Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 1, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Good show, the DID saga continues. Gabby & Laura argue over what they have done. Laura tells of cutting off the air supply to the 3 women, warning Gabby that if they are free, Abigail will go to jail, and it will be end of them both. Gabby disagrees, she is strong, Abby will not win. Finally Dr. Laura vanishes from OUR sight, Gabby gets a really bad headache, is fighting off Dr. Laura trying to take over, as she is reaching for the glasses left on the table. As Hope comes in, Gabby stands up, is wearing the glasses as she turns around.......but, it is apparently Gabby who is present.

Steve & Eric talk, discuss Steve finding Abby, but she got away from him, Steve talks of how his being blind affects all his family and friends, especially Kayla (who is walking by, hears it all). He doesn't want to be a burden to her, cause her problems, etc.

Meanwhile, Jennifer is sitting in Stefan's room, waiting for him to wake up. As his eyes flutter open, she lays into him, calling him names, chastising him for what he did to her daughter. She says he raped her, Stefan mutters not rape, consensual. Nope, Jen is bitter as she rakes him over the coals, her daughter would never cheat on her husband, would never allow Stefan to violate her body willingly. She has raised her voice, calling him a monster, he is chained to the bed like a wild animal, and that is what he is. Despicable. Eric comes in trying to calm her down, she doesn't want to be, but he hustles her out of there.

In the bunker, of the 3 ladies, swilling the champagne, Viv looking for food, Kate & Vivian bickering away. When they realize there is no fresh air coming in, they are looking around, Kate spots something, Marlena helps her move some heavy piece of furniture, exposing what looks like a boarded up air vent. They manage to use part of the clothes rack to pry the boards off, but whatever is behind the boards, no luck, it did not work. All 3 are at their bottles, though Marlena is convinced John will find them. He will, she thinks positively.

Back at the cop shop, Gabby is refusing to tell Hope where the ladies are, unless she & Stefan both get immunity. Hope leaves to check and see. And of course that means Melinda Trask coming in. She is not happy they are working on the Andre DiMera murder, as that case is closed. Hope fills her in on everything. Melinda is laughing at the idea of Abigail and split personality. She tells Hope to drop it all, John says not til we know where Marlena, Kate & Vivian are. Trask is unwilling, John may be ISA, but that does not go down here. He mentions the women dying, Trask refusing to help, how it will look during re-election time. She finally agrees. Hope goes to tell Gabby along with Trask, but Gabby has one more thing she wants. A phone call.

Kayla sits with Steve, begging him to not shut her out, to tell her when he is upset, let her help. He doesn't want to be a burden, she says he is her rock, reminding him of their wedding vows. He finally agrees, hugs, kisses.

Hope has arranged for the phone call between Gabby & Stefan. Gabby tells him of making the deal, saving him, etc. He does not want to lose her.

The ladies are still bickering, Viv noting that they will die, Kate will be reunited with her hell. Kate remarks something about Andre loving her more than power, Viv laughs, spills the beans about how Andre worked with her a whole year, to help her bring down Kate, oust her so Stefan could take over. Kate doesn't believe it, he loved her. Viv laughs at that, noting “why do you think he fired Gabi Hernandez? We could liquidate and put the money into our slush fund.” Kate is silent, as the truth hits home. Viv passes out.

Meanwhile, John & Paul are upstairs in the DiMera study, rushing to open the passageway down to the tunnels. They find the door, begin ripping off all the tape, Paul goes at the door, it opens. All 3 ladies are on the floor, unconscious or maybe dead!
Finally they are found!! I kept thinking John knows the DiMera mansion has secret tunnels, why aren't they checking them??!!!

I got confused at the end whether that was Gabby or Dr. Laura pretending to be Gabby. That's what I think but not sure. They are really giving Stefan a lot credit, or blame I guess, for Abigail's situation. Won't they be surprised to find out she is not brainwashed but has DID? Should be interesting. I can't help but feel like there is a little bit of Abigail in all her personalities. I don't know, but should be getting interesting. I cannot wait until they show Abigail killing Andre. I really want to see that! I just wonder what provoked her?
And then, maybe she only THINKS she did. ????

I honestly just cannot fathom another of Jen's children being caught up in a death, this time murder. (JJ shot Theo, thinking he had a gun). I just hope there is some twist to this. Gabi did kill Nick, JJ shot Theo, now Abby kills Andre, Hope killed Stefano. I just do not remember so many major characters being involved in all this violence.
Q: When is immunity not immunity?: A: When it's extorted by a schizophrenic's alter. Despite what anyone said today, the Giant Sleaze can be charged with obstruction of justice in the Andre case, the kidnapping and false imprisonment of Vivian, being an accessory to the kidnapping and false imprisonment of Kate and Marlena, and raping Abigail. Assuming that Abigail did murder Andre, she'll get off by reason of insanity.

Q: What's the worst punishment that could be inflicted on any Salemite? A: Awakening from a stupor and suddenly being on the wrong end of one of Jenny's professional-grade rants. That said, the Big Zero is such a sleaze that he richly deserved it.

Q: Is superhero John really ready for anything? A: He'll prove this if he can not only revive Marlena and her fellow captives, but also cure their mother of all hangovers.
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Was out today and will view much later today. Weren't we supposed to get shocking, earth shattering news from Vivian regarding Sick0? Did that get cut or was it so earth shattering I missed it yesterday?
Thanks, Poirot.

John said he knew actually where to look when they were at the DiMera mansion.
Why didn't he look there when he was there before? I know. Make the day in
Salem last longer and longer.

I didn't realize Dr Laura was mean. She taped up the door where the women
were and didn't care if Stefan died or not, just to protect Abigail.

I thought it was strange Hope kept saying Abigail to Gabby. Yesterday, Hope
called her by the other name.

Great scenes with Steve and Kayla. I loved his line to her "You'll all the light I need"
Where's that tissue?

So what will happen tomorrow? How will the heroes wake the three sleeping
beauties? We know John will kiss Marlena. Who's going to kiss Vivian?
Seriously? Three adults well-versed in emergency response enter a room and find 3 people unconscious and all they can do is stand there and look at each other????

Beyond absurd

Oh, bet that tomorrow, when that scene is replayed, everyone will be kneeling down in a split second, taking pulses, CPR. etc.

Yet probably exactly what will happen

Was out today and will view much later today. Weren't we supposed to get shocking, earth shattering news from Vivian regarding Sick0? Did that get cut or was it so earth shattering I missed it yesterday?

I think it was the news that Andre was in cahoots with Viv. So I suppose only Earth shattering to Kate.

Speaking of Kate, I cannot believe Marlena was propping Andre to her. NO.

Also, why on Earth would Jennifer sit on the bed of the man who just raped and supposedly brainwashed her daughter??? Really poor directing choice here--they could have showed her pacing the room and then leaning over him once he woke up if they wanted a close up shot.