Days of Our Lives -Tues., Dec. 19, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Paul arrives at Marlena’s apt., looking for John who is not home. He notices Will’s suitcase, etc., learns Will is moving in with Sonny. Will explains that while he doesn’t remember this great love with Sonny, he does feel something when with Sonny, so wants to see what develops. He then asks Paul if they could be friends. Paul won’t be a party to helping Will fool around behind Sonny’s back. No, no, that is not what Will meant. He knows that he cheated with Paul while married to Sonny, they slept together, but, everyone seems to want Will to be the Will they remember. But he is more comfortable when around Paul, can be whoever he is around him. Too bad, Will. Paul says an emphatic NO, then leaves.

John & Marlena have been Christmas Shopping, she checks off the list, they still have to get something for Brady, John suggests a sweater, shirt – she comments that is what they got Paul. John notes that all Paul really wants for Christmas is Sonny.

Gabi runs into Sonny at the mall, who is resting after a huge shopping spree. His jacket is ripped at the shoulder, little old lady did that as she stole the “in” doll Sonny had tracked down for Arianna. Also, seems Sonny bought a ton of gifts for Will, telling Gabi about Will moving in, giving their prior relationship a chance. She gets an alert, has appt. with Kate, takes off.

Andre walks in on Kate telling some client (on phone) she enjoyed working with them, but is now stepping down as CEO. Andre wants an explanation, and gets it, as Kate tells what happened. Andre doesn’t want her telling anyone yet, figures they can fix this, change Chad’s mind. Gabi comes in, Kate tries to tell her of stepping down as CEO, Andre keeps preventing it, makes compliments about Gabi. Kate & Andre go off to have a few private words, Andre insisting Gabi Chic would be a huge coup for her, making Chad keep her on. They go back in, and gush for her expertise, how hard she has worked, how Gabi Chic is going to be even bigger. In comes Eve, touting Basic Black, saying about the same things as Kate, who now talks of stepping down as CEO, Eve rightly guessing she was fired, Kate denying it, saying it was only temp for 6 mos., But she decided to leave a bit earlier in order to devote herself full time to Gabi Chic. Both women have given Gabi contracts to sign, she has to decide now, and after listening to the two women having their cat fight, makes her decision. She is going with Kate. Eve flounces out, Andre is grinning, Gabi then leaves. Andre toast his wife, telling her he is going to fix everything (with Chad), not to worry.

Earlier, Justin had run into Eve, who mentioned some contract she wants him to look at, but now Justin is with Sonny, in the square. They talk about Will moving in, about Paul, Sonny claiming Paul was his first love, and a part of him still loves Paul. Guess who comes along? Justin leaves, Sonny has something to tell Paul, but he already knows, Will told him. Sonny is sorry for hurting Paul, and the look on Paul’s face shows how much he IS hurt. Paul leaves.

John meets up with Paul in the Pub, Paul wanted to go over files from various cases (where is Steve for this??) He opens his laptop, cannot find the files, he downloaded them this a.m., cannot find them. John says they can do this later, no, Paul wants to do it now. He looks on his tablet, a pic of him & Sonny comes up, he just cannot do this now. John understands, Paul leaves. Later……..John comes upon a distraught Paul, puts his arms around him, and Paul is sobbing on John’s shoulder.

Will is done packing, Sonny should be there soon to pick him up. He has a very nice conversation with Marlena, who is going to miss him. He thanks her for all she has done for him, he could not have made it without her, hopes he can still see her once in a while. She says anytime, come for Sunday brunch, even come by the office for an hour or so during the week. Will smiles, figures she is talking therapy, but she just says she promised his mom to keep an eye on him, and she just wants to see him. He again thanks her, appreciates her help, etc. Sonny arrives, greets Marlena, takes Will's stuff down to the car. Will again thanks his gramma, says “bye”.

Brady comes into the room where Eve is, shirtless, but appearing to be wet, complaining about the water being shut off. Oh, she forgot to tell him the workmen were doing that. (this is so stupid in my opinion) He complains about the renovating going on, not your house, blah, blah. She makes her smart remarks, then leaves to go see Gabi.

Brady & Victor are having words. Lots of them, as Brady pours himself a drink, Victor commenting on it. They go round and round, about Eve, about Sonny, about Victor’s pitting them against each other, Brady’s drinking, Victor berating Brady’s failure to get rid of Eve.

Eve comes home, hears the battle of words going on, eavesdrops. She hears Vic talking of Brady’s failure to get rid of Eve, and some other choice gems. Brady is going out for air……Eve scoots out the door, smiling, ah, this is definitely something she can use. Justin comes along, ready to look at the contract. Eve says that deal fell through, Justin is sorry, but Eve is not. Something even better has fallen into her lap.

Inside…….Brady says to Uncle Vic……Yep, she definitely heard every word. Are you sure, says Vic. Oh, yes. Vic grins. And we get a flash back to their earlier argument, wherein Brady is saying Eve was right. You are purposely pitting Sonny and me against each other. And then, a lightbulb goes on in his brain. That’s it, that is how we get rid of her. (Evidently they make their plan, Brady calls Henderson, telling him to let them know the second Eve arrives back, thus they stage the argument Eve hears) And now, Victor and Brady, present time, are grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat.
I think this Gabi Chic thing would be a lot more interesting if we actually knew what Gabi Chic was. I was surprised when she said she was signing with Kate. I figured she was going to say neither of them.

Paul is breaking my heart because he really is heartbroken. :cry: I am glad at least today Sonny did say Paul was his first love. I still can't believe Will is moving in with Sonny so fast.

And I gotta say I did not see the end coming. I thought that Eve really did overhear something juicy and that Brady would be played for the fool again, but nope! He's got a plan this time!!
Thanks for the summary. This was a good episode on many counts. While I'm rooting for Eve in this storyline with Brady and Victor, I do like that there was a twist at the end. Seems the old Brady and old Victor just might be coming back. I just wish that he'd stop drinking so much, and more would be fleshed out of that storyline. Also, it's been a while since we've seen Chloe. Bring her back and involve her with Brady!

I'm heartbroken for Paul. I really am. I can't stand how Sonny just tossed him aside. I really do hope that Will eventually decides to move out of the K-mansion and goes after Paul. I think they'd make a nice couple. Or bring Derek back for him.

The whole Gabi thing was alright, but I do wish she chose Eve over Kate. Too bad.
:eek: Sonny: The Big Boy was mugged by some shopper over a popular doll? Victor should send Xander with him as a shopping assistant. Even the most crazed Christmas shopper wouldn't mess with the glowering X-man.

:confused: Paul: He thinks that Sonny deserves the best? Why? All those people whom the Big Boy arbitrarily fired from Titan probably think that what he deserves is a swift kick in the seat of the pants.

:confused: Andre: Why did he think the acquisition of Gabi's faux company was such a big deal? The way he was talking, it seems he thinks that Gabi Chic is right up there with Microsoft and Exxon-Mobil.

:confused: Gabi: She too seems afflicted with the Salem brain. Anybody with competing offers for their company should take the two contracts and consult with a good attorney.

:clap:Victor & Brady: It seemed as if they'd gone off the rails about the Eve question, but they're focused after all. Hopefully, whatever it is they have in mind works so the ridiculous Eve-Basic Black plot comes to a quick and merciful end.
Gee, did not realize so many thousands of people needed to know or wanted to know colorblocking. And how do you operate that kind of business on a website, and not in person. I thought Gabi Chic was a clothing line.....guess not.
Wasn't Gabi's conviction overturned or thrown out when she was released? I thought it was some type of admin error.

I didn't really like this episode. I like Kassie DePaiva (Eve) and think she's a great actress but she really has no place on this show. And she's totally miscast as Eve. She couldn't have been more annoying today at both mansions.

Also, why are we inundated with Kate all of a sudden? This is the 3rd or 4th day in a row we've seen her feeling "guilty" about Theo. Didn't Chad kick her out yesterday? She sure isn't in any rush to leave. Oh that's right there is no other set to go to.

And the whole Gabi Chic battle is absurd. Andre thinks the company can go public???? Isn't Gabi the only employee? STOP WITH THESE BUSINESS STORIES!

Hey Andre, 1979 called and wants its hideous camel leather jacket back. Seriously, a guy in this jacket in 2017, a woman in a mink coat and hot pink suit, and a woman with a blue chunk in her hair are fighting over a 1 woman company personal styling? NO.

Nice to see John and Marlena talking about the family. Too bad I don't know who Marlena's nieces and nephews are.:rolleyes: The later scenes with Marlena and Will looked like they were part of another episode. There were definitely scenes cut today as John was supposed to give Marlena a romantic gift.

Let's not cut the scenes with Paul pining to John about Sonny for the millionth time.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Gabi turned her "personal stylist skills" into a business.
Yeah, that I understand, but you know I never really see Gabi working, so it's hard to believe it's just this great little business that all the big companies just want a piece of. I suppose it will end up being a great business and make Gabi a millionaire. :rotfl:
My understanding was Gabi was released because of some error the judge made with her sentencing paperwork. I'm guessing he dotted an "i" when he meant to cross a "t". But as far as her actual conviction goes, I think that still stands, but who knows?

I agree the "Gabi Chic" story would be better if we had a clear idea what Gabi Chic does, but on the other hand, I gotta admit I like Gabi getting all this attention. But then I might be a little biased. *pauses for the cries of disbelief to die down* LOL
Sonny annoys me and I still feel bad for Paul!

I get a kick out of Andre's oddball wardrobe. I do wish Eve would ditch her coat, though!

I was guessing to myself about Brady and Victor's fight but was still a little surprised!
Brady told her "this is not YOUR house.......but I do agree that remodeling, refurnishing, etc. by an outsider is very much out of the ordinary. Also don't understand why VICTOR did not put a stop to it, especially after Maggie's figurines went to the resale shop. Don't care if Eve is paying or not.

Mind you, the Kmansion, just like the DiMera one, both needed an updating, but at least Chad had it done because of marrying Abby, beginning a new life together. Eve has no authority in the Kmansion.
The mansion is going to look a lot different when it's done. It is strange they
are letting Eve do it though.
Some quick comments regarding wardrobe:

Kate: Bravo, bravissimo, for her long black top and snug black pants!

Gabi: No to the silky bullfighter pants!

Andre: Noticed the tigers on his shirt. Foreshadowing the return of his twin? :eek:

Will grabbed Paul's arm as he was leaving the townhouse. Paul gave Will's hand his trademark prison look. :eek:
My understanding was Gabi was released because of some error the judge made with her sentencing paperwork. I'm guessing he dotted an "i" when he meant to cross a "t". But as far as her actual conviction goes, I think that still stands, but who knows?
This way of getting Gabi out of the slammer is only-in-Salem nonsense. If this was actually a way to get out of prison, every convict would be spending time parsing their sentencing papers looking for errors, such as ungrammatical clauses and misplaced commas and semi-colons. If the writers had wanted to more closely adhere to reality, they could have had Gabi acquitted on the grounds that Tricky Nicky's torments had rendered her temporarily insane. Then, after an appropriately-brief spell in Shady Hills, Gabi could have returned to Salem to annoy Julie with her presence, long for Chad, and establish her now-coveted faux company.
And the whole Gabi Chic battle is absurd. Andre thinks the company can go public???? Isn't Gabi the only employee? STOP WITH THESE BUSINESS STORIES!
Agree, these business stories are nonsensical. Salem businesses, including the vaunted DiMera Enterprises seem to do all their business in the Town Square. And if Gabi Chic ever went public, its shares would quickly become worthless penny stocks good for only lining a parrot's cage. Who'd buy the stock of a company run by an convicted murderer, which has no employees, no offices, no profits, and no discernible product.

"Awk, I love doing my business on
shares of Gabi Chic. Awk, awk."