Days of Our Lives Thursday 6/12/2014

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A very hungover Brady wakes up at Theresa’s on the couch. He says he’s never partying like that ever again. She remarks about the stupid tattoo he got. He says oh my God! She says it’s only temporary. She offers him a huge bowl of fruit loops. He looks a little green. She then offers a little more blow. He considers but then declines and wants to take a shower. He can’t party like that all the time. She understands. He leaves to shower. Knock, knock. An angry Victor asks her where his grandson is and calls her a tramp. She says her name is Theresa. He brushes by her. She offers him a seat while Brady is in the shower. He says he’ll stand, he’s not one for small talk and doubts she has the capacity for it. He wants Brady out here now. She’s not having it, him ordering her around in her home. He says she certainly is a spitfire. Unfortunately she’s also inherited Kimberly’s loose sexual mores. She has an astonished look on her face, saying excuse me? He calls her a gold digger. Brady comes up telling him to stop. He tells Theresa she’s out of shampoo and sends her away. Brady asks Victor what he’s doing there. Victor says he asked around and John though he could find him here. He mentions work. Brady insists all is fine in that arena. He’s just had a rough day. Victor says how about his friend Rafe, has he asked him about how he’s dealing with things. Brady says he left him a message. Victor then asks about Maggie. Her nephew was murdered and Brady hasn’t called on her. Victor says he better get his act together or he will disown him. Brady retorts with, how many times did he disown Philip. Victor leaves but not before warning him he will kick him out on his drunken behind. Theresa comes back. The two decide to do a hit before taking off.

Jordan spots Kate and Sami arguing very loudly in the Square. It’s a bit over the top. Sami spots Jordan and asks, may I help you? Kate says it’s a private conversation, which Jordan says is in a public location. Sami has a few parting remarks to Kate about her and Stefano. Jordan then wonders what Kate said to Sami about her. They argue back and forth. Kate says that Sami is the least of her worries and soon enough Kate will have the proof to take her down.

Hope is at the Club meeting with Julie. Hope informs him of Gabi’s plea deal and asks if she has any objections. Julie thinks the deal is a joke. Hope thinks the judge will approve it. Julie mentions Joshua and Jessica and how they feel about it. Hope says she hasn’t heard from them so assumes they are ok with it. Julie is stern saying this isn’t justice, even going so far as to say it’s like paying a parking ticket (yeah, ok Julie….). Hope says the DA and Mayor were worried about bad publicity and didn’t want to drag things out. Julie starts gushing about what a sweet boy Nick was, until Ben comes up and says he was a maniac. His first meeting with him, he was accosting Abigail. No man should talk to a woman like that. Hope asks him to leave. He apologizes. Julie says even perfect strangers are giving their commentary. Hope says she’s just as sorry as Julie that Nick is dead but he had a lot of issues. Julie doesn’t care what anyone else thinks and is insistent Nick gets the justice he deserves.

Rafe is at the courthouse. In walks EJ. They discuss Gabi’s deal. Her best case scenario is 10-20 years. In walks Gabi. Rafe embraces her. They talk about their mother. Gabi is upset about what this is doing to her. Gabi insists she has to pay for what she did. Rafe says she always has his support. She asks EJ about today’s proceedings. He says all should go well unless the victim’s family has any objections. Gabi worries one of the Horton’s will object and she will get life in prison. EJ says there’s been nothing yet and not to worry. She asks if she can see Arianna one last time before she heads off to prison. EJ thinks the judge should allow that. Later they are all going to the courtroom. Hope is there. EJ believes all should go well. Not if I have anything to do about it, says Julie, as she walks up. Hope tells her it’s not the time or place for this. She knows she’ll have her say, calls Gabi a guttersnipe and won’t allow her to get away with murder. Rafe says Gabi is taking full responsibility for her actions which is more than he can say for Nick. They argue back and forth. EJ pulls Hope aside saying they need to get things moving before it turns into a circus. Gabi says 10 years away from her baby isn’t enough? Julie goes on and on about the love Nick had in his heart and how many people loved him and she took that away. She’s going to make sure they get justice. EJ then pulls Gabi aside. She starts freaking out about Julie and if this goes to trial everything could come out. They all go into the courtroom. Hope again asks Julie to think about what she’s doing. Julie gets a phone call and Hope says she should answer that.

Victor arrives at Will and Sonny’s. Vic is very proud of what Will was willing to do for Sonny. They talk about Ari already missing her mother. Brady remembers how Brady was about that age when Isabella died. At least they can still talk to and see Gabi. Victor gets a call or text and leaves. Later, Sami is there. She tries to reassure them that EJ will do everything he can to help Gabi. Will worries about Ari not being raised by her mother. He also worries the judge isn’t going to accept the plea deal. Later Will gets a call from Rafe asking to bring Ari and get to the courthouse now.

Jordan goes to the club to see Ben. They talk about Gabi and Rafe. She tells him about giving Rafe some space. He wonders if she made the right decision. They talk about living such a guarded life, maybe time to just live a real life.

At the courthouse, apparently the proceeding is over. Gabi thanks Julie for not objecting to the sentencing. Julie says that Nick’s parents didn’t want to go through a long trial. Gabi apologizes. Julie says sorry doesn’t cut it. She has some more parting words for Gabi, mentioning 20 years, then stalks off. EJ tells Gabi don’t worry it won’t be anywhere near 20. She turns to Rafe saying the judge says she can see Ari. Later they are in the waiting room again. Gabi knows she should call their mother but she just can’t. She would be so ashamed of her. Rafe thinks she should be ashamed of him. He should have done a better job protecting her. Gabi says no, he was the best brother, like a father to her. They hug. Will walks in with Arianna. Gabi takes her in her arms and cries. Now it’s just Will, Sonny, Gabi, and Ari. Gabi talks to her daughter, saying it’s so hard to say goodbye to her but she will have two amazing daddies. They tell her she will be a part of it soon. Gabi says if she follows the rules she won’t have to serve the full sentence. She tearfully tells the baby she won’t be able to tuck her in at night but she’ll always love her. Will says they will talk to her about Gabi everyday. Gabi worries she’ll forget her. But Sonny insists they will call, write, visit. Gabi says Ari is her little miracle and angel. Gabi tells Will to leave the lullaby singing to Sonny because Will sings offkey. She tells Sonny he’s kind and generous and brought out the best in her. Sonny thanks her for bringing this little girl into his life. Gabi tells Will that they didn’t work out romantically but he’s her best friend and she’s so thankful for that. Will says they’ll be best friends forever. A cop comes in saying, it’s time.

Outside, the room Sami thanks EJ for everything he did for Gabi. Jordan comes up looking for Rafe. She hugs Rafe while Sami glares at her. Gabi comes out of the room, she thanks EJ and Sami for their help and support. She then tells Jordan to remember what they talked about. She has a tearful goodbye with Rafe, saying she’s going to use this time to better herself. He hugs her. She has one more goodbye for Arianna, telling her how much she loves her. The officer takes her away. Tears all around.

Victor goes to the Club. Ben asks if he’s having his usual. Says it’s in the training manual to know Sonny’s uncle Vic’s favorite coffee. He sees Kate there, asks her about her little rendezvous with Stefano. Kate thinks he was spying on her. He keeps tabs on Stefano. She says it’s none of his business. He says she is his employee and canoodling with his biggest competitor is not going to happen. She better tread carefully or she will be out of a job.
Another tissue box day. Was cute to see Arianna smiling until the final goodbye (hopefully not final). Julie is Julie to the end standing up for St. Nick. :sarcasm:

Was good to see Victor today telling just what he thinks of Theresa, Brady and Kate. You don't mess with him.
Kudos to Camilla Banus for doing a fine job as Gabi right to the end. Unfortunately, her character, Gabi, simply hasn't been paying attention all these years. The mantra in Salem is that a person never takes responsibility for what they've done. If they had, half of Salem would be doing time in state prison. As for Victor, he really got around today. Theresa should be proud that she's now the subject of his invective. It means that like Nicole and Chloe, she's really arrived in Salem society. Regarding Jordan, she really ought to know better than to point out that Kate and Sami's heated discussion was in a public place. This goes without saying. Almost all very private conversations in Salem take place in public. How else would they get overheard so that "da plot" can move along? Finally, the message to Julie should be to put a sock in it. Her precious Nicky (with or without his heart-shaped pillow) was a creep and most of Salem won't miss him. She should just join Doug on a long cruise and put the untimely end of the Trickster in her rearview.
How come Julie hasn't asked how little Allie Horton is doing? She is family!

I thought Kate and Sami's argument was just silly but I know it was so Jordan can hear.

So sad for Rafe and Gabi today - he takes the blame. :(

Arianna Grace looking at Gabi - perfect! (but sad)
I'm over Julie, but I'll blame the writers and their terrible use of characters to serve their dumb plots.

Kudos to Camila Banus as Gabi. Another amazing day - her Emmy® reel has to be FULL for next year. I hope she comes back at some point in the future.

I like it when characters talk about history - Victor mentioning Kimberley was precious. I hope Victor does fire Brady and chuck him in the bushy clearing.
Yes, sway, another tissue day cry tissue.gif

Loved snarky Victor today. Great lines when he was with Brady
and Kate. With Will and Sonny we saw lovable Victor.

I was wondering if Kate and Sami were having a "fake" fight.
They seemed to get louder when Jordan appeared.

I hope Hope will be able to take some time off. She's been
so sad since NIck died.

It was sad when Gabi had to say good-bye to Rafe and
Arianna today :cry:
Great episode aside from Brady and Jeannie Theresa. What is up with all of the beards??? EJ, Brady, even Rafe had a shadow. :sick:

I don't normally get emotional during the show but Gabi had me at her line to Rafe when she said that he's the only dad she's ever known. Another stellar job by Camila Banus(Gabi). When she was talking to Arianna, she wasn't acting. I do hope she comes back soon or at least the character of Gabi does. Julie needs to get back on cruise ship now. And couldn't we see the hearing for 1 scene? Is the courthouse set not available? :rolleyes:

Loved all the old school mentions: Kimberly, Joshua, Jessica, Marie, Arianna Hernandez

Victor was fantastic! I'm surprised he hasn't compared Jeannie Theresa to her sister Eve yet. I hope he fires both Brady and Kate as they both deserve it. So, Victor admitted that Kate and Stefano have been involved romantically. Again, this doesn't work for me without actually seeing Stefano.

I did not enjoy Sami and her rapist hugging and kissing while Gabi was saying her last good-bye. The look between Sami and Jordan was funny. I smell a triangle coming. I did not like Jordan's dress--it seemed awkwardly laying on her knees. For once, it should have been an inch or 2 shorter.

Can't wait to see what hideous fashion nightmare Jennifer is wearing "today"
Could someone remind me of how Kate is working for Victor? I thought she and Lucas were top executives in Countess Willamina? Does VIc own it?
Question: since Victor hated Nick, how come he didn't have an opinion on Kate rehiring him? Or did he and I missed it?

I loved Victor's scenes. I usually find all the people getting in each other's business annoying but Victor is an exception. Too bad Nicole/Eric were at the Brady Pub. Victor and Nicole getting into it might have been fun to watch--it usually is.

I teared up at Gabi's goodbyes, especially her goodbye to Rafe. I was glad Julie decided not to make a scene after all.