Days of Our Lives - Thursday, February 1, 2024


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Peacock Description: "Feeling stuck, Lucas takes a chance by summoning Chad and Everett for an interview."

Show opens with Sloan and Eric in bed making out. They take each other's clothes off and start to get busy. There is a love song playing while they are doing the deed, only to be interrupted by the baby crying. Music and love-making stops.

At the Salem Spectator office, Chad and Everett are discussing the current stories. They need a voice from a regular person about how the drug problem is affecting the city.

Theresa is talking to herself over at Titan and Alex walks in. He takes a look at what she is working on. Brady walks in. Theresa thanks God that Brady is there, she needs his help badly.

Lucas is doing a chair workout in his room upstairs at the Pub. Harris walks in to update him on the case. He is going to the hospital to talk to a possible witness. He assures Lucas that he is safe, but Lucas doesn't believe him.

Back to the Sloan and Eric almost-too-inappropriate-for-Days scene, Sloan thinks they can continue and it's ok to just let the baby cry. Eric disagrees and walks away from her to take care of Jude. Sloan is annoyed and buries herself in her pillow.

At Titan, Theresa pleads to Brady what she needs help with. Alex is annoyed. Brady tells Theresa to go get a layout that is on his desk. When Theresa walks out, there are snarky remarks from Alex. Theresa returns to the room, she and Brady get to work on the project. Alex looks at the way they work together, turns and walks out.

At the upstairs Pub room, Harris tells Lucas he has to trust him and leaves. Lucas uses a burner phone to call Chad. He tells Chad where he is and that he needs to come up there to talk. Chad hangs up from Lucas and tells Everett they need to go, and the two grab their things and head out the door.

At Eric and Sloan's apartment, Eric is shirtless and holding baby Jude, he just fed him and carefully rocked him back to sleep and placed him back in his crib. Sloan is demanding Eric come back to bed NOW. Eric obeys her commands and back to the love-making they go, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. Sloan is annoyed. Eric goes to answer the door. It's Leo. Sloan says not to let him in. Eric does though. Leo walks in without invitation and starts talking to Eric about his photos. He wants to review them.

At Titan, Brady and Theresa are working on the project. Brady has helped her finish her project and tells her not to worry so much. Theresa thanks him for his help, and Brady says that he thinks she will be a big part of the magazine's success.

At the hospital, Marlena and Harris greet each other. They discuss the drug ring case and she invites Harris to talk to her again. He says ok.

At the room above the Pub, Chad and Everett greet Lucas. Lucas has a hell of a story to tell them.

In the square, Alex and Maggie run into each other. Maggie had gone to a meeting with Theresa and she seemed guarded. She asks Alex what that's about? Alex is just trying his best to be there for her. Maggie doubts him. She talks about the patience it takes to be in a relationship with an addict. She doesn't think he is equipped to handle it. Alex defends himself, asks Maggie if she is suggesting he break up with Theresa? And Maggie confirms, yes, that is exactly what she meant.

At Eric and Sloan's, Eric is telling Leo he can't show up without calling. Leo goes on and on about how Jude looks just like Eric. He plans to hang out, tells Sloan to go get him a drink. There is another knock at the door, Sloan is more annoyed. Sloan opens the door to Melinda Trask. Leo throws out some snarky lines about figuring things out. Melinda states she is Jude's godmother.

Back at the square, Maggie and Alex continue to argue about what's best for Theresa. Alex defends himself to Maggie's low opinions of him. He calmly explains how he feels about Theresa and that he is in it for the long haul. Maggie suggests he check out an addict support group so he can help himself and better help Theresa.

At Titan, Theresa is thanking Brady for going above and beyond for her. They talk about Tate and how strong he is. They talk about his other good traits and which one he gets each from. They agree he's a good kid, they must have done something right.

At the Pub upstairs hideout, Lucas is telling his story to Chad and Everett. Lucas explains he is there because Harris pulled some strings. He tells them about Clyde's involvement. Chad sighs and says he should have known.

At Marlena's office, Harris has sat down for his talk with her. Harris can't stop thinking about the kids affected, especially Holly Jonas. Marlena reminds him that she is in Italy getting treatment, her mom Nicole is with her, and everyone in Salem is hoping she gets better. She gets Harris to open up about his relationship with Ava.

Harris says Ava claims to be with Stefan, but he knows it's a lie. Marlena asks if Ava and Stefan are pretending? Harris says something like that. He says he just has to stay focused. He thanks Marlena for listening. Marlena says she is always here for him, and he leaves.

At Eric and Sloan's, Leo complains he has yet to be anointed as the godfather of Jude. Leo wonders when the christening is? Eric hasn't scheduled it yet because he wants Nicole to be able to be there. Melinda Trask snaps "you want the kidnapper to be there?" Eric snaps back that they are past that. Sloan chimes in asking how Holly is doing?

Eric updates her that he talked to Nicole this morning and Holly seems to be responding, though she hasn't woken up yet. But he is hopeful she will wake, and they can be there for Jude's christening, if that's ok with Sloan. Leo says "Wow, Eric is so kind, after everything Nicole has been through, she must be at the christening, it would do her heart some good, don't you agree Sloan?" Sloan just gives him the same look she gives him in every other scene in the history of ever.
At the square, Alex agrees to check out the support group Maggie suggested. Maggie asks to be considered for stepping back in at Titan. Alex turns her down. She plans to bring it up to the board. Alex wishes her luck, but it's not going to happen on his watch.

At the Pub hideout upstairs, Lucas continues to tell his story to Chad and Everett, who is asking questions and writing everything down. Harris walks in and looks angry. He wants to know what the hell is going on?

At Titan, Theresa and Brady continue their love talk of Tate and their favorite videos of him. They are laughing and chatting when Alex walks in. Theresa explains they were remembering when Tate was a little boy. Brady says he needs to get going and takes his leave. Before he leaves, Theresa thanks him again. After he leaves, Alex asks Theresa if Brady has solved all her problems? Theresa says yes, but now she needs him. They need to talk.

Back at Eric and Sloan's, Sloan says it's ok with her that they wait for Nicole to come back from Italy. Eric thanks her for understanding and kisses her. Eric says to Leo that they can go look at his photos now, and Leo makes a remark about his face and the two take off to another room to look at the photos. Sloan and Melinda have an argument. Sloan doesn't want to be a mother anymore. Melinda is hard on her. Sloan says she wishes she had a nanny. Melinda says just to get one, then. Sloan says they can't afford it. Melinda warns her if she doesn't figure out how to be a mother to Jude, then she will go to jail along with her and Leo. She would ruin her life and theirs, is that what she wants?

At the square, Maggie is on the phone thanking Henry for the board's support. When she hangs up, Brady runs into her and they smile and hug. Maggie updates him on Holly's progress. She asks how he is? He says he feels like he is treading water; with everything that happened with Tate and also with Theresa. Maggie is hoping maybe she can help.

At the Pub, Harris yells at Lucas for involving Chad and Everett. Chad argues his reason for wanting to help bring down Clyde Weston. Everett wonders if they can't post this story? Harris says not yet, it would jeopardize the entire case. He then says "wait a minute, what if I give you an exclusive on the bust if you hold the story?" Chad says deal and they shake on it.

At Titan, Alex says he has a bad feeling. Theresa says not to, she just knows that he wasn't that happy that Brady saved the day for her. Alex says he is actually glad he is there to help. He tells her that he is thinking of joining the addict support group meeting, just to help him understand everything better. She stares at him, obviously touched by his gesture, and asks "you would do that for me?" He replies that he would do anything for her. She says "How did I get so lucky?" They start kissing. Alex pauses and asks if he should shut the door. She says if you do, you'll definitely get luckier. So he breaks away and shuts the door.

At the square, Brady asks, and Maggie confirms that yes, she does want back in at Titan. She wants to be there to be more supportive of Theresa and to take burden off of Brady. She says that Alex completely rejected the idea. Brady says that was a mistake, as she is a terrific businesswoman. Maggie says she wants to be sure that she is doing what is best for all of us and life in general. Brady says God bless you for that! They hug.

Back at the above Pub hideout, Lucas is yelling and Harris is yelling, arguing about the situation and how Lucas made it worse by talking to journalists. Harris is trying to keep him alive. Lucas is a smart alec about it, he knows how Clyde Weston operates. He did what he did because he is trying to save lives including his own.

At Sloan and Eric's, they are finally alone and start to make out again, but there's a knock at the door, it's Marlena. She was in the neighborhood and wants to see her grandbaby. Eric invites her in, Sloan plops on bed annoyed.

In the square, Chad and Everett are walking through talking about the story. Chad says that if they are going to do it right, they have one more person to interview. Everett says "Yeah, Clyde Weston," Chad nods in agreement.
Thanks DaysLady.

Poor poor horny Sloan not getting her needs met. I agree she really isn't yet mommy material, she should be glad she's not dealing with the hormonal changes too.

Pretty much another day of super nothingness. I'm totally confused by the many time zones in Salem. Sloan and Eric getting it on. Leo drops by to check pictures? Lucas calls in the paper. Maggie's multi conversations at the town square. Melinda wanting to join in on the baptism.

Night? Day? Mid morning? Mid afternoon?
I fast forwarded over Sloan & Eric getting busy. And someone has to hover & dote over Jude cause Sloan sure doesn't. Seriously? She had no idea what babies did? Guess she really isn't human.

Lucas is a freaking idiot. Did they not tell you to not contact anyone? Let alone the press? I'm sure the interview with Clyde will go over like gang busters, no pun intended.

Alex jealous really doesn't play well. Is Theresa having regrets now that Alex is actually falling for her?
OK, so I'm confused (surprise surprise). DaysLady says that Lucas used a burner phone, which is also what I was thinking. However, Chad said something to the effect of Lucas, your number came up. First of all, I thought a burner phone was to give you anonymity. I realize the number may show up, but how would Chad know it was Lucas?

Also, if it was Lucas's old phone, where has it been and couldn't it be traced? By the police if they wanted to know where he was or even Clyde probably has a way to do it. Do these people know that Lucas is no longer at Statesville? Also, Lucas dialed Chad with one button push. Is Chad's number programmed into the burner phone? Am I once again overthinking and dwelling on insignificant things?

Still not sure about Everett yet.
Thanks, DaysLady.

Poor, poor Sloan. She got the baby she wanted to keep Eric, but she hates being a mother. ha, ha.

Is Brady working at Titan now? Probably since Alex bought Basic Black.

Lucas drank the stupid juice when he called Chad to give an interview. And Clyde will probably find
out where Lucas is.

Poor Maggie, she should be enjoying her granddaughter instead of annoying everyone.
What a way to introduce this episode to the viewers — Eric and Sloan in the throes of their illicit lust. Xander was really on target when he first called him the Fallen Father Eric.

People might think that Leo being a godfather is a terrible idea, but is any worse than having overheated shyster Sloan as a mother?

Lucas should simply shut up, be careful, and listen to Action Hero Harris. Yes, he survived being scheming Kate’s son and being married to screechy Sami, but creepy Clyde and his drug ring are a whole new ball game.

Finally, what makes the writers think that Gwennie T. trying to master the fine points of being an editor is an engaging subject?
Am I once again overthinking and dwelling on insignificant things?

Sorry Nameless but there's no thinking either over or under allowed with this show.

I assume they would just say Chad knew the number and you aren't supposed to think anything beyond that. Or Kate has had his phone since he went to the klink and you aren't supposed to think beyond that. :head scratch:
Great detailed summary, DaysLady, thank you!

That first scene was nauseating, I am glad Jude broke it up and that there were other interruptions. Too bad Eric did not overhear Sloan complaining about being a mother.

Odd that Brady said "My son, Tate," instead of either "my son" or "Tate." I guess this fits into people always using full names, like, "I have a beef with Stefan DiMera" or "Marlena Evans just called." Everyone gets to whom people are referring. Geez!

Alex's natural skin color is really green.

I hope Maggie returns to Titan. I want Alex to squirm. But more than that, I want Alex to be "dethroned" and for Xander to take his rightful place and be recognized as Victor's son. At that point, I trust Theresa will be gone. It's gonna get ugly, folks!