Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 18, 2017


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Days of our Lives
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ahhh, and the plots thicken! Steve meets up with Tripp, telling him about feeling Kayla is being set up, and by Nurse Shelley. He relates Kayla writing her up for insubordination. Tripp is taking it all in, flashing back to the first time he messed with Kayla's tablet at work. He claims he did hear Shelley talking to another nurse, saying "that cow", Dr. Johnson should be put out to pasture.

Lani & JJ are at the bar in the Pub, enjoying their day off, with her telling him about her new assignment with the Bureau, (Eli) working on the counterfeiting. JJ seems a bit off, but they talk of the party, being drugged, people not acting normally, all is o.k. JJ says he has moved to the Martin house, has his own room, which eventually sends them both, after kissing a bit, over there for some "afternoon delight".

Theo & Abby are reading over what Dario has done, not only the counterfeiting, but the stealing from many companies. Abby makes him promise not to tell his father, she will get Dario to stop. Theo is downloading the info to a thumbdrive..they hear Dario, hide when he comes in, but he just grabs some papers from his desk and leaves. Theo opens Dario's laptop, it is all downloaded, they close up and take off. But Theo is upset. He calls Chad, goes to DiMansion, and spills it all. (Have to say the actor playing Theo does such a good job portraying the smart, but autistic young man). It takes Chad a bit to make Theo tell all, but he does, he is so worried about Abby. Chad hugs him, will take care of it.

Jennifer & Adrienne are in the square, preparing to meet with the banker, for the loan for the newspaper. Adrienne is a nervous wreck, Jen calms her down, tells her she understands, knows how she felt with JJ in jail, but Adrienne has to keep it together, prove to the banker they are strong, capable women, etc. Mr. Helms is there, going over their application, lots of talk and mention of Jack Deveraux. (Even JJ mentioned inheriting some trait from his dad). The banker seems to understand, but gives the impression he cannot give them the money they need. Not so.....he will, is confident they will continue to improve the circulation, etc. They thank him profusely, and take off. As he puts his briefcase in order, along comes Justin, who also thank him.

Yes, it seems Justin has put up the money, having Mr. Helm front for him (since Adrienne already turned down his offer to help). He just wants her happy, been thru so much, and with Sonny in jail, doesn't need any more aggravation. They shake hands.

Anjelica & Steve come face to face in the park, and have words. She is her usual snarky and smarmy self, he is trying to find out what she has against Adrienne, says she would not be able to run the paper, she talks of hiring people, he thinks it would go under, lots of folks out of work, she doesn't care. She only wants to take the paper because Adrienne loves it, and she wants to take something Adrienne loves away, as Adrienne took from her.

Chad passes Dario in the park, Dario stops him, they trade nasty remarks. Dario asks how things going with Gabi, Chad resents that, Dario claims it is his sister, Chad thinks none of his business...Dario thinks Chad just jealous that Abby is married to him, and Dario won.

Jen & Adrienne are at the Pub, congratulating themselves, Anjelica walks in, a lot of snark and snide remarks back and forth, as the gals let Angie know they raised the money, she has no hold over the paper any more. Anjelica gets a phone call, learns it is all true, is not happy at all, promises this is not over. She leaves, the gals giggle, they really had a good time, so much fun.

Later they sit with Steve, who is looking rather pensive. Justin comes in, hears all about it, joins them. Steve, tho is not all that gleeful. He tells of him & Kayla breaking into Anjelica's room, hearing her on the phone with someone, has something else going on, was talking very friendly with someone on the phone. about Adrienne, told them to remember to do their homework. Adrienne goes to call Alex to check with him...heck he hasn't taken any classes in years. She returns, Alex has not spoken with Anjelica in ages.

Abby calls Dario, tells him to come home now, she has to talk to him. Knock at the door, tis Chad. They get into an argument, he knows everything, she doesn't want cops involved, she can get Dario to stop, he loves her, would not hurt her. Yeah, well, Ben loved you, too, replies Chad. She gets mad, he notes he can press charges against Dario, she knows that, he is her husband, blah, blah. Chad storms out.

Dario arrives home, what is up. Abby says she knows all about the counterfeiting, all about him stealing money from big companies, taking money from Countess Wilhelmina, she wants him to stop, give it all back.

Anjelica arrives at her office, telling someone that she never wants to fly that airline again. She closes the door, looks over at her desk. Someone is sitting in her chair, but facing the wall. The person turns around slowly, to face Anjelica. Well, hello, Marlena, I was expecting you!
You have to love that after Theo got the info on his flashdrive, and he and Abby skedaddled out of Dario's office, they go to a bench in the park to see what's on the flashdrive. :rolleyes:

I mean, geez, don't go back to the DiMansion or even maybe Jennifer's house. Nope, look at the stolen info out in a public place.
Jenny: Usually, she's beyond annoying with her rants and babbling, but today she was actually enjoyable as she and Adrienne gloated over their victory over the utterly vile Anjelica.

Justin: Today, he was no longer the cheating spouse, the hapless ex-husband, or the floundering attorney. Instead, he was Justin the Fixer cleverly saving the Spectator from the evil clutches of the awful Anjelica. Victor would have been proud. If only Kiriakis men were this effective all the time.

Dario: In addition to being a dumb criminal, he has no social sense. He actually thinks that he scored a coup by winning Abigail from Chad? The way things are going now, it looks as if he's won the booby prize.

Little Trippy: He should be afraid, very afraid. Steve is onto an anti-Kayla set-up and as soon as he eliminates snarky Shelly as a suspect, he won't be long before he sets his sights on his surprise son.

JJ: The youthful lover-boy was at it again. Instead of fretting about Big Boy Sonny's plight, the fate of his mother's newspaper, or trying to impress Commissioner Raines, he was cavorting with Lani. When he's with her or any other young woman, does he ever think of the lusty Eve and her practiced "luv" skills? As Kate would firmly agree the really hot Salem women are the older crowd, not the insipid young things.
Surprises me so few comments, especially as it was very apparent this episode not only was a good one, but was setting up the debut of the new headwriter.

Steve snarking to Anjelica about her botox treatments, lol, Theo smartly thinking he promised not to tell Dad, so goes to tell Chad. Now Chad knows about Theo's autism, so immediately could tell how upset Theo was over Abby...and the crooked Dario, handled it. Theo obviously trusts Chad, and that is terrific in my book.

Tripp being warned by determined Steve, knows Kayla was set up, will dig til he ferrets out the guilty party.

Justin secretly bailing out the ex-wife, just as when they were young and not yet married.

And the big surprise of Marlena waiting for Anjelica.....or is it Marlena?

Jen & Adrienne having a wonderful time gloating at Anjelica.....

The repartee' and dialogue was mostly much better today. Looking forward to what is coming down the pike.

And then, all the references to Jack....oh, if only!
I loved all the snarking aimed at Anjelica today. While I like Morgan Fairchild (Anjelica), I wish Y&R had loaned Judith Chapman (the last actress to play the part) to Days. Here she is with Alexander.

An ok episode. Not great but had its moments.

I get that it's realistic to have family members with the same name but Adrienne referring to HER son as Joey right in front of Steve was confusing. She should have said "my Joey" or Joseph.

I've waited for 2 years for JJ and Steve's Joey to interact and have gotten nada. Yet Tripp gets to interact with him?

I liked Jen, Adrienne, Justin and Steve interacting. Was disappointed Steve left before Justin called him a conspiracy theorist and that nobody corrected him. Jen and Adrienne were fun but Adrienne's shoe joke was corny.

JJ and Lani: Meh

I like Theo getting inserted into the Chad and Abby story but who knew he was such a hacker or expert on Dimera Enterprises bank accounts? :rolleyes: I do like how he interacts with Chad though.

I'm betting that was Hattie and not Marlena at the end. She didn't speak and she also changed her blouse.
I can't wait for Anjelica to leave town. I hate her and her return is stupid.

I hope Jennifer and Adrienne can push forward and pay their loan back quickly.

Kudos to Theo; very nicely done. Great scenes with Abby, stellar with Chad.

Does Chad have grounds to get Dario? An illegally obtained group of files is hardly admissible, I would suggest.

I also liked the scene with Tripp joining Lani and JJ and briefly talking about surprise fathers. More of this please. I could tolerate Tripp if he were in their orbit.

What is happening with Chad and Abby? Stupid scenes.

There's a nice turn today with all the scenes, but I agree with Heather, I was debating zapping through the episode to catch the high points. Glad I didn't; I'd have missed the Tripp/Lani/JJ scene.

MARLENA what is happening....
I'm betting that was Hattie and not Marlena at the end.
I'm hoping so...but...why would Hattie have a grudge against Adrienne? Or is Anjelica going to get revenge on André after they destroy the local paper? I will admit, I'm intrigued.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wonder if JJ's room is across from his sister's room at the Martin house? I couldn't
see the number on the door. Anyway, when the afternoon delight started, JJ's
door was open. The background music with them was annoying. It reminded
me of Eve's theme song.

I'm glad Adrienne and Jennifer keep the paper. Surprised Justin was the one who
is helping get the loan.

Interesting to see Abby close the gates at the park when Theo was sitting on the bench.

Does Anjelica have a grudge with John and Marlena if that is Hattie? I know
one man in Salem who wouldn't mind seeing Hattie since she looks like Marlena :)
I was glad they showed Tripp figuring out Kayla's password because originally it seemed like he just knew it. But geez, Kayla, really? Joey's birthday?

Is Marlena just there to tell Anjelica off? Or is it Hattie? Could explain Anjelica asking about homework. Hattie's homework for whatever plan Anjelica has?

I loved when Abby was saying "Dario wouldn't hurt me. He loves me" and Chad said Ben loved you. Good one!! Abby you are an idiot to confront Dario by yourself.
If that was Hattie in Anjelica's office (which seems likely as her blouse was different than the solid black one Marlena had on earlier), it'll be interesting to see why she's in cahoots with Anjelica. Hattie has no gripe with Jennifer or Adrienne.
But Anjelica was talking to someone saying she never wanted to fly that airline I got the impression she had gone back to NY. But she did call the person in the chair "Marlena"
She actually called her "Dr. Evans". I wonder if she's using Hattie to impersonate Marlena for some reason?
But would that even make sense? Wasn't Marlena dead for most of Anjelica's time on the show? This isn't adding up. I hope whatever Dena started cooking, Ron adjusted!!
Hattie is on the guest list Jason47 posted for this week on his Facebook page, so I think for some reason she is working with Anjelica and that was her we saw at the end of the episode.

Abigail is annoying me. Theo has more sense and they should have went straight to Hope with this information. She thinks Dario won't hurt her because he loves her :rolleyes:.You would think after her experience with Ben she would not be this naive and stupid. I'm glad Chad reminded her of that.

I liked the interaction between Adrienne and Jennifer, and the fun they had with Anjelica when she came into the Pub. She was not a happy camper when she realized they came through with the loan. The one thing that annoyed me was Anjelica's snark about the Pub. Anjelica left Salem in 1990 and the Pub was not established until 1992. She should have mentioned the Fish Market which was in place when she was in Salem.

I liked the fact that Tripp and Steve were also interacting with other characters today. I liked Tripp and JJ bonding as they are close in age and I think they should be hanging out together. Steve did well in his scenes with Adrienne, Jennifer, and Justin, and also in the hospital with the orderly.

I loved Justin arranging the loan for Adrienne and Jennifer, as he figured Adrienne had enough to worry about with Sonny in jail without worrying about losing the paper. I think we are heading for a reconciliation between these two.