Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec. 4, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Stefan is thinking, gets up, goes to the piano, starts playing a few notes....and Gabby appears before him. Thruout the show this fantasy apparition is there for StefanZero, as he wrestles with whether to get Abigail released from Bayview. She is wearing a sexy dress, the Gabby wig, and is enticing, talking of how they can be together forever, etc. etc.

Meanwhile, replays of all the closing scenes from day before. Chad comes upon Gabi, who quickly hides the DNA results paper in her purse, telling Chad (who figures whatever is on the paper has upset her) that she went to see Kayla for tests to see if any change in her “condition” and there is none. She does her “poor me” just a bit, but then Chad begins to beat himself up, tells how he knew Kate's plan and did not tell Sonny, he goes on and on about sabotaging his best friend, what kind of man does that, Kate gave me my father's ring, and I have stabbed my best friend in the back, kidnapped Abigail, yada, yada. All this is not lost on Gabi, who knows she has done the same. He moans about only seeking revenge, not caring about people, etc. But then, Gabi gives him a big pep talk, reminding him of having Thomas, showing pics on her phone. He thanks her, she is always there when he needs her, she says she is his friend, takes his hand, always will be, no matter what.

Kate walks in as Will tells Sonny what transpired between him & Kate, but he doesn't think he got thru. She says yes he did, tells Sonny she is so sorry, but an angry Sonny is definitely not in a forgiving mood. He rakes her over the coals, her apology is too late, how could she. Kate's expression doesn't change much, but she accepts responsibility, wants to make it all right. Will figures she will go to cops, she is not too keen on that, but more yelling, and she agrees, she will make a public announcement, Viv's plan, but she took it over. And in comes Leo, all snarky and fun, doesn't think so. Even if harassment is not feasible, there is always attempted murder. No proof claim the boys. Oh, but he does, and evidently is all ready with a slide show of pictures, showing the boys checking Leo's dead body, wrapping in the rug, etc. Seems Ted hired a private eye to keep a lookout, he did, took pics, followed to where Will put the car, called Ted who came, popped the trunk, found Leo in the rug still alive, took him to hospital. Leo told Ted how to hot wire the car, so it got moved, but Ted then seemed to want to do it all for himself, take the money and run. And then, he vanished, so, Leo is going it alone. He figures Sonny will marry him, everyone will be happy. Well, maybe just him, grabs his drink and leaves the room. Will tells gramma that this is her fault, and if she doesn't fix it all, they are done. Kate promises she will fix this, leaves. Sonny tells Will he thinks he is going to have to marry Leo, but Will says no, we will figure something out.

Hope tells Ted on phone she hates lying to her husband, as he comes in, hearing. She hangs up, turns, didn't know Rafe was there. Rafe only says he thought she was gone, she is leaving now, he again offers to take her to Jen's, she declines, rushes out. He starts to follow her, only to have Eli stop him, needing help figuring out a case. Rafe stays, but Eli can see he is distracted, Rafe spills it all. Eli can see it isn't looking good, Rafe calls Jen, who hasn't seen Hope, wasn't expecting to do so. He only says they must have gotten their wires crossed. He now starts to leave, Eli asks where, Rafe is going out to Smith Island.

Out there, Hope comes into the cabin, Ted is reading while sipping a glass of wine. He pours one for her, she moans about lying to her husband, but wants Weston, (this is what Rafe suspects). Ted notes Ben wanted in person meeting, Hope says then do it. Ted scared, StefanZero will kill him if he is out there. Hope will find safe place. Ted calls Ben.

But Ben is with StefanZero, having come in, while Stefan is fantasizing, heck Gabby is there the entire time, smiling at Stefan all the time. Ben knows Stefan is hung up on an alter, Stefan says he is thinking about getting Abigail out of Bayview, he put her in, so evidently can get her back out. Ben is sympathetic, knows how it is to be hung up on a gal, imagine scenarios. Ben then wants a bit of time off to have dinner with this gal he cares about, Stefan asks about Ted, Ben tells of being in touch, insisting on meeting in person, Ted going to call. Ben's phone rings, speak of the devil. Ted yaks about suing the Salem P.D., but has to know all the facts, Ben refusing as phone could be tapped, Hope is signaling Ted, Stefan listening to Ben. Finally Ted agrees to meeting in person, will call later to meet him tonight, with place. Ben hangs up, tells Stefan, promises to do that, but wants the time off for dinner. Stefan agrees, just don't forget your job.

Ted hangs up, Hope promising to take him to safe place, let's go. He finishes his glass, hers is still a third full.

Rafe comes into the cabin, calling for Hope. He sees a piece of clothing on the floor, what the heck? Then notes the two wine glasses, picks up the one, seeing Hope's lipstick on the glass.

Chad says he is going back to Kmansion, have mac & cheese with Thomas, Gabi says she will be along later. She assures him good things will be in his future, he will be happy. He leaves, she pulls out the DNA results paper, saying you will be very happy, Chad, you will have your baby daughter.

Gabby tells Stefan0 he really has been busy. Smiles, walks seductively over to the entrance to the tunnels, one look back, and she walks in, the entrance closes.
Thanks for the summary Poirot. I can't believe that this alter storyline is going on for so long! It's been dominating the screen for months now! I no longer care, I just want it over!

I have to say, it was lovely to see Kate finally get her comeuppance. Too bad that both Leo & Ted are still around. I hope she, Sonny, and Will have Victor "take care" of those two.

I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying the intersection of the Ben/Rafe/Hope storyline with the likes of Stefan0 and Ted. Maybe because I didn't see it coming at first? Maybe also because I'm hoping Rafe will wake up to how delusional Hope has become and leave her. I don't know how or why they've managed to be together all this time. End it already!

As usual, Ciara & Ben are the bright spot of the show these days. I hope they take over front & center once the Abigail storyline ends.
I am so tired of Gabi. We all knew that no Chad didn't hear her. Then all the oh Gabi you have always been there me, you are so great. I'm sick of it!! It is way past time for her to get caught!!! I don't think I remembered that Chad knew about Kate's plan with the sexual harassment case. Why did he not call her out?

I don't like that they are having Gabby come out for Abigail to get out of Bayview. Even if it is pretend. Tired of this too. It's been almost a year.

Hope is so infuriating. What is Ted talking about with Ben "I just need your confession". So if Ben confesses he tried to start the fire then Ted will sue the Salem PD? I'm just confused and can't wait for Hope to get caught. I want her caught. Lose her job and her and Rafe divorce. Is that so much to ask?

And ooo the Dietrich case?! What is that? I thought all they had was the Ben Weston case?
He figures Sonny will marry him, everyone will be happy. Well, maybe just him, grabs his drink and leaves the room.
This is why I like this guy. He's not even afraid of Sonny's sudden need to drop threats from the K-enforcers.
Hope will find safe place.
Important note: She actually threatens to turn Ted over to Stefan0 if he doesn't get Ben to confess. This character needs to lose her job and be sidelined permanently!

I'm also annoyed by Hope's worry that she's lying to her husband - and not the fact that she's threatening people or framing them.
Rafe does refer to her "obsession" with Ben Weston, when talking to Eli. Hope keep saying she wants or has to protect her daughter. Broken record.
She wants Ben behind bars for setting the fire in an attempt to kill her daughter. She has had no evidence whatsoever to that effect, tried to pin evidence on him to no avail, just won't accept that he saved her daughter's life.
How come no one says he could have killed her any time, they were in that cabin together for some time.
It is past time, way past time for Gabi to be outed, the truth to come out, and Leo to be taken down a peg or 3. Same goes for Kate and Stefan.
Some people just haven't been paying attention.

Sonny: He actually said to Kate, "Is this how you treat your family." Of course it is. Just ask Lucas.

Leo: He actually said about Sonny, "What's he going to do, kill me?" No, Sonny wouldn't kill Leo, but his Uncle Vic has plenty of people ready, willing, and able to do the deed, especially the Kiriakis one-man A-team and wrecking crew, Xander. Leo is awfully clueless not to realize this. He should also know that dumping on Kate is a poor idea. A plate of poisoned brownies just might appear at his door with a little note that says, "Eat Me."

Hope: Somewhere, Bo Brady must be shaking his head. His Fancy Face is foolishly putting her faith in a slippery customer like Ted and is assuming that Ben can easily be fooled. Based on Salem history, both of these are serious mistakes. This will not end well for the corrupt police commissioner. Hope also made a mistake by not cleaning the dishes after dining with Ted. Not only has this raised Rafe's suspicions, but it also ensures that the cabin raccoons with be partying hearty tonight will all their critter friends.
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Not only has this raised Rafe's suspicions, but it also ensures that the cabin raccoons with be partying hearty tonight will all their critter friends.

Hope and Ted not only left their glasses for Rafe to discover. They also walked out of the cabin without putting out the blazing fire in the fireplace. I was waiting for another cabin fire, however is was out when Rafe arrived.
Thanks, Poirot.

Maybe Smokey the bear went in the cabin and put out the fire.

Will the next guest at Bayview be Stefan?

Were they watching the pictures on the TV? Must be something new
I haven't heard about.

Anyone else notice Hope's high heeled shoes? Maybe she had hiking
shoes outside the cabin.
Were they watching the pictures on the TV? Must be something new
I haven't heard about.

Victor must have a smart, wifi, or bluetooth enabled tv. My phone pairs with my living room tv to do slideshows directly from the photo gallery in my phone.
Thanks, rs.. that is something I never heard about. My TV has a lot of areas I can
insert something.
Thanks for the summary!

He leaves, she pulls out the DNA results paper, saying you will be very happy, Chad, you will have your baby daughter.
I thought she said "I'll give you your baby girl" Think she plans to make BIG POINTS with Chad by being the one to tell him he's Charlotte's Dad. I want her stopped SOON - actually 4 months ago would have been better!!!

she says she is his friend, takes his hand, always will be, no matter what.
What a manipulative "witch"!!!

So if Ben confesses he tried to start the fire then Ted will sue the Salem PD?
Sure---that makes sense????:sarcasm:

she's actually showing a shred of remorse.
Really? I think it's just one more insincere ACT of remorse! I want her to go away - at least for a while!

I'm fed up with the writers who seem to take interesting characters and spoil them!:tsk: