Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 8, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Episode #11,350 Taped 4/6 Director – Albert Alarr

Brady is comforting Nicole in front of the K mansion, as Gabi arrives, perturbed at what she is seeing. They all go inside, Brady tries to explain, Nicole chiming in, but Gabi is not believing it. She is there because Ari wanted to see Brady, and now has to tell her what she witnessed. Nicole pretends to take some blame, Brady convinces Gabi that Arianna deserves to hear about this from him and takes off. Gabi calls Nicole a homewrecker or something and leaves. Nicole grins. She heads for the docks/park, looking for Baker, who is there waiting. She learns his partner has agreed no more muggings, and is pleased as punch, her plan worked, Brady is breaking up with Arianna as she speaks, everything is going her way. Arianna will be going to prison, Brady is hers. Baker comments that she only achieved this by lying, cheating and manipulating, but Nicole shrugs that off. She knows Brady loves her. Yes, he told her once, and it won’t take him long to realize he still does.

Earlier, Arianna was on the pay phone, calling EJ, leaving a message as to what the DA said about her alibi not holding water. She is back in her cell when Brady arrives, telling her about being with Nicole when Gabi found him. Ari tells him what the DA said, he explains what happened…the conversation with Nicole about the check, how she had torn it up, and suggested they write a new one and lie…..and how the DA overheard. Arianna is devastated, tells Brady it is over, that is it. She is in tears, he is frustrated, she turns her back on him… tears.

Daniel has arrived at the hospital, hitting the up button on the elevator. Upstairs, Chloe & Carly argue, with Chloe accusing Carly of not wanting to ever see anyone happy. Carly puts an end to it, has a patient, grabs a file, says she has to go. Chloe gets the text …”GO” and says, yes you do. Carly enters the elevator, Chloe takes one look at ther, says No, runs in, pulling and pushing Carly out. Chloe trips and falls to the floor of the elevator as the doors close, and we hear her screaming, and are now with Daniel, as he also hears the scream, pounds on the doors, then takes off around the corner. Next, Daniel must be down in the basement, finds Chloe lying unconscious amidst a pile of debris, calls her name, does the CPR breaths. Carly arrives, he orders a few things, among them a neck stabilizer, she rushes off.
Now we see Lexie arriving, Daniel & Carly wheeling Chloe on a gurney, BP 80/40, something about a hematoma. Lexie will scrub for surgery, Carly will assist, and no, Daniel is not allowed to come along. They all leave. He paces and paces, talking to Chloe, telling her he is there, don’t leave him.

Philip is snuggling in bed with Melanie, telling her how much he loves her, she says she feels the same, just has one little question…..”How come you cheated on me with Chloe”? Philip jerks awake in a cold sweat, looks over at the peacefully sleeping Melanie, and next we see him down in the kitchen, wearing a tank top, swilling from his flask. In walks Maggie, having a hard time sleeping herself, is worried about Alice, who is running a fever, and spending a lot of time in bed. She is going there in the morning. She asks why Philip is up, he tells her he had a nightmare, something he did, not proud of, and it affects a lot of people. Maggie figures it is business, so the repercussions are financial, but Philip admits that it would affect people personally. She admits she is an advocate of honesty, just as Melanie comes in. Maggie admits they all can’t sleep, declines Mel’s offer of making warm milk, and heads off to bed. Melanie & Philip exchange hugs, the phone rings, it is Daniel calling to tell them about Chloe. Mel says they will be over right away.

Victor & Vivian go into their motel room, he is angry. She has been checking her watch every few minutes, been distracted. He had filet mignon for dinner, rare, cooked to perfection. What did she have. Uh, uh, uh. He reminds her of the fish she had, picked at, very distracted. Now he wants to know what she is up to, warning her about anything happening to Carly, reminding her of their deal, and if anything at all happens to Carly, what little that is left of Vivian’s life won’t be worth a plugged nickel. He goes down to the bar for a nightcap, telling her goodnight, (evidently he will be staying in another room. Now Viv calls the hospital, pretending to be some doctor, saying she heard about an accident. The nurse answering says yes, the elevator crashed, and the head of the volunteer dept. was injured. Viv is a bit at a loss, saying that woman has a lot of dark hair, long, is the nurse sure. Oh, yes, she is in surgery right now. Vivian hangs up, definitely not a happy campers.

Melanie & Philip arrive at the hospital, Lexie tells them Chloe is out of surgery, Daniel is with her, they relieved the pressure on the brain. Lexie leaves, Carly comes up, tells them what happened, how she and Chloe were arguing, she got in the elevator, Chloe pulled her out, saved her life. Melanie asks what she & Chloe were arguing about.
In Chloe’s room, Daniel is holding her hand, talking to her, talking of getting married tomorrow, and how he is not going to let her off the hook. Finally, Chloe’s eyes flutter a bit, her head moves some, and she murmurs..”Daniel…….I’m sorry”.

At DiMansion, Sami comes into the study, looking upset, talking of having to wake Johnny up to check him, make him tell her his name, he thinks she is silly. Yes, he is o.k. she read him a story, he is back asleep. EJ can tell she is upset, she says that after all she went thru with Grace & Sydney, she just could not survive if she lost another child. She worries about them all the time, gets up 3 times a night to check on them, it all is worse with Allie gone, too, and then her problems with Will. EJ assures her the kids are all safe and fine, has her close her eyes, thinking back to a time when she was with her kids and everyone was happy. She smiles, remembering when she got Sydney back, all the kids were there, she feels better. Now she thanks him, saying he was a part of that moment, too. Eventually, she is talking of how it is not all that bad living in DiMansion, Kate & Stefano are not hovering everywhere, tho the place still creeps her out. She is talking of EJ being a good father, how they get along, she is pretty close to him now, her voice getting softer as she smiles, remembering them dancing together once. Suddenly she kisses him, and they are kissing hot & heavy, when she, just as suddenly, pushes him away, and goes running upstairs.

And now over to South America, where Rafe & Shane have managed to overpower their guard with their fake fight. Shane grabs the cell door key, they tuck the guard under a blanket onto the cot, and walk out of the cell, only to be confronted by another guard, who marches them back into the cell, gets the first one awake. Rafe & Shane claim the guy stumbled, hit his head, they were just trying to help. The second guard, gun trained on them, doesn’t buy it, of course, and takes them elsewhere for “questioning”.
Now Rafe is returned to the cell, looking a bit worse for the wear, stumbles into the cell. The guard says his friend will soon be back with him, Rafe claims he is not his friend. Along comes Shane, stumbling too, also looking a bit worse than before, also not happy to being put back with Rafe, lurching over to the cot. The guards close the cell door and leave, both men straighten up, Rafe asks if Shane got the info. Yep, our plan worked perfectly. I know the location of all the guard towers.

sounds like a must see episode. cant wait.

thanks for the great writeup
Thanks for the write up Barb!!

I wish Nicole was not being so sneaky & deceitfull. If she is going to be with Brady, I wish she would do it honestly.

The Chloe & Carly stuff...just silly. Carly needs to totally butt out & let Karma bite Chloe in the butt on its own!!
Thanks for the write up Barb!!

I wish Nicole was not being so sneaky & deceitfull. If she is going to be with Brady, I wish she would do it honestly.

The Chloe & Carly stuff...just silly. Carly needs to totally butt out & let Karma bite Chloe in the butt on its own!!

Agree so much!! This is not how I want Brady and Nicole to have a story.

I cannot wait to see this episode though..actually something happening.

Thanks so much for the recap/precap.
Sami goes running upstairs? Ok is she 13...14? He makes her hott, and then she seems to think, what in the world am I doing? This is so stupid writing...she's not in love with EJ it is lust pure lust... He's painting her a good picture & it makes her hot but love does not seem to be the diagnosis.
Thank you, Barb.

I'm glad that Chloe pulled Carly out of the elevator. I want Carly gone, not dead.

Philip better watch that drinking before he ends up in even more trouble.

The Sami / EJ kiss made be want to :sick: .

Oh man, Rafe and Shane really pulled a good one. You got me, too, Barb. I was upset that they were hurt until I read the last 2 sentences.
So does Chloe remember the one night stand or is she apologizing for something that happened in the past?

And did they manage to remove the pressure from her brain without damaging her long locks?
Was just waiting for someone to mention the hair. Nary a bandage in sight. But, perhaps it is in her neck or something. ????

Actually folks, some parts of the show I was yawning, but it could have been the early hour...did not get too much sleep. The EJ/Sami conversation seemed to just never end (read repeat of previous ones here, lol)
Finally an episode worth watching. EJ/Sami well I have no comment on that.
Rafe and Shane so awesome. I hope Shane sticks around for awhile. They need some real excitement on the show.
Can Carly and Chloe both fall in the elevator?
Finally an episode worth watching. EJ/Sami well I have no comment on that.
Rafe and Shane so awesome. I hope Shane sticks around for awhile. They need some real excitement on the show.
Can Carly and Chloe both fall in the elevator?

I see I will have to vacuum during the EJ/Sami barff-fest! But I wonder what the load capacity is for that elevator? Think we could add several to that elevator fall!

Thanks Poirot .... even though it sounds a bit boring, you still made parts sound interesting.
Some movement but not enough

I am with KitKat: Sami's not 13 or 14 what is with the running up the stairs? Can the writers not write something more then Sami runs up the stairs (fade out) Dang Sami you kissed the man back own up and move on. (unresolved feelings and all)

Can we not get better dialog between Chloe and Carly.. How old are the 12 you better tell or eles.... ewww your in trouble... We did that when we were kids. Is that what the writers have reduced the actors to children.. It seems like it with all the bickering and no real conversations just snippets.. It is old and tiresome.

The only bright lights in this episode are Rafe and Shane, although I am not a Rafe fan this looks like it could be good. As long as the do not kill of Shane in the process Salem needs new blood cause some of the stuff is getting stale.
OK everyone... so do we all understand now? Do we get it. See... EJ and Sami are getting all super close and like a real family so that when the truth hits the fan it'll be all that more tramatic and upsetting for Sami. Do we get that now? Cause apparently TPTB think we are all stupid and don't get it.

I'm hoping we all have caught on now so that they can move past this.
I second that

OK everyone... so do we all understand now? Do we get it. See... EJ and Sami are getting all super close and like a real family so that when the truth hits the fan it'll be all that more tramatic and upsetting for Sami. Do we get that now? Cause apparently TPTB think we are all stupid and don't get it.

I'm hoping we all have caught on now so that they can move past this.

I am with you on that Jade. If the writers could move this storyline and these two characters along (or any of the characters/storylines)that would be real nice and I might actually watch the show again.

I can't thank Barb enough for writing the summaries. Thank you, because it keeps me from having to watch a show with little to no movement or conversations that have no completion for that matter.
Wow! Sami remembers her daughter Allie exists! :smile: That is a great moment...she even mentions Will too...woot! Sami...BTW-there hasn't been a time since you've met Ej Wells Dimera that you have been happy....your life has been a mess ever since you met him, stop the madness and leave that house of horrors.

The running up the stairs after she kisses him seems rather's like I'm watching the same show I watched in 2008 Dejavu

I have never seen the chemistry in these two and I never will....I saw the preview of the kiss and it really seems forced to me.
....I saw the preview of the kiss and it really seems forced to me.

Yeah 'forced'! That's how they have always seemed to me. Every time I've seen them lookin all "lovey dovey" at each other I am instantly pulled out of the fantasy and just see two actors standing there trying to look like they are smitten and failing. No offense to James and Allison!

And I've felt this about these two since day one. Every moment about them and ever element of their story has always been forced.
watched the show today and the kiss between them definately looked forced , i just don't see chemistry between them
Thnks for the heads up Barb...Rafe, Shane and Philip in a tank top! It's gonna be a good DOOL day as long as I am not swooning and forget to ff through the EJ Sami kiss. That would be some fall back to earth!
No "Days Ahead" for Wednesday? I hope you are OK Barb. While I really look forward to each Day's Ahead post by you, I know things happen too.

Take care, and be well.

Thanks for the write up- I missed some of the show and it's great i can catch up here.

I did see when Sami ran up the stairs and it was so