Days of Our Lives - Thursday, October 26, 2023


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Konstantin is on the phone with Theresa talking about making inroads with Alex. She’s out in public and he’s in the living room of the mansion so very safe and obviously overheard by Sarah and pink blanket baby. “Neither one of us wanted it to be Xander.” is the specific line she walks in on.

Xander is on the phone telling Sloan he wants her to hit Sarah with both barrels, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get custody of his daughter. He hangs up as there is a knock at the door. It’s Maggie. Xander tries to be nice and ask her what she’s there for? But Maggie isn’t having it. She’s upset about what he’s doing to Sarah. How dare he try to take her granddaughter away?

Steve, Kayla and Marlena are putting together Halloween goodie bags and discussing how they loved this time of year when their kids were smaller. Then Kate comes in with Thomas and Charlotte all dressed up in their costumes. Thomas says Dad and Stephanie are working. Chad reads off a PR statement he’s working on for Titan and Stephanie helps him fix it. The door rings, she asks him to get it as she’s still getting ready. Chad opens the door to no one.

Sarah comes fully into the room and Konstantin hangs up the phone. He makes friendly talk. Sarah says she doesn’t feel lovely with only three hours of sleep. Sarah introduces Victoria, and she brings up that she overheard him talking about Xander when she came in.

Maggie is upset that Xander has the gall to call her daughter an unfit mother. Xander tries to explain himself. Eventually he says Maggie also lied to him about the baby.

Chad said it must have been kids playing a prank as no one was there. Stephanie comes out in her costume, but Chad seems to dislike it. He’s upset because Abby wore a costume just like it on their last Halloween together.
Theresa finds Alex in the park stumbling and covered in blood. She’s acts very concerned and wants to know what happened to him? She wants to take him to a hospital. He tells her it’s not blood. One of Titan’s manufacturing plants interrupted a turtles spot and when he left the building he got splashed with fake blood as Titan has blood on its hands. Alex says he could pull it off as a sick Halloween costume. He needs to go home and change. He might need help from her scrubbing off this sticky stuff.

Xander tells Maggie all this time she knew the truth, and he thought they had a connection. Maggie says they do. She hated lying to him. Xander says yet here we are. Maggie tells him she pleaded with Sarah to tell him the truth but Sarah had been too worried. Maggie thought he should be given a second chance, but Sarah did not. Maggie says Sarah is her daughter and she can’t go against her. Xander apologizes for getting angry with her. Maggie sings Konstantin’s praises.

Konstantin tells Sarah he was talking to a friend of his in Greece who’s running his restaurant in Greece. He knows Xander. Victor’s nephew has quite the reputation in Greece. Everyone knows he’s the black sheep in the Kiriakis family. Konstanin says he heard about the custody situation and had to let his friend know he’d added another bad deed to his list. Konstantin asks what her lawyers are saying? Sarah says there is a chance a judge could give the baby to Xander. She says that she lied and Xander only found out because someone overheard it in another conversation.

Thomas and Charlotte are comparing what’s in their bags and Thomas asks for another chocolate bar so he can match how many Charlotte got. Kayla gives him one, then gets on to Steve who was only supposed to put one bar per bag. Kayla takes him off to the side to talk to him before Chad and Stephanie get there. She doesn’t want them to talk about marriage to them.

Stephanie says Abigail wore this same costume? I’m sorry, I had no idea. Chad tells her that it’s not her fault, but they are almost identical. Stephanie offers to go change, but Chad says she doesn’t have to. Stephanie doesn’t want to wear something that will upset the kids or him. Today is supposed to be fun.

Alex is trying to work up Theresa again and she says showering with him doesn’t fall under roomie duties. She thinks they should hold off on a relationship while they get to know each other. Maybe he should buy a girl lunch. He can spare the money for lunch after his inheritance. He leaves.

Stephanie and Chad walk into the pub, and she’s not wearing a costume. Kate tells Chad he looks dashing as the Count (vampire) and asks what Stephanie is supposed to be? She says she decided not to wear her costume. Marlena asks why? She tries to make an excuse about it not fitting right. Kayla pops in and says she has to get to work. She tells Chad to stop by the blood drive later and stir up some business. The kids ask Stephanie to look at their candy, while Steve tells Chad he needs to talk to him.

Xander says it sounds like Konstantin has been a great comfort to Maggie. She says he has, meeting someone who knew Victor for so long. Xander is grateful Konstantin can give her that. Xander says he’s not that fond of him. He’s glad she has someone to lean on. For the record, she could always lean on him. She says their friendship means so much to her. Xander says they are more than friends, they are family. Maggie agrees they always will be because of the baby. Maggie tries to get him to drop full custody by saying for the baby’s sake she hopes they can work things out.

Konstantin tells Sarah to do whatever she has to do. They talk about Maggie enjoying him being there. Sarah needs to find the nanny so she can run her errand. Konstantin offers to take the baby upstairs to the nanny. She passes off blanket baby and leaves. He tells blanket baby that he hates to break it to her, but her namesake is one horrible SOB. And he intends to get all of his money.

Alex and Theresa are eating and he keeps looking around and she asks if he’s expecting someone? He’s worried about the protesters. They are flirting. Xander walks up. Xander says he feels like he didn’t give Alex a proper warning so he’ll do it know. Alex is making a huge mistake being anywhere near Theresa. She says I’m sitting right here, I can hear you. Xander again warns that she’s after his fortune.

Maggie has arrived home. Konstantin is super excited a gift he had made for Maggie was delivered. The gift is a portrait of Victor.

Sarah walks in to Kayla’s office. Kayla asks about the baby. Sarah says she’s amazing and Sarah is exhausted. Sarah came in to ask for help, a job.

Steve tells Chad he’s sorry he brought up the subject of marriage the other night. Chad says he and Stephanie talked about it and they are on the same page. Steve thinks Chad may need to turn to a new page.

Kayla didn’t know she’d decided to stay in town. Sarah tells her about the custody battle. Kayla says she can’t really be worried a judge would grant that. Sarah says she didn’t think so, but Justin told her it could be a possibility. Sarah says she’s doing everything possible to look like the best parent for her daughter. But now Rex and she are getting a divorce and the situation is precarious.

Sarah just wants to be prepared and showing the court she’s gainfully employed would help. She’s hoping she could start off as part time and slowly work her way up to full time. Kayla says that’s something that will work. Sarah will start as soon as Kayla wants. Kayla will email her the paperwork. They hug. Kayla is happy to have her back. Sarah leaves.

Theresa tells Alex not to listen to Xander. Their living situation has nothing to do with money. They go back and forth about Theresa possibly having inside knowledge of the will. Xander brings up how Theresa falsely accused him of raping her to try to get Brady and he went to jail for it. Theresa says she is a totally different person now. Xander says if it was him, he’d guard the fortune with his life.

Maggie says it’s beautiful. How on earth did he have it done? Konstantin found an artist and gave them a photo. Maggie’s so impressed but thinks it’s too much. Konstantin hypes up how he wants everyone to feel Victor’s presence there.

Chad doesn’t think he understands Steve. Steve says that Stephanie may have told him she didn’t want to get married now, but Steve believes she’s really hoping for marriage. He understands Chad is still grieving and it’s complicated, but if he isn’t willing to give Stephanie everything, she’s willing to give then he needs to end it.

Chad says give me a moment to explain. Steve says he needs to end it not just for Stephanie but also the kids. Steve tells him if he’s not in it for the long haul, he needs to tell her now. Stephanie walks up and asks what’s going on? Marlena comes up and tells Chad it was nice to see them both and the children were beautifully behaved.

Kayla gets a second visitor, Steve. She wants to know what he’s doing there? He came to tell her that he might have caused a problem between Stephanie and Chad.

Chad asks Kate to watch the kids a little longer so he can talk to Stephanie. She wants to know what’s going on? Chad tells her it’s not about her dad, he wants to ask her something and she needs to be honest. Was she telling him the truth when she said she didn’t want to get married?

Alex tells Xander he’s being rude rather than helping and sends him away. Xander leaves. But runs into Sarah, of course. He tells her he wants to grab a coffee to discuss the custody thing. She says no. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk about custody without their lawyers. She’ll see him in court. (So obviously now he’ll push back via court and so shall she)

Theresa hopes Alex didn’t take Xander seriously. Alex says it’s just jealousy. Theresa agrees.

Konstantin has hung the painting. It was exactly what the room needed he says. Maggie agrees. Maggie leaves the room and Konstantin talks to the painting, saying “You may have screwed me out of your will but it isn’t over between us yet. Why should I settle for a cut of your son’s half, when I can take all of your wife’s?”
Thank you, Kris......good Job!

They wrap that "baby" so well, it looks as if they want to smother her to death. How does that poor baby breathe with her head all wrapped tight in the blanket?

The actor portraying Konstantin does a really good job.......very good. Far outshines Maggie in their scenes together. Too bad he is the bad guy.

Laughed at Chad, in his Count Dracula outfit, trying to speak with his vampire teeth in, so had to keep removing them. Why the blazes would the show have Stephanie wearing same costume as Abigail did last year? Cheesy. Same goes for the dialogue given to Steve today. That is not how Steve would have talked or acted.

And, in my opinion, the Halloween costumes for everyone were terrible.

Guess Halloween is gonna last a while, since today is just the 26th.
Thank you kris for the summary.

Great, now we have two titans of industry who have passed who have big paintings of them on the wall so people can talk to them.

Was Steve around when Stephanie was little? Or is history being changed???

Who knew Chad was such a sensitive person? Moving in and loving a woman then getting teary eyed and wistful when he sees her in a black dress similar to the one his late wife wore? Is this really the best they can do for Chad?? A crummy I love you but still love my dead wife more story?
Great job, Kris!

Charlotte and Thomas are so adorable! At least they are still children and not teens, what a concept!

Why the heck are they writing Steve like a buttinsky? He is not a meddler, why now? At least he did tell Kayla he thinks he caused problems for Stephanie and Chad.

The way Chad talks about Abby so much, Stephanie should just end the relationship. She can still be in the kids' lives.

The painting of Victor is quite nice, but not the person who gifted it to Maggie. Too bad she is taken in by Konstantin's charms. I wish Maggie overhead his comments to Victoria about Victor. (Now I want to watch Victor Victoria again!)

Eventually, what Xander said to Theresa about Alex will become the reality. I do want the truth to out sooner vs later, but that is wishful thinking. This charade will go on and on.
Can someone off Konstanin? I am sick of him.
That old faker Konstantin has become unbearable. The sooner he crashes and burns the better. If he does own a restaurant in Greece, it’s probably a front for the drug trade. And his insulting talk about Xander is surely just a charade. He was probably the one who sold the X-Man the cage he used to lock up Eric and Nicole. This sadist probably also sent the goat who terrorized Lani on the Greek island.

It was one tough assignment for fan favorite, Doll-in-Blanket, having to get so close to the odious Konstantin. Anyone getting too close to this b/s artist will probably find that he smells of ouzo.

Finally, Sarah still won’t get off her high horse about Xander. Would her attitude change if she learned he was the true heir to Victor’s fortune?
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Thanks, Kris.

What a nice portrait of Victor. Too bad Konstantin was the one who gave it to Maggie.

So, Konstantin wants all of Victor's money. Hopefully, he'll get found out soon.

And how is Xander going to find out he's really Victor's son and how long do we have to wait?
Until Victoria is in high school, which could be next week :)

Steve really put his foot in this time telling Chad that Stephanie doesn't actually want to wait to get married.

Enjoyed Thomas and Charlotte.

Doll in blanket did a great job like it always does.
I thought the portrait of Victor was poor quality (compared to others done for other characters, Stefano, Sami/Kate, that were displayed in the DiMera living room at some point).

Victor’s looks more like an enlarged photograph instead of a painting/portrait. The actual photograph of Victor is a nice one. But the quality looks cheap/poor.
Thanks for the write-up. Another yawner. Hopefully the next one is more entertaining. I'm just so sick of the custody battle and Chad's relationship with Stephanie. Alex and Theresa aren't interesting at all, and neither is Konstantin.