Days of Our Lives - Tues., Mar. 26, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ben stands outside DiMera door, as Ciara shows up, big hat on her head, she claims is disguise. (so the bad guys won't mistake her for Chloe.) He says she should not be there, she disagrees, notices the cut on his hand seems infected, insists they go have it checked at hospital.

Inside DiMansion, Stefan has purposely let Chloe oversleep, brought her a breakfast tray, assured her the kids are up, dressed, fed, and having playtime. He knew she was exhausted, mentions seeing her & Brady kissing, she does the “friends” excuse, but they WERE married, so have a connection. She knows he would like to further their relationship, but she won't do anything, until El Fideo's men are caught, and she feels her kids are safe. He assures her he has done so much, will up it even more.

Will & Brady are in Marlena's room, Brady lost in thought. As Will & Marlena chat, she tells him Leo is not John's son. A surprised Will tells Brady he must be happy Leo not his brother, but Brady is thinking of kissing Chloe, something else on his mind, he leaves supposedly to get coffee.

Eric arrives, going to see Marlena, but of course, there is Sarah (new hairdo, has bangs). They chat a bit, they talk of Marlena's recover, Eric thanks her, Brady spots them, watches. Eric leaves.

Ben & Ciara at hospital, in comes Rex, who is now working there, first day. Ciara introduces him to Ben, explains about the cut on Ben's hand, Rex takes a look, might still be tiny crumbs of glass in there, will have to check that out, He orders blood tests, the cut is infected, he evidently probes or cleans out the wound, bandaging it up, no Ben cannot leave til blood tests are back, he is running slight fever. He leaves. Ben falls asleep, Ciara gets call from her mom, who has a police car following Ciara, which doesn't make Ciara happy. She is staying with Ben at the hospital, won't leave him. Ben hears this. Ciara is sorry for waking him, insists on taking off his shoes and socks, talking of how he took care of her after her motorcycle accident, now her turn to take care of him.

Eric leaves to go see his mother, Brady talks to Sarah, giving her a hard time about her and Eric making goo goo eyes at each other. She denies, points out Eric is not over Nicole. Brady says something about Eric/Holly, she explodes, Eric wanted Holly, last thing Nicole said to Eric was protect Holly. He was doing so, Chloe came up with the letter, Eric did not want to subject the little girl to court stuff, so let Chloe have full custody. She accuses Brady of being selfish, things not going his way with Chloe, so he is taking his frustrations out on Eric & Sarah. He argues no, Rex comes up, can hear them down the hall, what is going on? Sarah only says it is over worrying that Chloe & kids not so safe with Stefan. They go for coffee, leaving Brady to think a bit.

Eric comes to see Marlena as Will is leaving, commenting on nice haircut. Marlena agrees, sees something bothering Eric, he denies, then tells of being in chapel, Sarah coming in, kissing him, getting interrupted, she returns, tells him she has feelings, he says just friends. Marlena is puzzled, Eric tells of his promise to God, Marlena feels it was medical staff, but respects his beliefs. He tells her that after praying and making the vow, she recovered from flatlining. God does listen.

Eric leaves, Brady sees him, stops him, gives him a hard time about Sarah (he is like a broken record) finally claiming he won't tell Rex about what has gone on between Eric & Sarah, if Eric will convince Chloe to leave the DiMera house.

Sarah goes to see Marlena, she will be released soon. She mentions how hard Kayla worked when she flatlined. Was a miracle. Marlena gives pause.

Leo comes into Kmansion living room, Sonny has papers to sign for annulment, including a cash payment. Leo, reads, refuses. They argue, Leo has no grounds, cannot take to court, yada, yada. He wants more zeroes added to the payment. Will comes in, has heard enough, smiles, announces Leo is not Uncle Eric, no relation to John, who is not his father. Leo makes a few threats, Will discounts them, tells Sonny that Leo has nothing any more, Sonny holds the cards. Sonny goes to tell Leo, either sign these papers now, or I trash them, and you get nothing. Leo still bluffs, Sonny is about to throw the papers in the fire, Leo relents, signs. Sonny does as well, asking Will to sign as witness. Will does, Leo glares at Will, then says he gave him the evil eye. Tis a curse, he heard Victor mention it, called mati. He will get a headache, which will get worse and worse, and then...goodbye. He jauntily trots out. Will asks about this curse, Sonny has heard of it, not to worry. Will says the way Leo was glaring at him, odd. Sonny will be right back, goes and gets some mati pendant he got for his birthday, puts it on Will, will protect him, since Will seems bothered. Sonny is laughing it off. But Will suddenly has a headache, Sonny thinks it psychosomatic, goes to make tea for Will. He returns, finds Will collapsed on the floor.
Mine was interrupted for a special report.

I cannot believe that Marlena is still encouraging Eric to go after Sarah! Because apparently Eric's happiness is more important than Rex's! I also think Marlena is a very religious person. I can't believe she's saying oh pshaw, it wasn't God, it was awesome medical care. When she flatlined and then just came back with no more medical intervention, just John begging. Glad Sarah said it was a miracle.

Ooo, the evil eye!! Looks like it's working! Sweet! Maybe it will make Will and Sonny interesting!!
Made me laugh that with Marlena being discharged, replacement patients will be filling the hospital!
Will really was perfectly fine, the headache suddenly appearing. Wonder if he is now going to have a brain tumor, or...some other serious malady.
Thank you, Poirot.

I'm glad you warned us about the evil eye, and the ridiculous way that Days is using it. "Mati" is the Greek word for it, and in Italian it is "malocchio" . That is what my Mom and Nonna (Grandma) made us kids wear the Italian horn necklaces to ward against. My Mom finally let me quit wearing one when I graduated from college!

The "cursed" person is supposed to get a severe headache with dizziness and vomiting. They then become progressively weaker. Yep, this is only because the person believes in it so their mind reacts as their subconscious tells it to. My Nonna was convinced that the constant migraines that my Mom, oldest sister, and I had were because someone put a malocchio on us.

Someone please explain to me why Ciara took Ben's socks off. Shoes yes, but his socks?

This whole junky intertwined stuff with Rex/Eric/Sarah/Brady/Chloe/Stefan is enough to make me lose my lunch. Who the heck at Days thinks this is entertaining and "Must See TV"???

Leo - Too bad he isn't John's son. WAIT, Did I really say that!?!? Yes, I did. I liked how they were redeeming him a teeny bit while with John. I like the actor even though I wasn't crazy about the over the top character. If Days made him a good guy, I'd like to see him in Salem as long as he wasn't in stories with Sonny and Will.
I enjoyed seeing Brady, Eric, and Will visiting Marlena. Too bad Claire isn't allowed to visit too. I also liked Marlena calling Brady "Honey". 2 days in a row Brady visited his mother.

Made me laugh that with Marlena being discharged, replacement patients will be filling the hospital!

Same here. Just in time for Ben and Will to move in.

I was a bit stunned to see Rex working as a doctor even though I knew he was a doctor. Not sure I can get used to Kyle Lowder(Rex) in a doctor coat. Also, does this mean even less Kayla now that we have 2 other working doctors?

Unless Ben gets sepsis or something, I think Ciara is acting a little over the top. They would have been better off just giving him a bad case of the flu or something like that. At least then her concerns would have made more sense.

I hate to say it but I think Hope should have had scenes with Ciara yesterday or today about the shooting. After all we had to watch for months, now it seems like her concerns are suddenly dropped. I don't want to hear about a cop car via a phone call. I want to see her freaking out about her daughter almost getting shot. Missed opportunity here.

I haven't a clue about what is going on with Will but it had better lead to more family scenes.
Wonder if [Will] is now going to have a brain tumor, or...some other serious malady.
I said Ben will probably end up in the hospital, too, from that little cut on his hand!
The hospital staff would really be in a quandary if they both have to be admitted to the hospital, especially with Marlena occupying the only patient room.
I, too, am kind of sad that Leo's redemption is halted. I actually feel bad for him with his crazy-eyed mama and abusive father. The actor is entertaining to watch, which is better than many of the mainstays right now.

Curse? Will's come back from the dead, and he gets felled by a curse? By the way, I've been giving Sarah the evil eye for weeks, will she collapse already? Ha!

I can only imagine there's some reason for Ben to be at the hospital that's going to serve the story. I will say that, as of today, I'm officially over the fact that he murdered a bunch of people. I really like him with Ciara.

Even though I didn't love what they'd done with the character, I already miss the old Stefan. His casting made more sense. New Stefan doesn't fit so far. He doesn't emit the same dark energy as the old Stefan. It's hard to imagine being afraid of him or even intimidated by him. We'll see.
Leo was gone for maybe 5 minutes and already Will has some mysterious illness. This just proves Will & Sonny can’t hold their own storyline. I wish they would just get married and get their happily ever after already.

I enjoyed Brady & Sarah. They both saw right through each other. Brady is the best of both worlds lately. Blackmailing Eric to get to Chloe will backfire, but I don’t feel bad for Chloe or Eric. They have both insufferable & hypocritical to me lately.

I want to see Stefan interact with more people. I liked his scenes with Leo & Gabi. The scenes with Chloe are fine, but day after day we’ve seen them in living room or Chloe’s bedroom. It’s getting weird & awkward.

I hope we get more scenes with Rex working at the hospital. I actually didn’t mind him today. The Ciara and Ben scenes were humorous. Although, It seemed like a bit much for a slight fever and miniature cut.
The Will-Leo-Sonny stuff is so ridiculous that I won't even comment on it. Ditto for Brady, Eric, and Sarah.

Really enjoyed the funny and cute scenes with Ben and Ciara, as well as the Chloe-Stefan scenes.

Thanks for the write-up.
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem.

Too bad Leo went back to old ways before leaving. I enjoyed him when
he thought he was John's son.

Chloe had her bedroom drapes open.

Poor Stefan. Chloe only thought his kiss was really nice.

I liked Sarah's hair today

Leo gave Will the evil eye. And Brady and Eric are arguing over where
Holly should live. I wish all of them would grow up.
Ciara: She claimed to have disguised herself by wearing a hat? Doesn't she know that the all-purpose, handy-dandy Salem disguise is a baseball cap?

Leo: Farewell to a character who left just as he was starting to get interesting. As for the evil eye, he didn't have to give it to Will to ensure that he will have a trouble-plagued life. Just by living in Salem, the local residents are certain to be afflicted with relationship problems, mystery diseases, career disasters, and gunshot wounds.

Brady: He should do himself a big favor and never speak to the obnoxious Sarah ever again. In fact, he ought to start ignoring the hissy fits and emotional swoons of sourpuss Eric. Brady has far better things to do than get involved in the unbearable Rexy-Sarah-Eric nonsense.
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