Days of Our Lives - Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sarah apologizes and acknowledges that it is clearly triggering for him.
I'm glad they're addressing this elephant in the room, but I feel like they could have staged this differently (e.g., she already has discussed this with him off-screen). Like the cute scene with Victoria she could have been recapping, "I know your daddy doesn't talk to his mommy, but..." etc.

Maggie can’t believe it was true.
Darn, there go our hopes that she was double-crossing him.
Xander says he absolutely is and departs.
I like tough Xander. Keep him grey.
I think the plan is for her to go through a fake version of a wedding and then see if Kon asks John to kill Maggie right after before the prenup can be filed.
Prenuptial agreements aren't filed with the court, they're private agreements. The only time they might become part of a public record is during a divorce. Otherwise, the only ones who see the agreements and have access to them are the parties involved and their attorneys. The prenup was valid once it was signed.
Thanks for the write-up!

This actually was a good show! I can't wait to see how the wedding plays out. Even Ava and Harris was interesting, though it does seem like a setup for his goodbye.

The Stefan and Xander stuff could be interesting if done properly. I hope it is. Sounds like Xander's mother might soon be arriving in town as well.