Days of our Lives - Thursday, October 12, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Please fill in the gaps. I didn't really pay as close attention to today's show.

Alex pity party, Justin shows up. They share a beer. Justin tells Alex that he is still his son. Tender moment, then Justin ruins it by asking about Maggie. They chat about other things then Justin finishes his beer and heads off to work????

Konstantin comes from Greece to chat with Maggie. He has something for Maggie, a photo album of younger Victor. Konstantin is sticking around Salem for a bit. Maggie asks him to stay at the mansion.

Belle pity party at the pub with Philip. Belle tells Philip that Shawn cheated on her there is nothing that can be done. Message here, only women can cheat and be forgiven. Belle lists all of her times cheating and apparently, she wasn’t blind drunk when she did.

Chloe tells Brady bye-bye, she’s leaving with Philip, Brady is not thrilled. Chloe feels the need to explain herself to Brady. Chloe was Brady’s first love; he’s never going to get over her. Lots of tears from both sides.

Shawn on the phone with someone thanking them for help. Talia wanders by, she and Shawn chat. Shawn blames himself for the break up of the marriage, so he can add almost killing his father, killing his grandfather and now breaking up his marriage. Belle walks in, sees Talia holding Shawns hand and is all witchy.

Belle wants to talk about their marriage. She wants to try to save it. But Shawn won’t be around to work on their marriage. He’s going to an outpatient facility near where his dad is. He will be away until his head is on straight and he needs to do it without Belle. Belle is hurt that Shawn wants to get better with her.

Kate snarks at her son. It’s not charming. Kate brings up lots of Phil’s troubles. Kate continues to be ultra judgmental on all things Philip. If you listen to this conversation, you’d think Philip was her only child. Oh Lord, Chloe walks into this conversation. Chloe confronts Kate head on, Kate backs away slowly but with a threat to Chloe.

Brady is livid at Alex as he has quit Basic Black to go work at Titan. But Alex didn’t bother to tell Brady about it. Basic Black’s exclusivity with DiMera is ending, so come to Titan. Joy, we are getting more business stories.

Justin meets Konstantin, and he’s not happy.
What puzzled me was that the actress is also leaving, so why have her NOT go with Shawn?

Truly a shame that fired guy got rid of so many good people. Hopefully, Days will try and get some back now, tho we would not see any of them, until next late spring, if at all.
I keep expecting Konstanin to drop some kind of bombshell that changes everything.

Was Chloe really Brady's first love? I don't remember much about those teen years.
I thought the same thing, and then when he pulled out the photo album, I got to thinking that maybe someone will recognize a photo that points to Xander being Victor's son.
Maybe it's due to so many being gaga over Xander, but I really do not care for him. I felt there was some real emotion between the actors who portray Brady and Chloe. He looks a little weather beaten, but I like the actor playing Philip. I loved his flip responses to meddling Kate.
Gotta say, very peculiar to have some old, very good friend of Victor's drop in suddenly, all the way from Greece, with a photo album full of young Vic, (what about a young Konstantin if they were such good friends) who plans on staying for a while............and Maggie never heard of him. Does Justin seem to know who he is.........tho obviously had not seen him before. Hmmm!
Thanks for doing another day robin.

It's still the same night.

Nice scenes with Alex and Justin. I'm glad Alex says he won't let the money go to his head. Theresa may
not like that. Interesting what he said about Scrooge McDuck and playing in gold coins.

Is Konstantin really a close friend of Victor's? Does he need money since he wanted a cheap place to stay?

I'm glad Belle made up with Shawn. I hope they won't be separated too long.

Sad to see Chloe, Philip and Shawn leave the same day. I hope they will come back.
Here's Scrooge McDuck in his money
