Days of Our Lives - Thursday May 15, 2014

I loved Strong Abby today.

I am liking the character of Ben but I don't care for this actor's performance. Unless he's SUPPOSED to be playing like he's constantly sedated. Perhaps he and Rory are friends?

The Nicole/Daniel scenes were infuriating. I had to stop watching live and go back on tape, so I could skip over them. Pointless, and meandering. (And a bit overdone on Shawn Christian's part (playing Daniel), IMO.)
There's absolutely nothing happening right now that has me the least bit interested or excited. Nothing! I should be used to it, given how the quality of writing/story-telling on this soap has been known to fluctuate, but it's disappointing because I look forward to watching and hopefully having something to talk about, but DAYS is giving me nada.

I could rant about Dan/Jen/Eric/Nicole and the how the writing is somewhat signaling a partner swap, but what's the point. I'll just continue to watch and hope for better DAYS.

I will admit the EJ/Abby scene yesterday was somewhat entertaining because I was fully expecting them to kiss when EJ was inches away from Abby's face telling her she knows him. They still have it lol.
No! Don't say that! Jennifer is too old and stuffy for Eric! Although he is a bland character himself.

Now, I could support a reboot of the Daniel-Nicole pairing. Funny how everyone wants them together now, when before almost everyone loathed that couple.
Eric was still a child when Jennifer first started dating Jack. She is way too old for him. I hate how this show tries to push all characters into the same peer group. I get that not everyone has a partner on their age range but the awkward friendships are a bit much(I.e. Jordan and Abigail)
Not to mention we barely see them interact anymore.

More of those friendships: Abby and Quinn, Daniel and Nicole (he is older than her, but not awkward), Anne and Theresa, Anne and Chloe.
In real life, (vs reel life) Nicole will be 40 soon, Daniel is 48. Not too old by a long shot.I like their friendship, but I think many viewers did not like the sweeping off of his desk by Daniel, in order to have sex with the very pregnant Nicole. Otherwise, their friendship was done well.