Days of our Lives - Thursday September 30, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
A day of Possession story and Lucas returns sadly so does Kate...
EJ in the pub making a dinner reservation for two, and Lucas walks up and asks if Sami came back to him. EJ tells Lucas that, No, Samantha is not back in town, not that it is any of Lucas’ concern. Lucas disagrees, Sami is the mother of his children, and my friend. But as no one has heard from her, it seems that Sami doesn’t want to be Lucas’ little friend. Lucas tells EJ it’s not like Sami to just run away. EJ concedes that point. EJ says that in finding herself in Lucas’ arms she found she was at the bottom of the barrel. The two boys beat each other’s chests. The boys almost come to blows and Roman intervenes tells EJ he has two choices leave or sit down. Lucas replies it’s okay, I have places to be, I’ll leave. EJ doesn’t believe Lucas has anyplace to go. Lucas tells EJ to tell Johnny that Lucas has put things in motion, EJ what in motion, OH I’m investing in his movie. Spoiler alert EJ, brags Lucas you’ll be surprised as to who Sami’s real true love is. Lucas leaves. Roman provides EJ a cup of coffee while EJ whines about Lucas giving money to Johnny. Roman tells EJ that Lucas isn’t the only investor. Roman tells EJ that he isn’t about stop one of his grandchildren when they are pursuing a dream. EJ tells Roman that Johnny’s place is DiMera. Roman asks EJ if he ever stops to realize just how STUPID he is? EJ takes it well. Roman tells him the quickest way to push his son away is to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. EJ asks if that type of great parenting advice is what help make Samantha into the woman she is today. The Tramp she is. Roman tells EJ it’s obvious you came in looking for a fight. Be careful what you wish for. Roman will not allow EJ to bad mouth his daughter. Roman is not defending all of Sami’s actions.

The girls outside their store sampling the goods. Chanel complains about her bad night’s sleep due to a constant rocking bed. Allie assumes she means that Johnny finally wore her down and they did the midnight dance. Chanel tells Allie to get her head out of the gutter. Chanel complains about watching that terrible movie. Chanel thinks the devil will go after her. Allie thinks Johnny is being an idiot going forward with this movie, so does Chanel. Chanel thinks the Devil will be upset about with Johnny making the movie. Chanel talks about all the stories about the strange things that happened around the sets of the movie the Exorcist and about the people who saw the movie. Chanel claims you don’t Mess with the Devil. Allie is her good luck charm. Chanel won’t be able to talk Johnny out of making the movie then the girls go all middle school about Chanel dating Johnny. The girls talk about their lack of sleep. Tripp did spend the night, but that’s not why Allie didn’t sleep, seems Toddler Henry is teething. Chanel thought he already did that. Spoiler alert, kids don’t get their teeth all at one time!! Tripp got up with Henry at 5am so Allie could come make doughnuts. Gushy mushy talk. Allie tells Chanel that Tripp said he Loved Her and she didn’t say it back. Chanel and Johnny are still in the wooing stage. (Figure this out soon. Allie’s fence sitting Chanel or Tripp is really old) OF course Tripp interrupts this amazing conversation on wooing. Tripp and Allie kiss.

Johnny calls John asks for Grandma who is not felling well and is still resting. John is in the living room. Marlena has a flashback of trying to kill Doug with a pillow. Because the all powerful needs to use a pillow. The “music” is painful sounds like backwards violins. John tells Johnny that Grandma and John will pass on investing in Johnny’s movie. The memories are too painful. Johnny tries to be cute. John snaps at him. Johnny of course doesn’t take the hint/demand/suggestion. Marlena wakes with a shout John goes to her on the run. Marlena can’t really remember the dream, it might have been about Doug, John notes she is trembling. Everything is going so fast, it’s all a blur, she can’t figure it out. Marlena tells of her concerns, John misinterprets what she’s saying. Marlena is confused. John asks if Marlena recorded her session with Doug? She did. They are going to go to the hospital together.

Hospital, Doug is sleeping, Tripp comes in. Julie says Doug did not have a good night. Tripp asks Julie to leave, Julie refuses to leave. Julie tells Tripp that once Marlena came in Doug got way worse. Doug’s vital signs are stable. Tripp says being restless is a symptom of dementia. Julie snaps at him that Doug doesn’t have Dementia. Tripp apologizes for the term. Julie says she knows if she prays for Doug he will get better. The power of prayer can fix everything. (Yes, missy, tell that to your pacemaker) Julie wants Tripp to tell her if Scientific answers exist for everything. Tripp tells Julie about Johnny doing a movie about Marlena’s possession. Doug’s heartrate starts to rise. Tripp is off shift, he is going to stop by the Chapel and say a pray for Doug.

Abby walks in to see a depressed Johnny. Abby says well it won’t be dull. And yes, Will did write about Abby having an affair with EJ while engaged to Sami. This does not please Abby. Abby still fondling the script wants to know all the details of her affair with EJ. Johnny tells Abby it’s the most cinematic part of the movie, long shower scenes intercut with his mom planning a wedding, with no idea about the affair, and the way Will describes my father’s body, it’s almost as if he had a thing for his stepfather. Johnny tells Abby that he’s cutting the entire Affair from the script. HE is only going to use the possession. Johnny wants to know what Abby remembers of the time his grandmother was possessed. Abby doesn’t remember much; she was just a kid. Johnny is finding that not a lot of people talked about this family event he wants to make a movie about. (Gee that’s odd? Right) Johnny is on his delusional horse trying to convince Abby. Abby can’t believe he isn’t going to use actors; he wants real people. Johnny wants Abby to play Marlena. Abby giggles nervously. (brilliant idea having a twice multiple personality person play someone possessed by the devil)

Kate wanders in and bothers Philip. Philip wants to know why she is there. It’s not a casual visit. Kate is worried about her other children. After running the gamut of Kate’s children Philip figures it out it’s Lucas that Kate is worried about. Philip tells Kate to respect the fact Lucas is an adult and can be mopey and sad if he wants to. Kate takes that information really well. Kate goes to stalk off. Philip tells her he is sensitive to her interfering in their lives. Philip says I tried to help. Philip tells her to get a love life to obsess over. Kate tells Philip off screen about Roman asking her out. Kate says she’s not going out with Roman because love is risky and she doesn’t want to put herself out there. Kate isn’t wearing chunky jewelry.

John and Marlena are now at the hospital. Marlena is sure she missed something, so she is going to go listen to the tape. John is going to go visit Doug and Julie. The tape starts. IT’s an audio flashback. We watch Marlena listening to it. We get to the lock Julie in the freezer part. Move to John talking with Julie. Julie could use a shower and a change of clothes. John will stay with Doug, Julie will go shower and change. Julie leaves her rosary with Doug. Doug’s heartrate starts to drop as John sits there. Marlena starts to change as hearing Doug giggle over locking Julie in the freezer. Doug tries to talk with John. Marlena is hearing the tape she grabs it. Doug tells John that Marlena needs our help. Marlena tried to kill me. The tape is destroyed static and the Devil.
Roman asks EJ if he ever stops to realize just how STUPID he is?
Loved it!!! I really just wanted Roman to punch him, though....

I really like the actor playing Johnny, I just wish they would have found a different story for him...everyone is telling him to leave this alone and he won't listen (proving he is Sami's son)...
Cannot and definitely WILL NOT watch this possession / demonic story. Did not like it the first time and do not wish to revisit it. I was raised Catholic and still practice. I am educated beyond the basics of my religion and my eyes and mind are open. Sick and tired of Hollywood using a practice such as this to get ratings. Felt that way about the movie "The Exorcist" when it came out. I could not believe someone allowed their 12 year old daughter to audition for the role of Regan.(sp?) People said, "Oh she did not say the words - it was an adult dubbed in for her" She still had to mouth the words and she did take the crucifix and violate herself with it. What is wrong with people? Do they think this is an appropriate Halloween story? I guess I should stop using the words "do they think" when it is apparent they did not think through the ramifications and misinterpretation of an exorcism. Will not apologize for my comments. They certainly would not do this with rituals of other religions. Nope. Always seems to be Catholics. You do not have to like Catholics but some tolerance of what you do not know or understand would be nice. Catholics have a lot of reasons to feel betrayed by priests, nuns etc. but there are teachings there that are worth time, thought and belief. Whenever Hollywood makes religion the center of a movie or tv show, it is in a negative light. My opinion - you don't have to like it.

Let me know when it is over. I might go back to watching.
Despite the best efforts of the writers, I managed to stay awake and sit through this one.

EJ: Why is he even allowed in the Pub? He's been trashing Sami for some time now and unless he's been hibernating, Roman has to have heard about this.

Lucas: He ought to team up with the mighty Xander and teach creepy EJ some serious lessons.

Johnny: Somebody should really tell him possession plots have been done to death. And doesn't he realize that people who suffer through his so-called movie will be comparing it to far better made productions?

Allie & Chanel: Contrary to what the viewers have been told, Sweet Bits products can't be that good. The whole time that its owners were talking, not one person stopped by to sample or buy anything.
Today wasn't that bad. EJ is still awful, but I enjoyed Roman telling him he was stupid and trying to talk sense to him. I think it's ridiculous the way he talked about Sami to her father—especially considering EJ's history with Sami. Not to beat a dead horse, but when you once raped a man's daughter, calling her shaming sexual names in front of him takes a lot of nerve.

I agree that the will-they-or-won't-they situation with Chanel and Allie is dragging. I like Chanel and Johnny, and it seems like Chanel is moving on. It's Allie who's waffling. And I kind of don't blame her. Tripp has become super boring—although I enjoyed his talk with Julie.

I'm also glad that someone is directly addressing that Abigail once slept with EJ behind Sami's back. Sometimes, they make Abby sound like a saint except for a few things she did when her mental illness wasn't controlled. That's nowhere close to true.

I won't mind the possession story if they keep it moving and resolve it quickly enough. I'm glad Doug told John that Marlena tried to kill her. Hopefully, John won't ignore what Doug has to say. In case it's not clear, the devil breaks into Marlena's recording and speaks to her, "Did you really need to replay the recording?" He's obviously there, but Marlena is also sometimes just herself.

As far as the religious stuff, part of the reason they use Catholicism or Christianity is that's likely the religion most of the writers are a part of or have been a part of—either directly or just culturally living in America. It's a very different thing to take liberties with cultures and religions that aren't your own or aren't the dominant religion of the culture. And no category of knowledge in this show is fully respected—from the law, to medicine, to business, to religion, to...anything. They take a LOT of liberties, but they typically show Christianity and Catholicism in a positive light. Numerous characters talk about their faith getting them through things—like today with Julie. And it's not like that's the first time she or others have talked about faith. Characters have had guardian angels or other non-demon religious experiences. How many prayerful miracles have they had on this show? I know the nun storyline was wildly inaccurate, but it wasn't shown in a negative light. Catholicism briefly turned psycho Kristen into a reasonable person.

Also, part of the reason Christianity is a topic is there are only Christian characters on the show. Think of that. It's not like there are any Jews or Muslims or anything else in Salem, which is itself weird. At least Christianity is represented. I remember one Jewish character on Days. I looked her up. Robin Jacobs was a love interest for Mike Horton in the late '80s—so 35 years ago. If anybody remembers a significant presence of non-Christian faith on the show in a storyline, remind me. But I guess since they don't tend to treat familiar topic areas with accuracy or respect for their rules, etc., maybe people might prefer if they didn't mention Christianity at all.

I know demonic things make Christians uncomfortable, and I understand why people of that mindset are turning this off right now. I grew up in an evangelical protestant tradition and wasn't even allowed to watch ET as a kid because it was "demonic." That's probably why I also now have a different point of view and try not to take religious themes in the popular media seriously.
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(brilliant idea having a twice multiple personality person play someone possessed by the devil)
Robin, you made me laugh out loud.

Ron, you made me make other choices at 12:30 today.
Kate isn’t wearing chunky jewelry.
Let's start the pool - clone, ghost, robot, or evil twin?
Not to beat a dead horse, but when you once raped a man's daughter, calling her shaming sexual names in front of him takes a lot of nerve.
I can't believe Roman serves him. I mean Salem has weird economics, but throwing EJ on his ear would definitely be good for business.
It's a very different thing to take liberties with cultures and religions that aren't your own or aren't the dominant religion of the culture.
standing o.gif

Robin Jacobs was Jeremy's mother and I'm not sure they ever addressed Jeremy's religion when he was on-screen.
Robin's religion was addressed at the time and very carefully. It was respectful but again, not Christian. Jeremy's religion may not have been addressed. That I cannot recall for sure. The Christian religions are fair game and that usually is the Catholic religion. You don't see stories about Lutherans, Presbyterians or Methodists etc. generally speaking. It almost always is Catholic and with disdain. They take liberties and it has become worse since the scandals with Priests throughout the US. That is not everything about the Catholic church. Maybe if priests could marry, those scandals could have been avoided. However the scandals have turned up in non-Catholic settings such as scouts and youth directors.
Thanks, robin.

Kate wasn't wearing clunky jewelry, but she had furry things attached to her suit blazer.

When I made my notes, I wrote Johnny is jerk just before Allie said that. I hope Johnny is possessed he deserves it.
Tripp needs to be possessed too since he didn't believe it.

So, Johnny read more of the script because he found out about Abby and his dad. Was this before or after
Johnny was conceived? Is that part in the script?

I like John and Malena's bedroom set. It's a lot nicer than some of the other characters bedrooms.

Did anyone else notice the Christmas ornament behind Marlena in her office? That's what it looked like to me.

Will Marlena and Doug's session be erased so no one else can hear it?
I've skipped entire episodes because of the possession storyline. Not only is it highly offensive and extremely stupid but it is also theologically inaccurate. As any religious authority or "paranormal investigator" will tell you "true possession" requires what is termed collaboration of the will. Evil spirits don't simply pass from person to person like an agent of infectious illness. Doug would have had to "agree" to be possessed meaning he knowingly took part in a spirit communication session, practiced black magic, or made a "deal with the devil" which I highly doubt considering how religious he is (generally speaking). Also, Marlena's deal made under duress would not work either due to the "paranormal law of free will". This story is bullshit even by questionable "real life" paranormal standards.
Yes, but the devil wanted it to look like a natural death.
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Getting smothered with a pillow will not look like a natural death unless no one asks questions. Since they have all kinds of questions about what's wrong with Doug, I can't imagine they wouldn't do an autopsy to find out. But I know the Days writers pay no attention to medical procedure.

And I don't know if it makes any difference, but I looked up Re-Ron. He went to a Jesuit high school and a Catholic college. I genuinely think this is a case of feeling comfortable tweaking your own religious traditions vs someone else's. Also - since the town has a lot of Irish people, Catholicism has always been the dominant religion on this show—for good or bad.
LOL, those two owners stood outside jabbering away for a very long time, not a single customer stopped, did they?
Getting smothered with a pillow will not look like a natural death unless no one asks questions. Since they have all kinds of questions about what's wrong with Doug, I can't imagine they wouldn't do an autopsy to find out. But I know the Days writers pay no attention to medical procedure.

And I don't know if it makes any difference, but I looked up Re-Ron. He went to a Jesuit high school and a Catholic college. I genuinely think this is a case of feeling comfortable tweaking your own religious traditions vs someone else's. Also - since the town has a lot of Irish people, Catholicism has always been the dominant religion on this show—for good or bad.
Catholicism only started after the Irish Bradys showed up. Before that I think it was sortof generic.