Days of Our Lives - Tues., August 2, 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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Xander returns to hotel room and finds note from Sarah that she left. He's worried where she went. There's a knock on the door. It's Gwen. Gwen tells him he seemed upset when he was downstairs with her and Leo. She wants to make sure he's alright.

Marlena and Gwen in Marlena's office. Marlena hypotizes her. Marlena asks about the day Abigail died. Sarah remembers talking to Marlena and her suggesting to see Abigail. Then she remembers going to prison to see Gwen. She's upset Gwen used Sarah mask to trick people. (who will remember first there's a Sarah mask out there?). Gwen told Sarah to blame Abigail she got drug since she left it behind in the DiMera basement.

Ava is sleeping. There's a knock on the door. She doesn't want to answer it. The someone starts pounding on the door. Ava opens the door. It's Jake (from State Farm ha, ha). She can't believe he's alive. Jake reminds her he's like his father the Phoenix. Ava wakes up. There's a knock on the door.

Rolf and Kristen in his secret lab looking at Jake attached to medical equipment. Rolf is happy to be back and in his lab. (He has a braided ponytail). Kristen is excited her brother will come back.

Ava answers the door and it's Gabi. They discuss how upset EJ was when he saw the wedding ring on Ava. Ava can't believe Gabi there since Jake died yesterday. Gabi brought the marriage license to sign. Gabi wants her to sign it right away so Ava can get the stock. Ava tells her she wants things in return because they might get caught. Gabi will always have Stefan's shares and money. Ava won't have anything and will go to jail. Ava wants an executive position and on the board of directors. Gabi can't believe Ava is blackmailing her. Ava says she's negotiating and she holds all the cards. Gabi promises to talk to Shin and the board. Ava signs the license. Before she leaves, Gabi asks Ava is she actually loved Jake. Ava said yes. Gabi says she's sorry and she understands how she feels. Gabi admits she was only with Jake because he reminded her of Stefan. She says you only get that love once. Gabi leaves with the signed license.

EJ and Tony are at the DiMera mansion discussing Ava. They can't believe she's Jake's wife. EJ knows Gabi involved somehow. He thinks Gabi followed the ambulance to get there so fast. They discuss getting Vivian involved since she's Jake's mother. They decide against it. EJ's phone pings. He reads text and tells Tony that the merry widow is probably much to do about nothing.

At Marlena's office, Sarah remembers going back to the Xander's room. Xander isn't there. He's in New York for a job interview (what?) Sarah takes a sleeping pill. She lays down, but doesn't sleep very long. She decides to get ready to see Abigail and puts her raincoat on. There's a knock on the door. Marlena tells Sarah she needs to see who it is. It's Rex. (what a surprise). She lets him in. Rex can't believe she was held captive for for over a year and that Kristen wore a mask (there it is again). He didn't realize it wasn't her. Sarah says it wasn't his fault. Rex is there to tell her he still loved her. Sarah tells him she and Xander are together. Rex sees her coat and plans to leave. Sarah gets dizzy. He puts her to bed. Sarah wakes up. She remembers she saw Rex and wonders if it's true.

Xander is sitting on the bed talking to Gwen. The door is open. Gwen touches him and he tells her to stop. Only Sarah can give him comfort. Xander tells Gwen he's tired of her games. Gwen tells him she can help. She can provide an alibi for the night Abigail died. Gwen tells him he needs to find a good solicitor for Sarah. Sarah can plead temporary insanity. Xander pushes her out. Then he asks how she got out prison. Gwen says it was Kristen. Then Xander remembered Kristen gave Gwen the Sarah mask. (come on. somebody needs to put on their thinking cap).

Marlena calls Rex to confirm what happened. Rex tells them it was true and on June 10. Sarah fell asleep and he stayed awhile to make sure she was ok. He was there two hours. He left after 10:00. Sarah is so happy and will call Rex later to tell him what was going on. Marlena tells Sarah you have an alibi (yippee).

Rolf gives Jake the serum, but nothing happens. Rolf says they waited too long. Kristen is upset. Rolf has a stronger serum, but he hasn't tested it out yet. Kristen says "since when does a mad scientist need FDA approval". Rolf gives him the drug. There's no response. Jake's heart is beating, but there's no brain activity. Kristen is upset she won't get her brother back. Rolf says you still may get your wish.

Xander is wondering where Sarah returns. He was worried about her. She's so excited. Marlena helped her remember what happened and told Xander that Rex was there. Xander goes into jealous mode. He wants to know why Rex here. After trying to tell Xander the news for a Salem minute, Sarah tells Xander that Rex was there the night Abigail died and is her alibi. Xander says god bless Rex. Then Xander wonders why Lucas is lying that he saw you (come on dude, you said earlier Sarah mask).

Gwen walks into a cheap motel room with her suitcase (where did she sleep the night before?) She opens the bag and pulls out a mask. (thank goodness she hasn't thrown it away)

Ava is in bed. There's a knock on the door. It's EJ. He tells her to give up her scheme because there no record of a marriage license at the city clerk's office. Ava reminds the city clerk probably doesn't have Jake's death certificate yet. They bicker back and forth. Ava wants him to leave and call the city clerk. EJ says he can call them now and pulls out his phone.

Rolf tells Kristen that he can't bring Jake back. He pulls back a curtain and says he can bring Stefan back. Stefan is attached to medical devices. Does he have an artificial heart? (who took care of Stefan when Rolf was in prison?)
Does ANYONE enjoy this stupid amnesia when it comes to people strolling around in other people's faces??? It's really not even creative anymore...

And ReRon's sci fi stuff could be better written by a 4th grader.... this stuff is what comes out of the south end of a northbound cow.....
At least Sarah has been cleared. And I'm glad we don't have to deal with Stefan's essence inside Jake, which was a rumor. I, too, wonder who was taking care of him while Rolf was in prison, but that's the easiest thing to explain away in this whole mess.
Based on today's absurdities, should certain Salemites start to worry?
  • Should Malena worry that her practice will be overrun with amnesiacs after news of her success with Sarah gets out.?
  • Should Xander fret about Sarah going back to dull Rexy because of her gratitude to him for clearing her of possible murder charges?
  • Should Leo worry that if Gwen goes to jail, he won't have a friend left in Salem?
  • Should EJ and Tony be concerned that angry Chad will do something foolish when he learns who really did kill Abigail?
  • Should Gwen be afraid of what Xander might do to her if the story about her Sarah mask reaches him before it gets to the cops?
  • Should Kristen fear that Frankenrolf will create a monster instead of a live Jake?.
Rolf tells Kristen that he can't bring Jake back. He pulls back a curtain and says he can bring Stefan back. Stefan is attached to medical devices. Does he have an artificial heart? (who took care of Stefan when Rolf was in prison?)