Days of Our Lives Tues., August 20, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

In an amazing space of just a minute or so, Kristen, hearing Sonny knocking on the door, picks up Gabi, drags her down the stairs, into that wine cellar room, rushes back upstairs, puts her shoes back on, shuts the door to the living room, (from the foyer), gets the wig and mask back on. Sonny is knocking, calling for Gabi, and then, despite the fact security was supposed to be beefed up, he finds the door opens easily, he goes in. He calls out, and there comes fake Nicole from the living room, out of breath, still rummaging her hand thru her hair, claiming she is there “working”. Nope, Gabi is not there, got a phone call, emergency meeting. Oops, that must be why her phone got left behind, despite the fact she is never without it. Sonny mentions the bathing suit, Fake Nik suggests he go look for it, he does.

Meanwhile, Will is telling Brady all his suspicions of Kristen being alive. Brady is a bit reluctant to believe it, but agrees it is possible. He ends up calling Nicole, who is thrilled to hear from him, says to meet him in the room in 20 minutes.

Tripp runs into Kayla, has this long conversation with her, apologizing for getting the pills for Haley, sorry he lied, etc. etc. Kayla realizes he has feelings for Haley, he admits it is so, but he realized it too late. She wonders with all 3 living together, how hard it will be for him, wants him to be happy. She reminds me they are family, always will be, don't hesitate to ask her if she needs anything. They exchange “I love you”, a hug, he leaves.

Haley is released from hospital, JJ takes her back to apt., long talk about her not telling him about her hallucinations, and why, (he was going thru stuff with his dad), promises not to keep secrets, etc. Tripp comes home, Haley thanks him for all he did, wants to now make dinner, no, he is going to gym. JJ stops him, tells him he appreciates all he did for them, but this is his home, JJ doesn't want him feeling he cannot be there because of them, thinks he and Haley should move out.

Marlena is on phone, thanking Chloe for all she did for the surprise party, John comes out, has overheard her saying something about not telling John. So now they have a cutesy thing about her secret being going to see Nicole, who acted odd, and then made her leave. John tells of him & Hope working on who killed Ted, Kate's fear of being killed too, and thinking there is another person involved. They both decide to put this aside, as tonight is anniversary of their 1st wedding in 1986, and they agree to small little celebration, just the 2 of them, maybe slide into Doug's Place, bottle of wine, some snacks, and ….........!!!!

Sonny returns, tells Will of seeing Nicole at DiMansion, no Gabi, but the phone being there. Both agree that phone usually is always attached to Gabi's hand. Brady has given Will the invitation to the party, mentioning Marlena inviting Susan Banks, who has not responded yet. Sonny & Will joke about how John & Marlena each want to surprise the other.

Stefan wakes up in the wine cellar, cannot imagine how he got there, sees the unconscious Gabi, works on getting her to wake up. She does, they talk, she tells of Kristen being Nicole, how she could not return to Salem herself because of her crimes, decided this a good way, imitate Nicole, and get control of DiMera. Stefan accept it all finally, then Gabi wants to know, why, if he hates her so much, he saved her, stopped Kristen from snuffing her out.

Brady arrives, fake Nicole opens the door, so happy to see him, kisses him. He puts her off a bit, wants to talk to her. What about, she asks. Well, he has been thinking a lot about Kristen lately. What about her? He wonders if she could still be alive.
Yeah, Kristen did a lot in a minute or Sonny was knocking on the door for 10 minutes before he tried to open it!! I can't believe the mask didn't get a wrinkle, any flaw in it being ripped from her face and scrunched in Gabi's hand. I did like that Gabi's butt was dirty from being dragged. I noticed Nicole has nothing on her back. No supposed burns. Continuity people!!

And just when I think Brady is finally putting 2 and 2 together it appears maybe not. He lives in Salem, someone having someone else's face is possible!! I'm hoping he has thought of that and is just playing "Nicole" now. I think it did click with him that the Susan that came onto him was maybe Kristen. She did just impersonate Susan last year at John and Marlena's wedding didn't she?

Whenever they show the portrait of Stefano it makes me sad that Joe Mascolo is actually dead.
I thought it was funny when Brady was imitating Susan when he was talking to Will
Kristen's mask seems indestructible. it was torn from her face by Gabi and seems to have suffered no damage. It's too bad that Gabi wasn't armed with Claire's old lighter. It would have made for a good scene if the mask had caught fire and melted off Kristen's face like the burning wax figures in the old 1953 Vincent Price film classic, House of Wax.

Every day in every way, Stefan Zero shows that he's an unworthy, second-rate DiMera. How low can a DiMera sink to get locked inside his own dungeon? This sorry fate would never have befallen the mighty Phoenix, EJ, or even Andre.

Finally, if JJ and Haley need a new place, why not bunk with Jenny? Abigail has fled to Paris with Chad and wacky Jack has given no sign of getting back with Ms. Sleeveless. And if the romantic couple want extra privacy, they could move into Abigail's attic. She probably gave it a good dusting, got rid of the cobwebs, and chased away the mice and bats during her time there.
The thing about the DiMeras' lack of smarts must stem from the fact he didn't raise any of them! Oh, he claimed them as adults, but raising, nope, that was all done by others, all different. Thus, none of them can see the errors in their plans until too late.
Maybe Ben & Ciara have to leave DiMansion grounds since Gabi threw out Stefan........or maybe Tripp says no, he is hardly there anyway........or ..........maybe Tripp gets some new roommates........Eli/Lani?? (Tho Eli does own Martin House)....or Sarah? Will & Sonny?? Or new character??
In an amazing space of just a minute or so, Kristen, hearing Sonny knocking on the door, picks up Gabi, drags her down the stairs, into that wine cellar room, rushes back upstairs, puts her shoes back on, shuts the door to the living room, (from the foyer), gets the wig and mask back on.
I try, but this takes the whole "suspend disbelief" thing a few steps too far!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
Do admit I liked Gabi convincing Stefan that Kristen has been impersonating Nicole. I mean she tells her tale, and how she pulled off the wig & mask, was shocked to see Kristen, lthen disbelieving Stefan related how he came in to find Kristen about to do Gabi in.........but no sign of Nicole. But he realizes Gabi is right. Also laughed how he was just calling in a guy to fix this room so no one could ever be locked up in it again. She says, why did you not do so.......well, see, I married this woman, who ended up kicking me out of my own home. Touche'. LOLOLOL
Thanks, Poirot.

John and Marlena's townhouse is back. I hope we'll see pictures of the kids
next time we see it.

Nice to see Kayla today. It was interesting to hear Tripp say he's not in the loft
much because of studying and work.

I wonder what's under construction on the square? Maybe the yogurt place
is moving
there since it was lost when the Salem Inn got the new door.

Brady finally put his thinking cap on today when he remembered the kiss "Susan"
gave him. Did that remind him of Kristen too?

Brady's conversation with Will was interesting when he said he didn't want to be
cruel to Susan. Reminded me of the Elvis Presley song "Don't be cruel". I
laughed when he did the Susan impression.
I enjoyed the Gabi and Stefan scenes today. I didn't think I'd ever say that.

John and Marlena were good too. I'm not usually into weddings and anniversaries but it's been fun watching them plan to surprise each other, and his expression was perfect when they hugged and he was looking over her shoulder, feeling so pleased with himself over the surprise he has in store for her.

I sure hope Brady is getting a clue. He's always so clueless, that would be an unexpected turn of events.
Maybe Ben & Ciara have to leave DiMansion grounds since Gabi threw out Stefan........or maybe Tripp says no, he is hardly there anyway........or ..........maybe Tripp gets some new roommates........Eli/Lani?? (Tho Eli does own Martin House)....or Sarah? Will & Sonny?? Or new character??
I seem to recall the loft always had three tenants so that the rent could be paid, which would mean that Trippy living alone would face problems paying the monthly tab. Trippy should invite Rory to move in. He has a steady income from his pot sales and Trippy could forget his various past misfortunes by puffing on Rory's product.
The thing about the DiMeras' lack of smarts must stem from the fact he didn't raise any of them! Oh, he claimed them as adults, but raising, nope, that was all done by others, all different. Thus, none of them can see the errors in their plans until too late.
This is a good point. One would think that if Stefano was so interested in the family name and business, he would have arranged to have a DiMera offspring groomed in the true family spirit from day one. After all, the Phoenix himself was raised by Santo DiMera (the one who was once inexplicably infatuated with Colleen Brady).

Finally, for a young man, Big Boy Sonny moves awfully slowly. It he had any spring in his step, he would have walked in on creepy Kristen while she was only half-way through her Nicole transformation.
Ok... so.. recycled storylines are kind of a thing on all soaps, I get it. But 2 of the same recycle going on almost at the same time? I swear the dialog between Kayla and Tripp is the exact same lines that were said between Marlena and Eric. "You deserve to be happy too. Go ahead, break up that working relationship!" We even have the same situation of living together. The couple and the guy in love. Eric/Sarah/Rex 2.0 = Tripp/Haley/JJ

Just realllly annoying.
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