Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug., 28, 2018

Seem this headwriter does focus on one story when it gets to ballooning, while other characters virtually disappear from sight, not even a mention.
Look at now.....We are at the cop shop, there has been a shooting of a major character, and we don't see Lani or Eli for even 10 seconds. (after all, not many cops at that station, lol)
Doug, Julie & Chloe will be hosting the reception at their club, sign of any of them when they should be there making sure everything is in order. Guests would already be arriving there, would they not? Hey, don't mind, as there is good story telling/acting going on......but....yes, perhaps instead of 15 min devoted to Paul explaining events to Will, 2 minutes could have been used for some side stuff. :)
Nor would they park her in the waiting area to have her little family pow-wow. :rolleyes:
This scene really had me shaking my head. Maybe Kayla and Dr. Grant had the following conversation:
  • Kayla: Quick, Marlena has a bullet in her lung right next to her heart. We have to get her to the OR ASAP.
  • Dr. Grant: Not so fast. Her hair and make-up are perfect and her color is excellent. She's probably got time for some "touching" scenes with her family.
  • Kayla: Yes, on second thought, you're right. Here at University Hospital, touching family meetings with a patient who's headed for the OR take priority over quick medical care. After all da plot comes first.
Meanwhile Rafe and Hope are having a phone conversation.
  • Rafe: Kristen's on the loose, I'm heading out to lead the search.
  • Hope: First things first. Sami must pay for seducing you. Drag her down to police headquarters and toss her in a cell. Who cares if she was drugged or that Eric caused the gun to fire.
  • Rafe: OK, but is anything now being done about catching Kristen?
  • Hope: Maybe later. Right now, I'm reviewing the Ben file trying to figure out how to reopen his case. I KNOW he started that cabin fire.
I thought the scenes were really good with Marlena and the family. They gave me tears. Although like she have pointed out most aspects we not realistic at all, I did appreciate the acting behind it. Sami and John's hug and John with the dress at the end where really good.
Will trying to comprehend that his "mother shot my grandmother"
This would have fit in a lot better before his memory returned.
Or they should've had the entire cast at the wedding (for the most part) with little side stories happening at the same time.
We're of a mind here, if only Ron C and the writers thought the same!!
Or they should've had the entire cast at the wedding (for the most part) with little side stories happening at the same time.

That too

I have never seen anyone receiving CPR or the paddles and they weren't laying flat. Marlena's head was raised the whole time. Since everyone in Salem has Flatlined at one time or another, you would think that they could get it right

Also, Kayla and Val were the ONLY medical personnel in the room trying to resuscitate her. They kept calling for supplies but then they would switch positions rather than have a nurse or other character bring it to them. I noticed Brady was solo at the cop shop for a while too and then towards the end a few uniforms showed up. Even at the hospital, nobody was telling Belle to quiet down. You'd think they would.