Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug 18,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Episode #11,146 Taped 7/13 Director – Phil Sogard

Stephanie walks into the Cheatin’ Heart with Nathan, orders 2 Margaritas plus a glass of ice. Nathan is telling her not to bother, but she insists on the ice for the swelling on his face. They talk about the jealous Philip overreacting, he reminds her of her own reaction with Melanie, small talk, they finish their drinks and leave, are back in the park when they run into Victor. He immediately is calling her a tramp, talking of their breakup, and how Philip has left the family and the business, and here she is, immediately seducing another man. Stephanie is surprised at the “left his family” remark, but Victor just says that if they happen to run into Philip, to tell him Ciara’s been kidnapped, since Philip won’t take his calls. Victor leaves, Nathan says he has to go home and fill Maggie in, he leaves, Stephanie calls Philip.

Earlier, in the park, Philip kisses Melanie, who slaps him. She is sorry, but she has been working hard on being a better person, raising her self-esteem, and not going around kissing boys any ol time. Philip is not a boy, and she is the only person who accepts him as he is, and who he wants to be with. She says she is not a rebound girl, he assures her that is not the case. His phone rings, he sees it is his father, turns off the phone. They sit on Benchie, chat just a bit, and now Philip is kissing a willing Melanie, and suggests they take this somewhere private, where there can just be the two of them. Next we see them coming into a room at the No Tell Motel, with unshaven owner showing them the room, asking if he doesn’t know Phil from somewhere, saying how lucky they are he had a cancellation cuz town is full with the comic book convention. LOL. He leaves, and it takes just a few seconds before Philip & Melanie are writhing around on the bed, tangled sheets, naked legs, a few kisses and the sax playing in the background.

At the Pub, Brady is holding the packet of cocaine, Arianna pretending not to know what it is, Brady questioning her about customers. He is surprised she doesn’t recognize it, since her ex was an addict. She claims she did not know the signs til too late, he wants her to call police, she says no, that it might cost Caroline the Pub, and it is her life, she can always get another job. Now she pretends to remember some out of town business men, celebrating something or other, sitting at that table, sorry…..but they paid in cash, and unless they return, no way to finger them. Brady talks of how he always thought this would make his pain go away, and instead it lost his wife, his job, his friends, and empties the packet into the sink. He leaves, Arianna immediately opens her purse, takes out another packet and her cell, calls someone asking when is the next shipment. She needs all she can get.

Justin has told Victor about Ciara’s kidnapping, and Victor tries calling Philip in order to convert the cash needed right away. When he can’t reach Philip, he calls Zurich, talks to someone there about getting the money transferred and it will be in his account first thing in the morning. Now he talks to Justin about some piece of property with terraces going up the mountain, seemingly to the sky, and how badly Justin’s father wanted this guy to sell him the property. Victor goes on that Alex (Justin’s father) died before realizing that dream, but eventually the old coot who owned that piece of heaven died, and the property came on the market. Victor has purchased it, and intends to build a Kiriakis conclave, 4 or 5 places, enough for the entire clan, from the youngest, Ciara…..he breaks off, taking another call that lets him know the money is in the bank.

Kyle returns to the shack, where Brenda has been keeping an eye on the sleeping Ciara (hands still tied). She begins downing the chocolate he brought, complaining of Ciara whining and crying herself to sleep, wanting her mommy and daddy. Dean has not called yet. Kyle wonders if he perhaps went overboard with telling Ciara she would never see her parents again if she didn’t be good. Brenda assures him he didn’t as it was the truth.

At the cop shop Bo & Hope are frantic, trying to follow any leads they possibly could. Bo is telling Dean to order another search of the area where the car was found, he tells Bo the Amber alert had someone report seeing a little girl, and goes to check it out. Hope tells Bo that she doesn’t think Ciara was targeted because of her donation. She claims that if anyone was checking on them, they would know the donation practically wiped out her trust fund. She talks of how the DiMeras have targeted the Bradys, hate them, and now the Kiriakis, too. And who do they turn to when the family is in trouble. She reminds Bo that he is not only a Brady, but a Kiriakis, too. Victor arrives, telling them he has gotten the money for the ransom together. Bo takes Vic in the office to tell him privately that he wants no interference from Victor, like he did when Stephanie was taken. He wants Victor to write down anyone with a grudge against the Kirakis, and to remember that this is HIS daughter, and he calls the shots. Nothing is done without his knowledge and o.k.

Hope is beside herself, she remembers sitting on Benchie in the park with Bo on Zack’s 9th birthday, watching Ciara play, and missing Zack, but being so grateful for having their daughter. Hope is crying, Justin is comforting her. Dean is outside, calling his co-conspirators, asking if they are ready for Phase 2, and he can’t wait to see the b*****’s face when she gets the call. Back at the station, Dean listens in on everything as he pretends to be working. He reports back to Bo & Hope that it was not their little girl the witness saw. Ellen & Tracy arrive, as Tracy has remembered something. We do not hear what Tracy tells, but Ellen is beside herself over this, Hope says not to blame herself, she was keeping an eye on a lot of kids. They hug, Ellen leaves, Bo talks of Tracy having given Ciara her bear (and no, Bo does not apologize to Hope) they talk of how perhaps Ciara was taken by someone they know. The Salem Brain is definitely in Hope’s possession today as she talks of Ciara not being at the carnival with them, but with Ellen, and how would anyone recognize her, know she was their daughter…..then remembers the lollipop Ciara had at her birthday party, realizing Ciara was targeted back then. Ciara said a friend had given it to her. Now Hope begins beating herself up over how they always warned Ciara about strangers, but evidentially did not tell her enough. Why did they not tell her more.
Bo takes her in his office, holds her, tells her he loves her, she loves him, too. They are going to find Ciara, will get through this. The phone rings (all calls to their home are being forwarded to the station) Hope answers, Dean comes in, seemingly tracing the call. The person on the other end (who is Brenda) has their voice disguised, says “we have your daughter”, mentions Hope & Bo losing Zack, and how they don’t want Ciara to have the same fate. Hope is warned to do exactly as told, or else. She collapses against Bo in tears.

Thanks for the write up Barb!

I know a lot of people don't like Stephanie, & I have in the past but am a little on the fence with her right now. But honestly...I am feeling sorry for all 3 people involved. Melanie, Philip & Stephanie. And can kinda feel bad for Nathan too. I think everyone will have a little bit of their heart stepped on in this situation. I am sorry this is the way the writers went with this story!

Poor Bo & Hope....I think I have said that the last few posts! And to think that this cop that is supposed to be helping them is behind it all!!

Thanks again!
Thanks for the write up Barb!
Poor Ciara, they need to make this a quick story I hate seeing little kids upset like that.
The previews for Wed show Daniel asking Kate what kind of sick woman is she
Philip in bed with Melanie saying something about Stephanie and that part of his life being over
Brenda on the phone with Hope saying if she ever wanted to see Ciara again to do exactly what she is told
And an upset Bo & Hope looking at a laptop which shows the tied up Ciara holding the daily newspaper up
I'm sorry, but enough of this kidnapping stuff. This is more or less what they did with Shawn & Belle before they were sent off to sail around the world. Is this a hint of what's to come with Bo & Hope?

Stephanie sure does seem to recover over lost loves rather quickly. Does she even know what she wants? Nathan definitely does not seem like her type. He needs someone like Melanie to make him seem more alive and interesting. He's rather hohum. Just my opinion.
Ugh, since I'm appalled both by Ciara's kidnapping and the idea of Philip having sex with Melanie, there's nothing for me to see here. I am a little bit interested in Brady's and Arianna's conversation but that's about it.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! Always appreciated.

claire almost died from the liver thing
joey was born prematurely and almost died
zack was hit by a car (chelsea) and died
grace got sick and died
now ciara is kidnapped?

is that all these writers can think about? ways to kill children?
i completely understand the need for good drama...but i've had enough of these story lines. it was more fun when Marlena was framed for killing off all of Salem when they were really being held on the island and then rescued blah blah blah...

i'm just sick and tired of the kids on the show being picked on. poor Ciara! she doesn't deserve any of this- i just want that storyline to come to a close and go away.
Thanks for the write-up:) While I don't like seeing Ciara kidnapped, this storyline sure beats the heck out of another who's the daddy go around. Plus it showcases some great acting.

I sinerely hope they don't write in a pregnancy for Melanie! That would be so awful.
claire almost died from the liver thing
joey was born prematurely and almost died
zack was hit by a car (chelsea) and died
grace got sick and died
now ciara is kidnapped?

is that all these writers can think about? ways to kill children?

oh i left out a child.

Mimi's baby was aborted.

...and there were probably other children- they'll come to me as i think about it. DOOL seems to like storylines involving pain and suffering of babies.


Nicole miscarried her baby with EJ.
Claire not only had the liver problem, she was "lost at sea" and kidnapped and Shawn and Belle feared she was dead.
Willow was pregnant with Shawn's baby when she died, not that anybody probably cares, lol (though I liked Willow).
Wasn't Abby very sick with aplastic anemia or am I misremembering that.
Chelsea was stillborn but they "undid" that.
Thanks for the write-up:) While I don't like seeing Ciara kidnapped, this storyline sure beats the heck out of another who's the daddy go around. Plus it showcases some great acting.

I sinerely hope they don't write in a pregnancy for Melanie! That would be so awful.

oh you know they will... they just had Philip and Melanie do something...and with Stephanie learning that philip quit the business for her, she'll try to get back with him...and then Mel will hit them with "I'm pregnant Ya'll"

::i can see it coming a mile away::
I don't think the writers are picking on children. These things happen in real life. Besides that, we could choose one character (Sami, Marlena, Hope, etc..) and list many more tragedies that have happened in the lives of only one of them than all the children put together.
I agree Dayslady. How many more children need to suffer from the writers? I do hope that Theo is the one that reveals the clue about Ciara. By the way, you forgot that Belle miscarried Shawn and Belle's baby when the whole embryo switch happened. I do find it interesting that it is a bad cop that did the kidnapping. That will make for an interesting result when they are discovered. I miss the days of old where the Adults had real storylines and some adventure. I also hope that Brady does not pay for Arianna's drugs. That man has been through enough.
And don't forget the whole story with "Pocket" Philip's kid with a surrogate & when he found out about him...wasn't he sick in the hospital & Steve & Kayla were taking care of him.
KathyLu, I wondered about the number of legs in the scene too.

And I don't think the writers or producers hate children. Kidnapping children is a dramatic device that has been used in soaps for decades. Overused may be a better word. It is a rite of passage in Salem. Shawn D. was also kidnapped, as was Will, Belle, etc., etc. They seem to get over it and lead a relatively normal life, all things considered.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
Other kids

Don't forget kidnapped Belle as a child (John and Kristen posed as a couple to try to expose a baby black market ring), and Will kidnapped requiring Sami and Austin to get married.
Don't forget kidnapped Belle as a child (John and Kristen posed as a couple to try to expose a baby black market ring), and Will kidnapped requiring Sami and Austin to get married.

Well, of course Sami was the real kidnapper of Belle, so that situation was unusual, though no less agonizing for Marlena and Roman, who thought Belle was his at the time.

I just don't like children in peril stories, period. I agree that they're overused, but that doesn't lessen the unpleasant impact of them for me. I feel sure there are stories out there for Bo and Hope that don't involve their children being at risk (or a love triangle/quadrangle).
Great episode. I have to say kudos to the actors playing the kidnappers. I'll bet that's harder than being the kidnappee. They are doing a superb job of being creepy. All three of them. And Ciara just looks like a little angel.

Loved the Philip and Melanie scenes. He said all the right things and she just melted. I believe he meant what he said -- at the moment.

Hope's not convincing me. Her acting is just that. Acting. Hate those horizontal stripes she's wearing. Love Bo. Love Justin. I loved hearing about Victor's Grecian compound. No, not Grecian formula.

Totally bored with Brady and Arianna.