Days of Our Lives - Tues., April 14, 2020

Isn't this Xander's home?
That was my question too, robinsnest. Then, I realized she might have meant she would tell the police what he did.

I want Justin to fight for Kayla...….We never get any real romance or dating at all anymore.
Same here, oldschool. The Steve and Kayla love story was wonderful but, in my opinion, there have too many absences over the years, and there is no excitement between them anymore for me. I would also like to see Justin and Kayla have a beautiful love story although the writers will mess it all up and bring back Adrienne.

I think they were in their club........
...and, if the shows weren't written so far in advance, the club would be closed and people would be wearing masks.
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Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting when Xander sort of lied to Sarah about why he switched the babies because
he loved her. Weren't the babies switched because Victor didn't want Maggie know
she killed her grandchild?

Good scenes with Jack and Steve together talking about Adrienne.

Nice to see Doug and Julie.

Interesting talk with Jen and Kayla about Justin. I laughed when the elevator
went ding because I knew he was there.

Will Eric hit Xander tomorrow? Xander reminded Sarah all the bags were bagged

and the plane ready to go. Will she, since she said she wouldn't go anywhere
with him?

Line of the day goes to Justin "I'm pretty sure there's not going to be a wedding

robin, I'm sorry your governor didn't get the message about wearing a towel :)
That is just so weird, @robinsnest that we both live in AZ and we had no governor and the whole show was on at its regular time. Anyway, was Jack even alive the last time Steve was here? I just thought that Steve was not around when Jack came back and missed that whole stupid story with Eve, but if someone told him that Jack was back, I must have missed it. I was glad that Sarah ripped Xander's heart out, but I also think she will be pregnant, do a quick grief hook-up with Rex and then have the next story be another who's the daddy.

Trying to find a positive note - I loved Jen's trench coat and her hair seemed to be freshly colored.

That is weird..... I'm watching Cox channel 12 out of Phoenix and it broke away......

robin, I'm sorry your governor didn't get the message about wearing a towel :)
no towel.JPG
nice suit...... and striped towel.... but it can't compare to

I'll tune in early in the morning to watch the entire show....