Days of Our Lives - Tues. Jan. 15, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
January 15, 2013

The fallout continues, but at least the shouting and yelling has stopped, as word spreads of the events at church. In the dressing room at the church, Sami & Rafe continue to argue, as Gabi continues to sob. Sami continually blames the siren Gabi, while Rafe continues to claim Will wanted no part of the baby. Finally, Sami decides to question Gabi, who relates how she told Will immediately when she found out, that he told her to keep quiet until they figured out what to do. This quiets Sami down a bit, especially when Gabi says it was Sami who assumed Nick was the father. Rafe is still blaming Will, but Gabi owns up to thinking the abortion was a way out for them all. Will was just beginning with Sonny, she didn't want to ruin that, etc. etc. But all the rest was Nick's idea. Sami is angry, claiming Gabi wanted to keep his child from Will, Rafe tries to tell her this isn't about her, but....Oh, you are gonna love this, as Sami claims, loudly and repeatedly that yes it is about her, all about her., Then talks of this being her grandchild, and her son's child. She is raging again, and Rafe tells her to leave, just as Father Eric comes in. Sami takes off, Rafe talks to Gabi, telling her this was wrong. But she tells him it is no different than what he did with Nicole, and if it was O.K. for him to claim fatherhood to Nicole's baby, then what is so different here.
Rafe says she is right, but he was wrong to do it, the truth always manages to come out. Enter Nick, who says this is all his fault. Eric suggests he & Rafe give them a few moments alone, and they leave. The two men talk of what Rafe did for Nicole, who has now found her way back. And this whole thing had Rafe & Sami find their way back to each other. Rafe shakes his head no. Yes, it did seem that way, but he saw a side of Sami today he did not like. And there will be no coming together for them, not at all.

Chad comes into Common Grounds, facing an angry Sonny. Chad says he is sorry, did not mean for all that happened. Sonny asks then why did you do it? Chad claims Gabi deserved to be outed, but he did not know Will was the father, otherwise would never have said anything. Sonny doesn't believe him. And of course EJ comes in with favored child, Johnny, overhears, and questions Chad. Yep, Will is the father of Gabi's baby, and Chad sort of brags of how he broke up the wedding, getting back at Gabi. EJ takes it all in, rather calmly, listens as Chad bemoans Abby getting angry. Don't know why she should be, sez EJ, smiling. You only broke up her friend's wedding, embarrassed her friends, and wreaked havoc on the lives of family & friends. Sarcasm intended. Chad leaves, Will comes in, EJ smiles, says he heard he is having a bad day. Yes, he certainly is. EJ tells him that no matter how it seems now, all will work out o.k. and if he needs anything, just call him. EJ takes Johnny & leaves.

Marlena is at the hospital, trying to reach John by phone. Abby comes in, accosts Cameron, blaming him for the entire debacle of the wedding. Cameron doesn't know what she is talking about, Abby yammers about Nick not being the father of Gabi's baby, Marlena overhears. Cameron asks how she knows this, what happened, Abby tells of Chad disrupting the nuptials, blabbing it. Cameron says Chad overheard a confidential conversation, and Cameron would never reveal it to anyone. Marlena joins in, agreeing about Cameron and the ethics code, talks of her & John counseling the couple, them not saying anything. Abby retorts that Gabi wouldn't, not to her. marlena asks why. Abby hesitates, but so many know already, tells her about Will being the father. Marlena says that can't be. Oh, yes, he stood up in the entire church and said so. Marlena takes off.
Abby apologizes to Cameron for yelling at him, not his fault, and runs out. Cameron follows.
In the Square, Chad spots her and want to say how sorry. She isn't having any of it, what he did was cruel. Cameron comes upon them, tells Chad to let go of Abby, and warns him of ever eavesdropping on any of his private conversations again. Chad leaves, Abby thanks him, is sorry for yelling at him before. Cameron has to get back to work, is still on duty, but tells her it was kind of nice to hear her yelling at him.

Marlena comes into Common Grounds, sees Will, who gets a call from Sami. He puts her off, will talk tomorrow, and then Marlena has a comforting talk with him, assuring him she loves him, and that all will work out. He has his mom, dad, and her who all love him and will help him. He asks how about Sonny, how is he going to make things right. She tells him to just go talk to Sonny, hugs, and leaves. Will sits for a while, gathering himself together, then goes over to Sonny. He tells him he will go over to the apt. and get his stuff, as he is sure Sonny doesn't want him there tonight. Sonny is silent. Oh, wow, the look on Will's face, as he asks Sonny to look at him, tells him that he is sorry for all this, doesn't know what will be coming, and that in spite of all that has happened he loves him. He leaves, Sonny's face reflects his feelings, and as the door closes behind Will, Sonny murmurs "I love you, too, Will".

Sami is outside her apartment door, calling Will (see above). She hangs up, enters and who is sitting waiting for her...oh, yes, it is EJ. (must have a key, huh?) She is surprised, but he heard the news, so is offering his support. Sami is happy to hear this, sits down and evidently tells the whole tale. They are drinking wine, as she complains about Gabi, and then is so upset with Rafe. EJ asks why, she does a bit of ranting over how Rafe defended his sister, and was blaming Will. EJ assures her he is there for both her and Will. Oh, she is so glad to hear him say that, is appreciative. He mentions seeing Will, telling him to come to him if he needs anything. Sami thanks him for that, is glad he is there for them. He assures her he is always there for her. She sighs, she knows that, and snuggles up on his chest, his arm is around her, a smile on his face.

In the square, Lucas continues talking with Will, how no matter what he thought might be good for the baby, he would never be able to stand not being a part of his life once he is born. Will continues to talk, tho, of what is best for the baby, as Lucas talks of parents loving their children, how much he & his mother loved him, sacrificed for him. Will talks of them fighting (Nick is listening closely to all that is being said), and how he was moved between them so often, and then sent to live with Uncle Austin & Aunt Carrie. Lucas says there was a reason for that and you know it. Will claims yeah, mom did not want me around. Lucas says that is not so, your mother sacrificed a lot for you, that is what parents do, heck, I went to prison for you! Cue shocked look on Nick's face. Lucas again talks of how much parents do for their children, they love them, and he hopes Will knows how much his mother and him love Will. Yes, he knows. He mentions having nightmares about never seeing his baby, never being able to even touch it. Lucas thinks that it is good this all came out now, because Will is going to be able to be a part of his child's life from the minute it is born. Father and son are done talking for now, Will wants to go see Sonny. Lucas understands. They both leave, Nick comes out of his hiding place.

Later, at the church, when Father Eric & Rafe left Nick & gabi alone, they talk. She thinks they should remove the rings, Nick promises they will be together, no matter what. She cries, nothing is how they planned, what will they do now. He talks of raising the baby, having children of their own together, making a family. His arm is around her, as he flashes back to hearing Lucas mention going to prison for Will. Nick quietly tells her to trust him, that he will make everything right, and they will be together as they planned.
Well, Sami in a nutshell, in her own words : "Yes, yes it is about me". Well duh... We've known that for a while, now, haven't we ? :rolleyes: And I had to laugh when Rafe said to Eric : "I saw a side of Sami today that made me want to run in the opposite direction, and run fast". To that I say : :clap: Though Rafe is fast to put the blame on Will, I applaud him for seeing Sami for the violent, terrible, just plain awful woman that she is. Seriously, who says (again ! :mad:) the "B" word to the sister of the man she was kissing just a few hours before that ? So, so wrong. Then again, so, so Sami !!!!! The girl is hopeless.

And after today's show, I want to say bravo to Lucas ! He actually took the time to talk to Will and listen. Although I did cringe when he said he and Sami did their best. Their best (especially when it comes to Sami) was pretty horrible.

And, to me, Sonny and Will are still the most beautiful, heartfelt couple on this show. I just love them together ! Let's hope the writers don't ruin them for good over this stupid storyline.

And Nick... Oh, I smell another ruined character ! Too bad, really...
I noticed many of today's scenes (with Gabi and Nick) were taped on a different day. The braid on her hair was different and Nick's hair was more dry and fluffy (instead of heavily gelled/moussed and damp looking).

I thought EJ was actually decent in his scene with Will (at the coffee house), but then was irritated when he was giving Sami all of that mumbo-jumbo about how "they'd" be there for William. Will DOES have a father to be there for him. Sami and Lucas should be there for Will, not Sami and EJ.
This all makes me:mad::sick::cry: Why, oh why are you defending her Lucas? SaME:eek: will live to regret her choices.

No she won't. She'll blame someone else for whatever mess that she gets herself into, and then go running to someone who is, for some infathomable reason, sympathetic to her and covers for her or gets her out of the wreckage that is her life.
This was a good episode because of all of the fallout, but I can't help but wonder why Sami and Rafe are THAT mad at each other? The spoilers said that they say hurtful things to each other, but they just kept repeating the same things over and over. "It's Gabi's fault", "No it's Will"s". I was like, shut up! Sami is such a trampy, disgusting "woman", the way she was getting all close to EJ at the end! Makes me SICK! Even EJ DiMera is too good for her! She's the filthiest piece of crap to ever walk the streets of Salem!

Whew! OK, my ranting is finished.

edited to spell out and change meaning of a text speak phrase....JS
Well Rafe had me about to freaking explode. "WIll wanted this baby out of the way so that he could be with Sonny" and leave it to Gabi to weave the tale to make it seem that way. She claims she only considered the abortion because she didn't want to have to raise the baby on her own. No mention at all of Will suggesting adoption or offering to marry her. No mention of them practically brow-beating Will into not telling Sonny about the baby. If her main concern was raising this kid on her own, then why keep the paternity a secret. Gabi is a JOKE and she and Nick deserve each other and all the misery that hopefully lies ahead for them.
It DOES truly irk me to not have it mentioned how Will suggested alternatives to abortion to Gabi. I was being sympathetic to her when SAmi was ranting and raving and calling her names, but she just sat there, head bowed, not saying boo, letting both Sami AND Rafe go at each other, both wrongly.
It looks like she once again (like with hiring Andrew, not telling when Melanie was kidnapped, nor even when they were in the tunnels) is keeping the truth of all that transpired to herself. Preferring to look the poor battered down pregnant bride.
I loved the whole show except for EJ and Sami together. Yuck yuck yuck. Yes Rafe run. Someone smack Sami for being the most selfish person ever. Lucas please don't defend her but I totally love you otherwise. I wanted Sonny to run out after Will and tell him not to move out.
I absolutely adore the relationship between Marlena and Will. Their small scene today had me in tears. She is his rock and Will responds to her like noone else in his life. She can always tell him what to do without telling him what to do. As she was leaving, she kissed him on the head and I think she whispered to him "you've got some work to do".
I've normally in the past liked Sami for the most part and just always chalked up her behaviors to the lack of parenting she had growing up, but today I wanted to slap the crap out of her! I Actually wanted to slap Rafe as well for even stooping to her level and arguing about the lies when he and Sami are both guilty of lying over babies!
JS, I noticed Nick's hair looked different, too. I figured it was from all the running around outside he had to do to spy on people, lol.
Yup, yup, yup!! Like Iron Maiden sang, "Run to the Hills" RAFE!!! Run as away as fast as you can.

At one time I was all for a Rafe/Sami relationship because he didn't let her bamboozle him, kept her "honest" (as much as Sami can be), and he made me generally like Sami. NOW, I just want Rafe to leave her in the dust, find someone NEW in Salem but still show his care and concern for Sami's kids because I think Rafe is great with kids, and let Sami wallow in her self pity and then have some growth and maturity in Sami's character realizing and accepting responsibility in how she ruined the best thing that came her way, besides Lucas!!
I loved today's show and hope EJ and Sami finally get to have their love story. They are so good in acting scenes!