Days of Our Lives, Thursday, June 5th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Episode #10,842 Taped 5/6 Director - Albert Alarr

Ho, hum, if you watched Wednesday episode, you have seen a great deal of Thursday’s show, mostly due to very long flashbacks inserted into the show, just in case you perhaps were not paying attention the day before. EJ is sitting at the desk in the mansion, when Nicole comes barging in, despite Rolf’s protests. She wants EJ to speed up her divorce, her bank account is getting thirsty. He says that can’t be done, Sure it can, she retorts. Further conversation is halted as in comes Sami, Lucas, a cop, and EJ demanding to know what is going on. Sami waits for Lucas to explain, Lucas waits for Sami, and Nicole grins from ear to ear as she enjoys the show. Sami finally explains that Lucas broke house arrest, and EJ begins having a fit. Allie starts to cry, Sami picks her up, (we are back to pink blankets again, and this bundle seems pretty small in comparison to the size of Allie we saw on Wednesday). The baby continues to cry, EJ takes her, Lucas protests, Allie quiets down, Sami takes her & puts her down. Nicole comments to Lucas about EJ’s success, calling Lucas a loser. More arguing, as Lucas tries to explain about going after Allie. (Long flashback of the incident now). EJ complains this is the 2nd time Lucas has done this, and how did he get out of it. Sami explains her father pulled some strings. EJ tells her he does not want Lucas taking care of the twins at all. Lucas protests he can take care of his own daughter, and doesn’t want EJ doing it. EJ retorts that he has taken very good care of the twins the past few months, and then decides the twins need to go for a nap, he will put them down. Lucas wants to do it, EJ turns to Sami, saying he will do it, and Lucas is not to take care of the twins at all. Nicole keeps throwing in a crack here and there, Sami wants her out, finally EJ has her leave. She goes, & EJ goes to put the twins for a nap (tho we sure do not see him carry either one. Lol. Lucas confronts Sami about this, saying are you going to listen to him. Are you going to do what he says. Sami replies that for now, it is for the best, until he gets used to what their routine is, and how they behave.

John & Max are still facing off on the pier, when Stephanie runs up, stopping Max, and eventually hauling him away. We have one long, long flashback of her and Max arguing on the docks about how much work he did on Nick’s proposal. Next we see them at the Pub, she has another long flashback of a similar conversation. Max has relieved Pete, claims he was just having a bad day, was in a bad mood. She tells him she loves him, he says he loves her, she says she is not sure he knows what love is, because otherwise he would not keep shutting her out. He is at the other end of the bar when she takes the opportunity to call Nick, and ask his advice.

Meanwhile, John is alone on the pier, but Ava approaches, having seen the end of the confrontation. John is flashing back to being cuffed in the lab, with the goggles on. She asks if he wants to talk about it, no. Finally John turns to see who he is talking to, recognizes her from the papers. She knows his name, too, from the papers, calling him the resident drug dealer. Both mention being dragged thru the rags (Intruder & Chronicle). He asks about the doctor who kept her drugged, she tells him about the psychiatrist who was paid by her father to keep her on drugs to have her appear unbalanced. John empathizes, he also was treated against his will by a doctor. He talks of not being the same man he used to be, and the people who knew him before don’t like him anymore, don’t trust him. He kind of likes the way he is, as he understands his former self was somewhat of a boy scout. Abe comes upon the two of them, surprised they know each other, and wondering if John scored the cocaine from the Vitali connections. John tells him to go find the real culprits, Abe leaves. John asks her to dinner, but she can’t. He is married, she doesn’t date married men. She leaves, but promises to see him around.

Victor & Philip continue to argue about Chloe, and Philip’s stupid decision on how to deal with John Black. Chloe comes in, has packed a bag, will send for her things later. Philip insists she stay, Victor says out, she tells Phil she will be at Salem Inn until she finds a place. Now Phil & Victor argue, Victor is very, very angry. Philip tells him he was taking care of family business, just like Victor has done in the past. Vic admits he has done some regrettable things, but was left as a teen ager to support his family, and he did what he had to do. He asks where Phil got the cocaine, Phil says from an old contact of Vic’s in Mexico. That does not set well with Victor. John Black could have been handled much differently. Later Phil meets up with Chloe at Java Café. He is sorry about what happened. She is fine with it, spots Sami coming in, goes to talk to her. Sami gives her the cold shoulder, tho, blaming her for what happened to Brady, and Chloe not telling the family he had become an addict, so they could help. Chloe protests Brady is a grown man, but Sami cuts out.

Lexie sees Daniel and wants to talk. She has been to the meeting with the Theo’s teacher, who recommends he see a child specialist. Unknown to Abe, she already did so, but has been unable to get a definitive diagnosis. Tests and more tests. Daniel is sympathetic, and gives her a hug. Chelsea walks in, spots them, but is not worried. Dan spots her, and wants to talk. Strange conversation, as he has decided to be honest with her. She mentions the fake girlfriend he made up, but Daniel indicates the woman is not made up, just is unavailable. He knows he has issues with his dead wife, and this woman and intends to deal with it. Chelsea understands, promises to not throw herself at him any more, and takes off. Abe has arrived, telling Lexie that he has been thinking about the meeting with the teacher, and that he thinks they should have Theo see a child specialist. Lexie tells him now it is her turn to tell him something.

EJ meets up with Nicole outside, wanting to have a serious chat. She laughs, knowing he wants to talk about the secret he divulged while drunk. EJ tries the “who can believe a drunk” approach, but Nicole is having none of that, and thinks if the info hit the tabloids, it would create quite a stir. He wonders what she thinks to do with the info, and she takes out her cell, calls Lucas. He is about to hang up on her, but she says he definitely wants to hear what she has to say.

Boy, Nicole sure knows how to drive away any potential friend she has, doesn't she? Poor girl will never learn. Although, it's pretty hard to feel too sorry for EJ; lying is never the answer, especially with Sami. I wonder how Chelsea is so sure that Dan made up the other woman. DOes she think she is that hot? LOL. It's too bad that it was a lie, because I just can't stand the Chelsea/Dan pairing. Too much of an age gap, and maturity gap.
Lots of things happening in Salem - nothing progressing Is it me or is there just too much going on? Barb what do you think? Too much happening in Salem without storylines taking form or progressing....
Boy, oh boy....Yesterday, EJ wanted it to be just the 3 of them....Ej, Sami, and Johnny. Now, he wants control of both twins again.

Wonder what Nicole would want from Lucas in exchange for the EJ info?

Hope Vic really gives it to Phil.

The Max being a math whiz sl better have a good payoff, 'cuz its been draggin' on way too long for me.

People may get mad at me, but I'm sure glad there are no Steve/Kayla/Joey scenes today. Don't get me wrong...I love ol' Patch and Kayla, but I've been ffing here.
It appears the Dan/Chelsea pairing is similar to the Bo/Hope pairing in the 80s. Remember that Bo was supposedly much older than Hope and her father wanted it to end. I figure Bo will have similar issues if this continues.
All I can say is, boring, boring, boring. IA that stories aren't progressing much.

Thanks for sitting through this stuff and doing the writeup. Some days I wonder how you stay awake watching this show.:smile:

Days of our slow, repetitive and flashbacked lives.
All I can say is, boring, boring, boring. IA that stories aren't progressing much.

Thanks for sitting through this stuff and doing the writeup. Some days I wonder how you stay awake watching this show.:smile:

Days of our slow, repetitive and flashbacked lives.

My sentiments exactly!!!
EJ is getting rather demanding, isn't he? That seems a bit out of character. He has always stood by and let Lucas demand and let himself come out looking all gentlemanly (while being manipulative), but he seems to be taking Lucas's lines lately.

You know...if and when the real John comes back, I hope he finds himself some new friends. The guy was tortured by Stefano AGAIN and none of them can even show him the slightest bit of compassion. I know he's not the easiest guy to like, but after everything they said to him when he "died" you'd think they'd give him a chance. Especially the ones who called him "brother." It really irks me that Abe is still bugging him.
People may get mad at me, but I'm sure glad there are no Steve/Kayla/Joey scenes today. Don't get me wrong...I love ol' Patch and Kayla, but I've been ffing here.
I won't be mad at you. They've been fastforward material to me for quite awhile.
Lots of things happening in Salem - nothing progressing Is it me or is there just too much going on? Barb what do you think? Too much happening in Salem without storylines taking form or progressing....
Exactly! If there was some movement in story, it would help. I guess that is why I have forgotten something, and mention it later, after someone asks a question or says something which sends a memory spark. I know you will see the show later today.
Ya know, I woke up at 5 a.m. and thought, o heck, might as well make some coffee and watch. And after I did, I was sorry I did not get the extra hour of sleep. LOLOL

BTW.....EJ first appears at the desk wearing glasses!
Seems like a lot of story lines there...but they arent going anywhere!!
Seems wild that Sami says she wants Lucas but lets EJ talk to him the way he does. Espcially not letting him explain that breaking the perimeter was an accident cus he was going after Allie. I have to admit...I dont care who Sami ends up with now, or if she ends up with anyone...I am just tired of the yelling with those 3!!
I so hope this s/l with Daniel & Lexie isnt a romance that is gong on. I mean how many times can Lexie cheat on Abe. I know nothing has been siad that they are a pair, I am just hoping this is not where its going!
Now I am just speculating here, but it seems like Stephanie has been talking to Nick a lot lately. They have had quite a few scenes together & now she calls him for advice on Max. Think they might be trying to move Steph & Nick together as a couple?? I know some people might be pleased since they dont like the Max/Stephanie pairing. Anyway, just speculating.

Thanks for the write up Barb. As always, you do a wonderful job!!

Appears to me leopards really can't change their spots, EJ is back to his old family type tricks. What will happen if Yvonne messed up the disk, we will have the New John forever......I like him but would like to see him soften up a bit.
EJ is getting rather demanding, isn't he? That seems a bit out of character. He has always stood by and let Lucas demand and let himself come out looking all gentlemanly (while being manipulative), but he seems to be taking Lucas's lines lately.
He does always sit back and let Lucas dig his own hole, however, this time I think he wanted to prove something to Sami. I think he wanted to show her that no matter what, he had the children's best interest at heart. Him saying that he will take care of the children and not let Lucas, was to me, his way of making Lucas look like a poor father.

I think that was also his way of being manipulative. He wanted Sami to see that even though Allie is not hers, he will protect her no matter what. I think it is all just part of his master plan...

Sami doesn't help either, by agreeing with him. Telling Lucas until he gets the routine down EJ should take care of them....And she wonders why Lucas gets so upset with her!!!
EJ is getting rather demanding, isn't he? That seems a bit out of character. He has always stood by and let Lucas demand and let himself come out looking all gentlemanly (while being manipulative), but he seems to be taking Lucas's lines lately.

You know...if and when the real John comes back, I hope he finds himself some new friends. The guy was tortured by Stefano AGAIN and none of them can even show him the slightest bit of compassion. I know he's not the easiest guy to like, but after everything they said to him when he "died" you'd think they'd give him a chance. Especially the ones who called him "brother." It really irks me that Abe is still bugging him.

he is control freak. he doesn't love alllie period.
dr dan/chelsea

Has anyone have any idea if Daniel is telling the truth about the other women? i hope it isn't not lexie, i think dan & chelsea have a great chemistry
It appears the Dan/Chelsea pairing is similar to the Bo/Hope pairing in the 80s. Remember that Bo was supposedly much older than Hope and her father wanted it to end. I figure Bo will have similar issues if this continues.

Hope was like 17 or 18 years old. Bo was like 23 years old. There wasn't that much of an age difference. On the other hand, Chelsea's 21 years old. Dr. Dan is in his early forties. So, the age gap is not nearly the same.

Besides, IMHO, it would take a lot more than an age gap within any couple to remotely compare them to Bope.

I don't know if this "woman" that Dan is talking about exists, but it could be the mysterious person he talked to on the phone a short while earlier. This He sure is giving Chelsea the run around. And she's more than happy to follow him around town like a love sick puppy.
Thanks again Poirot for the great write up. Wish John and Philip would leave Max alone it seems they think he may know something why don't they use someone else who works down at the docks. Not liking the John and Ava thing but will see where it leads.
Chelsea assumes this woman is married because Daniel says she is "unavailable". And he will not either deny or confirm that. Knowing Day's penchant for recycling, what if there really IS a woman........and she's a nun? Hmmm........or.....maybe has some illness that would prevent them from going further with their relationship?