Days of Our Lives Tues., June 18, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Sonny is with Will, & Marlena, so happy they are now husbands. Will thanks Gramma, who says it was her privilege. When Sonny kisses Will, Marlena decides to leave, give them privacy. Sonny talks of how Marlena had the words, Kate the good booze, opens the champagne. Will only wants to toast “now”, it is their forever. Roman asks Marlena how Willis doing, o.k., but weak. Roman goes to see how things going in lab, Lucas & Sami arrive. Marlena embraces her daughter, Kate her son, they want updates, things not looking good. Sami ready to tear off to light a fire under Kayla & the lab, Roman returns, stops her, hugs, says they think they are close to something. Chatter among all 5 about it all, Will, and finally Lucas & Sami go to see their son in person.

Claire comes to see Eve, good news. Ben is accused of setting the fire, Ciara doesn't believe him, so everyone else won't either. As Eve talks with Claire, she is realizing Claire is not well. When she says Claire has to throw Tripp under the bus, Claire doesn't get it. Eve says Claire has to make a statement about Tripp framing Ben, so then she will have cause for Ben to be angry and want revenge on Tripp. Claire is reluctant, but agreeable in the end. However, Eve is disturbed by Claire's comments, suggesting she talk to someone. Claire replies she is talking to, a professional.

Ciara comes to see Tripp, who is trying to get some help for Haley online, since he cannot reach Justin to do so. Ciara has to talk with him, seriously, says Ben did not start the fire, it was Claire. Tripp is disbelieving, but Ciara goes thru it all, how Claire tried to kill her, how Ben got Marlena to hypnotize again, remembering the ringtone, Claire's personal one she wrote herself. The jealousy, she asks Tripp how Claire has been acting, he hasn't paid much attention. She refutes that, noting she moved out after finding them both in bed naked. Yes Claire was coming on, kissed him. They go over it all, Ciara tells of how Claire saw the passports Rory had, talked him into letting her deliver them, probably thought Tripp was skipping the country with Haley. Tripp is convinced......what can we do? Ciara says they have to get Claire to confess herself. Well,O.K., I will help you. What do you want me to do? Just as he says this, Claire comes Ciara to do what? , she asks.

Sami & Lucas sit with Will, talking about the wedding, the 1st one, remembering Gramma Caroline's speech about her friends. Sonny leaves the room (calls his parents to tell them, they are sorry they could not be there, send their love). As Sami, Lucas & Will talk, Lucas complains of being a lousy father, turning to alcohol, not being there. Will denies this, he was always there for him, he beat the alcohol thing, is sober, loves him. Lucas finally has to leave the room to collect himself. Outside, he tells his mother how he feels he failed Will, but Kate notes he has always been there for him, from the minute he knew Will was his, even going to prison for him. She is proud of Lucas, he has been a good father. Lucas thanks her for always treating Will as her son. If I have, she replies, it is because he is YOUR son. Hugs.

Sami is talking with Will, and getting impatient. She has to do something, get different doctors, she has all the money. Will stops her, he weakly reminds her he is the patient, is happy with his doctors, and doesn't want anyone coming in screwing up any chances. She gets all upset, mothers do that, help, always, I would do anything for you, she is crying as they hug.

Gabi has come to DiMansion, looking for Nicole. Stefan doesn't know where she went, she was there, Gabi breaks down, over Will, her daughter losing her father again, the beautiful wedding. Stefan listens, comforts. Nicole told her about coming aboard, Stefan explains about getting the company back on it's feet, a new start, hired Abe, Nicole has experience. No, he is not ousting Gabi, not at all. This relieves Gabi, but she is still upset about Will.

Sami has gone tearing out of the room, gonna light a fire under Kayla & the others, maybe throw a chair, she doesn't know. Roman grabs her, stops her, assures her they are working hard at this. Sonny has gone in, tells Will they are thisclose to something they feel will help him. Will is glad Sonny is with him now. As he starts to say something.....Will flatlines. Machine is beeping away like mad, Sonny in panic mode, telling Will to open his eyes, as he keeping looking around expecting someone to come in.
Are we sure Kate isn't someone else in disguise too? Are you really reporting that Kate had nice things to say to her son, Lucas? Are you reporting that Kate praised her son, Lucas? Are you saying Kate believe Will is who he is because of her son, Lucas?

Nope this isn't the blue chunk I've come to know. Hahahahaha!!
Wow the door isn't open yet Claire still heard Tripp say I will help you! I love how sometimes they are right there don't hear a thing and other times it's through a door or 20 feet away. While I hate what they are doing to Claire I think it might be good story.

I wish I wish I wish they would bring Paige back from the dead! That would be one less thing Eve can be annoying about!!
Ooops, you reminded me, don't think I mentioned that near the end, Eve is looking at a pic of her daughter, saying she may not have been the best mother, but will make sure her murderer is brought to justice. She kisses the picture. (did not see the pic).

That said, I believe someone mentioned in another thread how Salemites don't seem to notice things. (referring to Stefan & Abe not noticing Ted on the floor). Always feel same goes on in restaurants....small as they may be. Door opens, people at table right in front of door do not see their friend/enemy/relative enter. Or come from the rest room area, or sitting at bar. Weird. Used be kids thought parents, especially mom, had eyes in back of their head. In Salem, no one notices anything unless right in front of their face. Even Tripp today, claimed not to have noticed or paid attention to anything Claire did. LOL. And this was supposedly his girlfriend???
Rexy-Sarah-Kayla: This group better find a miracle cure for Will ASAP or Sami will make their lives a living hell.

Eve: The corrupt commissioner is hitting the bottom of the barrel. Bo Brady's many felonies were made in the cause of justice, but Eve is committing crimes only to further her own corrupt agenda: conspiring with a homicidal arsonist to bring down Trippy and Ben. She's also proving unfit to be a Salem villain. She doesn't know it yet, but she's well on her way to being undone by Ciara. If Stefano could see what's going on he'd be shaking his head at Eve's ineptitude.

Lucas & Sami: Like the swallows return to Capistrano, these two have turned up in Salem again. Sami is already being typically Sami, but let's hope that fan-favorite Lucas gets to do more than stand around looking concerned. He deserves to part of a good story line.
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Except that we didn't actually see the picture, only the back of it in Eve's hand. The scene was staged with great care not to show the front of the picture. I think if Paige were going to return, they would've shown an actual picture of True O'Brien (Paige), like when they've shown Jack's picture in Alice's living room shortly before he returned.
he feels he failed Will, but Kate notes he has always been there for him, from the minute he knew Will was his, even going to prison for him
Um...what? Did we time warp to 2009 or something?
Tripp framing Ben, so then she will have cause for Ben to be angry and want revenge on Tripp.
This would have made actual sense.

I appreciate Eve is noticing Claire needs help. Still hate the writing though.
Even Tripp today, claimed not to have noticed or paid attention to anything Claire did. LOL. And this was supposedly his girlfriend???
Kind of makes me feel even more sympathy for Claire. Heck, I'd start a "Salem Burns" campaign with her. Lots of deadwood that needs some char!!

Stop being smart, JS. *wink*
Thanks, Poirot.

Another long day and night in Salem.

Interesting to see the tunnel door close just when Stefan comes in looking for Nicole.

Nice to see Lucas and Sami in town to be with Will. They talked about Sonny
and Will's first wedding when Caroline gave a talk.

Will mentioned EJ and Allie, but forgot about Johnny and Sydney.
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I thought the scenes of Will with his parents were very touching. They brought me to tears. I know Sami isn't a favorite around here but Alison Sweeney (Sami) had great performance as did Bryan Dattilo (Lucas).
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I know the character of Sami Brady can be quite an easy one to dislike, but I love the actress Alison Sweeney (Sami) so much. I'm still a super fan and I'm so glad to see her onscreen again today. I also noticed, she broke character for a split second. I wonder if this particular episode was filmed after they learned of Peggy McCay's (Caroline) passing, because randomly Sami/Alison Sweeney brings up a memory of Caroline, and for a split second hesitated, she smiled and both her and Will's eyes filled with tears.

Folks, I've been involved in theater and acting all of my life and I'm telling you, that moment was real. That was not Sami and Will, for a second - it was just Alison Sweeney (Sami) and Chandler Massey (Will) remembering their friend Peggy McCay (Caroline). For real, the moment lasted maybe half a second, but I had tears in my eyes as well when it happened. Oh, brace my heart, the episode saying good bye to Caroline/Peggy McCay is gonna be an emotional one.

Going to the store now to stock up on tissues.
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A few of the other actors have said the same thing...that while their character was talking of Caroline, they themselves were at times speaking of Peggy McCay.