Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 18,2010

Poor Anna, a double whammy! Poisoned chocolate cake and no CPR mouth to mouth from Agent Hot Stuff! about having a bad day!............JT:cool:
Ooops, sorry, I was thinking about CPR with Rafe..... :drool:

Alice is not feeling well? She is dead. Or are they pretending that she is alive? If so, that is just plain sick.
I don't know if you meant that as a joke, but I truly laughed out loud when I read it....I know, sick huh...??? Sorry....bad pallison, bad pallison :(

And personally, I'm pleased that Stefano is back to being Stefano...seems things are just a little more right in the world now......

And we all know that when Sami finds out it was EJ who kidnapped Sydney, it will turn out that "kill" was actually a euphemism for screw (can I say that here...??? I apologize if anyone is offended....)

Thanks for the write up.....!!
Just a note to say, "Thanks Barb" for your great write up, as always. I know we appreciate you because you write so well, even when things are difficult with short scenes and conversations that don't make much sense--you come through and organize the shows into understandable paragraphs.

The best part is that we can determine what we want to watch and what we don't want to, based on your summaries. Thanks for taking the time and effort to watch even the most mundane and BORING scenes--we appreciate you!!

Today's show was a total bore, in my opinion. I happened to catch it on Soapnet so I couldn't fast-forward.

So why is Sami kissing up to EJ with every word that comes out of her mouth? She's like a peon sucking up to the boss because she thinks it will get her a promotion. It was rather nauseating and the dialogue was very banal.

Merci beaucoup for the summary, Poirot. It was muy bueno than the actual show. And why I am speaking in foreign tongues, I have no idea.
Kpatch, I agree, today was about as boring as any show I've seen. It seems EJ's scheme succeeded beyond his wildest expectations. He wanted to be Sami's hero and now it seems like he's gone from hero to a god in her eyes.

Barb, thanks for watching and paying enough attention to this drivel to be able to write a fine summary. As others have said from time to time, your summary was much better than watching the show.
kpatch.....idday ouyay akemay away uickqay riptay otay Exicomay...??? Rancefay....??? Iamimay....??? :duh:
Allisonpay, onay. Ustjay Ewnay Erseyjay... ichwhay ometimesay eemsay ikelay a oreignfay ountrycay. LOLay.
Laughing out loud, for real! Did you girls see Ginger Rogers sing "We're in the Money" in pig latin in that old movie, Gold Diggers? That was remarkable, but so are you two. I'm pretty sure I have never tried writing it!!
PAllison, kpatch... thanks for the memories. Too bad I am so old it took me about 20 minutes to figure out what the heck you said. :D:D
Addicted to DOOL, I found that it was much easier to understand if I just read each word as it was written, focusing on the sound, rather than trying to unscramble each word as I read it.
Thanks, B2...I think the last time I actually spoke pig latin was more than 40 years ago. Oh holy moly...that admission even freaked ME out...lolol!