Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Sept. 26, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The young people of Salem are not all that happy today for various reasons. Daniel has stopped JJ in the park, JJ tries to brush him off but Daniel tells him he knows he broke into his apartment, and threatens to call the police. JJ denies, but Daniel asks if the super saw a pic of JJ's girlfriend, would he be able to identify her as someone saying she was Melanie. JJ doesn't want him to do that, admits he was there, but they did not destroy anything, etc. etc. Daniel promises to not call police or tell his mother, if he will give him 5 minutes. JJ agrees, as Daniel proceeds to try and convince him to go home to his mother. He talks of how much Jen loves him, always talked about him, before Daniel ever met him. JJ doesn't quite believe him, but Daniel proceeds to cite his 3rd grade report card, how he was a sophmore and Captain of the LaCrosse team, how he hit 2 grand slam homers in the championship Little League game, that they watched that video just a few months ago, and Jen was cheering him on as if it was just happening again. JJ is accepting all this, but says going home is no good, same old stuff will be going on. Then begins accusing Daniel of bad mouthing him to his mother, making her hate him. Daniel is denying this, trying to get him to go home to his mom and sister, when Jen comes by, asking what is going on. JJ takes off, she accuses Daniel of causing problems, asking what he said. When Daniel talks of urging JJ to go home, Jen seems disbelieving, and gets very angry when Daniel admits he said he loved Jen and wanted her to be happy. Worse thing he could of done, tells him to stop interfering, and that she really does not want to see him again.
Meanwhile, JJ runs into Rory, tells him how Dan knows they were in his apt. Rory panics, but JJ says Daniel promised not to say anything.

At the hospital, Rafe is trying to converse with a terse Jordan, to get her to smile, joke around, without much success. However, she has gotten him into a wheel chair, he is to go to therapy room, but cannot push himself. When they return, he gets settled back in bed, is still joking with her, but she doesn't respond much. In waltzes Kate, out goes Jordan, Kate commenting that Jordan is second only to Victor in being unlikeable. She then starts babbling about running into Will who was taking ARianna to the zoo, and she could not join them. blah, blah. Jordan is making notes out in the nurses' station, glancing a bit in the window at Kate talking to Rafe. She smiles.

EJ is questioning Chad about the brain tumor treatement papers he found. Chad tries to dance around it all, but EJ is clearly worried, so Chad tells him the entire story. EJ fully understands, knows Chad wanted to keep Cam out of Abby's orbit, etc. Chad mentions lunch at the Pub with Abby, and has to take off, thanks EJ for listening and his discretion. EJ follows him out.

At the club, Sonny is talking to Abby about Chad, mentioning he doesn't want her to get hurt. Along comes Gabi who starts in on Sonny trashing Chad behind his back. Nope, Chad is his best friend, business partner, he is a good guy. Then why trash him. He isn't. He only made a comment. Abby takes off for her luncheon date, and now Gabi & Sonny have words. He reminds her of how she ruined Chad's life, making it so he could never tell Melanie what really happened. and Sonny also has had to keep quiet, not tell Will, tho they don't keep secrets from each other. Gabi smart mouths back, talking of how she might be in jail, then Sonny would not be bothered with a baby in his life. He gets ticked off, loves the baby, etc.

Nick sits with Kate, having come up with another new formula for her company. Will spies them, is not too happy. Kate tries to make peace, explanations, etc. Will makes cracks about Nick testifying against his mother, Nick replies Sami is free now, so a moot point, and notes if Kate had not said something he would not have had to testify. He takes off, Kate tells Will the same thing. Will just is not too happy seeing Nick at all. Kate leaves, and next Sonny is with Will, Arianna is in the carriage, and they are talking of taking her to the zoo. Will hopes she won't be afraid of the monkeys, he was always afraid of them.

Theresa is in the square, pondering her future, getting mad, tearing up her plane ticket, but then regretting it, wanting to get out of town. She sees Jen, gives her a hard time about not taking her up on her offer to get JJ back at home, and how Jen ruined her life, and while she may have to leave town, she is not going to forget it. Jen isn't giving her the time of day and leaves. Theresa spots some biker, comes on to him, wants a ride, seems he is going to Chicago. She is all set to make it worth his while, when she spots Anne Milbauer, changes her mind, gives the guy some money, plans have changed, and she wants him to do something. Later, he tries to grab Anne's purse, they struggle, along comes Theresa who knees the guy and gets rid of him. Anne isn't impressed, knows Theresa set it all up, saw her with the guy before. That ploy is not going to get her job back. However, being as she feels about Jen the same way Anne does, there just might be a job for her at the hospital. They sit at a table.

Chad & Abby sit in the Pub, smooching a bit, in comes EJ, claiming he felt he should be there when Chad tells Abby. Back & forth they go, with Abby clueless as to what is going on, but Chad finally realizes what EJ is up to, and tells Abby he gave it a lot of thought, and decided to move back into DiMansion. She understands, it is his family home, and Stefano is not there anyway. Oh, but one can never tell, says EJ, he just could return at some point. She takes a call, goes off, Chad congratulates EJ on pulling this off, calling him a nasty name in the process. EJ grins, and leaves. Abby returns, and wants to know what really is going on.

Gabi is home, folding laundry, Nick arrives. It's o.k. no one is home. He knows Will & Sonny are taking Arianna to the zoo. He thinks she is so beautiful, kisses her neck, she protests they can't do this. He says whenever he is near her, he wants her. Seems she feels the same about him. They sit on the sofa kissing, and then, there is Will's voice, asking "what the heck is going on here". He is standing in the doorway.
I don't know why Daniel wants to be with someone as stupid as Jennifer. I thought she finally saw the light with that no good JJ but nope . .. still got blinders on if she's dumping on Daniel for even speaking with JJ. It is way past time for JJ to get what's coming to him. It's getting old. Daniel needs to find someone better. Preferrably someone he hasn't operated on. :wink:
There are characters I hate on this show, but it's a boring kind of hate. I can't really get riled up about it. But the newly formed hate I have for Gabi is tear-stinging-eyes, hot-face, blood boiling hate. Will and Sonny are coming off as judgemental lately, but Gabi is walking around with this self-righteousness that is hard to swallow. She sashayed into a conversation that was none of her business and made it all about her. She has her nose in the air and this smirk on her face looking at Sonny as if she owns him now. She even goes so far as to tell him he needs to start respecting her. When has he disrespected her? If anything she continues to disrespect the guys by getting hot and heavy in the middle of their shared apartment, knowing how they feel about Nick. Nick has his own place, take the groping and pawing back there.
Pity the poor Love Doctor. He's a miracle surgeon with a surfer-dude persona who should have his pick of any of the young single women in Salem. Instead, he's chosen to pursue fickle Jennifer, who comes with enough baggage in her life to sink the Titanic. Another person making poor choices could be Anne Milbauer. In her eagerness to bring down Ms. No-Show-Job, she's joining forces with a lazy, lying, thieving pothead. This ploy is unlikely to take down prissy Jen, but it could rebound against the snarky personnel director. As for Rory, maybe this amiable stoner/slacker should reconsider hanging out with JJ, a young man whose personal agenda has him headed for serious trouble. If JJ's life crashes and burns, hapless Rory could be collateral damage.
If I were Daniel I would have told Jennifer what JJ did. After the way she was berating him for talking to JJ I can't believe he just stood there and took it. From Jennifer's point of view I can understand where she's coming from and that Daniel should have just stayed out of it. But she doesn't know the real reason Daniel was talking to JJ. Had she known what JJ did I don't think she would have gotten so angry at Daniel. But whatever. I just wish they would move on from this storyline. It's so mundane and tiresome. It's just the same thing over and over again. Either break them up for good or have JJ shape up and get to a point of some sort of acceptance of Daniel. It's been nearly 6 months since JJ came back. MOVE ON.

I get that Will hates Nick and is still mad about everything that happened between them but he needs to chill out. He seemed so very immature the way he was lashing out at Nick about his mother's trial as if everything was all Nick's fault. I was actually glad to see Nick stand up for himself a bit and say it was a moot point since Sami was no longer in jail or on trial and that he just told the truth. Even Kate took up for Nick saying it falls on her since she first brought up the incident of Sami pulling a gun on Nick. Like I said, I understand Will's feelings about Nick but he may want to watch himself with the attitude. Nick still knows about Will shooting EJ and Lucas taking the fall. If he wanted to he could make problems for Will.
I am getting tired of Ste. Jennifer. She still needs a 2x4 up side her head (not literally) and hopefully knock some sense into her. Time for Dan to let her go and move on for he will never get thru to JJ and let JJ control his mom. I too can see where Will is coming from, but his attitude of Nick is going to affect his judgement down the road.
I know why I don’t watch DAYS anymore it’s because I loathe junior. Today he was more disgusting then ever! Blackmailing his brother to get his way, how much more pathetic are they going to make him. Today was a new low. I watched because of Rafe but 5 minutes of watching Rafe can’t make junior look any better.

Each time I see Gabi she becomes more beautiful!

I get that Will hates Nick and is still mad about everything that happened between them but he needs to chill out. He seemed so very immature the way he was lashing out at Nick about his mother's trial as if everything was all Nick's fault. I was actually glad to see Nick stand up for himself a bit and say it was a moot point since Sami was no longer in jail or on trial and that he just told the truth.
Good point. Will has many reasons to dislike Tricky Nicky, but the trial testimony is not one of them. Once Kate spilled the beans about the Nick-Sami incident, and Trask subpoenaed him, Nick didn't have a lot of choices. Did Will want Nick to borrow a page from Sami's playbook and lie under oath? If so, perhaps Will has more of Sami's traits than many Days fans thought, or maybe he's simply spent too much time hanging around Salem's champion lying lowlife, Elvis Junior.
EJ/Chad scenes Today are EXACTLY how EJ should be written not that hot mess he is with Sami!

So Stefano has Ej under this thumbs while Ej has Chad under his... Ej is going to blackmail Chad to no END!

Why is Chad shocked that Ej will use his lies against him... Blackmail is a Dimera Trademark.. They don't leave home without it!
Foolish me actually thought Daniel was finally getting through to JJ. Oh, well. Why am I not surprised Jennifer doesn't want to see Daniel again? Deja vu anew. This seesaw of a relationship just has to stop.

Arianna is way too young for the zoo. She has no focus, no attention span, it will be pretty meaningless to her. (I have witnessed this at the Central Park Zoo...families with very young children trying to have a nice day out, and it just doesn't work. The kids/babies get very fussy, it is not pleasant.)

Enjoy the pull/push between Jordan and Rafe. Really want Rafe to make progress with his therapy and get him up and walking again.

I figured EJ would hold his knowledge of Chad's ruse over him to get him back to DiMansion, otherwise this plot point would be unnecessary. This will make it very difficult for Chad and Abby to be together, how awful for us.

Love that Anne is onto Theresa, but don't love them becoming allies against Jennifer. It is so hard to believe that adults behave like this, in such a conspiratorial manner, like those girls in high school who stick together and gang up against another girl. Having said this, I still do enjoy Anne, she brings some spice to the show.

I'm glad Will found Gabi and Nick, it was inevitable.
I can't believe I forgot to mention this...did anyone else notice how often Dan said "Man" when speaking to JJ? It was, "Hey, man, this" or "Hey, man, that." And then JJ used "Man" also. If I didn't know better, I'd think they both had some pot-laced donuts from a new batch. :rotfl: Daniel also uses "Little Dude" a lot when speaking to Parker. :rolleyes: If anyone else wrote this already, my bad...but I never read other's posted replies until I post mine, so I will base my comments solely on my perspective. Oh, man, glad I got this off my chest. :)
Since it's "What Not To Wear's" last season, and they are going all out, wouldn't it be great if they could come to Salem? Ha ha, where would they start? Or how about Carson Kressley, if not the entire old gang from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"? The cast of Days is so attractive, but sometimes their wardrobes don't reflect it, nor do their hairstyles. I think the only person who always looks good is Chloe. Also, Stefano and Victor. Oh, and the children. :D