Days of Our Lives - Tues. Mar. 1, 2016

I also seem to remember Jack & Jennifer not being married in a Catholic church, but really doesn't make much difference, does it. People get married by judges, justices of the peace, ministers of various religions, even if they are not of that religion.

I have to admit that things have changed, in practice, more than in theory. Such things were a very big deal, in the not too distant past.

@KT, would it be a huge surprise to see Ava waking up from a heavily-drugged nap in the hospital morgue? She may have had access to the drug that Kristen injected into EJ. :rolleyes:
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The Hortons weren't Catholic to begin with. The Bradys brought the Catholic influence to the show.

I don't understand why you're so thrown by Chad contacting a minister to perform the ceremony.

As for having a "church" wedding on Days, I'm sure it all comes down to the cost of pulling out the St. Luke's church set or using an already assembled set, like the DiMansion or K-Mansion living room/study.
heck, Marlena even got the license to join couples in wedlock. She WAS the one who presided at the wedding of Will & Sonny.
With the very reduced cast now, even the church set got a lot smaller, and we have seen that there is even smaller attendance by ALL cast members at any weddings or funerals........and christenings have disappeared completely.
Poirot, your and JS's information explains much. I think I was led astray by Fathers Eric and John, Nicole's working/living at St. Luke's, etc., etc.
So, I just watched Tuesday's episode and agree with comments already said about Chad. One thing stood out to me though, Roman polished off a bottle of Irish whiskey, left the pub with everyone else then went back to the station to work. LOL! Only in Salem can the SPD can probably blow over the legal limit and get back to investigating Salems unsolved crimes. :)