Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 25,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Episode #11,151 Taped 7/20 Director – Albert Alarr

Sami is outside the Pub, on her cell, leaving a message for Nicole. She talks about picking up Johnny & Allie at 10 (I think she means the next a.m.) appreciates what Nicole has done for her, yada, yada. Rafe comes out, Sami hangs up, he asks if she was talking to Nicole, surprised she seems to be so friendly with her. Sami gets her hackles up, why is it surprising she has a friend. Rafe just meant she always spoke so negatively about Nicole, how evil and manipulative she was, but Sami defends Nicole, telling it it is because of Grace…that when she died, it changed everything. Rafe apologizes, he has no right. Sami agrees, he is not her friend, her lover, her hero, he is nothing. She takes off, Rafe goes back into the Pub, tells Arianna how he blew it with Sami. Arianna comments on how first Sami lost Grace, then Rafe, she is dealing with a lot. They talk of how Rafe hit a dead end in his search for info on Dr. Baker and the night Grace was born, the clinic nurse could not help, EJ wouldn’t, can’t find Baker, but he remembers Sister Theresa was there that night. He calls the convent, but Sister T is at a retreat, won’t be back for a couple weeks. He decides to go see Nicole. Lucky she is home alone, not happy to find him at her front door, says she is about to leave, but he tells her what he came for is important, and she had better make time.

At the hospital, Nicole can see Dr. Baker is repeatedly calling her, leaving messages. She won’t answer, tells herself that Stefano is going to deal with him. EJ comes out with Sydney, footprint having been made, is very happy that all 3 came through all tests with flying colors, and Nicole will live a long and healthy life, they have no worries about Sydney. Later at home, Nicole has put Sydney to sleep, she & EJ are getting cozy on the sofa, (guess what, he finally SHAVED!!!!!) & he has a surprise for her. He has arranged for that postponed honeymoon…she is tooooo happy, until she hears it is the Carribbean. LOL, as she talks of it being a cliché, he talks of sky blue waters, coral reefs, warm sand, and she talks of hurricane season, and crowded airports trying to leave. Now he mentions Malibu – nope, earthquakes. Hawaii..nope, volcanos. He says it doesn’t seem there is anywhere that doesn’t have some sort of disaster waiting to happen…..she says….”There is always Paris”. (Shades of Casablanca! LOL) We hear crying, Sydney has woken up, EJ says he will take her for a walk in the stroller, Nicole so happy at the thought of Paris in the Fall.

In the park, Sami walks alone, finds Benchie, sits down, remembering the time with Rafe when Grace died, & how there were just the 3 of them. Tears roll down her cheeks, , she wipes them away, telling herself she is not going to do that, she is going to be strong. And here comes EJ, with Sydney in the stroller. Sami figures he is out with the baby, as she cannot sleep, they both sit on the bench, EJ mentions her & Rafe breaking up. Sami gets up, it is none of his business, EJ claims he is only concerned because of Johnny, if perhaps he is upset that Rafe is gone. Sami says that is a crock, he never liked Rafe, did not want him in Sami’s life, and now he isn’t. Ej tries to deny that, talking of his wonderful family, the wife, perfect baby, house, and how they are going to Paris in a couple week – delayed honeymoon. She asks who he is trying to convince, her or himself.

At the Cheatin’ Heart, Mia & Will are dancing, with Chad enviously watching them. Tad returns, asks who put that song on, it is not on the play list. The song ends, Will starts to try and kiss Mia, she pulls away, apologizing. He says it is o.k. he knows there are too many people around. Kinsey had come in, seems to be a couple sheets to the wind, offers Chad to have a taste of what is in her flask. He refuses, she is happy, more for her. Will has to leave, he only stopped by for a few minutes, he is helping his gramma, as they wait for news of his cousin. Chad asks Mia why she danced with Will to “:their song”, but she reminds him they are no longer together. He says he still loves her, wonders if his parents had not made him leave, would they still be together. His cell rings, mom is checking on him, he moves away to take the call. Mia decides to leave, Kinsey is leaving too, offers her a ride, Mia accepts and they leave. Chad returns, asks Tad where Mia is, learns she left with Kinsey, gets very upset and chases after them, stopping Mia, telling her she cannot go with Kinsey.

Bo & Hope continue the argument they are having over the ransom demand. He defends his decision, she is very upset, Bo claiming if they paid it, Ciara would die, Hope claiming that now the kidnappers have no reason to contact them, with the ransom money now being a reward. Over at the cop shop, Roman is on the phone with Julie, promising to pass on her & Doug’s message to Hope, as Abe, Lexie & Theo come in. Theo keeps repeating “angel, angel”, Roman tries to question him, but Theo just grabs Abe’s hand. Lexie figures they should take Theo home, but Theo won’t go, he again grabs Abe’s hand, saying angel, angel. The lightbulb goes on for Roman, who now has possession of the Salem Brain, asking Theo if the man he saw with Ciara had an angel on his arm. Theo nods yes, Roman figures the guy had a tattoo of an angel. Next he has Theo looking at a mug book and Theo doesn’t see anything familiar, until he sees a picture of an angel, excitedly pointing to it.
Next we see Hope on the computer, evidently searching thru looking for guys with angel tattoos, and finds one….who happens to be right here in Salem at some motel. Her face falls as she sees he is a registered sex offender.

At the hideout shack, Dean is kneeling in front of Ciara, touching her head, as she witdraws away from his hand. He realizes she doesn’t like that, says he knows she can’t see or hear him, but just for fun, he wants her to know that Hope is going to be very very sorry for what is going to happen next. Kyle & Brenda return, Dean claims he just is making sure all is secure on the kid. They tell him there are checkpoints everywhere, the cops are searching cars, trunks, etc. so they made a U turn and skedaddled back. Dean gets a call telling him about the angel tattoo search, and comes up with another plan. They will have to get out, he will go back to their motel, pack their stuff, and return. He leaves, Kyle is worried, Brenda covers Ciara with a blanket, saying it is getting chilly in there, and eventually puts it over Ciara’s head as she is tired of looking at her. Dean is in their motel room, searching thru drawers, looking for anything to tie Brenda & Kyle to him. He confiscates a couple pictures of him and Brenda, and leaves.

Sami answers her phone, to Dr. Baker on the other end. She is surprised….he calls her Colleen, or should I say Sami, and says she should remember him.

Next, we see Bo, Hope & Roman in that same motel room, tossing, searching. Bo finds a clipping of Hope from the newspaper, the one announcing her $$$$ gift to the Autism foundation. And under the mattress Roman finds a map of the forest area, with 3 places circled. Hope comments it is right across the highway.

Back in the shack, Kyle is suggesting he take Ciara deep into the woods and leave her there, where no one will find her. Brenda is not too keen on that idea. Dean returns, Brenda & Kyle ask about their stuff, Dean says it is in the car. Brenda thinks that is a good idea, to go in his car then. Dean has his back to them, as he pulls out his gun. He turns, saying he is sorry, Kyle, but he has to do this. He turns, points the gun (seemingly at Ciara), Brenda is screaming “No, Dean, no”, as the gun is fired.


ok, this stuff with Ciara is getting seriously creepy. *shudder*

i guess nicole is worried about the Caribbean because Dr. Baker's there? Only on daytime would they end up on the same island, in the same hotel...:P
Thanks for the great write up Barb! Seems like the some one is using the Salem brain today. Glad this kidnapping thing is about over with (at least with Ciara being held).
Oh tomorrow sounds good- thanks-
glad they are taking the little one that plays Ciara out of the room when all this goes down. Having her covered with a blanket makes it easy for her not to be there with all the shooting going on.
Too funny about Nicole not wanting to be in the islands-but we have run into people from here while on vacation there. So I see her point.
Thanks for the writeup! So now Sister Theresa is at a retreat. At Grace's funeral, Sister Agnes told Nicole that she had been transferred to another convent. Guess she must have gotten transferred back, huh? I really wish these writers could remember what they just wrote a couple months ago.
Even if transferred to another convent, Sister T could be on a retreat. I just assumed that is where Rafe attempted to reach her.
There is no record of 'Sami' or Nicole giving birth at the clinic but now there are 2 sets of habd prints and 2 sets of feet prints that are going to match 2 different children.
Deja vu

Is it just me or doesn't Brady remind you of Patrick Lockhart? They totally look alike. Brody Hutzler v.s Eric Martsolf <drool>

Come on Rafe! End this baby switch storyline!
Poor Ciara!
Thanks for the write up Barb!
Yeah, ....Sami & Lucas was one scene.....(he is surprised she is friends with Nicole), Mia & Chad .......she refuses to go with him, not after what happened last time, and then Nicole & Rafe...she berates him for abandoning Sami when she needed him most.

Poirot, Don't know why, but always crack up at the mention of . . . "Benchie."

Anyway, I think Benchie finds them.

Thanks again for the greatest spoiler write up in the world.

Bo can do NO wrong!
Which way to Salem? :smile:
Kidnap Shack across from Big Mac?

I nearly fell off the sofa today when Bad Cop ordered the flunkies out for fast food to an establishment - RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET!

What kind of a canvassing was done when Ciara was kidnapped? I couldn't believe it! She's not out in the woods . . . she's right there under their noses!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! :patch:

Bo can do NO wrong!
Which way to Salem?
Thank you, Barb! You do a fantastic job of keeping those of us who are too impatient to wait informed! I know it takes a lot of effort to put the day ahead together... most appreciated!

I can't wait until the kidnapping s/l is over. Unfortunately, Bo and Hope are having to suffer more than just their daughter missing. I see a long, drawn out rift between them - and I'm not happy about it.

I know that Rafe is trying to help Sami before he "says good bye" as he puts it, but sometimes I just want to crack these characters upside the head and scream... "Just tell the truth, already!" Well... that's a soap for you.

I think it would be funny if Nicole and EJ honeymoon where Sister Theresa is taking her retreat. The look on EJ's face would be priceless if the Sister made mention that Nicole was especially nice to Grace while Sami left her in the convent.

Again, thanks for the day ahead! :kiss:
The truth will set you free

Ok.. so we are getting to the truth soon. Nicole has Sami's baby, I can't wait for this to come. This is taking forever, and if it takes 7 years like Passion.. I am over days of our lives.:smile: