Days of Our Lives - Tues. Apr. 2, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives'
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pretty good show, but lots of "little" scenes that jump around all over. Abby is in Common Grounds, talking to Sonny over how good his relationship is with Will, and says the trick is "no secrets" right? Sonny agrees, she leaves, he flashes back to seeing Kate & Rafe together.
Replay of Will coming across the upset Nick, asking what is wrong, getting the run around excuses. Will lets Nick know he doesn't give a damn about him, but wants to make sure Gabi & the baby are o.k. Nick is sorry, tells Will that he owes Sonny an apology, Will agrees he does, Nick says he is sorry, Will says he is not going to deliver the apology for him, Nick agrees. Along comes Abby, wondering what they are talking about, both guys put her off, tho Nick admits he got into a fight with Sonny, said something he shouldn't have. The fellows leave, Abby looking puzzled.

John is in the Pub with Sami, who is delighted he asked her to meet him, as long as he is not going to lecture her about living in DiMansion. Nope, he may not approve, but it is her life. However, as long as she is living there, and his son is not talking to him, and he is really worried about Kristen.....Sami laughs. The great spy John Black wants me to spy for him. Yep, that is it.....and in walks Brady, surprised to see the two of them together. What is going on? John sips his coffee claiming Sami & he were talking about her mother, and in comes Marlena! (Gotta say this all made me laugh. Sami awkwardly takes her leave, has to go. Brady is making his exit, too, but John calls him to wait up there. Brady turns, snarls at his father that he is done with him, and with Marlena, too, has nothing to say, and leaves.

Elsewhere in the square, Sy has come upon Kristen, giving her one more chance to change her mind, give him some additional money. She is cold, refuses. He gives her an envelope with some pictures, she won't look, just tucks the envelope in her purse, despite Sy's warning to check them out first. She lets him know she knows he has no daughter, and not to bug her again. He lets her know she leaves him no choice in what he has to do next.
Earlier, Sy had called to confirm his appt. with Marlena. Her assistant mentions it, she doesn't like that the man had her private cell number, says she will keep the appointment and then tell him she is taking no new patients. And now, as she stands in the square, Sy comes up, calling out to Dr. Evans, introducing himself. She mentions they have an appt. at 3 p.m. but he says that since he ran into her, perhaps they can take care of it right now. What he has to say won't take long.
On the other side of the convenient movable shrubbery & fencing, Kristen has spotted them talking, and watches intently, noting Sy is holding a brown envelope.

Replay of Kate passing by the table where Chloe sits, asking if she is going on a trip. She recognizes a ticket when she sees one. Anne gets up and goes inside, leaving Chloe to play it all rather cool, claiming she is missing Parker and going to New York. Kate doesn't believe a word, notes that with Daniel in San Francisco, why did she just not gto with Nancy & parker when they left. She claims she didn't think of it. Anne returns, Chloe is blathering about keeping her son from bad influences, and she can make sure Kate never sees him again. Kate lets her know she knows she is up to something, & she will be watching her. She leaves, Anne volunteers to go over to Jen's and see what is what, maybe she can even get Jen fired. She leaves.

Kate now meets up with Nick, wanting to know just what Nick has done to cause Will to give up his daughter. Nick is making his usual vague excuses, but Kate notes that Gabi is a sweet girl, and Will was her first love, she would never keep his daughter from him, unless someone else caused her to do so, and she thinks Nick is that person. She talks of Will being her grandson, and his child her grea...Nick stops her, knows this, and would never stop her from seeing her great-granddaughter. He is still refusing to say why he doesn't want Will Kate plays hardball. She is a woman of great power & influence in this town, and she can help Nick and his family as she has been doing, or use her power to dig up his deepest, darkest secrets. She will give him time to decide which it is he wants. She takes off, gets a text message that says "thought you were going to meet me at the coffee house". She smiles.

At the coffee house, Will has come in, tells Sonny about seeing Nick, how he looked upset, etc. Sonny has something to tell him, something he learned by accident a while ago, and doesn't want to keep from Will. They sit down, Will asks if it is about Gabi. Nope, not exactly. He says...well......Kate is your grandmother....and Gabi is Rafe's sister. So???? Sonny confesses...this is about Kate & Rafe.

At DiMansion, Brady comes in, finds Sami, knows that John & her had to be talking about him, not marlena. She laughs, says yes, he wanted me to keep an eye on you & Kristen. She comments how folks are not all that pleased about her & EJ. She knows Brady thinks EJ is a jerk, but he has changed. Brady says he isn't going to change his mind about Kristen, and nothing anyone says will make him do so. About time to give it up.

And over to the Horton house, where we get to see and hear a lot of excessive begging and pleading on Daniel's part, and a lot of repetitive dialogue from Jennifer about why she is breaking things off. She insists it is Jack, he won't believe her. And my goodness, tons of framed photographs have miraculously appeared on the mantle and tables, as Jen explains of returning home, seeing Jack's picture, remembering their love, the feelings they had for each other, and it is not the same. Daniel refuses to believe her, she is insistant, she thought Daniel could fill the void in her life, but she came home and still feels so empty. There was only one man, one soulmate for her, that was Jack. There can never ever be any other man. He protests, pleads, she is insistent, Abby returns home, realizes she is interrupting, but Jen says Daniel was just leaving. When he is gone, Jen hold the flowers he brought, crying a bit, telling Abby she hurt Daniel terribly, and if she was him, would never forgive. Abby encourages her to go tell Daniel this, he will understand. No, it is over.
Outside, Anne has arrived, sees the departing Daniel, calls Chloe to tell her he has left and looks very upset.

Daniel returns home, calling loudly for Chloe, no answer, but she is coming back herself now. He wants to know what she did, she feigns ignorance, seems surprised he was not in San Francisco. He tells her he knows everything. he could not reach her all afternoon. She claims a visit to the spa, since she had free time. He doesn't buy it, is very angry, figures she must have gone to Jennifer's, wants to know exactly what she did. Tell me now! Chloe crosses her arms, stands her ground.
I watched the entire episode today without FF and Poirot I wanted to say thank you for watching this everyday to do the summary. Somethings truly are hard to watch when it seems like its the same dialogue over and over and over.

Was Jennifer saying Jack was her one true love, the love of her life, the truth or was he her scapegoat for letting Daniel down?
Kate telling Nick "that's so big of you" when he said had no problem with her trying to see her great granddaughter, loved it. He has no idea what that woman is capable of.
Chloe and Ann seriously need a hobby, or maybe a support group of some kind.
And that poor, poor, poor, Brady. That man is so snowed, you can practically see his nose dive back into the bottle when this fairy tale he's living in is blown to bits.
@cryin4days.......Chloe told Jen to find a way after she protested that there is nothing she could possibly say that Daniel would believe. So all this talk about Jack now is just to give a reason to let Daniel down. (While it might be true, she does know she would move on at some point. ) Daniel really realizes that Jen is grasping at straws, and as much as I wish she really WAS giving Daniel the boot for the Jack reason, nope. She is making this huge sacrifice for Daniel himself.
And thank you......there ARE days or times I honestly would like to just close my eyes and ears.
I loved John saying something about Sami living in the House of Usher......and then later Kristen telling Sy she doesn't care if the envelope contains the President's birth certificate.....or the Magna Carta. Clever lines.
I really don't mind Sami not having the grudge, which went on for too long and was overdone, in my opinion. She was fine with her Mom & John when they first returned to Salem, but suddenly was back in the "I hate you" mode. And I think, perhaps, knowing her own son, Will, witnessed her having that grief sex boink has perhaps made the difference. Did she want her son hating her forever because of it?? Will was very happy in the family he had with Rafe, Sami & his siblings in the loft. And his mom ruined it.
Sami had to see the parallel, the "what goes around, comes around, & finally realized how her attitude towards her mom (and John) has affected everyone. She did not want that for herself and Will. And the family.
Sami kept up her hatred of John and Marlena while Will was hating her for the "grief sex". We didn't see a thaw in her attitude (with John and Marlena) until fairly recently.

I think the point was that Sami is now fine with Marlena and John (and for a period, was decent with Kate), "forgave" Eeej, because "he's changed", is willing to play house with Stefano, but yet WILL NOT give the benefit of the doubt to Nicole that she's tried to change from her bad ways of the past.
I really do want to see Kate in action again, claws out, etc. I want to see Vargas putting the pressure on Nick, and then Stefano coming from another direction. Nick has sat up in the glory seat long enough.

Sami once again is just all about Sami. She knows brother Brady is in trouble via kristen, knows what Kristen has done to her family......and is going to smile and be nice to them all.
I truly want Sami's house of cards to come tumbling down as well.
And I think it will, Poirot, once Stefano's helped her already. That's probably when Rafe will come back into the picture and "save" her from Stefano, not that she deserves it.
Daniel really realizes that Jen is grasping at straws, and as much as I wish she really WAS giving Daniel the boot for the Jack reason, nope. She is making this huge sacrifice for Daniel himself.
Worst part of the episode for me. Jennifer's forced crying was gut-wrenchingly awful. Knowing it was all a ploy to keep Dr Sleaze-o at bay was like pouring salt in the wound.

Otherwise it was a pretty good episode, very well written in terms of dialogue. Good seeing Anne again, I'm over Chloe/Kate, but I too hope Nick gets stabbed multiple times and nobody takes the blame. I'm not sure if Vargas is supposed to make us sympathetic to Nicky, or to Nikki, or to Vargas. So I'll give the writers credit on keeping me guessing.

Methinks Abby needs a real story...not with Cameron or boosting her cousins' relationship or, even worse, her mother's...but something. She needs to discover her roots and her purpose beyond being a lovelorn teenager. :)
John had the best line with "House of Usher"

Great seeing John and Marlena in the same place. It's been
awhile since we've seen them.

I kept hoping Kate noticed what places Chloe was going
on her airline ticket. This might come up later.

It was an interesting show and the story lines are finally moving.