Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 29, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Episode #11,365 Taped 4/19 Director – Herb Stein

Don’t know who was in charge of editing this show, but the 5-10 second scenes make this rather difficult – tho it gets better later in the show. Repeat of the ending of Monday’s show. Rafe telling Sami how EJ is going to hurt her, he is not going to let that that happen. Suddenly, he kisses her, arms wrap around each other, the passion obvious. Especially to EJ who appears in the doorway. Sami spots him as she & Rafe end the kiss, Rafe turns around, and EJ asks Rafe to please leave, and right now, this is his house and he has a right to say who can be in it. LOLOLOL. Now Stefano appears, Sami seems to have lost her tongue, saying nothing. Stefano greets Agent Hernandez, wants to know what is going on, Rafe say he thought they might want to know he found Anna, talked to her all about the kidnapping, her part in it. EJ asks if she said anything else, Rafe reports how she was poisoned just before she was going to, went into a coma, and disappeared from the hospital while being treated. Stefano does a bit of blustering, Rafe leaves, Sami follows, asking outside the front door what that kiss was all about. He tells her he has to go see his sister, and that the kiss was goodbye.
Inside, Stefano wants to know what happened, since EJ seems a bit upset, but he says nothing. Stefano leaves, Sami returns, and EJ makes some remark about her being back with Rafe, but she says no, they are over. Now he gets on her case, telling her that she acted like a kid, already has a family, she is living there, reminding her of the swim outing and her kissing him. Sami wants him to spit it out, she has no idea what he is trying to say, and so he says it….I love you. Sami looks shocked.

Carly is at Alice’s grave, putting a flower on it, when Jennifer arrives. Carly says she wanted to pay her respects, did not want to come to the service and upset Hope. Jen thanks her for considering that factor, Carly is about to leave so Jen can have privacy, but Jen can see something is bothering her, they are friends, is it about Bo. No, it is about Daniel Jonas, the father of her daughter. She goes on about hiding that from him for 20 years, he has forgiven her, she has learned something wonderful, but it might not turn out to be so wonderful and it is bothering her. We don’t see what Jen tells her, but later Carly thanks her, tells her she inherited her gramma’s wisdom, and leaves. And now Jen kneels down (get your tissues in hand, you will need them) as Jen talks to her Gran, wanting her back, wanting her to help her through life’s problems, with her understanding, advice and love. Jen talks of how Alice will live on in her heart, and in all Alice’s children, grandchildren and great-granchildren. She caresses some of the flowers, as she says her goodbye to her loving Gran - Alway, Gran. Always.

Kate talks to Madeline down on the pier, Madeline commenting that everything from the safety deposit box was returned except for the tape. Kate says something about knowing everything, Madeline deduces she went through everything else in the box, yes, Kate did, wanting to make sure there was nothing more about the Congressman. Madeline asks if she has told Stefano, no, Kate has not. At least, not yet. But the threat hangs in the air.

Gabi arrives at the jail, telling Arianna that Rafe is back, he will be there, and is sure to get her out. Rafe arrives, sends Gabi out, and is going to help Ari get out of jail, first she has to tell him every single little detail of what happened. Ari says it will be hard, but EJ says there is a chance. Rafe asks what EJ has to do with this, telling her not to trust him, that he should be out of the picture.

Philip is trying to call Chloe, to no avail, Melanie walks in, knowing why he is trying to reach her. They are friends, he is concerned about what happened to stop the wedding. She is about to call Carly, figuring she will know, Philip talks her out of that, telling her that whatever it was, her dad will want to tell her himself. She agrees, he leaves, evidently showing up at the hospital, about to enter Chloe’s room, but a nurse stops him, as Dr. Jonas is in with her. He leaves.
Inside, Chloe is waking up, telling Daniel she had a strange dream, he assures her it was not a dream, she had a sonogram, she is pregnant, they are going to have a baby. Chloe is ecstatic, until she remembers the romp with Philip. She wonders how far along she is, learns it is about 2 months. Her face falls a bit, Daniel thinks she is worried about her elevator accident, assures her that he was on top of it all, the baby is fine, she is fine. She has something to tell him and right now, but Daniel stops her, doesn’t want to hear guilt trips, anything at all, doesn’t matter, he loves her, and they are having a baby. He knows he acted like an idiot before when she thought she was pregnant and wasn’t, was not supportive or understanding, he is so sorry, and is just really excited now.

Daniel show up at Melanie’s door with his exciting news. Melanie is going to be a big sister. Melanie is very happy, then looks a bit down cuz she doesn’t know if she is ready to share him just yet, but she is over that in a second, asking if she can babysit. LOL Hugs, and more hugs.
Stefano meets Kate down at the pier, tells her that Rafe is back, and something happened before he came in, something that rattled his son, who won’t tell him. He has to find out what it was.

Stephanie sits with Kayla in the Pub, looking at some picture of Nathan, I guess, talking of him, Philip’s name is brought up. Kayla doesn’t like that he is still in Stephanie’s conversation, but she thinks Philip has done something, something that could possibly hurt Melanie, she doesn’t want to see that happen. Kayla realizes that then Melanie might get back into Nathan’s orbit, yes, Stephanie is concerned about that. Kayla gets a call, goes to take it, Philip comes in. Stephanie knows he has done something, tells him it will eventually come out, whatever it is. The truth always does. Kayla is returning as Stephanie now gets a “crisis at work” call, and leaves. Now Kayla has a few words for Philip, and how he hurts people, talking of herself and Steve, and the baby, Pocket. They loved him so much, took care of him, and Philip took him away from them. That was fine, if he was going to raise Pocket himself, but no, he gave him away to someone else.That was terribly hurtful. She walks away, as we see Melanie at the door…looking as tho she heard part of that.

Chloe is all dressed, putting stuff into her purse or something, the door opens, she tells Daniel she is all ready, turns, to find it isn’t Daniel….but of course, is Carly, come to repeat the mantra….”you have to tell Daniel”. They go back and forth a bit, Chloe tells Carly to just shut up, and if she wants to tell Daniel, go ahead…that she kept Daniel from raising a child 20 years ago, go ahead and do it again. Now Daniel comes in, Chloe goes to him, telling him that Carly was just leaving. “Like hell I am”, replies Carly.

Thanks for the write up

It's great how the writers brought up Pocket. I like soapy messes that use history and cause character growth. Like with this bringing up Philip's son and also bringing up Chloe's penchant for cheating. Also how Carly is the one pressing Chloe to come clean when she kept something from Daniel (and also cheated) all those years ago. I LOVE IT!
um correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't steve and kayla the ones who convinced philip to give up pocket? thanks for the great writeup.
Thank you, Barb.

Oh man, I spit out my tea on this one "Inside, Carly is waking up, telling Daniel she had a strange dream". LOL, I know you meant Chloe. I don't know how you keep everything straight so early in the morning. I walk around half asleep until I get to work. (Added at 10:08: LOL, I see you fixed it now, Barb. It was good for a morning laugh.)

I just want to smack the you know what out of EJ, Stephanie, and Carly.

Looks like a lot of fast forwarding for me during the Stephanie scenes.

Most of Carley's looks like they could've used a loop of her regular dialogue....….”you have to tell Daniel”. She crossed over the doctor / patient line a long time ago.
I love EJ's reaction to seeing Rafe kissing Sami. It is kind of like when he threw the vase down after seeing Rafe and Sami sharing a bed. He nothing but a spoiled brat.

It sounds like a heartbreaker watching Jennifer say goodbye.

Sounds like a really good show
Suddenly, he kisses her, arms wrap around each other, the passion obvious. ... Sami seems to have lost her tongue.

Gotta ask ... Did Rafe take Sami's tongue? LOL. (I think you set me up with that one, Barb!)

Loving the various interactions and the fact that they are having conversations we've wanted to hear for a long time, like Kayla and Philip discussing Pocket. Wish Kayla had told Stephanie to get her nose out of other people's business and told her that if her relationship with Nathan is that tentative, then maybe he isn't "the one."

Thanks for a great report, Poirot!
Honestly, when EJ is ordering Rafe to leave the house, and Sami is not saying a word, I was quite taken aback. And her eyes should get opened a bit. So.....she cannot have company, entertain guests, kiss anyone? Is EJ attempting to alienate Sami from her family and friends? It just was not like Sami to let that go by.
kpatch...remark re Sami's tongue was really funny!:hot:......hard to believe that little Sami was shocked about EJ's feelings...she's only been teasing him for how long now? She needs to grow up and take her family back home where they belong and stop playing make believe house with that creep, EJ...........JT:cool:
um correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't steve and kayla the ones who convinced philip to give up pocket? thanks for the great writeup.

I thought so too. I know Philip's coming into the picture was the reason Pocket was placed in a foster home, but I too thought there was no animosity at the end of that storyline, just sadness. I sure hope they aren't intending to paie Stephanie with Philip again...she sure can't seem to stay out of his business and Kayla sees that, but why be so ticked at him when she couldn't be bothered to show up when Stephanie was practically living in the mansion.

Thanks for the write up Poroit. You have a way of making the show cohesive despite the best efforts of the editing crew to give us whiplash.
What I do remember from the Pocket story is that he became ill, was taken to the hospital and Child Protective Services came into the picture. However, Pocket became ill again while in foster care, brought back to the hospital, where it was discovered he had an allergy.
The couple had fallen in love with Tyler, and wanted to adopt him, and Philip then decided to give up his right to the baby. At the time, most posters could not understand him doing that after his mad search to find the boy. But when he decided to sign away his parental rights, (both he & Mimi had already done that) b efore the boy was born. But, the child was in the care of Child Protective Services, so that was the excuse at the time (different writers). Kayla & Steve were devastated and obviously feel Philip did wrong back then.

However, can we just stick with present story???
Thank You

Thank you Barb for taking the time to post these. It is about timet that EJ told Sami that he loved her. What he realised this months ago and has just been sitting on it.
The Baby is Daniel's

I hope the baby is Dan's - so Carly can shut up with her one liner. And it sure would be nice if the writers could do something a little different. Really the baby belongs to someone else has been played out! How about a DNA test by Carly to find out it is Dan's baby so she can shut up and let Chloe and Dan have some peace.
It does seem that EJ has realized for some time that he doesn't hate Sami after all, but, he has a very wierd way of showing it.....and blurting it out like that ...desperation move. He has had plenty of time with Rafe gone, but the minute Rafe returns and he sees them locked in an embrace, he tries to throw Rafe out, and the reason is because NOW he decides he loves Sami? :rolleyes: Sigghhhhh.