Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 22, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Episode #11,360 Taped 4/19 Director – Herb Stein

The show today deals mostly with family members talking and sharing things they remember about Alice Horton. Jennifer, Laura, Bill, Marie & Allie are in the Horton living room, mentioning Hope, Doug & Julie are upstairs with Alice now (we never see them). They are share a bit of small talk, are glad they are together. Later, all are in the kitchen, with Jennifer attempting to make Alice’s famous donuts, everyone getting their help assignments, and commenting on how Gran would never share the recipe with anyone. Later, Jennifer is working on an album, telling her mom how she began this years ago for Gran, and really wants to finish it.

We repeat the closing scenes from Monday’s episode, with some variations. Kate has decided to looks into the brown envelope that was in Madeline’s safety deposit box, and is taken aback at what she finds. She mutters Stefano can’t know about this, can he?, then puts it back.
Stefano is finishing up his meeting with Madeline who wants the rest of the stuff from her box back. He agrees, could care less about any of it, they are done, finished, she will be getting a package via special messenger when she returns home.
Chad & Mia are coming in the door to Maggie’s as Maggie & Melissa are leaving. Maggie introduces Chad to her daughter, reminds Mia of the house rules, and departs. Chad inquires as to the rules, Mia talks about no alcohol, drugs, PDAs, etc. Chad tells her of his plans to stay in Salem at Salem U., Mia is happy to hear that. He says he wants to be near his friends, and especially her. She leans across the table to kiss him briefly.
Later, Chad is sitting on Benchie, when his mom finds him, talks about dorm fees being due now, etc. But he lets her know he is staying in Salem, and is not going to Wake Forest. She only says she would have missed him so much while he would be away. And then we see Mia answering the door to find Madeline standing there. She says Chad is not there. Oh, Maddie knows that, she came to talk to Mia about the present, and her future.
Stefano returns to DiMansion, telling Kate everything is fine with Madeline, and they are to return everything else back to Madeline. They don’t need that judge in their pocket, so will never have to see her again. Kate seems a bit upset, telling Stefano the situation with Alice Horton is affecting her more than she thought it would, mentions that she can’t even see Lucas since he is with all those Hortons.

We have a small scene at the Brady Pub with Caroline, Kayla & Stephanie, all happy to be together, talking a bit about what good friends Caroline was with Alice, even though their lives were much different. Back at the Horton house, there are more small scenes, as Maggie & Melissa arrive, Bill talks with Nathan about Dr. Tom, how Nathan has his medical bag, thinks Bill should have it, Bill shakes his head no, flashes back to Alice giving Tom’s watch to Mike. Melissa is helping Jen with the album, they laugh at some pictures, Jen remembers Gran advising a very young Jen that people love you for who you are, not what you give them. Maggie talks with Bill, who thanks her for taking such good care of his mother, how hard this now has to be for Maggie, especially after losing Mickey so recently. He wishes he could have spent more time with Alice, Maggie assures him he went where he was needed and Alice was very proud of him. Jen gets a call from Mike who just landed in Salem, is renting a car and is on his way. Everyone is very happy he got there. Jennifer has come back from upstairs, telling everyone how Alice seemed to be asleep, and she was telling her how much they all loved her, and know she loves them all, too. She says Alice opened her eyes, barely whispering “never doubt that for a minute”. Will has arrived at some point, more family talk, with Bill telling him how Alice probably worries about him living at the DiMeras, and it would be nice if she had some peace of mind.
Lucas & Philip are catching up a bit, Lucas learning that Chloe & Daniel are supposed to be getting married. He comments on how when Chloe was dating Philip, she cheated on him with Brady, but Philip admits he treated her horribly. Lucas goes on at how Chloe cheated on Brady with him (??), then cheated on him with Daniel, continuing on that she will probably cheat on Daniel, too. Cue Philip’s guilty look. Lucas goes on at how happy Phil is with Melanie, Philip flashes back to telling Chloe that since Carly doesn’t know who Chloe slept with, all is o.k.

Melanie has come into Chloe’s room, as Chloe is babbling to Nicole on the phone about sleeping with someone, but Melanie obviously has not caught the conversation. She wants to know what Chloe is pulling with this on again, off again wedding plans. Chloe makes excuses, relates to Melanie how she was raised in foster homes, terrible family who sent her back to the orphanage, sympathizes about Trent, and assures Melanie she is very happy that she has Daniel, and that they have such a good relationship. Melanie gives her the necklace Daniel gave her for her something old and borrowed, leaves the room, finds Philip waiting outside, kiss, kiss

Will returns to DiMansion, and starts telling Stefano about perhaps leaving, as his great grandmother is very worried about him staying there. Stefano tells him that Alice has not seen him for quite some time, that Will has been there, broken bread with him, has seen him a lot, has to know for himself that Stefano is not the man he once was. He manages to con the young Will into agreeing to stay.

Kate arrives at the Brady Pub, where the Hortons seem to have joined the Bradys. Lucas comes around the corner, telling her they all came for some dinner, and just to get away, get some air. She misses him.

Back at the hospital, Maxine teases Daniel about not being invited to the wedding, he assures her she will be when the church wedding happens. Melanie comes out, sees Philip, kiss, kiss….Daniel asks where her necklace is, she tells of lending it to Chloe. Kevin, the JP arrives, all go inside. The wedding is in progress when Maxine comes in, urgent call for the JP from his assistant, who said it was super important. Kevin leaves, will be back in a minute. Chloe cannot believe they are half married, and this happens.
Out in the hall, Carly comes along, Maxine surprised to see her, Carly says she was just going to check on a few patients, wants to see Chloe’s chart. Maxine tells her not to go in just yet, there is a wedding going on. Carly is ticked off, murmuring how “she lied to me”.
Daniel is assuring Chloe the delay will only be a minute or two, thinks it is Kevin when the door opens, but it is Carly. Daniel is surprised, protests a bit at Carly interrupting them. She comes up to the bed, agreeing, but that this time she is going to say what she came to say.

Thanks ror the write up :)

did lucas said chloe cheat on brady with him :confused:

If he said that they got it wrong. Chloe if anything cheated on Brady with Philip...she was flirting around with him while still married to Brady, but never slept with Philip until the divorce papers were final. And if you consider kissing cheating, then Chloe sorta cheated on Lucas with Philip too...she smooched him while dating Lucas.

Well good to see the show realizes they made Chloe into a trollop. I remember when she was a smart young woman with ambition...where has that woman gone?

And yes thank you Days for pointing out Chloe did cheat on Philip back in high school. As a Philip/Chloe fan, I always hated she chose Brady. And now that I am thinking about it I am steaming about it again. When is someone going to cheat on Chloe? She goes from hot guy to hot guy, but never does she end up on the losing end.

Sounds like a filler episode to me...which I hate...especially since Days had all these budget cuts that clearly have prevented them from building sets (I mean why is everyone in Maggie's kitchen?) or buying wardrobe for the guys (Philip wears that purple shirt out)...and yet they have film to burn to make these filler episodes. UGH

LOL sorry for my mini-rant...I am cranky this morning. Thanks for the write-up!
When will Carly realize her input is NOT needed and to get out of the room and leave them alone. This is absolutely none of her business and she should butt out. I wish Viv would take care of her.
I agree slyn11.....what happened to Goulgirl! What a turn around! And yeah, wardrobe needs to go shopping! The guys are wearing shirts from last year! Either invest in some new duds for these hot guys or better yet, let them all go shirtless! ;) ........JT
I agree slyn11.....what happened to Goulgirl! What a turn around! And yeah, wardrobe needs to go shopping! The guys are wearing shirts from last year! Either invest in some new duds for these hot guys or better yet, let them all go shirtless! ;) ........JT
I second this post. thanks for the great write up barb.
Thanks for the write up. Will be good to see all of the returning characters today!
Thanks Poirot. Sounds like a great episode. I am excited to see the Philip/Lucas interaction (heck, I'm just excited to see Philip at all) and pleased that the producers are not compartmentalizing characters like they usually do. Instead, they are having characters like Bill and Kate, Lucas and Philip, and Jennifer and Carly interact. That makes the story work better and satisfies viewers.

I was thinking ... if Philip were to ever marry Chloe, for their wedding gift, Lucas would give Philip a calendar that says "Countdown to Chloe Cheating on You."
I'll try posting again.... when Chloe was transforming from being the ghoul girl in high school, Phil was her first love, in the stable.... she loved him with all her heart. He was accused of rape because she wouldn't admit it to her parents. From Phil it is was Brady, then Brady to Lucas, Lucas to Daniel, back to Phil. She has a real failure to commit for the long term, for better or worse, sickness and in health... hard concepts for her to grasp. She seems to be the one to leave, the guys really do, did love her. Where this goes from here, who knows.
Thanks so much for the wonderful writeup and for letting us know that Doug and Julie aren't actually on camera. I don't have to go into hysterics if I miss the show!!

They must really be forking out the bucks to pay for all the returning vets. I'm concerned about what we'll get to watch after the funeral is over.

I have to agree with everyone about Chloe! She used to be so much more...they've made her into the usual "soap-opera skank". I don't understand why the writers do that. I met Nadia at an event and she was so nice and patiently answered everyone's questions and was stunningly gorgeous!
Where is Viv when we need her?

Carly is exactly what Chloe called her. She has no right to tell others what to do when she's caused so much damage. She'll get hers eventually when it all comes out and Melanie and Daniel are destroyed. I hope Bo dumps her then. (Although I wouldn't mind if Hope kills him, he's turned into such a jerk.)

A side note: a priest cannot refuse to perform a marriage because of what was told in Confession. I'm not sure he could refuse even if the person confessed to being a bigamist.

This storyline is dragging. We need more Viv. Vivian and Victor can provide great comedy relief long after Carly is gone.
Priests do get to decide who they marry. While they hear confessions and grant absolution on condition of penance, if Chloe can't tell Daniel what she has done, maybe she hasn't completed her penance and can't receive any more sacraments until then... such as communion or marriage. Priests have often denied sacraments to those who have not confessed and completed their penance, absolution is conditional. Chloe can choose to be married outside the church, as many do, her and Daniel's decision. To date Chloe hasn't really valued the sacrament of marriage, so why choose to receive that sacrament from the priest to begin with?

I didn't remember that she was with Phil between Brady and Lucas. I thought Phil was hanging around Stephanie at that time after his marriage to Belle went south and she left with Shawn D. Phil seems to have a problem with women as well: Chloe, Belle, Stephanie, Melanie, Stephanie, Melanie, Chloe, Melanie. Whoever is available when the ego and need arises.

Having watched Days for over 40 yrs (started in high school with my Grandmother), a lot of the characters coming home for Alice's funeral may have had their moments of indiscretion that brought lifelong consequences, but once burned, they usually stayed away from those fires. These days it seems as though far too many of the characters like to feel the heat and enjoy the pain, regardless of who it hurts. At some point in time, someone in this town is going to get an STD or AIDS for all the unprotected, spontaneous sex they have. There will be a pandemic in Salem. When is Maury Povich going to make a guest appearance? "You are not the father!"
Thanks for the wonderful recap. I can't wait to see the Hortons trying to make Alice's donuts. That should be fun but so sad.
I didn't remember that she was with Phil between Brady and Lucas. I thought Phil was hanging around Stephanie at that time...

...Alice's funeral...

Chloe was enjoying a "friends with benefits" relationship with Philip and cheated on him with Lucas. Philip was hanging around Morgan Hathaway, off and on, but that went south.

What funeral???