Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 25, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Salemites are proving their friendship today, and only a few arguments. Abby & Chad are talking over their date, which wasn't supposed to be a date. He lets her know he made mistakes, is sorry he didn't give their relationship a chance, and really would like one now. He knows she has been seeing Cameron, but notes that she agreed to go with him to the Whoopee Park (what a stupid name, in my opinion) and turned Cameron down. She get a bit unsettled and leaves.
Over at the new apt., Arianna is crying, Will is trying to find her blanket, a knock at the door, and there is Nick, with a baby gift. Something you attach to the crib to draw the baby's attention as it moves. Sonny thinks may just be the thing to distract the baby and takes it. Will & Nick talk, with Nick apologizing to Will for how he treated him, but Will saying no need. When he heard what Jensen put Nick through in prison, he figured that would be the reason Nick did what he did, reacted the way he did. Gabi comes out, Sonny suggests she & Nick go get some air, go for a walk. They are gone, Sonny smiles, figures it gives them some alone time as well. They kiss, and here comes Chad for a visit. LOL.
He sits and tells his tale of woe regarding Abby, how he wants another chance with her. The guys give him a few encouraging words, and finally Chad leaves.
Sonny & Will resume where they left off, and Gabi returns. Ha! She figures since Arianna is still sleeping, she will undoubtable be awake every couple hours, so is going to take a nap while she can. Sonny & Will talk about when babies begin sleeping thru the night, what they themselves did, according to their mothers. In the course of this, Will refers to Arianna being 3 weeks old! (so in this day and age when new moms get sent home after just a day or two, Gabi got to spend over 2 weeks in the hospital??? Amazing. )

Earlier, Nick & Gabi walk in the square, he is sending out resumes, she suggests sending one to Sami who wanted to hire him in the lst place, he is sorry she felt she had no where to go with Arianna upon leaving the hospital, and thus is with Will & Sonny. She thinks it is all working out well, Sonny delivered the baby, all is good between them. He wants her to know that he cares about her a lot, and always will. She admits she cares about him, too, but says right now she needs to take care of her brother when he is out of him coma, and to be a good mom. She has to go.

Marlena is at the rectory, learning from a nun that Eric is out of town, and she doesn't know what hotel he is at. That Miss Walker made the arrangements. Marlena is worried he is not answring his phone.

Daniel is daydreaming about answering his door just out of the shower, towel wrapped around him (do folks really answer thedoor like that, not knowing who is there?) finding Jen who literally attacks him, they kiss and are on thesofa. Back to reality at the hospital.Jen appears, mentions finding the card he wrote to her, wonders if he still wants a do over. She babbles, mentions JJ, and that she feels Daniel doesn't trust her judgement about her own son. Daniel is taken aback, Jen goes on at how she thinks Daniel still thinks JJ is lying and won't give him a chance. Marlena arrives, needs to talk to Daniel, Jen leaves.
At home, Abby arrives, Jen sees she is upset, Abby finally relates her quandary about the two men. Jen wants her to stay away from Chad, even tho she had approved prior. Jen claims that what he did at the wedding is what had her change her mind. Abby talks of being closer to Cameron, but still likes being with Chad. She won't discuss further, and goes upstairs to be alone.

Nicole is trying to get Eric to come to, finds he is burning up with fever. She gets cool clothes, cannot find her phone to call a doctor, so goes down to the lobby. ERic shivers.
In the lobby the manager is not letting Kristen leave, a security guard stops her as well. he tries talking of calling the chief of police and the governor, to no avail. George notes she is not registered, but has a key. Is trying to leave without paying, and insinuates she is a hooker. The cop is putting cuffs on her, when Martha appears, claims she forgot to get her registered, blah, blah, with all the phone problems. Kristen is let go, leaves, just as Nicole arrives, asking for help. George goes up to the room with her, they decide to call for an ambulance, however, George notes that County General is not the best place, he himself has had to wait 8 hrs. for care. She wonders if this is the state capital or Mayberry. She will make sure Eric gets the best care.

At Salem Hospital, Marlena is getting Daniel to run some tests on a patient, thanks him, mentions Eric being out of town to see about getting permits for the new school to open.
Daniel gets a call, tis Nicole, in the ambulance with ERic who is very ill. She has instructed the ambulance to take them to Salem. Daniel will be ready. Eric is wheeled in, temp of 105, pulse rate thready. Marlena is all upset, Roman rushes in, she had called him. They wait while Daniel checks out Eric. Marlena demands to know why Nicole was there. She explains about the notes, and how she found Eric. Marlena is grateful. The lab results are back, white count normal. Daniel is puzzled. Decides on anti-biotics, the monitor begins dinging. He comes out, telling Nicole, Marlena & Roman that his fever broke, heart rate returned to normal, all is good. They can go see him, when the nurse finishes checking his vitals.

At DiMansion, Kristen is already home as well, takes out her phones and plugs something into her laptop. She is working on editing the video (one or two flashbacks) deciding that she cannot have the scenes where groggy ERic asks what is going on, and says this isn't right. Someone is at the door, Harold doesn't answer kristen's yell, so she opens the door to Dr. Chyka, gives him a drink, as he informs her of a problem. Some of the ingriedients he used were not as stable as he would have liked. Long story short, the long term memory of the victim can return. Kristen is furious. "You mean he could remember everything that happened"? She tosses her drink glass across the room at the fireplace where is breaks into smithereens.
Back to Eric, in his hospital bed, still out, but making very jerky movements with his head.
Yep, Nicole definitely asked the manager (who was up in ERic's room now with her) if this was the state capital or Mayberry? ...This was in response to the manager saying their hospital was really not all that good.
Whoopee Park (what a stupid name, in my opinion)

Agree 100 %. I just can't help but think of the infamous whoopee cushion, and Abigail and Cameron giggling like three year olds. :rolleyes:

do folks really answer the door like that, not knowing who is there?

I had the same thought. Only in Salem, right ? :rolleyes:

Again, I must say this whole storyline, with Kristen and Eric, is truly disgusting. And if they (and by "they", I mean the idiot writers, or the suits, or whoever is in charge of this farce) try to let Kristen off the hook for this one, I will be as mad as I will be disappointed/frustrated/disgusted. Kristen makes me sick and is not a character I wish to continuously see on my screen. So if she gets off with just a little slap on the wrist, when all is found out, and this character stays in Salem, I think this time, I just might tune out for good. This type of behavior is really too much, even for a soap opera. :sick:

Oh, but thanks for the summary. :)
Yes, she should've had a few days extra due to giving birth in those horrid conditions. They would've been watching for infections at least. Two or three weeks seems very excessive.

Oh, wait a minute. She actually should've been released the same day, if not in a nano-second, if we go on the same time table that Jennifer was on after her heart was removed and replaced in that prison.
OH brother! How contrived, unstable ingredients and victim's memory could return. How the heck does he know, does he have his own guinea pig in a lab somewhere? Geeeezz.

This whole story has holes. Given Eric's serious condition, does Kristen really think his family is going to believe he willingly broke his vows and hopped into bed with her, of all people? Then suddenly spiked a delirious fever requiring immediate hospitalization? Sure, no foul play there. :sarcasm: Stupid.
I was wondering abot that as well, Mandie. What if Eric believed that it was Nicole that slept with him? Or someone elsem like Kristen, suggested it? I am sure EJ and Sami will just yell at Nicole when they learn the truth that she loves Eric.
She took her wig back with her so that when she left the hotel she was still in her disguise, and the desk clerks would not be able to identify Kristen DiMera as having been there.

She took off the wig the minute she shot the dart into Eric. She wanted him to see her as "Kristen". Though, he supposedly was not supposed to remember any of it. She just wants to show Marlena the video, that while Marlena foiled Kristen's plan to get revenge using Brady, Kristen was able to seduce her son, ERic, the priest.