Days of Our Lives -Tues. Jan. 25, 2011



Hope is walking around the boat talking out loud to herself when Bo stumbles in all bloody and beaten.
He's holding his stomach and pulls his hand away and he is bleeding, a lot. Bo collapses. Hope wakes up from her nightmare.
The Warden enters the room and her phone rings and she tells someone that Bo managed to escape.
We see Bo hiding behind the door.

Jenn sees Dr. Bens keys on the counter. She has a flashback of Hope telling her that she thinks Dr. Ben is involved.Dr. Ben says she looks preoccupied and is she ok? She says no.

Maggie asks Victor if he will tell her the arrangements for supper. He replies with it will have to be pretty special
considering all the trouble he went through to get her to agree to it. She says he is a better person for rescuing Vivian. He thinks it is funny. He tells her they are staying right there in the mansion.

Daniel tells Johnny that he can go home soon. Johnny says only if he can go home with Rafe and his mommy.

EJ tells Nicole he wants to ask a favor that she is not going to like. Stefano is in the living room with Marco.
He tells him the project in the basement is proceeding. Stefano says this project is much too important for anything to go wrong.

Daniel tells Rafe that he is going to tell EJ and Sami that they simply cannot use Johnny as their battleground anymore. Rafe says he can't believe EJ is so changed.

EJ tells Nicole that she has to get Sydney from the hospital and Nicole says why wouldn't I like that and EJ replies because Samantha is there. She says that's Sami's problem. Of course she will do it. She asks him why is he not picking them up and why is he trying to do something to get in Sami's face?
Stefano continues to tell his henchman how important it is to keep Rafael Hernandez away from his family.

Dr. Ben asks Jenn what is wrong. SHe says she is just really worried about Bo and Hope and why. He says he wishes he could help.
His cell phone rings. Says he has to take it and turns his back to her. She sees the keys again.

Rafe continues to tell Daniel about EJ's deal with God. Rafe talks about how if something bad happens to those kids...Daniel says even when they are not your kids? Rafe says how you live with them, wipe their noses it doesn't matter whose blood is running through their veins. They are your kids.

Chad is on the phone with T. He says how he needs to get a new job. Enter Gabi. Chad hangs up and they chat. Gabi tells Chad she feels bad that he feels so pressured to get a new job after everything that happened. It's sad his dad turned his back on him. Chad tells her how the DA blames him for his mom's death and hey, not to mention, I'm not even his kid anyway. Gabi says but he raised you! Chad says he wouldn't put it that way. Chad tries to rush out of Java. Gabi says wait. He seems so alone and he doesn't have to be. He cuts her off saying, what? I have the DiMera's. She tries to get him to give the DiMera's a chance and he says no. His mom wanted him to stay away from them and that is what he is going to do. He is going to
respect her wishes and no way in hell will get involved with these people.

EJ tells Nicole that he has some business to deal with Stefano but if Nicole wanted him to get Mary to do it that's fine. She says no she will do it. She bought a new book to read to Johnny and he said that was sweet of her. She tells him Sami and him make some pretty terrific kids but please don't tell Sami that. She leaves and he takes her arm and says before she goes he wants to thank her. No she thanks him. It's kind of a close moment. When he gave Sydney back to her he gave her back her life.

Flash to the Warden and Bo creeping up on her. He choke holds her.
Leo and Hope are on the boat and she tells him she is scared. He asks if anything he can do. She asks if he can fix the computer. He doesn't know. She says maybe she knows someone she could talk to to find out what's going on in the infirmary.

Ben is on the phone and Jenn is there when Daniel walks in. He grabs a coffee they exchange a few words and she covers the keys with her hands.

Gabi tells Chad he is already involved with the DiMeras., He tries to leave again an she asks him not to. He sits and she tells him she knows he is hurting and why. He says he doesn't want to talk about it. She knows his mom would understand because she cannot be here for him. She didnt know he was going to be all alone and maybe if she knew that. He says he feels really guilty about it. Gabi says don't feel guilty. She would understand. He says thanks for the talk and leaves.

Rafe is with Johnny when Nicole stops by. She is supposed to pick up Sydney. Rafe says she made the trip for nothing because that is not going to happen.

Maggie says, you and I are going to have dinner here? Vic says they will not be having dinner. Maggie says that's it. I don't know what you have on your mind , but I'm outta here. Victor stutters out where are going and she says out the door, to the car and if you try to stop me I'll turn the hose on you. Victor grabs her and tells her to wait a minute. Can he at least tell her what he has on his mind, She says she thinks she pretty much knows already. Victor says brunch. Maggie seems shocked because HE said dinner, not brunch. He says that he noticed that dinner made her uncomfortable and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable when she was with him.
They could start with brunch and if it goes well then maybe they could graduate to a nice dinner in a public restaurant. Maggie seems flattered. Enter Vivian and Brady. Maggie and Victor exchange insults and Victor asks Maggie if she still thinks he is a better person. She says I do. But under the circumstances maybe they should reschedule their brunch. Vivian says she was gone for three minutes and he is already brunching with Maggie Horton. How predictable. He says if it weren't for Maggie then she would still be on that island dining on beef jerky. Brady tells Victor not to get too close to her cause there were no showers on that island and he leaves the room.

Nicole calls EJ. She informs him that Sami took Sydney when they went ice skating. HE asks if Rafe told her that and she said that Sami called and said they were having so much fun she was taking the girls ice skating and they wouldn't be getting back until late. Sounds like Sami is testing the boundaries of the agreement. He agrees. He tells her not to o anything.

Jennifer lets go of the keys. Ben turns around and invites Daniel to coffee. HE says he wouldn't be great company but Jennifer insists so Daniel agrees.

The warden is unconscious and Bo throws a glass of cold water on her face. She wakes up and he starts choking her. Tells her her if she screams he will break her neck. You do like living, don't you Janey? He demands she tell him what she s up to and he wants the truth.

EJ tells Nicole it's ok that Sami is going to keep Sydney and Allie ice skating. He is busy. Nicole hangs up and says who are you and what have you done to Elvis?

Vic says that Henderson prepared a room for her and Viv says not to bother. She is not staying. She has tried for years to make him see that they were soul mates and he obviously prefers chipped beef on toast to filet mignon. Nothing she can do about that. Oh, and she is filing for divorce. Brady is on his cell in the DiMera foyer asking if they got the docs he sent. Good. They can proceed with the rest of the plan.

Ben has to take another call. Jennifer tells Daniel she is glad that Ben convinced him to come along. She says she wants to get to know him a bit better. Daniel seems kind of surprised. She says Carly is one of her best friends and she did not know they had a child together in all these years and he says, yeah, well, neither did I. She hopes the two of them can work this out and be friends again and he agrees and says maybe someday. Jennifer tells him how Carly needs him. Jenn says I can be pushy and he says I can see that and its a good thing you're being very nice about it.

Nicole tells Rafe that EJ says it's ok that they can keep Sydney for the night. Rafe says wonders never cease. He can't believe EJ is acting like a human being for a change. Nicole says well with Johnny being sick he sees things differently now. Rafe questions why she is still around. She tells him that her days as the nanny will be ending soon. He asks where EJ is and she says he had business to discuss with his Father and Rafe says it must have been important. More important then making sure that he got Sydney back from Sami.

EJ tells Stefano his new approach with Sami is to let her guard down. Wants her to forgive and forget. Stefano tells EJ their plan will be ready in a few days and Samantha and Rafael will never know what hit them.
Victor says you're divorcing me and Vivian says yes. Victor walks around the room looking all around and Vivian asks what he is looking for and he says a camera. Where's the camera? I am being punk'd right? (LOL). Vivian says no he is just beginning to be boring. They exchange a few more words and Viv storms out slamming the doors. Victor does a little dance/jump and pumps his fist in the air laughing.

Bo tries to yank the Warden out the door. She fights him screaming for him to get his hands off of her and he opens the door as a cop/prison security guard (not sure who he is) she was talking to on the phone earlier appears at the door.

Leo is trying to fix the computer. They are having issues. Hope tells him about Dr. Ben. Jennifer knows him and Jennifer is going to see what she can do> Leo tells Hope that Jennifer better be careful. Hope admits that she is scared for Jennifer.

Jennifer says Ben's call is taking a while almost blowing them off. Daniel says me? maybe You? no way. She asks what that means. He says you know he likes you, you haven't noticed? She says no. Why do you say that. He says Doctors are trained observers. You seem to like him and she says I do and he says but your married and I should have kept my mouth shut and she says Yes, yes you should. She asks Daniel if he works closely with Dr. Ben and he says yes and she says in your opinion is he a good guy?

Nicole and Johnny are doing baker's man. EJ walks in. THey are laughing. EJ smiles. (really nice scene)

Brady enters as Vic is pouring a drink and informs Brady that he is celebrating because Vivian said she was divorcing him. Brady tells him to be careful until he has the papers. Victor asks Brady if before she left the island did he get her to sign over all the papers relinquishing all rights to Titan? Brady says yes he did. Victor says good. Out of my life. ,Out of my company. Sending her to that island was genius. Brady says he is setting up stockholder meetings in various cities to assure them that Vivian never had the company and it is theirs and this is all over now. They cheers to freedom! Victor tells Brady he is turning out to be a chip off the old block. Victor leaves and Brady says more then you know old man.

Maggie answers her door to Vivian. Tells her to go away. Vivian tells her she owes her thanks for getting her off that island. Maggie says it was the right thing to do. But nothing to do with her genuine concern for her. Vivian says interesting what she has learned since coming back to Salem. Philip, Carly, Chloe, etc. Must be something in the water. But Maggie is the biggest liar of them all.

Daniel asks Jenn what she means. She knows he is a good doc but doesn't mean he is a good person. Daniel doesn't know him that well but would check around. Jennifer says no. She tells him she has a friend is in a terrible mess and is trying to pull her into this mess with her because she cant solve the problem herself and it's really complicated. She's sorry for boring. he welcomes it. He asks her if this was an ethical question.He says it reminds him of how he sucked up to someone at the board, but the end justifies the means and he tells her to go for it. Help her friend.

EJ tells Nicole he saw her with Johnny. He didn't want to interrupt. She tells him of her conversation with Rafe. She tells him to go see Johnny. EJ says thank you, kisses her on the cheek and heads in. Rafe enters Johnny's room. Johnny is excited.

Vivian tells maggie she lied about herself and Victor. She always said there was nothing going on cause Victor was a married man. Maggie says there were other reasons too that weren't lies. Vivian tells her she is afraid of wanting him but she cannot stay away from him. That Maggie was hoping that his marriage to Vivian would help her from getting too involved. But now nothing was in the way and Maggie could be the next Ms. Kiriakis.

Leo tells Hope they need an expert to restore the computer. Hope cannot believe what she has gotten herself into and everyone else. If anything happens to Bo or anyone else who helps her she would never forgive herself.

Jenn is about to leave and Ben comes running up. Sorry. He was talking to a patient that needs a new heart. She thanks him for being her friend and she is glad he is in her life right now. They hug and she sneaks his keys out of his pocket. He says he is glad too.

The cop/prison guard finishes tying Bo back up. The cop has a bleeding nose. Yells at the Warden she should have killed him the 1st time. She says not yet. Tonight. Enjoy your last few hours on earth, kicks him and walks out. He says sweet dreams.

Stefano asks his henchman if he is clear on the instruction and he says Rafael Hernandez is going to wish he never met you. Stefano says that's the whole idea and dismisses him. Enter Nicole. Tells Stefano she knows something is going on but on second though she doesn't want to know. Stefano laughs and says welcome back to the family Nicole. Perhaps the second time around will be a charm.

EJ asks Rafe if he and Sami can meet them at the courthouse later that afternoon. Rafe offers to leave and EJ says no, stay, spend some time with him. Rafe thanks him and Johnny gives his Dad a thumbs up. EJ leaves and when he shuts the door he says yeah, yeah, yeah, enjoy it while you can cause you're not going to be around much longer Rafe.

Next on Days:
Melanie tells Kate to get the hell out of there before he comes home and kicks her out;
Chloe tells Philip that he is just as bad as his mother;
Sami tells EJ that she doesn't want Nicole anywhere near her children.
Ooh, thanks for a great day-ahead summary missvicki. I've missed these.

I am looking forward to all the Victor and Maggie scenes, and Vivian's conversation with Maggie. Loved Victor's line about beef jerky.

Not sure I like the idea of Brady trying to wrest control of Titan from Victor. I dare say that Victor would probably let Brady run the company if he asked for it. He doesn't have to be underhanded about it.
Good work, MissVicki.......thank you so very much!
Thanks for the write up missvicki! :clap:

Sounds like there's some good one-liners today with Victor...and even Brady with the no showers at the island comment about Vivian! LOL! Can't wait to see it!

Loved Rafe's comment about how being a parent and caring for children doesn't always have to do with blood. Excellent, writers! I seem to recall this very conversation going on at this board about a week ago or so. :)

It seems like there's so much going on today! I'm looking forward to watching. :cool:
Thanks for writeup!

I think Rafe talk with Daniel is to put the idea in Daniels head that he can love Parker even if Parker is not his.
I loved Rafe and daniel conversation. I agree jammers it was meant for Daniel to think about that. I also loved that Rafe said no matter the blood running through their veins they are your kids anyway! I loved it cause that's how I feel about my boys....

Sorry the summary is so long. But I loved the scenes with victor and Maggie and wanted to write them
Out in detail! She was so cute trying to storm
Out of there lol
That's what I thought too, Jammers. Don't know if Rafe had that in mind, but it should give Daniel something to think about anyway.

I appreciate the preview, Missvicki. Funny, I knew you were going to do it and for some reason I got it in my head that I had read it last night, but this morning I saw it and realized I hadn't so it was a nice surprise to still have it to read!
Thank you MissVicki. Now I won't feel like I've missed as much when I have to leave with 15 min of show left to go to an allergy appt. Gotta do allergy testing again - oh joy.
Thanks OCG. I too have lost count of the number of times I've had allergy testing done. At this clinic, I've had test in '99, '04 & yesterday. I went on allergy shots in '04. Within a year, I could actually breathe through my nose in the spring and fall and could go off allergy meds in the winter and summer. We were just finding out why I've been having problems all year again. Turns out that my dust allergy is back. So we added dust to one of my two shots.