Days of Our Lives - Tue Jan 29, 2013 (fiction)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Haha, so when I started these, it was July - they take a long time to write and now I am behind! Volunteers welcome, I have ideas but no time!!! :)

On to the show....

DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2013 January 29 (Tuesday) Wherein the Horton family tree gains a twisted new branch

Outside the Common Grounds, there is a long line under the sign that says “Grand RE-Opening.” Chad bursts through the doors, hollering inside to an unseen Sonny that he’ll be just a minute. He answers his cellphone, “Hi Sweetheart! It’s so great to hear your voice, Melanie,” and chats with her for a few minutes, telling her how much he’s missed her, cursing the time difference, etc., before promising her he’ll call “him” the first chance he gets. They exchange “I love you”s before ending the call; he is about to re-enter to help with the massive line of customers, but stops and quickly dials a number. He waits a moment, then rolls his eyes as he waits to leave a message. “Hi, Dr Jonas - Daniel - it’s Chad. Please call me ASAP. I’m in Salem. I want to meet with you.”
Lucas is sitting at a table in the Square, reading the financial section of the newspaper and drinking a latte. He is startled when a woman with red hair comes up to him and says, “Hello, Lucas.” He looks up and sees Laura Horton standing at his table. He gulps. Will and Oliver pass by their table, and we follow them.

Oliver and Will walk to the door of Hector’s, not even noticing as they pass by Lucas and Laura. Oliver wonders if this place is even open yet? Will says no, not yet, but the owner offered to allow him a free sample. Oliver is impressed by Will’s connections, and Will laughs that it’s a perq of being a Brady. Hector sees Will through the door, and opens it for the boys. Hector promises to make them the most delicious omelettes they’ve ever eaten; Oliver seems impressed as Hector seats them. Oliver glances at his watch; Will asks if he’s pressed for time. Oliver just doesn’t want to be late for work; Will understands, and reminds him that if he needs to go, he can...their real date is tonight, this is just friends grabbing a quick bite, no pressure. Oliver smiles at him. Pan through the window to Lucas and Laura.

Lucas has asked Laura to sit down, and is wondering what’s up. Laura relays her concerns about Abby, and scolds Lucas for letting it happen. Lucas is taken aback; Laura apologises and says she didn’t mean it that way. Lucas glares at her.
At the Penthouse, John is scrambling some eggs while Marlena is on the telephone. Marlena is talking to Sami, talking about how busy Sami is with AllBright Cosmetics, what a bossy boss Nicole is, and finally, reuniting with Rafe. Marlena’s looking forward to their lunch and offers to help by cooking dinner. John, who’s been cooking the whole time, starts at this suggestion. Marlena gets Sami’s agreement (apparently reluctantly) and they say good-by. After hanging up the phone, Marlena is surprised when John sneaks up behind her and wraps his arms around her. She gasps, laughs, and they kiss. He leads her over to the table, and she sits down to enjoy breakfast. It’s so nice to enjoy a good breakfast every now and then, she announces, before digging in. As they are eating, John jabs Marlena gently about her lack of cooking does she plan to make a meal for Sami and Rafe? Marlena smiles coyly and says she has to have SOME secrets, before sipping some juice.

Daniel is sitting in his apartment, looking through a photo album. There are pictures of him, Carly, and Melanie; him with Maggie and Melanie; Melanie and Philip; him, Chloe, and Parker; him with Jennifer, and him with Nicole and Alex. He closes it, frumping miserably. I’ve had and lost so much in Salem, he thinks to himself. There’s really nothing left for me here. He puts the photo album on a shelf, and goes to leave for work. I can be a surgeon anywhere...why must I stay in Salem? Maggie says what’s happened won’t change our relationship - but she was never really my mother, Lillian, died years ago. And I loved her. Maggie’s a friend, and now she’s nothing more than that. He opens his door, exits the apartment, and is locking it up as he continues, and a friend isn’t enough to make me stay in Salem.

[opening sequence]
Over at the Diner, Jolene is wiping glasses when Kate enters, a little late for her shift. Jolene greets her as Kate is apologising for her tardiness. Jolene says it’s no big deal, the breakfast rush wasn’t much this morning. Jolene asks her about her son’s wedding, and Kate starts a little bit. She says it was fine, but she quickly changes the subject. Kate tells Jolene that she feels a little bad about how their last conversation ended. She’s been so consumed with her recent devastating losses, she never got the time to find out what Jolene’s life involved. Jolene laughs and says that’s a whole story of its own. A customer enters, and before she goes to take his order, Kate tells Jolene she wants to hear her story on their next break.

Victor is seated at his desk at the Titan Offices, reading the financial section of the newspaper. His phone rings; he picks it up and is pleased to hear Maggie. He tells her it’s wonderful to hear her voice and he can’t wait to see her. As we cut back and forth, Maggie tries to shush Victor as he attempts to apologise for his actions; she tells him she forgives him, and understands that he did what he did out of love for her. He apologises for his misguided efforts; she again tells him that she’s over it. But, this situation did put what’s really important into focus - her family. She had a wonderful weekend with Sarah, and Melissa even made it down to Tennessee. That hasn’t happened in years, Victor notes, and Maggie is getting teary as she says it was a wonderful time. She’s even driven back to Ohio with Melissa, to spend some more time with her. She’ll take the train from Ohio and she’ll let Victor know when she’ll be arriving in town. As they are bidding good-by, Maggie announces proudly that she’ll be bringing a guest home. Victor asks, “Whom will you be bringing?” Maggie announces that it’s her grandson, Micah. We watch as Victor reacts to learning a little bit about Micah (that we don’t get to hear). Maggie and Victor exchange “I love you”s, and he hangs up. Fade out on Victor with a big smile on his face. Brady enters and asks why Victor is so happy.

Continuing at the Titan offices, Victor relays his conversation with Maggie, and how she’s bringing her grandson, Micah, to town with her. For a visit, or to stay? Brady wonders. Victor isn’t sure, and says it doesn’t matter. He’s thrilled to have Maggie’s grandson in his...their...home. Brady is impressed that Maggie has so quickly forgiven Victor his part in the Daniel-is-NOT-Maggie’s-son fiasco. Victor scowls a bit, and then says, speaking of forgiveness, don’t think I’ll be so easy on you for bringing that harlot Nicole back into your life!! Brady rolls his eyes.

Lucas and Laura are continuing their chat. Laura continues to apologise, but Lucas says it’s OK. He did promise Jennifer he’d keep an eye on Abby, and he’s been too busy to keep his word. Basic Black has occupied a lot of his time, as have the kids. Laura realises she’s never congratulated him about Johnny’s being a Horton; Lucas isn’t sure congratulations are in order, and laments the time he didn’t get to spend with Johnny. He never stopped loving him, and should have continued acting like a father even after DNA tests revealed that EJ was his father. Laura assures Lucas that Johnny is young and they have plenty of years; she regrets that Bill and Lucas didn’t have the same opportunity. Lucas doesn’t want to talk about Bill, but Laura does...has Lucas been in touch with him? Lucas admits they have been, regularly, thank goodness for e-mail and facebook; Bill even called at Christmas even though he couldn’t make it to town. Laura laughs nervously, and says that’s good. Lucas should know his father, just as his sons and daughter will know him. Lucas corrects her—daughters—and Laura starts - daughters? Lucas updates her on the situation with Sydney.

It’s crazy busy in the Brady Pub, and a stressed Caroline is yelling orders in the kitchen. She nearly trips over a garbage bag, and asks one of her employees to move it. The employee is rushed and doesn’t hear her; she looks around in futility to find someone else, finally deciding to move it herself. She opens the back door and pulls the garbage through it. She hefts it up and tries to throw it in the garbage can, but it explodes and knocks over all the trash cans, making a racket. Caroline nearly curses at the spectacle; she’s covered in grime, as is the ground. She moves around trying to collect her garbage cans, one of which has rolled around the fence and slammed into the door of Hector’s. She is rolling it back to her side of the lot; Hector comes out and is chuckling at the sight. She hears him behind her, and turns around to glare at him. He apologises, and begins to help her clean up the grime and organise the garbage cans. She thanks him, and he says it’s no problem for a neighbour.

[ad break]
At Chez Rouge, Sami and Rafe are sitting with Marlena, having lunch. As they eat, they chat about the challenges they’ve faced in getting over the past year of turmoil. Marlena, officially declaring she’s saying this as Sami’s mother and NOT a psychiatrist, encourages them and says she’s very proud of Sami. Rafe gets a call from the station and steps out to take it; Marlena and Sami continue their friendly talk. Marlena asks Sami how things have really been going, and Sami tells her that she and Rafe are discovering each other all over again. She’s so lucky that Lucas has been there to help her through all of this by taking on full physical custody of the kids. Marlena asks if they’ve told Johnny yet about his true paternity; Sami says they haven’t, but Johnny has taken to calling him Daddy Lucas. Sami thinks it’s important for Johnny’s identity to forget EJ on his own; Marlena says that everyone in Salem would probably like to do that. Sami agrees; she’s unable to believe how much time she wasted on EJ. He was like a drug to her. Marlena thinks that analogy is apt. Rafe re-enters and says something’s going on at the DiMera Mansion. Marlena asks if it’s about the stacks of bodies that resemble Stefano in some way. Rafe is startled; how did Marlena know about that, anyway?

Victor is walking through the Horton Town Square, humming a happy tune. Caroline is wiping down the front window on the Pub, chatting with Hector, and Victor pauses to watch them. Hector goes into his restaurant, and Caroline continues happily cleaning up her store front. Victor approaches her, and says hello. Caroline greets him, and asks if he’s heard from Bo. Bo is in Borneo, he tells her. Caroline can see through him, and asks why he’s so happy. Maggie’s coming back to town, she’s forgiven me, he admits. Caroline doesn’t even want to know what he did; she offers him a seat on a bench as she sits down. Victor notes that she, too, seems rather happy. What is going on? Caroline says nothing, she’s just her usual self. Victor disbelieves her; he’s known her too long to buy that. Who is her new neighbour, anyway? What neighbour, Caroline attempts to bluff. Victor looks at her sternly, and she laughs and says that’s Hector, and he’s just a very good neighbour. She smiles.

At the Pub, Will is working the counter when Lucas enters. Will is surprised to see him, and Lucas says he’s there to pick up the Lunch order for Basic Black. Oh yeah, Will says, and vanishes for a moment, returning with a large box. Lucas pays for the sandwiches, and wonders why Will didn’t say anything to him this morning. Will is stumped; Lucas tells him about seeing him & another young man walking to the new restaurant next door. Will apologises, he didn’t see his dad in the Square. Will tries to change the subject by asking why Lucas is picking up the order. Lucas admits he just wanted to see his oldest son; he’s been so busy with the younger kids, he feels like he’s neglecting Will. Will tells him not to feel guilty, he’s getting everything he wants right now. Lucas picks up his order to leave, and Will thinks, And that includes you, Sonny Kiriakis.

Nicole is eating lunch at her desk when Brady stops by. He wonders if she’s planning to attend the launch party for Fashion Scents; he needs to go, since he’s Titan’s representative at Basic Black. She is reticent; she doesn’t want to miss a moment with Alex and Sydney-II. Brady tells her that this whole collaboration between AllBright Cosmetics and Basic Black is her brainchild, and there’s a significant buzz about it. It’s really a can’t-miss situation. Nicole is not sure; Brady assures her that he’s already taken care of arrangements for their kids, and just visited Alex in the daycare. Nicole starts; our kids? Brady admits that he’s starting to think of Alex as his son; Nicole reminds him that that may, in fact, be true. Brady tries to bring it back around to the launch party, but Nicole presses him by saying, “Fine, I’ll go to the stupid launch. But what do you want, Brady? Are you hoping that the DNA tests prove that Alex and Sydney are your children?” Brady refuses to answer.

At the Diner, Jolene is ringing out some customers as Kate is helping a busboy clean up dishes from the 10 o’clock rush. Once the room is cleared, Jolene begins restocking napkins and Kate moves to the counter. Jolene looks nervous, knowing Kate’s about to ask her to continue their talk from earlier. As Kate starts rolling napkins and silverware to restock the tables, she asks Jolene to tell her about her family. Jolene stammers a bit, but Kate tells her she won’t judge her. She’s definitely not in any position to judge anyone. Jolene continues to be reticent, but tells Kate that she has two sons, both of whom live in Salem. Kate is shocked, and assumes that that must be why Jolene relocated. Not really, Jolene explains, her father was from Salem. Her sons both moved here separately, they are estranged from each other and moved here for different fact she’s not even sure they realise they have roots in Salem. She didn’t know her father until her children were in their teens. She doesn’t talk much with her oldest son, and tells Kate they have a lot in common - her oldest was born via IVF as well. Kate is suprised, but supportive.

Laura is standing near the elevators at the Hospital, apparently waiting for the next car, when they open and reveal Dr Daniel Jonas. She greets him and he is startled; she quickly introduces herself as Dr. Laura Spencer, Jennifer’s mother. The good doctor continues to have a look of befuddlement on his face; she says she is Dr. Laura Horton but that she’s going back to her unmarried name. A look of acknowledgment washes over Daniel’s face, and he asks about Jennifer. Laura says she’s doing well, but needs to take some time for stress relief. Daniel seems awkward, and asks what brought Dr. Spencer to the hospital. She says that she just met with Stephanie Johnson, the new Assistant Administrator, about a position within the hospital. Daniel fills in the blanks, noting that the psychiatry department would benefit from her years of experience. She’s starting work immediately, she reports, and asks if he knows of any apartments available within walking distance. He’s shocked she’ll not be staying at the Horton House, but Laura admits she’s not feeling much like a Horton, and she’s afraid of hovering too much over Abigail. Daniel admits he does know of an apartment in his building, but it’s a bit of a hike on foot. They part, and Laura promises to see him around; under his breath, he mutters, “Don’t count on it.”

[ad break]
At the offices for Basic Black, John is working at his desk when Brady enters. Brady waits a moment while John finishes what he’s doing, then John asks what he needs. Brady informs him that Nicole will be at the launch party; John thinks that’s wonderful, it has been quite a triumph for the companies. He is very glad this assignment has worked out so well for Brady, and Basic Black. John admits to being reluctant to accept Victor’s offer to invest Titan funds in Basic Black, but admits it’s turned out for the best. Brady agrees, saying he likes working with both his father and grandfather, and is glad he doesn’t have to choose sides. He admits that it’s been difficult working with Nicole, however. John arches his eyebrows.

Chad is walking through a hospital corridor, checking the name on each room in what appears to be a hallway for doctors’ offices. He is startled when a voice behind him asks if he needs any help; he turns around, and Laura is looking at him questioningly.

Back at Basic Black, Brady tells John that he’s seen a new side of Nicole. She is driven, but centred; cunning, but not ruthless. Not like the woman who dumped him for EJ to be near Sydney, or the woman who did so many horrible things. People can change, especially when DiMeras are involved, John notes. Brady agrees, and seems to be staring off into space. John asks if this new side of Nicole has stirred up old feelings in Brady. Brady is about to answer when Lucas knocks quickly on the open door, and without looking up from a stack of papers begins talking about an internship that Basic Black is offering. He looks up and is apologetic when he realises that John is not alone. Brady says it’s OK, he was just leaving. John starts to protest, but Brady promises to finish the talk later. He leaves, and Lucas asks “What was that all about?” John says they were just talking business, when the subject of Nicole came up...Brady’s confused. Lucas saves a snarky comment, and instead admits that it’s been hard to focus on work ever since the possibility that he may have fathered Sydney, and the revelation that there is another Sydney, has come out. But he’s trying to keep his mind on business. John thinks that’s a good idea; Lucas announces that he thinks he’s found a great candidate for their internship position, and he was hoping John could give the final approval before they have to leave for the Launch party. John has something else to do first, but promises he’ll make a decision. Lucas is shocked; this internship was his decision, he thought. John apologises, and admits that another well-qualified candidate was selected by Grintz. John apologises, but explains that with the revelation that Johnny was Lucas’ son, he wanted to take some of Lucas’ workload off of him. Lucas is a bit peeved, but appreciates the gesture, but is angry that this has been going on for months. John promises to give equal consideration to both candidates. Lucas hands him the papers, and leaves. John starts to pursue him, but stops.

Back at the Hospital, Laura has directed Chad to a waiting area and has grabbed beverages for the both of them. She expresses thanks for his coming to see her, and apologises that this is how they’re meeting for the first time. Chad is confused; Laura explains that she’s Abby’s grandmother, she found his number in Abby’s cellphone, and she called him because she has been concerned about Abby. Chad is surprised; Laura continues, stating that she knows it’s been a while since Chad and Abby dated, but he knows her better than [Laura] does. Chad’s not sure about that, but Laura assures him that he’s very important to Abigail. Laura regrets not being closer to Abby, now that she’s troubled. Would Chad be willing to talk to her? Chad agrees. Laura asks when he’ll be able to see her, and Chad says that it’ll have to be right away, as he’s catching a plane back to Europe tonight. Laura looks shocked.

At the Diner, the lunch rush is ended and the tables are cleaned. Kate suggests they continue their talk from earlier. Jolene tells Kate about some trouble she had getting pregnant, finding an egg donor, and being impregnated. She carried her husband’s son by an egg donor, and has loved him since the day he was born, but they’ve grown apart. Now they just don’t communicate anymore, and she doesn’t understand his life. Miraculously and unexpectedly, she became pregnant a few months later by her husband, and gave birth to another son. But when she divorced her husband, she lost everything...her husband was a powerful and vindictive man, and made her life miserable. She was forced by economics and her sons’ behaviour to let them live with their father, and she’s regretted it ever since. They’ve never forgiven her. Kate grabs Jolene’s hand, and says she understands exactly how Jolene feels. How old were her sons when she lost touch with them? Ten years ago, when they were 13 and 11, and they chose to live with their father. She fought, but lost. Kate says that that’s a situation Jolene couldn’t have helped; Jolene still feels guilty. Her kids won’t ever forgive her. Kate convinces her to make the first move. Jolene admits that she’s tried to call her son, she even called him yesterday in fact; her ex-husband’s secretary is sympathetic to her and gave her both boys’ numbers. Kate suggests that nothing Jolene’s done has been worthy of completely losing her sons, and vows to stand by her no matter what happens; Jolene agrees, and decides to call her sons. Kate says she’ll cover while Jolene ducks out to make the calls.

At the Police Station, Marlena is sitting in Rafe’s office as he questions her. Marlena is trying to explain that Hope told her about the stacks of bodies. Rafe wants to know details of how she learned of this; what was Hope doing there, etc. Marlena attempts to explain that Kristen hired Hope to help her investigate some of the many questionable things that Kristen found after assuming control of the DiMera Empire. Rafe chuckles and says that would be a full-time job; Marlena says, “Exactly. And Hope is my friend, and she mentioned finding a morgue-like room with several bodies that could easily be misidentified as Stefano.” Rafe snickers and asks if that’s typical dinner conversation for Marlena and her friends. Marlena replies that Rafe of all people should understand Stefano’s evil. She and Hope are the same, they are both inquisitive women, who like having unsolved riddles solved. And they both spent years under the DiMera thumb. Rafe cocks his eyebrow and asks how they can be so close to Kristen, DiMera’s daughter, then? Marlena swallows hard.

[ad break/halftime]
Chad is leaving the Hospital, when Daniel walks by him. They start at the sight of one another, and hug joyously. Daniel apologises for missing Chad’s calls, he’s been in a funk and very busy lately. Chad says it’s no problem, but they need to talk soon. Chad tells him he has an important errand, but they arrange to meet later tonight. They part company.
Jolene is wiping down dishes as Kate is writing out the dinner specials on a chalkboard while they chat. Jolene has just had an earful about Kate’s kids, and Kate is now pestering her to talk about her kids some more. What do they do? How did they come to Salem? Did they keep in touch? Jolene explains that her youngest boy was sent to Salem by her ex-husband because once he had custody, he didn’t need him anymore. Her older boy is bright, compassionate, and was spared the fate of being dumped on relatives because he was sent to a prestigious prep school. He later went to college at Loyola University, and just recently moved to Salem for his first “real” job. What does he do? Kate wonders. Jolene is not sure; the older he gets, the less information she is able to get from her “sources.” And she just doesn’t want to know that much about what he’s doing anymore. Kate cocks her eyebrow at this statement, but is halted from following up by the entrance of a customer.
Lucas is seated at his desk, speaking on the phone. He is apparently talking to Grintz, and apologises for his earlier attitude, but he didn’t like that John undercut him, even if it was well-intentioned. Grintz apparently understands, and easily agrees to give Lucas back any workload, as he’s beginning a new relationship. Lucas thanks him, and says they’ll work as a team in the future. He hangs up the phone and begins typing at the computer. The phone rings again; Lucas picks it up and asks Ida (his secretary) who’s calling; he is shocked. Before he accepts the call, he puts the phone down, and says, “Autumn.”

Meanwhile in the Salem Train station, Maggie is disembarking, pulling a bag. She surveys the station to see if Victor is waiting on her, but doesn’t see him. She walks past a red-headed woman talking on her cellphone. The camera stays on the woman (in a one-shot on her face) as Maggie walks by; the woman says, “Come on, Lucas, pick up.”

Back at the Station, Marlena is explaining to Rafe that she and Kristen did have a past; but Kristen has changed. She was tormented for many years at Stefano’s hand, as well; and she has worked hard to undo some of the deeds of the past. “Like trying to kill you?” Rafe snorts. Marlena nods, but is quiet. “What could she possibly do to get you to forgive her for that?” Focus on Marlena, who experiences a flashback to the night Stefano was killed. She quickly snaps back to Rafe, who continues his stern questioning, snarking that they can be here as long as it takes Marlena to tell the truth.

Sami is working in her office at AllBright Cosmetics, with her door closed (surely a rarity in Salem). There’s a knock, and she bids the visitor come in. Nicole appears, and Sami seems to brace herself. Nicole tells her to relax, but says she needs a favour. Sami is curious; Nicole explains that the launch party is tonight, and Nicole has been more or less ordered to attend. She wants to make it home to spend some time with her kids before she has to leave. She smiles a bit as she Sami wants to know what the favour is, clearly a little uncomfortable. Nicole wants her to stay late, and attend a meeting with a buyer and make sure the photo shoot in the studio is completed on time. Sami promises she’ll take care of it, it’s no problem to stay late. The kids are with Lucas tonight, and her mother’s cooking. Nicole looks surprised, and they share a laugh before realising how awkward their situation is, and resuming their tense postures. Nicole thanks Sami and turns to leave. Sami stops her, asking what’s been happening with EJ. Nicole swallows hard, and informs Sami that he’s in a deep coma. The doctors don’t think he’ll survive. Sami looks pensively at her computer, as though she were ignoring the news. Nicole takes the cue, and leaves.
[ad break]

Kate is needling Jolene as they fold napkins and marry catsups about her son’s “life.” Jolene sighs deeply, and admits sheepishly that her older son is gay, looking at the counter as she does so. Kate says simply, “And?” Jolene is taken aback. Kate realises that is the issue, and tells Jolene that it’s not a big deal. Jolene is surprised by that, and says that she comes from a very traditional family, and such things weren’t considered “normal” in her upbringing. Kate jokes that surfing and swimming with dolphins aren’t “normal” parts of living in Salem, but are much more routine in Hawai’i. Jolene starts, then remembers that she’s shared a lot of her history with Kate, including growing up in Hawai’i as the daughter of an Army nurse. Kate has many gay friends, and even a gay grandson, whom she couldn’t adore more. His being gay never changed that. Jolene is soaking in this information, and says that she’s willing to try, but on top of not really knowing her son due to his father, she is not comfortable with the idea of his sexuality. Kate says that her feelings are OK, and will change over time. Jolene’s phone rings, and she looks excited for a moment. She checks it, and tells Kate as she zips out the front door to take the call, “It’s my son!”

Marlena points out that she knew Kristen before Stefano turned her, and she was a good person. Rafe snickers; Marlena wonders if she’s being held for any crime; Rafe reminds her she is a witness even if it is after-the-fact. There’s a pounding on the door, and Rafe looks up to see a furious Sami glaring at him. Rafe answers the door, and Sami lays into him about holding her mother without cause, etc. Rafe says it’s just procedure; Sami balks that this is no way to start their romantic dinner, which Marlena has not had time to cook now. Rafe says they can go to Chez Rouge, and Marlena says that’s a great idea before asking if they are done. Rafe says she may go, but he’ll have more questions later. Marlena leaves; Sami apologises to Rafe; he’s just doing his job, after all. They kiss; she says she has to go back to work, she’s covering a big assignment for Nicole. He tells her he’ll see her at Chez Rouge, and will text her the details after he makes a reservation.

Oliver and Will are sitting on the couch in Will’s apartment, eating a nice meal as they laugh at what appears to be a slapstick comedy. They are both sitting slightly over the middle cushion, with space in between them. Will gets up after they’re done eating, and puts the plates in the sink. He comes back to the couch, and Oliver has scooched a little more to the centre. Will is nervous, but sits down close to Oliver. Oliver puts his arm up and around Will on the back of the couch. Will is staring dead ahead; suddenly, Oliver pulls back and gets up. He excuses himself to use the restroom, and returns a moment later, apparently having washed his hands. He sits back down on the end cushion, and immediately begins laughing at the movie. Will looks worried.

[ad break]
Outside the Common Grounds, there is still quite a crowd as extras buzz about the new blend, the cute server, etc. In the crowd, we see Hector with a cup of Joe in his hand, sneaking around and observing the customers closely. He interacts with none of them as he eavesdrops and dashes about. On the other side of the crowd, Chad emerges from the door and looks around the crowd; his eyes meet Hector’s for a second, before they both look in other directions. Daniel walks up and he and Chad hug. Daniel asks if he finished his errand, and Chad admits he did - he visited Abby on Laura’s advice. How is she, Daniel wonders; Chad says she is not well, but there’s nothing he can do for her. He’s been trying to reach Cameron, who is the one who must deal with Abigail now. Daniel promises to talk to him at the hospital tomorrow. Chad says, “No - you won’t. You’re coming back to Europe with me, tonight. Melanie needs you. Now.” Daniel is flummoxed.

Sami & Rafe enter her apartment, carrying carry-out bags. Without a word, they coordinate putting away their coats, the food, and turning off apartment lights. Sami takes Rafe’s hand and leads him into the bedroom. He smiles at her, and they kiss as they close the door.

Marlena and John are standing in front of Brady’s apartment building, behind a fancy automobile. Brady and Nicole are with them, chatting, anxious to get upstairs and spend time with their kids. John thanks Nicole for all the work she’s put in on this campaign, she’s been a great asset, etc., and Nicole thanks him for his investment, etc. John and Brady hug, then Marlena and Brady hug, while Nicole gets warm handshakes. Once Brady realises his folks are waiting for them to get inside safely, he takes Nicole’s arm, and leads her up the steps of the building. Nicole appears worried and confused as they enter the building; they turn to wave to John and Marlena, who exchange a sweet look before getting into their car and leaving. Brady thanks Nicole for a wonderful night as they wait for the elevator, and moves in to give her a kiss. They are startled out of their moment by the elevator door dinging and opening. A breathless Nicole hurries into the elevator, eager to avoid another attempt from Brady. Brady follows sluggishly, stymied. “Gotta get up to see the kids,” Nicole offers. Brady continues to appear thwarted.

In a not-entirely-dingy apartment, Kate is making herself up in the mirror of the bathroom while Jolene is reading a magasine on the couch. Jolene asks how much longer she’ll be in the bathroom, and Kate says she’s almost done. Jolene laughs that Kate needn’t put on such a fuss over Roman, the “hunk of cop” is clearly already smitten with Kate. Kate glares at her, and they break out laughing. Kate expresses her gratitude for Jolene’s sharing the apartment with her, it beats the flophouse she was staying at on Sierra Street until two weeks ago. Jolene says it’s nice to have someone to talk to, and someone to share the bills! Kate is all gussied up now and sits on the couch, waiting for Roman to arrive. Kate asks Jolene how the call with her son went, and Jolene reports it went well. One down, one to go; she’s got a lunch date with her son tomorrow, but still hasn’t heard from her oldest boy. That’s wonderful, Kate says. Jolene asks about Kate’s grandson, the gay one. Kate flinches a bit, but forgives it, and says she’s so proud of him, Will Horton is a fine young man, no matter whom he is attracted to. Jolene starts - Horton? Kate says yes, my son Lucas, Will’s father, was fathered by Bill Horton, you know, “Like the Square.” Jolene’s aware of the square, but didn’t realise Kate was so close to the Hortons. She’s not, Kate admits, except for Will and Lucas. Jolene says she can’t claim that anymore...she herself is a Horton, which is really why she came to Salem. Her sons’ being here was a happy coincidence for her. Kate is amazed - you’re a Horton? Jolene nods, but there’s a knock on the door. Kate looks at the door, and back to Jolene, unsure of what to do. Jolene urges her to go; Kate zips off quickly with one backward glance to Jolene, who motions that they’ll talk later. (Of course we don’t see Roman.) Jolene picks up her phone and dials a number.

At Will’s apartment, Will and Oliver are playing cards as they listen to some music. They are sitting about 8” from each other and commenting on the music when Oliver beats Will, apparently for the third time. Oliver’s phone rings. He looks at the number, and Will asks if it’s important. Oliver’s not sure...this same number has called many times, but doesn’t leave messages. Will nods, and Oliver answers with a tentative, “Hello?” From the other end of the line, we hear, “Hi Oliver, Honey - it’s Jolene...your Mom....” Oliver sighs.



Daniel leaves Salem as Micah settles in to the Kiriakis Mansion
Abby experiences stress and avoids her grandmother
Gabi switches majors after getting excited about an internship (she talks to Rafe)
Will and Oliver continue to date as they realise they both have feelings for others
Hope & Kristen track a lead to Italy
Abe and Martine talk with Hector Ramírez
T stalks Oliver and Will
Kate and Jolene talk about Jolene’s kids and the Hortons
Lucas and the kids move into the Horton House, and he comes face-to-face with Autumn