Days of our Lives - Thursday, April 18, 2024


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41 minutes. The fan favorite “who will run DiMera?” is a hot topic today.

Ava returns to the community apartment and runs into Tripp. They discuss why Ava is moving out. Tripp wants to know what kind of trouble Ava is in now?

Stefan interrupts EJ pouring a drink. Stefan has returned from prison, visiting Gabi. He thinks a bottle of bubbly is in order. EJ snarks that two convicted criminals (Stefan and Gabi) celebrating, how great. Stefan calls EJ Captain Cynicism. Stefan has a new leaf on life. Kristen joins the conversation.

Alex is at his desk. Theresa comes in begging to be told it’s not true. No, it’s true. The magazine is failing AGAIN. Theresa whines there has to be something we can do. Alex pulls the plug on Bella today.

Replay of Maggie asking Konstantin to marry her. He claims he is speechless but 1000 words later he is still talking, but claims he cannot accept her proposal. Yeah, I don’t buy it either.

Wendy walks in on the Tripp/Ava conversation. Tripp is concerned that his mother is moving out for the right reasons. Ava blah blahs that she’s taking her relationship with Harris to the next level. It’s for the best for everyone. She grabs a box and leaves.

The trio of crooks discuss the deal EJ made to keep Stefan out of the crossbar hotel and was about to return to Stefan all of his worldly possessions that EJ tried with such zeal to purloin. EJ claims only half of the possessions. Kristen is confused. Takeover of DiMera Enterprises. Kristen makes a Wall Street (movie) reference, but it goes over both EJ and Stefan’s heads.

Meanwhile back at Titan, Theresa wants another crack at the client who pulled out of the magazine. She’s sure she can convince them. Alex says no, he tried. Theresa has plans for the magazine but Alex says we are spending more money on this than we will ever make. He is going to kill the magazine now before any more money gets thrown in. Alex is going to find Theresa another job. She says don’t bother, I quit.

Maggie tells Konstantin it will be a marriage in name only. She feels she needs to make up after all the terrible things her husband did. IF her friends and family can’t accept it then fie on them.

Oh lord, more Tripp and Wendy sipping tea. This is an amazingly dull conversation. Tripp’s spidey senses are tingling. Wendy thinks that Ava living with a Navy Seal will be great, safe even. Wendy’s first day back was in a word terrible.

Harris and Ava sit in the pub drinking beer and wine, Ava wine and Harris beer, blanket hogging, fresh starts.

Kristen wants to know what’s going on? She claims to be a DiMera, EJ says nope blood is thicker than water. What do you say Stefan? Kristen gets indignant and rightfully so, of the 3 losers having this conversation she is the most DiMera of them all. EJ tells Stefan that a statement is going to be released shortly from Stefan saying that he is resigning the DiMera CEO-ship because he’s a convicted felon, as is EJ, but hey let’s not muddy the waters. EJ gloats about the Bistro’s issues and Stefan’s losses. Then he leaves, smiling and air kisses to all.

Alex takes the blame for the magazine failing. He did it to prove Maggie wrong and to make his father proud. Theresa cracks and crumbles. She is going to make a fresh start somewhere else.

Maggie is happy to be officially engaged. She hopes that in some small manner it will make up in for his rivalry with Victor. Until Maggie speaks with her attorneys, she tells Konstantin she wants this to be kept quiet. Konstantin mutters about the card after Maggie leaves.

Wendy thought work would be a distraction but she couldn’t concentrate. She was looking for a lead on Clyde on the internet. Whine, whine, I really wish I could like this version of Wendy. I want the other the strong Wendy back. Tripp talks her down from a panic attack.

Ava and Harris continue to talk about looking for the book for Clyde. Harris has it all figured out, find the book, return it to Clyde, arrest Clyde, put Clyde behind bars forever. A terrific plan if only.

Maggie looks at a picture of Victor and says I hope I’m doing the right thing. Theresa comes in, she needs help from Maggie since Maggie is her sponsor. Theresa tells Maggie that the magazine has been shut down and she feels like a complete failure. Maggie tells Theresa that she knew the magazine would fail. But Alex had to learn the hard way and Maggie is sorry that Theresa was harmed.

Maggie is shocked that Theresa has quit. Theresa spends a bunch of words on what a failure she is, lack of experience, a charity hire and so forth. Maggie tells her to stop it and reminds Theresa that she ran the magazine before. Theresa said that it failed before too. She thought that she was going to be rich, successful and happy. But nope. Maggie thinks that Theresa is a smart, talented blah blah young woman. Then she leaves to talk to Alex. The girls will meet at the meeting tonight.

Konstantin wanders in as Theresa tries to leave.

Tripp thinks the apartment is chilly so he puts a blanket on Wendy. She is worried that Ava is going to find trouble again and Wendy is going to be caught in the crosshairs.

EJ wanders up to Harris and Ava and gloats. He accepts Ava’s quitting and tells of Stefan running the Bistro full time as he is no longer involved with DiMera Enterprises. By the way Ava, may I have the keys? Ava and Harris stare at each other.

Kristen can’t believe that Stefan is going to let EJ walk all over him take away the company he worked so hard to control. Stefan doesn’t see any other way around it at the moment. It's either resign or get fired. The board doesn’t want a CEO that’s a convicted felon. Kristen is a pardoned felon, so there is no way that she can't be a CEO. They dirty, stupid talk, ending up with Stefan working to get Kristen the CEO job.

Maggie walks in on Alex and they discuss Bella.

Konstantin and Theresa discuss things. Konstantin is happy to tell Theresa that Maggie just proposed to him. Theresa can’t believe a woman as smart as Maggie would fall for him. The plot set last August is retold, in case you’ve forgotten in. Now Konstantin puts a death threat in his threat to Theresa.

Wendy and Tripp talk in circles about family. Mr. Shin is riding his bike, taking interest in his garden, but her parents are still very fragile. Wendy is tired of waiting for bad things to happen to her.

Ava tells EJ she doesn’t have the keys to the Bistro. EJ claims to be trying to save Ava the awkwardness of meeting with Stefan after the deal Detective Harris floated to Stefan, cop to all drug charges, keep Ava’s name out of it. EJ thinks that was an egregious dereliction of duty on Harris’ part, sacrificing an open and shut case to save this one. Harris wants to know what Stefan is holding over EJ’s head?

Stefan and Kristen discuss Kristen’s lusting after the CEO job. Stefan wants Gabi out of prison.

Maggie won’t gloat. She does thank Alex for making the right decision. She wants to be brought back to Titan as she thinks they can right the ship.

Theresa and Konstantin talk about how everything that Victor amassed should be Konstantin's. He has to avenge a great loss; he can’t leave till he does.

Wendy talks of being afraid all of the time. Tripp tells her that he is there for her always. There may have been more but I dozed off.

Harris has figured it out that Stefan has something on EJ, and he's going to figure it out. EJ threatens Harris. (per closed captioning EJ whistles strangely) EJ leaves and Harris rolls his eyes.

Kristen thinks that they’d have better luck digging up Jimmy Hoffa. (a very corrupt teamsters boss, believed to be killed and buried in Giant’s stadium or any number of other sites) Stefan sweet talks her into getting Gabi out of prison. Kristen says she will think about it. She asks is Gabi innocent? Stefan and his PI have come up empty on who killed Li. Kristen will find out. I’m sure it will be earth shattering when we do find out.
Nice job, Robin, thank you!

I thought Wendy was going to tell Tripp she wants to move back home to feel safer, and he would go with her.

Ava lied through her teeth, again, and I think she needs to be transparent with Tripp and Wendy, no matter how they might feel, since they all still have targets on their backs, this isn't quite over. Harris thinks it will be simple as that to get Clyde back behind bars. Clyde's reach is still far, and he can take revenge on anyone no matter where he is. He needs to be taken out, period. Goldman, too.

Alex does not want Maggie back at Titan. How will this play out?

Sure, Maggie wants no one to know about the fake marriage, as no one will approve. Since most weddings in Salem are cursed, I hope this one is, too, if it gets that far.

I have a feeling that the pawn card will fall out of Thomas' backpack, or some other scenario, and Konstantin will have it again.

Kristen and Stefan vs EJ, good luck!
I don't think the pawn card will go back to Konny. I think Thomas may show John and then he will go into a trance and then Marlena or Steve will see it and figure it out. I hope the "phase of stupid women we KNOW are smarter" will be over soon.
If Maggie is going to be so foolish as to marry the Greek gargoyle, she should at least force him to sign a prenup that ensures he won’t ever get a dime of her money. As for creepy K himself, he used the term “I deserve” today. What he deserves is to be mauled by the old I’m-with-Jack mob and then get dumped outside the city limits.

What a tragedy, Bella magazine has died, leaving Gwennie T. jobless. How will Salem’s intellectual readers ever manage without it? Fie on Alex for not preserving this civic treasure.

Today’s biggest exercise in absurdity was the Kritter claiming to be a real DiMera. Standards for membership in la famiglia aren’t very high, but the perverse Kristen doesn’t come close to meeting them. Instead of mouthing off, she should be glad that Elvis gives her houseroom. As for the smug Stefan Zero, he’s a DiMansion waste of space. EJ should ship this cheap crook and his mustache to one of Stefano’s secret islands.
Thanks, robin.

Hopefully, it will take a few weeks before the lawyers get things ironed out so Maggie can marry Konstantin.

Interesting tidbit Wendy said today, Harris was a navy seal. <ha, ha> There's probably a billboard in town so
everyone won't forget that :)

Tripp thinks Wendy should see a professional. Will she do it? Will she see Marlena?

Will Theresa tell others about Maggie's proposal to Konstantin since Maggie didn't want anyone to know?
Hate to agree with Kristen, but she's sort of right. Stefano adopted her and Peter decades before EJ and Stefan were even hatched.

She was up to her eyeballs in DiMera deceit when Mario and Luigi (Stefan and EJ) were still in diapers.
She also kidnapped Baby Tate in utero, so we can add baby kidnapping.

And part of me still wonders if Sarah was pregnant on the DiMera island and gave birth to a baby that Kristen stole. That would be her ultimate revenge on Xander. Sarah was off screen exactly ten months so something they could re visit.
So we can add baby kidnapping.
Oh gosh I had that on my list and I must have reworded it without! Yes, she kidnapped Tate as a fetus and tried to do the same with Mackenzie! Just like her daddy who liked to play with genetic materials that didn't belong to him, and also kidnapped the Brady twins as newborns.