Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Dec. 4th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Episode #10,968 Director – Noel Maxam

Chelsea wanders into an empty Cheatin’ Heart, where Max (in a tank top) is trying to fix some plumbing under the bar. He cusses a bit, then succeeds, and can now deal with Chelsea and her self pity party. Her gramma is worse, the cancer has spread, and everyone in her family is being tested, everyone single one except her. Poor Chelsea. A fed up Max reams her out, reminding her she already donated part of her pancreas to her father, she saved a life, and does she think she is the only person around with spare body parts to save lives. Ahhh, Chelsea got the message, thanks Max for being her friend, just what she needed. Later, she gets a call from Philip, and rushes over to the hospital.

Melanie sits at the computer in Maggie’s kitchen, tired and bored with trying to memorize all the stuff about Titan that Philip wants her to learn. She has been at this so long already…..looks at the clock, says, oh, just ½ hour. Time for a break. She gathers her things, leaves a note for Maggie not to touch the work project on the computer, and takes off down to the docks, where she has her own pity party. Maggie happens along, Melanie complains about Philip, not sure why he gave her this job, and now he is not returning her calls. Maggie reminds her that Philip has other things on his mind, tells her about Kate being back in the hospital. Melanie is understandably contrite, and when Maggie mentions helping, Melanie decides to go to the hospital and get tested.

Lucas is in the park with Chloe, just ending a phone call. Seems Austin & Will have been tested to see if they are a bone marrow match, Billie too, results are being sent to the hospital. He complains that in 70% of the cases, there is no match within the family. Chloe tells him to concentrate on the 30% who do. They leave the park, and next we see them in bed, basking in the afterglow. He mentions her not being able to show off her ring, she says it is o.k. with her, it is a good secret she is keeping, and she doesn’t want Kate to have more than she can handle right now. They talk of the beautiful home they will be moving into, exchange a few kisses, and are rolling around on the bed once more. Lucas gets a call from Philip, and says he will be right there.

At the Pub, Marlena is apologizing to John, telling him that the Dr. Taylor she had referred him to was an older man. Dr. Charlotte interrupts, saying that was her father, he died recently, she has taken over his cases, and is well qualified, as her father made sure she was up to speed. John throws in a comment every once in a while, enjoying the repartee between the two women. Marlena definitely is a bit green-eyed, and there is a bit of “meowing” on her part, especially when she learns that John has agreed to continue therapy with Dr. Taylor. Marlena wants to know why she was not informed that Dr. Kenneth Taylor had died, and is told that this Dr. Taylor left several messages at her office, she had to get at least one. Marlena says she had a temp working. (give me a break!) John gets a call, leaves the ladies alone, and now Dr. Taylor exchanges some conversation with Marlena about her relationship with John, that they may be divorced, but she is obviously close to him, and perhaps actually interferes with any progress. They banter about him a bit, and then Marlena learns that Dr. Taylor has left her home in St. Claire now that her father died, and has accepted a position at Salem Hospital. And in fact, has her office right next door to Marlena’s. John returns as she is saying this, and the smile on his face is too funny.

At the hospital, Philip sits besides a sleeping Kate, who evidently doesn’t have to wear one of those uncomfortable hospital gowns, but is in her own satin PJs. She opens her eyes, spies Philip and tells him he doesn’t have to sit holding her hand, she doesn’t want that. Nahh, he is just hangin out. LOL. She lets him know she is gonna fight all the way, but if things do not work out, she wants him to be strong. She gets a wave of terrible pain, Philip grabs her hand, telling her to squeeze his. Daniel has come in, Philip goes out in the hall. Now Kate talks to him about being there all time, sure this is reminding him of his wife. No, this is not about her, and not to worry.
Out in the hall, Stephanie arrives with some papers Phil has to sign right away. He does, she tells him she was tested herself, one can never tell. He thanks her, they hug as Melanie comes around the corner, and then retreats. Stephanie leaves, Melanie returns, Philip is rather curt with her, and she does not get a chance to even say she came to be tested, instead sort of saying all the wrong things, apparently. She leaves.
In the park, Stephanie meets up with her parents, bringing them coffee and hot chocolate, but drops one of the drinks. She breaks down, then explains to her worried parents about seeing Philip, so down about his mom….and just wanting to see her own. Hugs all around as Steve & Kayla embrace their daughter, telling her they are fine.
Melanie is back on the docks as Maggie comes by, surprised to still find her there. Melanie takes one of the grocery bags, and talks of how she always says the wrong thing, even when she is trying to be nice. She tells Maggie about seeing Stephanie there, who always seems to do or say the right thing. Maggie gives her some good advice, they seem to have made peace between themselves, and as they take off for home, Melanie tells herself she not only wants to make good at her own job, but at Stephanie’s as well. (Uh, oh)
Daniel brings in a Christmas ornament, places it on Kate’s bedside table. She opens her eyes, thinks it rather garish, but he says it was the last one in the gift shop. Kate really wants one more Christmas, if she can. A nurse brings word from the lab, Philip pops his head in, learns the results are all in. Daniel leaves for the lab, Philip calls family. Daniel stands with a folder, mutters this is not what he expected.
Lucas, Chloe, Philip are all in Kate’s room, Chelsea arrives, all wondering where Daniel is. He finally comes in, had to go back to the lab to double check something. Lucas asks if there is a match. Daniel tells them he did not just test family members (don’t you wonder if that included Rex & Cassie??? LOL) but also the hospital data base, to include former patients. So??? Kate asks if he found a match. Yes, he did. He hesitates, then announced “It is Chloe”.

Thanks for the summary. I missed a lot of yesterdays show. What a surprise to see Mel and Maggie get closer. Hate the fact that she is talking about going after Steph's job.
Thanks for the recap.
I hope some of Maggie rubs off on Melanie,( one can hope can't they).
But it sure doesn't sound like it's going to happen.
Sounds like a good one today.
Sounds like a good show. I'm kinda starting to like Mel. I can't stand Stephanie so I would like to see Melanie take her down.

I wonder if Kate's illness with be a long, drawn out thing or if Dr. Dan will come up with another of his miracle cures.

Thanks for the write up!
We once more run into that ol bugaboo of Chloe being a transplant patient.......who then is not considered a candidate to donate anything.......
But then Days has it's own ideas of what can or cannot be done medically, and we ARE coming into the season of miracles, aren't we?
I roared at John making faces when he was standing behind Doc while she was talking to Dr Taylor. Toooooooo funny. Marlena also got pretty snarky with Dr Taylor during their private conversation. A little personal and professional competition may be just what Marlena needs.

I also liked today's interactions between Maggie and Melanie.
I did like Maggie and Melanie's scenes. It's too bad they started Melanie out as such a brat. The actress is a cute girl and could have been very likable. If they want viewers to tune in to the younger crowd, why couldn't they make some of them likable? Nick is the only younger character I liked and now they have ruined him. What happened to the days when the show had young females you could root for like Hope, Melissa, & Jennifer?
I did like Maggie and Melanie's scenes. It's too bad they started Melanie out as such a brat. The actress is a cute girl and could have been very likable. If they want viewers to tune in to the younger crowd, why couldn't they make some of them likable? Nick is the only younger character I liked and now they have ruined him. What happened to the days when the show had young females you could root for like Hope, Melissa, & Jennifer?

Makes me miss Abby!
We once more run into that ol bugaboo of Chloe being a transplant patient.......who then is not considered a candidate to donate anything.......
But then Days has it's own ideas of what can or cannot be done medically, and we ARE coming into the season of miracles, aren't we?

I remember Philip being told he couldn't be tested when Bo was sick because of his face transplant (or maybe it was because of his leg?) so why could he be tested now? A little consistency would be nice.

I enjoyed the Melanie/Maggie scenes. (I've been watching for Mel to touch her face or play with her hair but haven't seen her do it for a while. It must have been a nervous habit of the actress).