Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

And so the “fun” begins. Will sits in the square with John & Marlena who have been filling him in on some of their “adventures” with Stefano. Paul walks past, Will calls out for him to join them, he declines, he & John have to meet up with Steve. They leave, Will & Marlena chat, about Paul, of course. Will explains about not being able to stay with Sonny, when he is attracted to someone else, but asks Marlena for advice on what he could do to have Paul reciprocate. Her advice is to stay away from Paul, who is in love with Sonny. Later they are apartment hunting for Will (newspaper/online??), decide no on a couple of places, then focus onto the Martin house. Marlena advises against that one, being as Paul lives there, would not be a good idea. He says he has been job hunting, but using some old resume, not remembering those skills or experiences on it. She suggests bartending as he did in Memphis, and knows just the place that might work for him.

Roman is objecting to Hope & Rafe taking Anna down to the station, especially since it is in regard to Andre’s death. They are insistent, Anna leaves with Rafe, while Hope stays behind to deal with Roman. She lets him know that Andre was bludgeoned with the urn containing Tony’s ashes, which were scattered all over Andre’s office. Being that Anna has carried that urn around for the past 10 years, not letting it out of her sight, it doesn’t look good. Roman knows Anna has been somewhat eccentric since Tony died, but is a good woman, smart, funny, etc. Hope doesn’t want Roman hurt, talks a bit more, leaves.

At the station, Rafe is questioning Anna, who is giving no answers, except she wants a lawyer. When Hope returns, he tells her Anna is calling Carrie, Hope says she thinks she put Roman off, but then Roman walks in the door.

Brady & Eve sit in the Kmansion living room, Sonny arrives home from London, looking for Uncle Vic who went to lunch with Maggie. He tells of hearing about Andre being murdered, Brady & Eve are shocked. Sonny leaves, Brady & Eve get into a big discussion about where he went last night for a couple hrs. He finally caves, says he did it, killed Andre. Sonny is passing outside the door, hears that, stops and listens. Brady is making Eve promise to tell no one, she is appalled, asks the why questions, Brady claims it was for her, she was so upset, yada, yada. Sonny leaves quietly, sneaking out the front door, Brady carries on in the same vein for a while, Eve cannot believe he just came back and wanted sex…Brady then finally begins laughing, as he was kidding. Eve is not amused, but Brady was just having some fun, blah, blah. They go back and forth about it, until Eve, with a sly look, says that actually, she is the one who killed Andre.

Steve is waiting for John & Paul, Kayla arrives, finished work early, was hungry. He fakes that he was reading news on his tablet (all blurry). They kibbitz a bit, John & Paul arrive, tell a story or two of their PI adventures, Steve & John decide to have a drink or two, Kayla says not a good idea, Steve says it is 5:00 somewhere. Paul figures they will get no work done, so leaves. Kayla drops her fork on the floor, Steve will get her a clean one, gets up, is dizzy, she is concerned, John watches, chewing something. LOL. She questions him about dizziness, he admits blurry vision, she thinks he needs glasses, he laughs over how glasses would look over his patch. She gives him a cursory check, BP & pulse o.k. yada, yada.

Sonny runs into Paul, apologizes for the way he went after him last time they saw each other. Was upset, took it out on Paul, should not. Paul agrees he should not have done so, hopes Sonny was able to think things out. Sonny says not quite, but is bothered by something else, Brady acting up. He doesn’t say what he heard, though. They part, Paul says he meant what he said about just wanting Sonny to be happy.

Roman ignores Hope & Rafe, barrels into the interrogation room, Anna so glad he is there. She called Carrie, left a message, wants Roman to help her. He will, only she has to tell him the absolute truth about last night.

Will is entering the Martin house at same time as Paul, who really doesn’t want to talk to him. But Will explains he got a favor from his cousin Eli, who is letting him have a room there. Looks like we will be neighbors.

Kayla has to leave, Steve & John are having another shot, John goes to get them from the bar. There is a bit of “designated driver” talk, with Kayla making Steve promise to see an ophthalmologist, as John goes to get the drinks. He quietly pulls a tiny vial from his pocket, pours the clear contests into one shot glass.
Will does mention that Sami has been sending him money, but he really has to get a job. And Sonny returns to the Kmansion where now Brady & Eve are laughing it up, makes some sort of crack about Andre, then asks if maybe they know something, Brady says no, nothing.

Altogether....really......nothing happened, except to learn that it is John who is causing Steve's problems.
And I am really wanting to know just how Tony's urn ended up in Andre's office, with ashes scattered as well. Anna never let that item out of her sight. And it has to weigh something so her purse would feel lighter without it. It would seem she would have rushed into the Pub all upset that Tony was missing! And spit it out immediately. None of that happened.
Guess we have to "keep watching", huh?
Maybe that letter Anna found in her purse has something to do with why she didn't mention Tony's missing urn, if it was his. I thought the letter was odd. It looked like it was written in letters used for advertisements or greeting cards, not regular handwriting.
John, Marlena & Will: Today, they again demonstrated the immunity of the Salem in-crowd to cold weather. Ordinary Salemites, the mere mortals in the background, were wearing winter clothing, but they looked as if they were dressed for late April or early May

Anna: As others have said, as the first subject of the inept Salem P.D. she is 100% innocent. She probably did go to confront Andre (confrontation is a popular indoor/outdoor sport in Salem) and then left in such a huff that she left the precious urn behind.

Steve: Yes, he'd look foolish with glasses and a patch, but how about a monocle. This would give the mighty Patch Man a continental look, which would allow Basic Black to charge higher rates.

Brady: Yes, he was playing Eve, but now he's created a monster -- Big Boy Sonny who thinks that he has confidential, incriminating information. What could be worse?

Roman: He should have hired Will on the spot. Customers would surely flock to order drinks from a resurrected amnesiac. They could ask him questions like:
  • "Hey Will, what's it like to be dead?";
  • "Will, my last marriage was so bad that I'd like to wipe it from my memory. Any suggestions?"
  • "Will, when you were dead, did you meet Elvis?"
Anna: I half expected her to say to Rafe "Oh that's not my Tony" and pull the urn out of her bag. Because really, how can they be sure the ashes found in Andre's office are even Tony's? I looked it up and DNA can't be recovered from cremated remains because the heat from the cremation destroys DNA. The exception is if a bit of bone or tooth survived the process. Even then, the protein strands that make up DNA may be too damaged to produce reliable results. I'm sure some of you are probably wondering "Why would he look something like that up?" I saw a post on another site mention it. Thus concludes the morbid forensic science portion of this post. LOL

Anyway, my point is I don't think it would be hard for someone who may be aware of Anna's eccentricities to fill up an urn with ash from anything and leave it behind as a weapon to incriminate her. I know an urn isn't something one just picks up at the local 7/11, but then again, who knows what kind of stuff the 24 hour convenience stores in Salem keep in stock. LOL

Brady and Eve: I've tried them on and they just don't fit. I know it's been a month since Christmas but I've kept the receipt so I shouldn't have any trouble returning them, right?
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Have to say watching this without reading the summary left me having twists and turns, what a great episode! I already knew flat out that Brady had to be lying or protecting someone. It was too convenient, let alone, would he really trust Eve?

In the beginning, it seemed like John and Paul had been aware before even Kayla that Steve was having dizzy spells. That had caught my attention. Steve, John, and Paul on-screen have never discussed this. There was way too much emphasis that it's "John's fault" about Steve's drinking that's why he is dizzy, so I feel already John must have his reasons for poisoning Steve.

As for Anna, I think it's safe to say, in my opinion, more than likely it is not her as the suspect. She seemed too satisfied that Andre was murdered by Tony's urn. Anna had no idea how the urn was found in the office. So my speculation is whoever approached Anna outside the Brady Pub while she was reading that letter may have asked for the urn. It seems Anna is covering for this person.
I thought the episode was good. I have to say, I haven't the slightest idea of who really killed Andre. And yet, there's so many suspects as to keep people (viewers and Salemites alike) guessing. Furthermore, the mystery of John and this serum is mind-boggling. I think it's a good idea to have two mysteries on the soap, so that we aren't stuck with weeks on end of the same storyline, with some minor filler ones as well. I also think that Will needs to cool it with Paul. I want them to get together at some point, but more slowly. Paul is still hurting over Sonny, and Will needs to get his memory back and re-establish himself in Salem more. I do wish he had more scenes with Gabi, Abby, and Chad.

Eve & Brady--enough already. It's sick, and adds nothing to the soap.
At least Will is gong to be working a job much better suited to his talents and we/Salemites do not have to endure his terrible articles anymore.

So Marlena says not a good idea to move into the Martin House due to Paul also being a resident and that is the first thing Will makes arrangements to do. Yep, he is definitely Sami's son (and I love the character of Sami). Hopefully Paul makes it absolutely clear that he is not interested, instead of being worn down by Will's obsessive insistence.

Roman seems so lovestruck at finally receiving a kiss, I suspect he will accept Anna's explanation and offer her an alibi. I do wonder how Roman will be believed and they will explain the urn and spilled ashes though.

Oh yay, Carrie will be on the case, defending Anna. Is she in anyway related to any of the investigating officers? Just wondering about a (probably ignored) conflict of interest.

So Sonny thinks he has the goods on his competition for the family business but explains it away as Brady acting up. Seems strange unless protecting family comes first. I mean they are related, correct?
Thanks, Poirot.

I've been wondering if Anna threw away Tony's ashes to stop her grieving and someone
found the urn? Or did Roman take the urn and threw it away?

I like your idea Troy that the urn may not have been the one Anna had with Tony.

I didn't realize Tony has been gone 10 years. Time flies, doesn't it?

I'm glad Paul was there when Steve got dizzy today. Now Kayla knows something
is going on with him.

So John put something in Steve's drink. Is this the reason why Steve is having
medical problems? John has some explaining to do if that's true.
This episode could have been fantastic without Brady and Eve in it but heaven forbid an episode goes by without Eve or Kate. Oh well that's what fast forward is for.

Would it have been so hard for Claire to have been the one serving John, Marlena and Will? Too much to hope for Marlena to meddle in her life next? I mean she was cute with Will but I'm sure she has time for both grandchildren.

Rafe and Anna still play really well off each other.

Roman was funny going after Anna.

I like the idea of Will working at the Pub. I didn't expect that.

Give me all the Carrie mentions.

Oh John what have you done? I'm sure it's a red herring but not sure what it means.
Well, they ARE business partners, but really.........neither was much of hard liquor drinker. Steve always did just a beer.........
Steve: Yes, he'd look foolish with glasses and a patch, but how about a monocle. This would give the mighty Patch Man a continental look, which would allow Basic Black to charge higher rates.
I would love to see Steve with a monocle. Having him hold up that foldable pair of reading glasses a couple of episodes ago as if it were a monocle looked fantastic.