DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Tues., Dec. 10, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

At the Pub, the 3 conspirators continue to argue quietly, and are suprised by Will, who wants to know what is going on. Gabi is her usual sullen faced silent self, while Sami & Kate scramble to come up with something....they want Gabi to model for both their companies, blah, blah, blah. Gabi vehemently doesn't want to model for anyone, the grammas quickly change to the subject of Arianna, pictures that Gabi has on her phone. Will finally takes the hint and leaves, Gabi is about to freak out again, Sami warns her she had better smile, and luckily she does as they pass the phone pics around because Will is watching thru the window.

At Will's apartment, Rafe continues talking about the happy times with the kids and Sami, how much he loved them, misses them, etc. They get talking about his moving into his apartment, and that Jordan has to release him. She says "tomorrow", making Rafe very happy. She mentions Pete Clarke (?) who will be his therapist, as she doesn't do outpatient therapy. He smiles, as if he is no longer her patient, all bets are off. They nearly kiss, but Arianna crying stops them, Jordan gets up to take care. Gabi returns home, takes over, so Rafe & Jordan leave.

Hope & Ciara are at the hospital, waiting for Theo, and they will be then going for hot chocolate. A nurse brings Theo out, and off they go, with Theo telling Ciara he has a surprise for her. Later, he gives Ciara the earring, which she loves, holds it up to her ear, asking "how do I look". Will comes upon them, says Hi to them all. He joins them, and along comes Abby, who asks about Nick, Hope saying yes, he got to New York, she got a text. Will is surprised to hear Nick is in NY, Hope takes him aside, knows he cannot put aside how he felt about Nick trying to take his child. But he is now in New York. Will says something about it being a big city, and he doesn't know anyone there. Hope says maybe it is a good thing. Will is having a light bulb moment, and just says yeah, has to go home, has the night shift with Ari. He arrives back at the apt. Gabi has finally gotten Ari to sleep, mentions it being so hectic. Will says they have to talk. About Nick.

In the square, Daniel begs off listening to Jen, he has to get Parker home, he is sleepy. But along comes Joanne (the baby sitter) who saw a puppy in some window, takes Parker to see it. And now Daniel has got a minute to listen to another of Jen's rants. Oh, she starts off talking about how JJ had this long, emotional talk with her, confessed to all his misdeeds and how angry he was at his mother, and wanting to break her and Daniel up. She claims she had to make choices, and if she had known certain things, she might have made different ones. Daniel looks a bit hopeful, until Jen goes on about it being all for the best, brings up his taking up with the vile Theresa, and that she knows they were not together, but his choice tells the tale. Yep, Ol Jen piles it on, then doesn't want to hear Daniel reply, but decides since he listened to her, she should to him. But Daniel has nothing to say, she said it all. Later he sits with Parker, who has a small little bag, a gift for Dan. He says he already has the only gift he ever wants, and that is Parker. Hugs.

EJ is on the phone, covering for Sami, who did not do something in the business. He hangs up as Abby arrives. He is glad, has something for her, gives her a little box, it is from Chad. She opens it to find the item she gave Chad when he was shot. She explains her dad gave it to her, told her it would keep her safe, she is glad to have it back. She looks rather soulful. EJ looks at it, says something about it being the wings of Rafael, the angel. Then says her dad must have wanted her to know she was his little angel. She wonders how he knew her dad called her that. Seems EJ read Jack's book. Abby is surprised, but EJ says Chad talked about it so much, he wanted to read it for himself. She says she misses him so much, EJ talks of how troubled he seemed, despite all his little stories, adventures, and traveling, that he seemed lonesome. They talk a bit, Abby is grateful, she gathers her things to leave, telling EJ he doesn't quite make it as the bad man he claims he is.

Sami arrives home, blathering about finding that earring. She remembers horsing around with Sydney on the sofa, starts looking under the cushions, etc. as EJ enters, wants to know what she she looking for. Doesn't take long for them to be yelling at each other. He mentions the report she didn't do, she talks of Christmas shopping for the 4 kids, he wonders where the parcels are then. NOw he is getting totally furious, is tired of her keeping secrets AND HER BODY from him. She throws his keeping what he knew about Kristen & Eric from her, he claims he knew what she would do.She is trying to leave, he is stopping her, and yep, before you know it, he is kissing her, and she definitely is kissing him back.

At the hospital, Jordan checks on Rafe being able to leave tomorrow, will take his meds to him. She stops outside the door, as Kate is visiting Rafe, who tells her of leaving the hospital tomorrow and the transitional apt. that Kayla found. Kate is delighted for him, probably until he tells her that it is the end of a bad time for them both. He gets to get out of the hospital, a bad timefor him, and she can stop feeling guilty, can stop coming around all the time, go live her life,. He is smiling because he soon will be back on his feet again.

Jennifer arrives home, boxes of Christmas decorations open and on the coffee table. She looks at a couple, pulls out some mistletoe, flashing back to a scene between her & Dan from a year ago. She tells herself to let it go.

JJ is at Theresa's apt., telling her that it was him that was partying with before the O.D. She starts laughing, thinks it funny he looks so serious. Heck, she knew that, knows it all. She remembers everything. He doesn't believe her, no one could be that good an actress. So she starts reciting all that happened before she O.D.'d, including that he was scared of the "G", and only took a sip. JJ is floored, why? Because she would have been put on a plane by her parents, and back to CA. JJ wants her to tell Jen that Daniel wasn't there with her before the overdose, but she won't She hates Jen, who was always on her case, and then her parents decided Jen would be the one to decide if Theresa could stay in Salem, so she had to beg and plead with her, and Jen was so nasty. JJ doesn't want Theresa to make a whole announcement to the world, just his mom. Nope, Theresa loves the idea that Jen thinks Dan was sleeping with her. JJ is leaving, is going to tell his mother himself. Theresa says he may want to rethink that. She picks up her phone, evidently goes thru a couple of pictures, and then shows him. JJ looks, and is stopped.
EJ and Sami -- truly a match made in heaven. He's on her case for not doing work (what a surprise!), while she's flinging the usual accusations at him. If Harold reports to Stefano on the nature of the conversations at the DiMansion, the Phoenix might just decide to spend the winter in Boston with Chad, attending Bruins and Celtics games. As for Ciara, she's now got her best acquisition since she found mommy's "treasure" under the bed. Perhaps, she should take the earring to St. Luke's School for show-and-tell. Regarding Jen, she's truly remarkable, having developed into a talented, full-time, self-righteous ranter. The Love Doctor should run the other way whenever he sees her. This is why JJ's advice to Theresa ("talk to my mom") is not exactly well-advised. Jen is almost tougher on her perceived enemies these days than the Phoenix ever was. She'd slice and dice Ms. Overdose on sight. Finally, the Salem surprise of the day is that EJ reads books. It was well known that Stefano read books, but if memory serves it was never really established that EJ read anything except spreadsheets, legal papers, and Archie and Jughead comic books.
but if memory serves it was never really established that EJ read anything except spreadsheets, legal papers, and Archie and Jughead comic books.

:OT: Oh, DrBakerFan, I happen to love Archie and Jughead ! :) Don't ruin that for me by associating these with EJ. :back:

Wow ! Just... wow ! Just when I think I can't hate Jennifer Rose Horton more, there she is, with her self righteous act, her martyr look, her judgments that everyone around her does not deserve to even walk on the same ground she walks on. Why, oh why, did she want to ask Daniel something, when the woman is not prepared to let him answer. And I guess to Jennifer, an emotional talk with JJ is the poor guy trying to tell her stuff and her always cutting him off. That was a talk ? Nope, not really. And to see Dan still smitten with this witch is beyond me ! :eek: And now, though I don't like Theresa at all, and I find it interesting that she knew all along, I have to agree with her : when she begged Jennifer to give her a chance, Jen Jen did look at her like she was trash (granted, we the viewers know she is now, but really, Jennifer did not). So I say, go Theresa, go get Jennifer ! Oh ! And I had no sympathy for Jen Jen, when Christmas is around the corner, and she remembers not Jack, but Dan. Yeah, no. I really hate this character.

Sami and EJ : Oh, goody, another angry romp ! I missed those ! :sarcasm:

Sami, Gabi, Kate, Will : I'm already bored to tears with this storyline. Too bad, really, as it had potential. But as usual, we have to have sooooooo many repeated scenes and conversations, I get tired of it before it's really started.

Abigail and EJ : :zzz: Plus, Abby saying EJ doesn't quite cut it as a bad man. :sick:Silly, silly little girl. I feel a repeat of the Austin debacle, only this time the trigger object is not a hat, but Jack's book and EJ "understanding" her dad. :sick:

Little Ciara and the earring : I missed that backpack ! Hopefully, we'll have plenty of close ups scenes of it ! :sarcasm:

Jordan and Rafe : Great potential... dare I hope ? And... go Rafe ! Tell Kate to have a life !
Oh goody, the rapist is sick of Sami denying him access to her body. How long before he reverts to his usual tactics when he doesn't get what he wants. It's not my intention to start another "great rape debate" but come on, the writers were begging for it with this piece of dialogue.
Kate and Sami keep throwing Gabi life lines, and she keeps refusing to latch onto any of them. At this rate, I expect these three to be sharing a jail cell by New Years.

JJ told the truth to the wrong person. Even though Theresa was faking her amnesia, I like her way better than Jen.

EJ is upset because Sami is keeping secrets, and won't have sex with him? Their relationship has come full circle. Once again EJ fails to realize that the kind of bond Sami had with Rafe and Lucas can't be forced. That kind of love, devotion, and loyalty can only be given freely. The reason Johnny exists is because Sami was willing to literally do anything to save Lucas' life.
They nearly kiss, but Arianna crying stops them. What?! So Rafe lied yesterday about his "friends" intentions!
When I was in rehab, a transitional apartment was not offered! :(

Funny about the earring; can't wait! Ciara was a bit of a brat about the Kristen-making-the-payoff photo; Bo better get his rear end home, pronto!

That idiot Daniel can't just spit out, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Donovan; not once!" Followed by, "No more questions, period!"

Nobody likes an I-told-you-so, so I'll say nothing about Theresa's remembering her OD night. :) Also Abby+EJ...

A good day on DOOL!
Another great day for Rafe/Jordan, why did Arianna have to wake up at that exact moment! LOL I normally don’t like people eavesdropping on others conversation, but I’m glad Jordan listened in on Rafe and Kate, because now she knows what Rafe said to Kate, Kate will put a completely different spin on it!

I laughed when he told Kate they can put the last year of bad times behind them. I don’t think great-grandma took that to well.

Junior and Sami are disgusting as always. Sami doesn’t back down to anyone she has proven that over and over again until it comes to junior, and then she cowards like a little animal that has been abused.

Don’t throw stuff but I enjoyed EJ today with Abby, he acted liked a human-being, a nice change.

I agree Lilo I don’t want the Rafe/Sami train to pull away from the station! It's time to move on they have already wasted 2 years going in a different direction so continue this path!
I was going to say that the good thing about a Sami/EJ match is that the rest of the men and women in Salem are "safe". But I'm starting to get nervous about Rafe having fond memories of his time with Sami and her kids. Please, please, please DO NOT go there again!!!

I think him reflecting about his time with Sami had more to do with showing that Rafe still wants kids and a family of his own, and less to do with foreshadowing a Sami/Rafe reunion.
I agree loving_safe. EJ's entire demeanor changed when he was with Sami versus with Abby. He was really sweet and a "gentleman" with Abby. Yet with Sami he was angry and downright nasty and abusive. And when Sami tried to leave the room, he literally shoved her chest. Fans of this couple will call that foreplay. I call it abuse, plain and simple. I wanted to throw the tv when she kissed him back. What a poor message to send to women watching this show.

I wouldn't mind Sami/Rafe being together again if we got the old Sami back. Not this ruined character.

I barely paid attention to the 3 conspirators, Hope and kids and Jen/Dan. I actually left the room during one of the Jen/Dan scenes.

I wonder how long it will take for Rafe's transitional apartment to become his permanent one.

Hope was a little overboard with the leather today--at least wear one article of clothing that doesn't include it.
I have seen more leather on this show than I have ever seen in my entire life. So today, there was: Ciara's jacket, Theo's jacket, Hope's shirt (partial leather) and jacket, Abby's skirt, shirt (partial leather) and jacket, but for a refreshing change, Will did not have a leather jacket. :clap:

Quick thinking on Sami and Kate's part to appease a curious Will, but Gabi didn't play along very well at all. She needs to get with the program or pay the price.

Theo giving Ciara Sami's earring was expected. She needs to keep it in her backpack, but I'm sure she will be tempted to put it on and will get caught. Inevitable.

I wouldn't put it past Will to try to track Nick down in NY.

It sure seemed as if Jen was going to tell Daniel she wanted to get back together, Daniel certainly looked like he expected this. I don't think she will ever believe that he never had a relationship with Theresa. Just as well, though, because they need to be done. To paraphrase Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City) after her sneaking around with Big caused his wife, Natahsa, to fall down the stairs and injure herself, "We are so over, there needs to be a new word for over."

I enjoyed the exchange betwen EJ and Abby, a welcome change from the usual friction.

Well, looks like old habits die hard, but it took longer, this time around, for EJ and Sami to start up again. At least we didn't have to be tortured too much. But who knows, maybe tomorrow's episode will start on DiCouch. :rolleyes:

Well, duh on me, thinking that Theresa really didn't remember anything that fateful night. Many thought that she did and was putting on an act, and they were right. I feel bad for JJ, who is trying to do the right thing, but now she is threatening to mess up his future. :(
Pretty boring episode today gotta be honest. Theresa yes, she's a real piece of work it doesn't come as a surprise she would be lying so she could stay out of jail or rehab. She despises Jennifer and dislikes her more so that Kimberly and Shane put the ball in her court to decide what happens to Theresa. The way Theresa talked about JJ's mother to his own face I'm surprised he didn't slap her such disrespect should not be tolerated especially when you talk about someone's mother. Like I been speculating I truly feel she will blackmail that JJ raped her so he shuts up out of fear. Theresa's main goal is to hurt Jennifer in every way possible.

Kate/Sami/Gabi more whining from Gabi it's almost intolerable we need to get that girl some ducktape for christmas. Good thing Kate and Sami actually show they have plenty of sense and can really pull any excuse out of their pockets.

Abby and EJ. All I have to say IS Abby and EJ. Those two are getting a little too close using their reasoning seeing one another on Chad's messages to Abby. I'm all for it there's maybe an what 8 year age difference I assume and they actually look pretty good together. Abby would probably be a lot more submissive and controlled then Sami would ever fall for. It's pretty clear Sami and EJ are going towards never being married. Poor Jordan she was doing so well with Rafe, Sami running loose potentially maybe a challenge.
Another great day for Rafe/Jordan, why did Arianna have to wake up at that exact moment! LOL I normally don’t like people eavesdropping on others conversation, but I’m glad Jordan listened in on Rafe and Kate, because now she knows what Rafe said to Kate, Kate will put a completely different spin on it!

I laughed when he told Kate they can put the last year of bad times behind them. I don’t think great-grandma took that to well.

Junior and Sami are disgusting as always. Sami doesn’t back down to anyone she has proven that over and over again until it comes to junior, and then she cowards like a little animal that has been abused.

Don’t throw stuff but I enjoyed EJ today with Abby, he acted liked a human-being, a nice change.

I agree Lilo I don’t want the Rafe/Sami train to pull away from the station! It's time to move on they have already wasted 2 years going in a different direction so continue this path!

`I feel your pain. I seriously hate how she bows and caves in to him. It's like she has no respect or value of herself. Sami allows EJ to talk to her and treat her any way he wants. He devalues and belittles her and she jumps into bed with him. He is actually mad because she hasn't given him her body in what(a few days). He is a sex-crazed obsessed depraved pig and she is mentally disturbed for being with him and the both of them need to locked in an asylum receiving shock therapy.
Maybe Lady Chatterly's Lover??? LOLOL

I am hoping against hope that tomorrow Sami pushes him away saying "my body is mine to give, not yours to take at will". I just could not believe she would kiss him back after that disgusting tantrum, and to say that...about being denied her body. Ugh.
If Abby were stupid enough to hook up with EJ, he would walk all over her while he obsessed about Samantha. Then the minute Sami had someone new in her life that she cared about, EJ would be devoting all of his time to trying to ruin Sami's life and new relationship. Why would anyone who has been in Salem and witnessed the crazy drama that is EJ/Sami get anywhere near their orbit? I would think people would keep their distance just to avoid being collateral damage.

It's almost like Sami has resigned herself to never being rid of EJ so she goes along in certain instances in order to have some sort of peace and control over other areas of her life. Sami begged EJ to leave her and Lucas alone, and stop trying to interfere in their marriage, EJ didn't listen. Sami told EJ how much she loved Rafe, and that he made her happy, EJ didn't care. EJ stuck Fake Rafe in Sami's home (where their children live) and bed because he saw Sami and Rafe kissing in the hospital, and hated how happy Sami was. For Sami, sadly, it's like being with EJ is the lesser of two evils. What would EJ do this time if Sami left him again?
EJ read Jack's book and was actually able to talk about it with Abby. Could you imagine EJ having a conversation with Sami about a book he's read lol.
The fact that ejerk even read a book is astonishing. What did he do head the first, middle and last chapter lol

Maybe Lady Chatterly's Lover??? LOLOL

I am hoping against hope that tomorrow Sami pushes him away saying "my body is mine to give, not yours to take at will". I just could not believe she would kiss him back after that disgusting tantrum, and to say that...about being denied her body. Ugh.
Yup she is a masochist and nymphomaniac
Thanks to the EJ/Sami junk I'll skip the full episode. Since when does he OWN her body? What is this, 1411?

I did catch bits of the apt scenes and they're really pouring it on thick with Rafe/Jordan IMO. But at least it keeps him away from Sami. Ari is too cute as well.

I caught Jen/Dan. Oy. That's all I can say.

I'm pretty sure Will has all the goods on Nick. Really, 3 phony cliffhangers in a row? This show has not been benefiting from having just one story that has the majority of airtime, but they're not learning. :(

EJ and Abby - ick ick ick is what I have to say after seeing it. EJ needs to go away with Samanther and never come back!!

Way to go Poirot on the Jeannie Theresa prognostication! I suppose it would have been too original to have had her ACTUALLY change, huh? LOL

I'm sorry but the hatred between Jennifer and Theresa is so paper-thin as to be unbelievable. Jenn didn't show this much hatred toward the woman who cut out her heart.