Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Aug. 21st, 2008, thank you. fixed it. sure would be an awful tiny space between the 7th & 7th floors, huh? Squish!

I cannot tell you how upset I was about the "freckle". Stefano has gone entirely too far picking on an innocent baby, and one who went thru so much to begin with just being born. Shame on him. That is disgusting. The "freckle" will probably grow into a phoenix tattoo as the baby grows.

As for Lexie....I am guessing she harbors still a lot of resentment against Sami, & so was just doing a tiny bit of payback.
And I will tell you, Kate was a pain in the you know what. I wanted Roman to get a cop to escort her out of the hospital, I swear, she was doing more harm than good, and who the blazes does she think she is??? Grrrrrr.
It was bad enough when the writers killed Zack in such a horrible way and now they are playing with Little Joe. Nope. Very bad.

Kate and her histrionics are exhausting. She is no fun. I long for the days of Vivian. She was a pain but at least she had personality and humor attached to her character. But I digress. Sorry.
So many potential story lines and we're going to go down a chip path again.. Really? Get over it already. Been there done that too many times. Let's go for an original thought for once.
Not that all the burgening Love Triangles are a new plot at least they throw in some new intrests. Although I have to admit I actually am starting to convert from a Sami/Lucas good girl fan to the Sami/EJ bad girl club. I think it would be brilliant to have Sami become an evil DiMera. Oh, the fun and torture that girl could come up with. :evillaugh:

Holy Hotness .... do you think that EJ and Sami could be any more sensual? Man can those two makeout! OMG!
Although I have to admit I actually am starting to convert from a Sami/Lucas good girl fan to the Sami/EJ bad girl club. I think it would be brilliant to have Sami become an evil DiMera. Oh, the fun and torture that girl could come up with. :evillaugh:

Yes, yes, I agree!! I would love Sami and EJ to become the evil powercouple! Sami and EJ are just not cut out to be selfless, giving, sensitive souls. Why not let them do what they do best?
Although I have to admit I actually am starting to convert from a Sami/Lucas good girl fan to the Sami/EJ bad girl club.

Itsn't it ironic that Lucas is now the simbol of good-Sami? I mean most of us Lumi fans wanted Lumi because they would be the 'bad couple'. Now the show has spun things to be totally different.
Well, who knows now. The show can go off into a completely different direction with the shakeup at the head table.
Well, who knows now. The show can go off into a completely different direction with the shakeup at the head table.

Good point - it will take awhile to turn the boat around though storylines are already written three months out! and I doubt if the new EP will rock that boat considering what happened with the old EP.
"It was bad enough when the writers killed Zack in such a horrible way and now they are playing with Little Joe. Nope. Very bad."

I agree... PLEASE.. leave the babies and kids alone.. These topics always freak me out and I really am not a fan... Although... this will make for a good story when Joe is older and Steve and Bo figure out what happened to him........
Did anyone think that maybe Stefano had Rolf steal some of baby Joe's DNA in order to clone him for some evil reason?
Did anyone think that maybe Stefano had Rolf steal some of baby Joe's DNA in order to clone him for some evil reason?

Ooooh, good thinking! That would make a much better story than the chip-in-the-brady one again. Then when they're older Stefano could pull a switch-a-roo.
I thought that Sami did not care about Nicole and EJ being together, and that she wanted Lucas back. Am I missing something? Nicole is to go after EJ, I thought that was always her target. I don't think that Sami is going to put up much of a fight since her focus has been Lucas. I liked the stairwell scene, but I really dont think it changes that much between EJ and Sami. Nicole is unsure of herself as ever, and Sami is still concerned about what Lucas thinks. I wish the writers would quit using the "I'm going to take my daughter, or you cant take my son" lines. Sure is getting old.

I'm curious of how they will work Sammys' real life preg. into the show or if they will just try to hide it. Could this be another story line

Are they any others out there that depend on Soap net for there daily Days' fix? That's how I get mine but lately they have no been showing Days' on Tuesdays & Thursdays. It really gets m lost but I am thankful for this great site, it helps. :confused:

NO NO NO I really wish that they would keep EJ and Sami together he is good for her, I mean I know she might havee made the decision a lil late but there still might be a chance, either that or they might have Sami turn up pregnant and have her pregnancy in real life finish out the story line..........JMO
I am so sick of Stefano! I wish they had never brought him back. And why wouldn't Kayla know that mark wasn't there before? When my son was born I knew every mark on him when he was 2 days old, and I know I would have been questioning something different, especially when he was missing. I also agree, Lexie comes across really dumb lots of times. I hate to think what the other doctors are like in that hospital if she is the Chief of Staff.
Another great write up Barb. :) Found a little typo though. I'm guessing that was supposed to be 6th and 7th floors. Thank you for all your hard work keeping us caught up on the show.

Why do you people have to point out Barb's mistakes :(you should he greatful for all she does for us. I for one would be very lost without her recaps for I can't watch the show on a daily basis.
Thanks again Barb.:smile:
Although I think we've got way too many pregnacy/baby s/l's of late, I wish they would just write in Sami's real pregnacy and let EJ be thrilled, and enjoy watching him pamper her as she grows big and fussy...LOL and end it with a huge wedding and get the love triangles over and done with.
I think Sami pretty much knows now she and Lucas are history, so Sami will want to move on. And truly I don't think EJ would turn her away if he felt sure she was in love with him and had accepted the fact Lucas is history for her.
So quit dragging this along, let the blood test Lexie took come back positive, show Sami telling EJ the news, where we know absolutely sure who the father is, and go from there. He'd be happy and I think she'd finally know where she belonged.
But just my take! LOL
I thought came to me as I watched the show. When Stefano gave the baby Joe to Rolf. The baby was wearing a Bob the builder sleeper. The baby they found in the linen hamper had on a plain blue sleeper and a mark that was new. Could it be that the baby in the hamper is not baby Joe? Stefano may have kept baby Joe and replaced him with another baby so they would think they have Joe.

Boy, I sure do agree with cjknick2!....Sami/EJ's make out scenes are pure chemistry at its best!...Hope we get more of the same.