Days of Our Lives - Tues. Mar.28, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kayla is tending to Jade who collapsed, just claims she blacked out, is fine, but Kayla insists on having her checked out at hospital, in event of internal injury. Tripp declines to go with them all, Steve says to stay there, he will make sure Jade is o.k. then get some food for them and be back. He promised to tell him about his mother, and will, then.

At the hospital, Jade is checked, no internal bleeding, but is admitted and in hospital bed, Joey at her side. Steve leaves, Kayla marches into the room, knows Jade was abusing the pain pills. Jade tries squirming out, may have taken an extra, blah, blah, Kayla knows better, there was more than just 1 or 2 extra pills in her system. Joey tries to get Jade to open up, but Jade just pulls out the "I don't have anyone" card. Joey figures they can set alarms on her phone for when she takes her pills, Kayla is keeping her overnight, Joey will stay with her til she falls asleep. Kayla leaves the room, Jade talks about Tripp, Joey finding he has a brother. Joey says when little, he always wondered what it would be like to have a brother.....Jade says.......yes, and you killed his mother. Don't worry, just between you and me.

JJ is questioning Chad, shows him a pic of Rigo, Deimos's thug. Chad offers nothing, doesn't recognize the guy. JJ gets ticked, they cannot put Deimos down without proof, Chad is silent. JJ thinks he doesn't care that his wife was nearly killed, JJ's sister, and then Gabi as well. But Chad figures that the P.D. won't be able to take down Deimos anyway. JJ figures Chad is up to something, but Chad just leaves.

Deimos pays off Rigo, telling him too many saw his face, know he is connected to Deimos, leave town, never come back. Rigo leaves, a thug comes up behind Deimos, hauls him off to a warehouse, where he is tied up to a chair, seemingly in the same spot where Chad was tied up. Door opens, Chad comes in. "Ready? It is time". The thug comes in, Chad stands playing some video game, as we hear the sounds of fists on flesh, grunts and groans. Chad calmly says o.k., that is enough. (Yep, he definitely is channeling Michael Corleone in these scenes, & doing a good job of it). The thug leaves, Chad says to stay close, then starts asking Deimos if he knows which arrows to use on this game, lol, oh, yeah, you probably don't play.

He sits down, commenting on this being where he was held, Deimos is tied up, cuffed the same way Chad was. He berates him for wanting to poison/kill two innocent women, mothers of young children. Deimos spits out that after the Orwell was destroyed, the war was supposed to be over. Chad replies no one sent him the memo. Deimos complains about his antiquities business. Chad tells him that is business. YOU got personal, my wife, Gabi, me, kidnapping, killing. Deimos yells that when he deals with young punks, like him, he makes it personal, as it is the only way to make them sit up and take notice.

Chad toys with him a bit, even pulls out a gun, holding it to Deimos's throat (Deimos's face is pretty well beat up), saying he wants a yes or not.....the war is over, no more violence. eventually Deimos agrees, no more violence. Chad uncocks the gun, gets up, starts to leave, but says....By the way, good luck getting out of here.

Abe finds a crying Valerie in the park (still amazing that it is March in the midwest, and all those green leaves, lol). She cries about Eli, refusing to talk to her, let her explain the why of her not telling him the truth about his father. Abe comforts her.

Eli has come into the cop shop, is supposed to have dinner with JJ, who is busy, just give him a minute. He talks a bit about the 3 families warring, Eli offers the FBI help, JJ figures Raines would never agree. JJ gets a call, has to take off, business.

Eli runs into Abe, who tries to talk to him about his mother, but Eli will have none of it. He can tell Abe cares about his mother, which is great, but she had decades to tell him the truth, didn't, he won't ever forgive her. Abe goes to see Valerie, who is evidently at the Salem Inn. She has decided to stay in Salem if her son is, gonna keep trying. (She does go to Kayla, accepts the job offered her a while ago, Kayla is thrilled) Abe tells of trying to talk to Eli, no success, but notes that it still made him feel good. He was fighting for someone he loved, never thought he would love anyone again. Valerie is touched, says she never thought she would either........Kiss.

JJ comes up behind Rigo, flashes his badge, pulls his gun, hands on head. He cuffs Rigo, takes him to the P.D., says he has video of him kidnapping Gabi, who will testify, reads his rap sheet, indicates he will get life in prison for this. However no charges if he gives them his boss, they know it is Deimos. Rigo replies he would be shark food in the blink of an eye.

Steve is back at the house with Tripp, they are munching burgers, and finally Steve tells Tripp about his mom, how they met, etc. Not even the Reader's Digest version, more the Cliff Notes version, but he goes through them meeting when Steve had amnesia, her dad in the Mafia, did not like it. They split, she never told him she was pregnant, he dad insisted she give the baby up.

He goes on how a year or so ago, she came to Salem, told him about the baby, they went to Indonesia, where Raymond told them the baby had died. He mentions that Ava wasn't stable, Tripp wonders, even so, how she will react now, to learn he is alive.

Steve takes his time, gathers up his emotions, and says he hates to tell him this.....but his mother is dead. She is dead, and I killed her.
Thank you, Poirot.

I've gone full circle with Jade. Hated her, disliked her, felt sorry for her, disliked her, and now right back to hating the character. I can't see any reason for keeping her on the show except to expose Joey's secret about killing Ava. In the meantime, I wish they'd stick her in a corner somewhere.
Thanks for the summary.

Can't agree more with RS on Jade. And we saw this coming from a mile away. I would imagine this plot, which is otherwise interesting, would be more watchable if Jade was gone.

Liking everything with Deimos today. Chad really got him! I'm glad we got to see more of him doing something besides worrying about his love life. On the other hand, I kinda also wish something concerning Dario and Abigail was shown.

The Abe and Valerie stuff didn't feel like it fit in. Also, I'm sick of Eli hiding a grudge against his mom. After the death of his biological father, you'd think he'd realize how precious and short time is with family.
Eli doesn't really know the kind of man David was, he only has seen Julie wailing over the casket. What he resents is that he MIGHT have had a chance to know and interact with his father while he was alive. Which easily could have not turned out well. He really is lucky that Julie is so happy to have him in their lives, and introduced him to the rest of the Horton clan. I liked that he & JJ were supposed to be going to have dinner. That was really nice.

I do think, however, that Eli should ask his mom the whys & wherefores, and then if he still wants to not forgive her, so be it.

Look at Tripp........he just found his bio dad.......but it is not all sunshine and roses now, is it?

As to Abe....I am surprised Lani & Theo are each living on their own, inasmuch as he feels he has the right to dictate who they date. Amazing he doesn't insist they both "move home". LOL
Did you catch the anvils dropping when Tripp asked Steve how he got the eye patch? Steve talked about how he and his best friend fought over a woman. Then he kind of implied she wasn't worth it. Hmmmm, let's see. Joey and Tripp will eventually fight over the useless Jade??

JJ was pretty slick today. Did you drop your wallet? Oh no it's mine. Then flashes the badge. JJ has certainly grown up.

Really didn't like the Chad/Deimos stuff.

Eli needs to get over it. I know it's horrible he will never know his father but he needs to lighten up. I want to see him a real story. Something not involving not knowing his father.

I thought for sure when Tripp stayed at apartment alone that Ciara would come in. She'd forget all about Theo, again. Steve has had a very colorful life. He will be able to regale Tripp with tales for weeks. Though he may not enjoy the I killed your mom one.
I'm surprised Tripp hasn't asked where Steve and Kayla live since they've
been at the loft since they got back. And where is Tripp going to stay?

Where are Ciara, Claire and Theo? It's nighttime. Are they studying for a test?

Will Deimos stop the violence because Chad said to? I hope so.

What is Tripp going to do now since Steve told him he killed Ava? Will he hit Steve?
Events in Salem today contradicted the line in the popular song that "happiness is the truth."

The battered Deimos reacted rather badly when informed by Chad of the real state of his relationship with Nicole. (Has Chad given any thought to what Deimos might do when he gets out of that room?)

Fan-unfavorite Jade didn't look happy when the true nature of her pill popping was exposed by Kayla.

Grim-faced Eli didn't react too well when Abe informed him of his poor mother's good qualities. (Abe was being nice. He also could have told the honest truth about David: that he was a faithless, deadbeat rolling-stone.)

Tripp's mood went downhill instantly when Steve's highly-sanitized history of crazy Ava concluded with the news that she's dead.
Nice ending but I hate the Steve/kid story, even though I think Tripp has potential. Too much to hope Tripp is really Tyler Wilkens?

Abe and Valerie: I want to care, but since when are they in love? She was about to leave town last I heard. Still, good to see Abe happy. How long until Lani goes nuclear on Valerie? Or David is resurrected to cause drama?
Chad really got him! I'm glad we got to see more of him doing something besides worrying about his love life.


Really glad that Steve's pre-emptive false confession will/should negate Jade's betrayal of Joey, and/or his inevitable confession. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: