was going over the top with her revenge plot, but this is even more over the top.But Sami snarks right back that mom really said that, after what she did to you. Oh, yes, Sami brings up that long, long ago event, and Roman calls her on that, years ago, he moved on, got past it. and this is different. But Sami puts on her crying face, admitting that yes, Mom was in love with John, but EJ is not in love with Abby, he loves me. Then she is asking her dad if all those years ago, back in 1993, if things had been different, if Mom had come to him, saying she made a mistake, wanted to be with him, and the children, be a family would he have taken her back. Roman admits he probably would have, turns away upset. She apologizes, they hug. She reminds her dad a very wise man once told her you can't help who you love. Roman smiles, laughs, says maybe that guy had too many beers. She laughs, nope, it was my daddy, and remember, you fell in love with Kate. More hugs. He mentions hearing about her being worried about Stefano coming after her, if he gets back to Salem, and figures rightly that EJ has told her he would protect her. She wonders how she could have been so arrogant to think she could take down Stefano DiMera with a tax evasion charge. Roman laughs, worked for Al Capone.

Roman goes to see Kate in her office (egads, looks like Rafe & Carrie's old office). She asks if he was able to talk Sami out of falling into EJ's arms. Nope, because Sami reminded him of a couple of things. He can't help who you fall in love with.

Sonny returns home, calls out to Will, hears the shower, starts taking off his shirt and shoes, slips into the shower with Will, who is happy to see him. Hugs, Kiss. Later, all dressed Will mentions Zoe dropping by to pick up the contract, and wanting to give him a new assignment. A story on Chad. Sonny's grin freezes.

EJ runs across Chad in the park, tells him that he had his say, and now that he is no longer waving a gun in his face, he wants him to know he only wants to put his family back together, his wife and children. And if Chad does any to get in the way of that, he will be sorry. Chad wonders what Father would say if he learned EJ was threatening him.

Chad shows up at the Club, is at the bar to talk to Benny, who has nothing to say to him. In fact, he is not welcome in this place, so get out, and now. Chad leans on the bar...Tsk, tsk, is that any way to talk to your BOSS.

EJ comes home to find Sami staring out the French doors, in tears. He comes over, says "your father?" she nods, he hold her, is so sorry. She cries on his shoulder.
Did John's blow to the head affect Roman, too?? He said if this is the way EJ treats Sami when he loved her (sleeping with Abby), he'd hate to see what he'd to to her if he hated her. Uhhhh, gee, Roman, what about raping her, putting a lookalike into her bed to rape her, kidnapping her husband, kidnapping her baby, letting her think her baby was dead, making her tell her cancer-stricken son she no longer loved him, etc.

Roman must have overdosed on Salem Stupid Juice this morning.
So first the show basically compares Shawn/Caroline/Victor to Sami/EJ/Abby and now Sami is comparing it to Roman/Marlena/John. Seriously?!? No, not the same, not the same at all. And Roman ends up agreeing with his pathetic twit of daughter. JS, are we sure Theresa whacked John in the head and not Roman?

Lucas, you know Will wrote that article of his own free will right?

Kate not recognizing that Clyde is a snake in the grass is irritating and hilarious at the same time. She brought him to town to destroy Jordan and Rafe's relationship and he might end up destroying her.
Well, officially, I thought I heard NBC removed the EJ rape from history of Days of our Lives (even though we all saw and know it did happen). I did like how Sami mentioned back in 1993 how if Roman knew he could be a family again with Marlena would he go back with her, which he did indeed say he would have. Also it was mentioned about Roman loving Kate. I would love a Kate and Roman reunion she might need his protection after this debacle.

Everything else was blah filler. Clyde giving Jordan's money back is a manipulation to make him look good. He doesn't need the money Kate paid him enough and Clyde knows more money is about to come in.
I have to say I enjoyed the verbal sparring between Clyde and Kate, it's not often we see her flustered it's kind of fun. Even though it does require a healthy suspension of disbelief that a woman as intelligent and worldly as Kate would be taking in by Clyde's good ol' boy act I still found those scenes entertaining nonetheless.

Plus I have to say I was glad to FINALLY hear (if they mentioned it before I missed it) Sonny say he and Will took Ari to see Gabi. Especially since my first post on this board a couple of weeks ago was on that very subject. I know that the show is filmed months in advance so I can only assume they KNEW I would complain if they didn't include such a scene. So I'm not sure which old adage applies here but I'm thinking it's a three-way tie between "Better late then never," "Ask and ye shall receive" or "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" take your pick. :)

I also like that Abigail asked Rafe about Gabi and said she had been thinking about her. I was reminded of a scene a couple of months ago where Abigail mentioned to Jordan that she written a letter for Rafe to give to Gabi. That scene and the one today seems to suggest that should Gabi return in a few years that there is hope for their friendship to be repaired. Despite what Gabi said about never being Abigail's friend.
I said it once today and I'll say it again, Roman should retire "what da hell" and hit Sami with "go ta hell". Can I say that here...just bleep me JS if necessary :rotfl:

Sami's argument today was ridiculous and Roman's forgetfulness regarding Sami and EJ's sordid past is just more of the same we've seen from everyone in this town regarding this dysfunctional relationship that would have any student of psychology foaming at the mouth to turn into a case study. (whew, that was a mouthful but not a run-on - at least I don't think it is).
I liked the part when Chad came into the club and Ben told him he is not welcome there. Then Chad said that is no way to speak to your boss! Is this the first time Ben has met Chad since he first met T and was told by T to see Sonny.
Pity poor Roman. He should have known better than to try and persuade Sami to leave her "changed" smoochy-moochy. Not only was he sure to fail, but Marlena's past transgression was sure to be mentioned. Speaking of Roman, Stefano would have been offended by being mentioned in the same conversation as Al Capone. Surely, the Phoenix considers himself far above the late Al, who not only was nailed for income tax evasion, but ended up in Alacatraz, and ended his life suffering from the effects of late-stage syphilis. Finally, Will ought to forget Zoe and start work on the "great American novel." She seems to be the personification of sleazy journalism and is nobody Will should be associated with. Also, somebody might remind this Zoe that Stefano might not take too kindly to another expose of the seamy underside of DiMera life.
Ooooh, I would love for Zoe to have a "talk" via some one of Stefano's Henchmen. or his attorney. Just a "friendly" conversation. LOL
If it isn't already, she will turn Sonix into one of those sleaze magazines that ended up out of business.
Well, officially, I thought I heard NBC removed the EJ rape from history of Days of our Lives (even though we all saw and know it did happen). I did like how Sami mentioned back in 1993 how if Roman knew he could be a family again with Marlena would he go back with her, which he did indeed say he would have. Also it was mentioned about Roman loving Kate. I would love a Kate and Roman reunion she might need his protection after this debacle.

Everything else was blah filler. Clyde giving Jordan's money back is a manipulation to make him look good. He doesn't need the money Kate paid him enough and Clyde knows more money is about to come in.

Nope; Ali Sweeney (Sami) and James Scott (EJ) had an interview somewhere I saw in the beginning of last year mentioning the rape...and they didn't call it a 'deal' or 'bargain' like some of the crazy fans, but actually used the term 'rape'.
Thanks for the summary; didn't watch today. The EJ-Sami crappola will probably make me hold off watching most of the time until they are gone. And Roman's scenes with her today...:sick:

I'm really enjoying Chad so far. Nice to have him back. It's also nice to see Lucas--and the friendship scenes today with him, Rafe, Sonny and Ben is really good. Days needs more of these friendship interactions.

I wonder if Will is going to write the article on Chad.

Clyde and Kate...I am excited to see where this is going.
Clyde had his accent going today. I laughed every time he said scared :)
Later, Jordan told Chad she got rid of her accent. I wonder if we find
out there is more to Jeremiah and his relationship to Tammy Sue. She
seemed scared of him.

why oh why did Sami have to bring up Marlena with Roman? You could
tell how he felt when she kept "twisting the knife". I'm glad they sort
of made up, but she shouldn't have done that :(

I enjoyed Rafe and Sonny's conversation when we found out
Will, Ari and Sonny saw Gabi. I actually thought Lucas was asking
Ben if he could date Jordan.

When Abby told Jen "She only slept with two men and they were brothers".
I laughed
I was excited to see the 4 guys playing basketball together though I admit I tuned out much of the conversation afterwards. I've been traveling a lot and literally watched all 4 of this week's episodes in less than 2 hours.

I was floored by the Sami-Roman conversation and ended up fast forwarding the ending of it. So Roman has forgotten all the misdeeds EJ has done to Sami? On top of that, Marlena has ALWAYS made it clear that she loved both John and Roman. Even as recently as 2012 when she was advising Carrie about Rafe. Give me a break writers!

I was laughing when EJ threatened Chad. This is the same guy whose wife that he knows "better than anyone" just blindsided him with tax evasion charges.

Jen looks like she is wearing the same exact outfit she wore last week or the week before.

I think Chad was going to call Stefano before EJ confronted him. The whole Jordan things seems way too contrived.

I hope the Roman and Kate thing goes somewhere but that would sadly make too much sense. The two still have great chemistry.
I thought Roman was smriking when Sami started in on her tried old "But Marlena was with John" routine. To me, it seemed like he was thinking, this is ridiculous even for you Sami. I do think he decided to give Kate another try because of the conversation with Sami, though. I also thought he said something to Kate about EJ won't get away with what he's done to Sami over the years, and that his comment to Sami about "what would he do if he hated you" was sarcastic.

I was kind of sad that this is the most we've seen of Roman in months. Much like Kayla, he is invisible until he's needed to make a comment and needs a real story.

I liked Jen's scenes with Abby. If only she could be like this all the time. Also, she needs to listen to her own advice. "You and Chad broke up a year ago. You can date whoever you want." THEN SO CAN DANIEL--STOP STALKING HIM!!!

My theory is that Jeremiah sexually abused Jordan, not sure what Clyde had to do with it but he may have used Jeremiah to keep his stepdaughter in line. I thought it was ridiculous that Jeremiah was at all intimidated by Chad. I expected Chad to have to pull out his empty gun again. At any rate, I think at least half the reason was so that Rafe could come along and think Jordan left the table because she saw him approaching.

Loved the scenes with the guys after the basketball game. However Lucas needs to stop propping Rafe/Jordan and ask her out himself.
I loved the guys playing basketball together and their "trash talk" in the pub afterward, but it did make me laugh to see that Lucas' t-shirt was still crisp, clean and blindingly white after the game. Geez, not even some sweaty pit stains or wrinkles.

See, that would've been a great product placement spot. Caroline could've commented on Lucas' nice white t-shirt and he could've said "Oh, I use Oxy-Clean and Bounce on all of my t-shirts and now they repel stains and remain wrinkle free, even after a game of basketball with these knuckleheads!"