Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Sept. 2, 2010

Dang - didn't notice that... will have to catch it on the computer and rewatch the scene. Loving that maybe Sami didn't shoot EJ after all, but it could only be only one other person!!!!
holy crapoli I am in company with a bunch of ruthless hit women. :)

Well, until my husband had to medically retire, I was a cop's wife. He now works as a civilian for the same PD, in the evidence room. I fully understand that my husband's work could follow him home, or worse, show up when he's NOT home. There is no way some dirt bag out for revenge is going to hurt my kids or me if I have anything to say about it. I've got to work on my aim though; I keep shooting the targets in the stomach....
Her sweater was just pulled down further over her wrist., those tummy shots can be pretty painful, lol....and deadly!